"I bet they get Charmin" A May 2014 Girls Trip **04/03 THE END**

I'm with you on the pillows, I can't sleep without a good one! I'm incredibly picky, in 2010 I happened to love the pillows at Pop Century so much, I shoved one in my suitcase! (Shhh don't tell on me!)

Love cards against humanity, that was a great idea to bring it with. I can't wait for you guys to actually get to disney!
Hey now, you just arrive at MCO... I often bust out a little "Get The Party Started" my own self. :goodvibes

Oh God I was reading about the luggage and I was reading it like they forgot at the starting point. But still, they left it outside? Not cool.

DENNY'S!! I've not eaten there much, but the couple of times I have, I loved it. Some of the best service I've ever seen.
man, this is like planning a land war in Asia or something (which we all know to never get involved with) but glad to see everyone is arrive safely

I hate it when an airline forgets my luggage on the runway :|

Love Cards Against Humanity - though does make one feel like a pretty awful person by the end ... but it is darn funny getting there :thumbsup2

Oh, it was crazy. Marie had this small notebook on her for easy access that has a bijillion of those tab organizers on it that said where we were eating and what everyone wanted to order and when our FP+s were for each day and where FP+ locations were. Seriously, I should take a picture of this tiny notebook. Marie was definitely a trip mom. :thumbsup2

But like, I still don't understand. I mean, they told her that they didn't have room the first time and they were supposed to go back for it and had forgotten to do so? :confused: Crazy.

Cards Against Humanity! Oh the terrible people we were. We need to get the expansion pack to continue to be more terrible. We did have some serious laughs though ;)

Hi ladies! :wave2:
Following along!

:banana: Welcome! Glad to have you here :)

I'm with you on the pillows, I can't sleep without a good one! I'm incredibly picky, in 2010 I happened to love the pillows at Pop Century so much, I shoved one in my suitcase! (Shhh don't tell on me!)

Love cards against humanity, that was a great idea to bring it with. I can't wait for you guys to actually get to disney!

I know right. A less than comfortable bed, I can get past, as long as they have good pillows :thumbsup2 And don't worry, your secret is safe with me ;)

We ended up playing it another night of the trip so it really turned out to be a great idea. Besides, it's impossible not to have a great time playing that game.

And I can't wait either! Oh wait, no, we already went :( That's okay, September isn't too terribly far away.

Hey now, you just arrive at MCO... I often bust out a little "Get The Party Started" my own self. :goodvibes

Oh God I was reading about the luggage and I was reading it like they forgot at the starting point. But still, they left it outside? Not cool.

DENNY'S!! I've not eaten there much, but the couple of times I have, I loved it. Some of the best service I've ever seen.

I would pay money to see that, Rob :laughing: I want to see you bursting out into Get The Party Started because you just can't stop it from happening.

Oops, seeing that now I can see how that might be thought. I'm not the best at wording things. But yeah, they just left it out there and didn't realize it for like an hour. How crazy is that?

We had to go because Marie had never been there before and we told her that it was simply UnAmerican of her :thumbsup2
Day 1, Part 1 - "Please, please don't put us on the Mears bus"

First park day, whaaaaat?! *flails*

Except, we still had to get there, but that's beside the point

We'd set the alarm for 8 am that morning, having scheduled our shuttle departure on the 9:30 one, so we figured that would give us plenty of time to get ready!

Both Amber and I, however, ended up waking up early, around 7:40. Okay body, today is Disney day - now you can rightfully get excited!

We got ourselves dressed and ready, everyone else gradually awaking (Traci being the last, succeeding in getting her awake by having Merranda put my phone about to ring its loud alarm on her bed, right next to her face. No pity - to be fair, the poor girl was stuck on the pull out couch, which according to her was very uncomfortable, but Disney waits for no one!) and finally we all headed down to breakfast!

Our resort offered a free breakfast selection, with some pretty good and typical options in there - muffins, bagels and toast with various spreads, eggs, sausage patties, yogurts, fruit and so on.


We got ourselves some goodies and sat down at a nearby table. At which time, I discovered a very distressing fact


They put green onions in their eggs! :(

Yes, Marie is picky. Yes, other people liked them


Moving on

Once breakfast was over, we headed back upstairs to gather the rest of our belongings, finish getting ready, pass out the Disney bows for everyone to get Disney-ed up some more and got our luggage back down the lobby

I checked us out, and we headed outside to wait for our shuttle. It arrived about on time, and we got on our way back to the airport! We stopped at another Marriott brand hotel to pick up another family, who had to squeeze themselves in because there were seven of them but six seats available, so the mom ended up sitting her toddler on her lap, which she wasn't too pleased about

They were a nice group of people though, on their way to a Disney Cruise! We had a nice chat while heading over to the airport, and wished them a good trip as we parted ways once we arrived in Terminal B, around 9:45

Finally Disney bound, woot!

Except, not quite.

Now, anyone that may have followed through with my PTR might be thinking this right now - but Marie, weren't there six of you going to Disney? Cause right now, I'm only counting five!

And to those people - awwww you're so sweet for remembering and keeping track with me! Have a Mickey bar :mickeybar

To the others, it's cool. I still appreciate your newcomer presence

Five of us did end up flying into Orlando the night prior - Amber and I because we wanted to be there in advance, Eli because she flew with us, and Merranda and Traci both mainly because of the good price

Veronica was only joining us that very morning, however, so as we headed back to the airport, she was flying into Orlando, set to arrive at 10:11! Which admittedly had me nervously checking flight statuses all morning, because she had less than 40 minutes connection time in Atlanta (*hyperventilates*), but spoiler alert: she made it, yay!

So we found ourselves a nice area to sit in, and go settled to wait for her to join us. At which time Traci went off to the Southwest desk, because although Amber mentioned previously that the airline misplaced (read: forgot) her luggage, in all the fluster and rush, she ended up forgetting her purse on the desk once she left, suitcases in hand. Thankfully, literally just as she was realizing that she had lost it after arriving at the hotel, she got a call from the Southwest lady who had assisted her, letting her know that she had it with her. Phew! Crisis averted, purse retrieved!


Some phone charging occured


Clearly, Amber had the camera at that point


At some point, Amber left the group to go greet Veronica, as she was arriving in Terminal A and wasn't familiar with the airport (and I've read people get lost trying to get to the Magical Express, though we've been lucky to never have that problem)

It wasn't too long until the two girls came back our way, and we finally headed over toward the Magical Express to get in line! Yay!

Ready to party it up!


We watched as a few lines got loaded in before ours, thankfully (for us, not for them) getting put in the icky yellow Mears buses. Which okay, they're technically the same, and also show the movies now, but they're just not as magical. It's a fact

We gave over our luggage and got ourselves on the bus, which we were sharing with Coronado Springs, and obviously the other All-Stars. Then, we waited excitedly (well, Amber and I did) for the movie to start!

And start it did.


Okay, okay, I get it. They had to update it - there were so much outdated information with the old one, before they even brought around the system update, so with the MagicBands officially in place, of course they had to change it around.

Still, verdict is - we don't like it as much. Not to mention, the volume was way too low, so we couldn't really hear anything

But that's okay, because in spite of missing the old movie, we were soon seeing this


We're finally home!


After a quick stop at Coronado to let off some people, we were on our way to the All-Stars. First stop, Sports!


We were the only people to get off there. Clearly, we made the best decision

We got our luggage from under the bus, and headed inside the resort to get ourselves checked in! We had already done the online check-in, and had only put in two requests: connecting rooms, and Touch Down buildings.

We didn't end up getting our building request, but we got the most important, which was the connecting rooms. Yay!

Amber and I's room wasn't ready yet, but the girls' was. They were in room 3307, in the Hoops section, and we figured we'd just get all our luggage in their room for the time being, so that we didn't have to leave it

While we were getting everything settled for the four girls' room, the guy who had completed our check-in headed off, only to return a few minutes later with a surprise - a princess Minnie plushie, with a special button for her celebration, that read 'Magical Triumph'! He told us it was a very special button, and that he had a stash of the last of them, which we only somewhat believed at that point, but as the trip went on and more and more Cast Members started pointing it out and saying they'd never seen it before, we came to the conclusion that it truly was that rare!

After thanking him a lot, we went off to put our things away in the room that was ready, noting as we did that what would be our own room (3306) was in the process of getting cleaned. We got ourselves sunscreened, took out our pins, gathered whatever belongings we wanted to bring to the park and left the room before too long

We then headed over to the food court, so we could get ourselves lunch and the girls could have their first Disney food experience! And what better way to start off a trip than with Disney pizza?

We got a large pepperoni and a large cheese for us all to share, paid up and got our beeper. After sitting down at the table, I went off to the gift shop while everyone else waited for food so we could get some gift card situations settled - we'd figured the easiest way for Traci and Eli to handle their quick service meals would be to put the money on gift cards, and it turned out to work pretty well. We'd also decided to get some for Veronica and Merranda to thank them for helping out by paying for their food, which we weren't able to put much on, but hopefully they made good use of!

So I got three of the four gift cards purchased (Amber would be getting the fourth one with her card, but she was hungry and wanted to get to food asap) and by the time I got back to the food court, pizza was awaiting!



It was very nommy, as we find Disney pizza to be, and once we were all full, Amber got the leftovers squared away and brought them back to the room. As soon as she returned, we got ourselves ready to go - we were ready for some park time!

We did have to make a few quick stops first - the front desk to get our room stuff settled as we had received a text notification that it was ready (not wanting to have to deal with it upon our return later that night), the gift shop so Amber could get the last gift card (and trade pins) and Traci could get herself a lanyard and a pack of mystery pins, and finally, the concierge desk so the other girls could set up room charging priviledges. I love that everyone in the room can link to their own card, makes it so simple!

With all those things taken care off, we were finally ready to get going! While we waited in line, Amber made a phone call home for Mother's Day, and before too long, we hopped on the bus to... where do you think?

Magic Kingdom!

Duh. Where else would I take first timers? ; )

The bus trip was painless, and as quick as can be to get from the All-Stars to the Magic Kingdom. I don't recall what time we arrived, but it was definitely the earliest Amber and I have ever gotten somewhere on a first park day, so that was definitely exciting!

Unfortunately, we couldn't go in just yet. We had to stop by Will Call for our Memory Maker card! Which isn't bad, right? Quick, easy peasy, in and out of line in minutes?



Well, not for us apparently.

As the Cast Member linked the Memory Maker to my account, she noticed something odd on our MagicBand. According to her, there were 8 day tickets linked to our names, which made no sense because we had annual passes. So she went through the whole thing, checking every single MagicBand in the group to make sure that someone else's ticket wouldn't have gotten linked to ours by mistake.

In the end, after maybe fifteen minutes of looking and trying to figure things out, we got everything settled and even got a super FastPass to make up for the delay!

Magic Kingdom, here we (finally) come!



Here, you leave Today and enter the world of Yesterday, Tomorrow and Fantasy <3


Home! Main Street U.S.A, lookin' good as always


Oh, my heart


So much love. So much missing

At that point, we weren't a hundred percent sure what to start off with, seeing as our FastPasses for that day were set a little later in the day, so we decided to head over to Tomorrowland, figuring most people get it out of the way in the morning time (right based society!)



We had the intention of starting things off right, with the Monsters Inc. Laugh Floor!


Only to be greeted by a 70 minutes wait time.

Erm. What?

In retrospect, there had to be something wrong with it. I don't even recall seeing a line outside for it. But it was still enough to throw us right across the way

To Stitch's Great Escape!


Yes, I know. If you've read my first TR, you might remember me saying doing that ride once was enough. But with no FastPass and most rides at a lengthy wait time, and the fact that the other four girls had never experienced it (plus a mere 10 minutes wait), we just went for it!


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Woo disney at last! Sorry about the eggs Marie, but you can't be too upset when you're about to be in disney right?! what a special button for Amber, great way to start off that disney magic
Haha, it's not very often you have to go back to the airport to then go to Disney. But it makes sense seeing as you were still a person short.

Awww, what a great start to get free (and evidently rare) stuff right away!!!!

You know, even though it was mildly annoying, I think finding out about the ticket linking issue first thing was probably a good thing. Plus SUPER FAST PASS!!!
All caught up! Yeah!

:eek: Man, how can an airline leave a piece of luggage next to a plane? That just baffles me! My mom has watched a show (maybe on WE or TLC or something similar) that follows an airline and some of the things that go on - WOW! Glad the luggage scenario came to a happy ending (and purse too!)

Yes, I know how you feel when first stepping foot onto Main Street - truly magical!

Can't wait to hear how the group liked Stitch!
Woo disney at last! Sorry about the eggs Marie, but you can't be too upset when you're about to be in disney right?! what a special button for Amber, great way to start off that disney magic

The eggs were delicious and she's just a silly ;)

It's a great button. I'll post a picture when I get back to Canada (I'm in Michigan right now) and can do so. Eli had taken a picture but her memory card isn't working so...

Haha, it's not very often you have to go back to the airport to then go to Disney. But it makes sense seeing as you were still a person short.

Awww, what a great start to get free (and evidently rare) stuff right away!!!!

You know, even though it was mildly annoying, I think finding out about the ticket linking issue first thing was probably a good thing. Plus SUPER FAST PASS!!!

Yeah, it was a bit crazy, but oh well. We still managed to get there.

It was pretty special. I couldn't believe how many people asked me about the button or said that they'd never seen it.

It was good to find out about it right away. And that FP came in handy

All caught up! Yeah!

:eek: Man, how can an airline leave a piece of luggage next to a plane? That just baffles me! My mom has watched a show (maybe on WE or TLC or something similar) that follows an airline and some of the things that go on - WOW! Glad the luggage scenario came to a happy ending (and purse too!)

Yes, I know how you feel when first stepping foot onto Main Street - truly magical!

Can't wait to hear how the group liked Stitch!

Yay for being caught up! :cool1:

I don't know either! Like, they said that they were out of room and had to go back but then forgot about it. Yeah, Airport 247 comes on and it's about Miami. I love it ;) But it's still cray.

It's the most magical feeling. I can't wait to have it again :goodvibes
Day 1, Part 2: "You're not allowed to hate this."

I know what you're feeling like after reading the last update. You guys had a bunch of first timers and you took them on Stitch first things first? I know, there's really no excuse for it. Except the whole wait time and it was a throw back to our first trip where we had ridden Stitch first things first.

It was our first time back on it since our first time and when we exited I remembered why we hadn't been in a hurry to repeat the experience.

Given the fact that it was mid-day and waits for everything were pretty insane, we had decided that we were going to do something in the air conditioning and with little to no wait.


That's right, we decided on the classic Carousel of Progress! We warned the girls ahead of time we might kick them off the trip if they hated it.

If we'd kept our word, we'd probably have had to kick them off the trip. Pretty much everyone took a nap during the show. Totally their loss though.

Once we were done, Eli got thirsty and wanted to get a drink, but didn't find it at the cool station.


So although we had started out to go toward Fantasyland, we backtracked to the Lunching Pad where she was able to get her drink.


And then resumed forward.


Excuse me, miss custodial lady, that is not a two finger point. The shame. The shame.


And we just kept on trucking.


Traci had gotten herself water at the Lunching pad, too.


Mine train. Why you no open when we were there? Ugh. So upset that we didn't catch any soft openings. We even asked.


Obligatory crowd picture as we continued through Fantasyland. It was mother's day, so it was fairly crowded in the parks.

Sidenote: I hope that they take care of finishing up IASW soon because that is very ugly to look at.


The most photographed bathrooms in America. Of course we had to show everyone.

At this point, walking through here, Marie and I got into a brief spat. Which I attribute mostly to myself. See, when I get going, I just go. Like, I weave through people like it's nobody's business and I have long enough legs that even a slow walk for me is pretty fast. Not to mention, after October, I was thrilled to be able to direct myself around places. Not to mention, I had the park layout down now so I knew how to get where I wanted to go.

Basically, I was unintentionally leaving huge gaps between myself and the group and Marie wanted me to stop, but I didn't want to have to slow down my pace too much.

Don't you worry, we sorted it out and continued examining the bathrooms.



I wish that it was possible to go into the tower.

We glanced at the wait time for the Haunted Mansion at that point because I was super excited to get back to it, but it was like 30 minutes or something, so we passed on it.


And kept on going even further.



Until, we had to stop here, of course.


Yeah, I took a picture of Eli getting her picture taken by Merranda. Good thing too because Eli's memory card is acting up and you can't get the pictures off of it.


Such pretty. Magic Kingdom, you're super awesome. I like looking at you.


After my misadventures in leading, I was exiled to the back of the line. Or well, not exiled like Kovu or anything, but it was suggested that I stay near the end.


I took that suggestion to heart for about five seconds.


Disney birds are just everywhere and fearless. Also, shout-out to the girls in (Merida?) dresses for looking super cute with their hair.


Any guesses where we could be headed? I know, there's really only two that make sense, so quick, flip a coin and decide which you think is right.


Pictures like this are why people shouldn't let me have the camera.


Splash Mountain!

Yes, we decided to use our No Strings Attached certificate that we'd gotten because of the amount of time it took to sort things up at will call.

After all. It's afternoon, it's hot. Why not start with Splash Mountain? And, to top it off, it had like a 65 minute wait. So, it was extra sweet to go through the line.



We all loved it, but unfortunately all of the pictures from the first day (although we'd put them on our Memory Maker) did not make it.

That's kinda okay though because Eli and I were sitting in the third row and Traci and Veronica put their hands up and had blocked our faces. So, not a terrible loss.

We exited a little wet, but with everyone feeling great about the ride, even though Marie and I had forgotten just how long it was and I incorrectly told Eli that it was the main drop a few times before it actually happened.

Now that we'd gotten on a thrill ride, what would be our next move?

Well, you're just going to have to wait and see.

Click for next post
Hi Ladies!! Following along and all caught up! Can't wait to read more, and I have to be honest I'm slightly looking forward to reading about the drama. Though I was upset when I read your comment about it on FB...I knew how you both had been looking forward to this trip and was sad you were dealing with drama!!

I was all ready to come to Orlando and kick some rear end for you :) (I'll use any excuse to go to Disney)!
Honestly, I don't hate Stitch's Great Escape. It's not a must do by any means, but I'm not against it either. Now the previous Alien Encounter... That was something. You certainly wouldn't remember it, but it was so intense. I can't believe it ever got green lit for MK.

I'm surprised first timers didn't enjoy Carousel. Your first look at Disney animatronics has to be impressive.

Super FP for Splash???? Yup, I accept.
Is it me or is it impossible to read a TR with CoP in it and not get the song in your head? There's a great big beautiful tomorrow.....

Amber I'm with you I weave in and out of the crowds like no ones business, that's partly why I want to take a solo trip, so I have no one to wait on
I'm here! Late, but here!

Congratulations on being cancer free. I say that with every fiber of my being. I'd like to reach through the screen and hug you. :hug:

6 women... you are brave. Very, very brave. Traveling with my mom is fun, traveling with my spouse is interesting, and I'm actually going by myself in October so I don't have to worry about even one other person, let alone 5! :scared1: I tip my hat to you. And I love that you guys decided to spend wedding money on a trip. Weddings are over super fast, but trip memories last longer IMO!

So purple is Amber and Blue is Marie, right? ;) Oh - hey, look at that - names in corners of posts! Excellent.

Toast is good. And hey, I forgot to take a single food pic so.. yeah. Toast works!

Border crossing... such a crapshoot. I've never made it through faster than when I was driving up for the birth of my youngest nephew. It was 2 in the morning, the middle of Feb, and I was all sorts of hopped up on caffeine when I hit the Blue Water Bridge. Guard took one look at me, asked me where I was going, and at my "Mississauga! My sister is having a baby!" waved me through faster than I've ever gotten through before!

I'm so not looking forward to baggage claim when we go to the Dark Side in January. ME and the magical appearance of my luggage in my room has to be one of my favorite Disney perks! And a car - sacrilege. Ah well, I'll live.

I empathize on the green onions! Even though I kind of like them...

I... can't believe I'm about to say this, but I don't think I've ever had Disney pizza. I feel I must rectify this in October!

Um.. you started with Stitch?!?!? Okay then... :rotfl:
Hi Ladies!! Following along and all caught up! Can't wait to read more, and I have to be honest I'm slightly looking forward to reading about the drama. Though I was upset when I read your comment about it on FB...I knew how you both had been looking forward to this trip and was sad you were dealing with drama!!

I was all ready to come to Orlando and kick some rear end for you :) (I'll use any excuse to go to Disney)!

Welcome! :cheer2: Glad you've made your way this way. I know, other people's drama is so interesting, when you don't have to actually experience it ;) Like, I think that the other girls on the trip were like, well this is awkward... but oh well. First sight of drama will happen on Day 3 (just involving me and Eli) and again on Day 6 (also involving Marie)! Both Hollywood Studios days. The Studios were just not feeling us :confused3 ?

Well any excuse to get to Disney, right? :thumbsup2 But that would have been appreciated. :hug:

Honestly, I don't hate Stitch's Great Escape. It's not a must do by any means, but I'm not against it either. Now the previous Alien Encounter... That was something. You certainly wouldn't remember it, but it was so intense. I can't believe it ever got green lit for MK.

I'm surprised first timers didn't enjoy Carousel. Your first look at Disney animatronics has to be impressive.

Super FP for Splash???? Yup, I accept.

:confused3 I would not remember it because it wasn't there when I went. Which makes me kinda sad. Also Snow White's Scary Adventures wasn't there either so like, people talk about older rides and I'm like "right... totally, whatever you just said."

I know! They just thought it was very meh. :confused: I forgive Veronica for her nap though, because basically her apartment keys were due the night before so she had nowhere to go to sleep and then had to catch a bus at like 3:30 AM to get to the airport on time. So, I can see how a comfy seat in the air conditioning might cause some sleeping.

I accept too! I thought it was a pretty brilliant idea, if I do say so myself :thumbsup2

Is it me or is it impossible to read a TR with CoP in it and not get the song in your head? There's a great big beautiful tomorrow.....

Amber I'm with you I weave in and out of the crowds like no ones business, that's partly why I want to take a solo trip, so I have no one to wait on

It's not just you, I got it stuck in my head while writing the update :laughing:

I'm glad that people understand. I mean, I could solo for that reason, but I do love Marie too much to go by myself... :rolleyes1 She'd never forgive me if I soloed without her without an excellent reason

I'm here! Late, but here!

Congratulations on being cancer free. I say that with every fiber of my being. I'd like to reach through the screen and hug you. :hug:

6 women... you are brave. Very, very brave. Traveling with my mom is fun, traveling with my spouse is interesting, and I'm actually going by myself in October so I don't have to worry about even one other person, let alone 5! :scared1: I tip my hat to you. And I love that you guys decided to spend wedding money on a trip. Weddings are over super fast, but trip memories last longer IMO!

So purple is Amber and Blue is Marie, right? ;) Oh - hey, look at that - names in corners of posts! Excellent.

Toast is good. And hey, I forgot to take a single food pic so.. yeah. Toast works!

Border crossing... such a crapshoot. I've never made it through faster than when I was driving up for the birth of my youngest nephew. It was 2 in the morning, the middle of Feb, and I was all sorts of hopped up on caffeine when I hit the Blue Water Bridge. Guard took one look at me, asked me where I was going, and at my "Mississauga! My sister is having a baby!" waved me through faster than I've ever gotten through before!

I'm so not looking forward to baggage claim when we go to the Dark Side in January. ME and the magical appearance of my luggage in my room has to be one of my favorite Disney perks! And a car - sacrilege. Ah well, I'll live.

I empathize on the green onions! Even though I kind of like them...

I... can't believe I'm about to say this, but I don't think I've ever had Disney pizza. I feel I must rectify this in October!

Um.. you started with Stitch?!?!? Okay then... :rotfl:

:welcome: Very glad to have you here!

Thank you so much :hug: I'm pretty happy to be cancer free.

Ooh a solo trip! You're going to have a totally different experience. But good for you. And yeah, I found that with 4 friends it was too much, though, that had to do with one of the people.

Border crossing is a joke. I used to get so anxious when doing it because like sometimes I'd have the nicest agents ever and sometimes I'd have total jerks who would try and make my life more difficult without needing to. :confused3 But good for you for getting through the border super quick. If a baby can't get you through quick, I don't know what can :rolleyes:

You do need to. I think it's quite good. But that's just a personal opinion. Some people hate it? :confused:

I know. We're a bit crazy. :upsidedow
wow tons of updates. Glad that everyone finally got there safe and sound and you got to Disney really early for an arrival day! Glad, too, that your rooms were ready (or at least both ready before you left for the park.

And very cool that you got the Magical Triumph button!

Bummer about the issues with getting your memory maker but I would think definitely best they saw there was an issue then rather than later in the trip when it might have been a bigger deal. Plus super-deluxe fast pass is pretty darn cool!

Definitely would not think of Stitch as the proper first ride, I do get that you were thrown off by other wait times and just wanted to get on "something". I think the main reason I dislike Stitch is because it doesn't really know what it wants to be. I actually really like Alien Encounter which was legit scary - but now Stitch retains some of that, so it is too scary for some, but then gets super silly making it annoying to those that want the scares.

Good choice to use the super-deluxe Fast Pass for Splash Mountain - now that is a great example of an attraction for first timers!
wow tons of updates. Glad that everyone finally got there safe and sound and you got to Disney really early for an arrival day! Glad, too, that your rooms were ready (or at least both ready before you left for the park.

And very cool that you got the Magical Triumph button!

Bummer about the issues with getting your memory maker but I would think definitely best they saw there was an issue then rather than later in the trip when it might have been a bigger deal. Plus super-deluxe fast pass is pretty darn cool!

Definitely would not think of Stitch as the proper first ride, I do get that you were thrown off by other wait times and just wanted to get on "something". I think the main reason I dislike Stitch is because it doesn't really know what it wants to be. I actually really like Alien Encounter which was legit scary - but now Stitch retains some of that, so it is too scary for some, but then gets super silly making it annoying to those that want the scares.

Good choice to use the super-deluxe Fast Pass for Splash Mountain - now that is a great example of an attraction for first timers!

Yup and since we'd gotten all the stuff in one and they were connecting we didn't even have to go back, so bigger score.

It is a pretty cool button. I'm going to like keep it forever ;)

Yeah, I agree, doing it first things first was really the way to go. Besides, it was a good pay off when you consider that it was like 20 minutes of our time and we got to walk onto the FP line for Splash.

I could see that. Stitch is tricky. I think it does fall into that bad category, too silly for adults, too scary for children. Maybe someday they'll replace it?

And everyone had a great time too, so I really do think it was a good choice! :thumbsup2
I missed an update last time around, LOL!

DH loves Carousel of progress. I can take it or leave it, but certainly don't hate it.

I'm not sure we can speak anymore, I mean, 30 minutes for Haunted Mansion is totally worth the wait. ;)

But fine, you redeemed yourself with the Splash Mountain epic use of FP.
I missed an update last time around, LOL!

DH loves Carousel of progress. I can take it or leave it, but certainly don't hate it.

I'm not sure we can speak anymore, I mean, 30 minutes for Haunted Mansion is totally worth the wait. ;)

But fine, you redeemed yourself with the Splash Mountain epic use of FP.

That's okay :thumbsup2

I love Carousel of Progress. The song is just so catchy.

I think that it's worth the wait too, but after a less than stellar first ride, we wanted to quickly get them on something awesome ;) We could have used the super FP for HM and Marie considered it, but I was like, "The wait for Splash will be crazy and it's hot, so let's use it right." And I was right, the wait was double. (Spoilers: Some people will ride HM on the first day)
That's okay :thumbsup2

I love Carousel of Progress. The song is just so catchy.

I think that it's worth the wait too, but after a less than stellar first ride, we wanted to quickly get them on something awesome ;) We could have used the super FP for HM and Marie considered it, but I was like, "The wait for Splash will be crazy and it's hot, so let's use it right." And I was right, the wait was double. (Spoilers: Some people will ride HM on the first day)

I feel as though you just insinuated that HM is not awesome. ;)


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