"I bet they get Charmin" A May 2014 Girls Trip **04/03 THE END**

Looks like you guys had a great lunch! Love the picture of the beast's castle, you are so right the sky completes the mood perfectly
Well, you have just solidified my determination in getting a FP to eat at Be Our Guest for lunch! Everything looks wonderful! My dinner there was kind of meh, so I'm interested in trying out lunch!

Yay for Dumbo we-sies. :goodvibes

And Gaston... perfection.
I like early lunches too. I just like to get things out of the way early so I have more time. Plus, I like eating at off times.

Yes, that is always the case. Ending up behind the slow pokes that are completely indecisive.

Haven't been able to eat in the West Wing yet. It's always full when we go.

Meeting Gaston is always an excellent decision!
Ugh. I do have a knack for getting behind the people who don't know what to order. It's a gift.

Haha, I assumed you were expecting rain.

Awww was Marie jealous?? I really enjoy watching Gaston. Just way too funny. It must be so much fun to be Gaston. He's the only one that could get away with that stuff.

Yeah, Ariel doesn't have quite the same material to work with, but I'd still personally meet her over Gaston, lol.

Hmmmm, I wish September's rain went away as quickly.

Is it, or is it a curse? :scratchin Worth pondering!

We've always been so lucky (up until a certain recent trip *cough*) in terms of rain at Disney, though we know ponchos are a necessity. Now, we'll also have a new motto - always expect rain!

So, here's the deal. I wasn't jealous :P Not watching the interaction. I was laughing and giggling with the other girls. I was just a little less impressed when we got back to the room, looked at the Memory Maker pictures, and I saw Amber all swoony. Like, control yourself, woman.

She's a cutie, that's for sure. Not the same entertainment value, but definitely more of a sweetheart.


All the food looks awesome! I really have to try the Braised Pork, but I'm so attached to the Croque Monsieur. It looks amazing though so one day I will have it!

Excellent choice on Gaston as a solo meet!! He is seriously perfect.

Ariel is adorable, but I'm not sure anyone can top Gaston.

It is sooo good. I have such deep feelings for that carved turkey sandwich (IT'S SERVED ON A BAGUETTE, WHAAAT). And that cupcake, Jesus hold me

He is an awesome character to meet, one of the best for sure!

Amber feels similarly, though I do still have a slight preference for the step sisters and Lady Tremaine

Great choice for lunch - love the pork and very glad everyone was happy with their choices and full

Great choice for your solo meet - Gaston has some great material and is a very fun meet.

Super nice that you got some time with Marie on Dumbo... I am sure she was glad to have that time to get Gaston off your mind ;) Also, very nice We-sie!

It is a delicious lunch option. Hopefully, someday it'll be possible to get in with a lesser than 30 minutes wait without a FP.

He was pretty much the best solo meet, and group meet for our qualifications ;) Merranda was a little less than impressed with his display of chauvinism and hands on, but he can't please everyone that Gaston! (Only almost)

It was definitely nice to have my wife back :P It wasn't the most exciting ride of the trip, obviously, but it is a classic. You have to do Dumbo at least once, no matter your age
Looks like you guys had a great lunch! Love the picture of the beast's castle, you are so right the sky completes the mood perfectly

It really was, it's such a good lunch location, and it has delicious and varied options for lunch. No wonder it's always so crazy busy

Well, you have just solidified my determination in getting a FP to eat at Be Our Guest for lunch! Everything looks wonderful! My dinner there was kind of meh, so I'm interested in trying out lunch!

Yay for Dumbo we-sies. :goodvibes

And Gaston... perfection.

It is delicious! Honestly, having lunch there has kind of made me less interested in the idea of going for dinner. The menu options in the evening just don't appeal to me as much.

Dumbo is the perfect we-sies ride ;)

Oh what a guy that Gaston!

I like early lunches too. I just like to get things out of the way early so I have more time. Plus, I like eating at off times.

Yes, that is always the case. Ending up behind the slow pokes that are completely indecisive.

Haven't been able to eat in the West Wing yet. It's always full when we go.

Meeting Gaston is always an excellent decision!

I'm a breakfast fan, so I'm a bit less into early lunches, but sometimes we just have to do what we have to do. Besides, it's hard enough as it is getting FPs for Be Our Guest!

It's intuitive, really. It just happens.

It is definitely a popular area to eat in, but also the smallest so that probably doesn't help when it comes to trying to find a table

Definitely. All the characters that can be sassy and obnoxious are the best.
Gaaasp a Marie update! I know, I know. I didn't realize how many updates Amber had posted since mine. Which, we all know the reason we're now not alternating chapters anymore is because you would have gotten like, three updates rather than however many she got done. I'm so bad at this. But she bugged me to write this one, so without further ado...

Day 5, Part 4: "I'm going to hypnotize you until you believe in gay rights."

After we got off of our mandatory Dumbo ride, we headed out of Storybook Circus, passing the Philharmonic on the way out. We stopped briefly to have a look and take a picture, and then kept walking on our way.



We walked through Fantasyland, which was getting increasingly crowded - as it would on pretty much any given day at the Magic Kingdom.


We were headed into Liberty Square, to introduce half of the group to yet another first.


The Haunted Mansion!


We figured a twenty minutes wait seemed reasonable at this point, especially since we had a bit of time to kill until our next Fast Pass, so we just got in line and looked over the details along the way.



This picture features the one section of the park which, after four trips, we have never been to yet - Tom Sawyer Island. I mean, technically it isn't a land, but it's still it's own little thing.


And off through the cemetary!


Remember the good old days when you could mostly tell who was a Haunted Mansion newbie, because they'd take the entrance through the cemetary rather than bypass it for the shorter wait? Those were the days.


But I do like these busts. I pointed out to the girls that underneath each bust is a hint as to who killed whom.



Eli was a bit taken aback by the whole of this ride and the theming around it. She was pretty dead set (no pun intended) on seeing it as very morbid, and she couldn't understand its purpose in a family park with so many children. Which, I tried to explain that for one thing, some children enjoy it, and for another, not every single ride in the parks has the purpose of appealing to kids as Disney is built for more than children. She wouldn't let go of the idea that it's still very morbid though, and knowing how Eli gets when she gets a hold of an idea, I dropped it.

It didn't phase me much, because I'm not really the type to debate things, and she wasn't being unpleasant about it, just not really into the whole idea of the ride itself, which is fair enough. Ultimately, I don't know if she enjoyed it, as we didn't really discuss it as a group after we got out.

After getting off, we headed right across over to Columbia Harbor House so that we could take a water and sitting break. Being the one of the mommies of the trip, I made sure everyone drank some so they would keep hydrated.



I love this picture of Merranda. She just looks so satisfied at the idea of pouring that cup of water in her bottle.

Meanwhile, Traci was busy swinging her lanyard around, with her rainbow Mickey head dangling at the end of it, which prompted someone to inquire if she was trying to hypnotize us. Which she confirmed, by saying she would hypnotize us until we believed in gay rights.

Which, as you might have figured, is a bit of a moot point with our group. But who knows, it may work with someone else.

Once we were done resting, and our next Fast Pass window opened up, we headed back out into the heat and humidity and made our way back into Fantasyland


Because we were meeting Anna and Elsa, and a visiting princess (back when they weren't hogging the whole room to themselves).

Just kidding. If not for the fact that they've now kicked out two of Walt's original three, I don't think it's bad that they're now meeting separately, as Amber has never thus far gotten to interact with Anna. The first time we met them, I was next to Anna and she was next to Elsa, and that time around she ended up being on that side again.

I still maintain they should have just left Tink in Adventureland and put Anna and Elsa in Town Square Theater. It has a bigger queue capacity than Princess Fairytale Hall to start with. And what are they even doing in Adventureland? I mean, I guess maybe when Moana comes out, that's where she'll go? But that's still two years away. By then, one would think they'll be done with the construction in Norway, and Anna and Elsa can move back over to Epcot, which then they could move Tink over. Disney needs to hire me, clearly, because I have the better ideas.

Getting back on track.

We got pretty lucky scoring this FP+, as many of you will know how hard it is to get it. We actually were in Mexico when they started putting up the FP+ slots for Anna and Elsa, and as soon as I saw someone on Facebook posting about getting one, we headed straight to MDE and managed to switch around for it, though we had to do it in groups of two as there was no time available for all six of us.

Thankfully, we managed to snatch times that gave us a decent window to head back when it would work for everyone. We got in the FastPass queue right about on time, as it started pouring raining again at that point. It still turned out to be about a fifteen minutes wait, but eventually we got to meet a princess and a queen!


Eli, Veronica and Merranda chatted with Anna while Traci, Amber and I conversed with Elsa. Though, Amber was curious about what Anna was saying, clearly.


And here we have... clearly not a stellar photographer moment.


I get they're not professional photographers, but if you can only see half of someone's head, one might think you would suggest a minor adjustment, like, oh, maybe you can lean just a little bit more to the other side, and then Traci's head would have been between mine and Amber's. Poor Amber.

We then moved on to the other side of the room to meet Aurora.


Which was not specifically memorable, though she was sweet. If not very Aurora looking.


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Ugh I love the Haunted Mansion, I remember when I was little, like 5 we had these disney sing a long VHS tapes (the good ole days), the parks and different rides were featured in the sing a long and the haunted mansion one was always so scary, I was terrified of the ride. Thankfully I out grew it fast and now when I think of disney, HM is one of the first things that pop into my mind
Yup, I'd do 20 minutes for Haunted Mansion.

Don't worry, I haven't been to Tom Sawyer Island since I was a little kid. I plan to, but it just never works out.

It's funny to me when I hear people think of HM as morbid. I guess I do understand that, but it's such a classic and has always been there that I never really think about it.

You definitely do get better interaction having them separated, but man I would still love to have a photo with both at the same time.
Elsa looks weirdly a lot like a friend of mine from my postgrad work lol. I honestly did a double-take.

And our pictures with Anna and Elsa, even just the two of us, were equally as bad.
I'm already cackling at the title. I don't even need context.

Hmm, I think it's interesting Eli would say that when you're on an adult trip to WDW…but I'll let that one go ;)

Traci is more than welcome to come to my conservative Catholic college and hypnotize some people into believing in gay rights.

Your group pics with the characters are still adorable, even if the Anna and Elsa one wasn't positioned the best!
Ugh I love the Haunted Mansion, I remember when I was little, like 5 we had these disney sing a long VHS tapes (the good ole days), the parks and different rides were featured in the sing a long and the haunted mansion one was always so scary, I was terrified of the ride. Thankfully I out grew it fast and now when I think of disney, HM is one of the first things that pop into my mind

Who doesn't love the Haunted Mansion? It's amazing.

Ooh I remember that we had a video Disney racing game on the Playstation and I loved racing through the Haunted Mansion because of the song. It was awesome.

I'm glad I was busy not paying attention.

Yup, I'd do 20 minutes for Haunted Mansion.

Don't worry, I haven't been to Tom Sawyer Island since I was a little kid. I plan to, but it just never works out.

It's funny to me when I hear people think of HM as morbid. I guess I do understand that, but it's such a classic and has always been there that I never really think about it.

You definitely do get better interaction having them separated, but man I would still love to have a photo with both at the same time.

Haunted Mansion in 20 minutes? Always worth it.

Yeah we keep planning on it and it just doesn't happen. Next time!

I don't get it, I won't lie. Like, it's not scary and obviously you wouldn't have your small children looking up in the stretching room. :confused3

(Spoilers: We haven't met them separated!) But I will take your word for it

Elsa looks weirdly a lot like a friend of mine from my postgrad work lol. I honestly did a double-take.

And our pictures with Anna and Elsa, even just the two of us, were equally as bad.

Maybe your friend is a friend of Elsa? :thumbsup2

I'm sure you looked fab in your picture.
I'm already cackling at the title. I don't even need context.

Hmm, I think it's interesting Eli would say that when you're on an adult trip to WDW…but I'll let that one go ;)

Traci is more than welcome to come to my conservative Catholic college and hypnotize some people into believing in gay rights.

Your group pics with the characters are still adorable, even if the Anna and Elsa one wasn't positioned the best!

Good, because you didn't get any ;) Or not enough.

I don't even know. I don't even... *deep sigh* It's good she wasn't having the conversation with me.

Traci actually goes to a super conservative non-denominational Christian college. So I think she'd try there first :thumbsup2

I'm glad. Though the lighting didn't do Eli much good, we noticed. Oops. They should look into that.

Looks so fun! Can't wait to read! :)

:welcome: Can't wait to have you read!
Okay I have to apologize for the lack of updates. Real life got in the way and stuff happened to my laptop and then just to me and the Post Disney Depression was not helping so... Anyway, I'm updating now and promise to be more regular about it.​

Day 5, Part 5: "We're singing in the rain..."

Once we'd finished meeting the princesses, we headed back to the resort for a mid-day break. It was hot, we were tired, it seemed like a good idea.

When we got there Marie wanted some ice for her feet, so I got her some and then me, Traci and Merranda all took nap rests. Veronica, being the crazy that she is, went on a jog.

Marie looked at the Memory Maker pictures during this rest and we noticed that there were none with Gaston showing up. So we knew we'd have to stop to see about that.

Around 4, we headed out of the room. We wandered and we definitely had to wait a little because it was almost 5 by the time that we walked into the Magic Kingdom.

Marie went to go and see about the Gaston pictures and the rest of us wandered into the hat store and then the Confectionery while waiting for her.

Finally, she got it all sorted out and we went on our way.


Balloon picture, because it's like a law, isn't it?

We also decided to stop for some photopass pictures now that the whole group was there.


The faces of people reflect how they feel about that pose.


After that, we continued onward toward Tomorrowland.


I snapped a picture first, of the construction area.


The wait time was 15 minutes, so we decided that Buzz would be a good idea.

We rode again with our original partners to recreate the pictures from the first day that hadn't showed up.


Yeah, I look so fab here. It hurts.


Merranda seems super unbothered by the game.


So does Veronica.

At that point, we decided that we'd use our Re-entry pass that we got from the first day of Space Mountain being down.


This is a super blurry picture, but you get the point.

We used it on Space Mountain, because Traci and Eli hadn't ridden it yet that day and we all enjoyed it.



As we got out at the end it started to downpour. For a few minutes we waited it out, but eventually we had to get going.


Traci wrapped up her purchase from the hat shop (she forgot her poncho) and we headed out.

I have no pictures of what happened next because, you know, it was pouring out. But, we had a dinner reservation to get to, so we made our way out of Tomorrowland and over to Main Street by cutting through the Tomorrowland Terrace. As we were doing this we started singing Singing In the Rain and wouldn't you know it, the second we exit out into Main Street it's the song that is playing!

The Rainy Day Cavalcade was going on! So we walked up Main Street at the same time it was going, not really having time to stop but enjoying ourselves nonetheless.

When we exited the park, we made our way over to the monorail and I made a grave mistake. See, there was a puddle right outside and I was already soaked and wearing sandals so I was like, no big deal, I can step in this puddle. The puddle went to mid-calf. And once I was in it was too late to turn back, so I had to wade through it while everyone else looked at me like I was crazy.

The moral here: avoid puddles.

Anyway, we hopped on the resort monorail because one arrived shortly after we got up to the platform and it wasn't too long until we were seeing this:



We still had some time before our reservation, so we looked around the shop on the second level and Traci bought herself a sweatshirt, Marie got herself some pins and then we headed down to look around some more.


I'm glad I got to see the old lobby.

It stopped raining, so I went outside and took like three pictures without wandering too much.



Before heading back inside to take more pictures.



Finally, it was close enough that we went upstairs to check in for our meal.


Of course, they weren't ready for us yet but we got a pager and dwaited around.



This is what it looked like.


I was the only one without a phone, but I was writing in the TR journal, so I wasn't much better.

Up next: A memorable meal and our TR gets its name.

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YAY!!!!! An update!!!!

LOL at some of the faces on BLSRS. I don't particularly care for it either.

I've never seen the Rainy Day Cavalcade... nor do I wish to experience a Disney day rainy enough to call for it (knocks on wood)

You have to tell us about Ohanas! I've never actually been inside the Polynesian before. We had a reservation for breakfast in July but we had to cancel it. I hear good things about it.
Updating TR # 2!! This is good sign I hope. :)

Hehe, I guess I shouldn't have been worried about whether Marie was able to fix the Gaston photos given that I saw the Gaston Photos, but I'm a little slow.

Seriously, Florida needs a new slogan. Sunshine State my A**. And DEFINITELY avoid Disney puddles. They are way deeper than they look.

It's kind of sad where I work for a Cell company and yet still get all depressed when seeing people buried in their phones. But I do. Worst invention ever.
I remember that puddle, because I followed Amber through the puddle, not thinking about it and I LOST MY FLIP FLOP! I had to run to chase it down. But yes I put a bag on my head to protect my ears, they are important, and I had JUST gotten them. I'm a keeper for sure.
I'm with ya on the Post-Disney Depression (hence my brief DIS hiatus). It's been a rough week and I just want to be at Disney doing Christmassy things. Sad face. But I'm glad to see you updating again!!!

Love the Space Mountain photos! And I adore Traci's wrapped up ears.

Rainy Day Cavalcade is on my Disney bucket list for sure.

'OHANA!!!! So excited to hear about it!
Updating TR # 2!! This is good sign I hope. :)

Hehe, I guess I shouldn't have been worried about whether Marie was able to fix the Gaston photos given that I saw the Gaston Photos, but I'm a little slow.

Seriously, Florida needs a new slogan. Sunshine State my A**. And DEFINITELY avoid Disney puddles. They are way deeper than they look.

It's kind of sad where I work for a Cell company and yet still get all depressed when seeing people buried in their phones. But I do. Worst invention ever.

It is. Except I had a cold the last few days so that has slowed my progress again :headache: Stupid colds.

It's okay Rob, we still love you :rolleyes1

Petition to change the Florida slogan to "Either it's a million degrees or it's raining". Deceptive puddles get you every time.

I didn't really mind. Like, we're all waiting for a meal and we're not going to be on our phones at that meal. Plus, you know, I was writing in the TR journal, so I wasn't exactly that much better :thumbsup2

I remember that puddle, because I followed Amber through the puddle, not thinking about it and I LOST MY FLIP FLOP! I had to run to chase it down. But yes I put a bag on my head to protect my ears, they are important, and I had JUST gotten them. I'm a keeper for sure.

Stupid puddles. So deep. So cold.

Hey, I just think you should have been wearing a poncho to protect the rest of you, lameo :p.

I'm with ya on the Post-Disney Depression (hence my brief DIS hiatus). It's been a rough week and I just want to be at Disney doing Christmassy things. Sad face. But I'm glad to see you updating again!!!

Love the Space Mountain photos! And I adore Traci's wrapped up ears.

Rainy Day Cavalcade is on my Disney bucket list for sure.

'OHANA!!!! So excited to hear about it!

:hug: I'm glad I'm not alone, Courtney. I wish I was at Disney doing Christmassy things too.

She's innovative, that one.

We need to watch it from the start. But I don't actually want it to be rainy enough for it to be there. :confused3 It's a tough spot to be.

Oh, 'Ohana. What a meal
I totally love the Haunted Mansion though I can see if you go in thinking it is like a true haunted house/macabre type scenario it could/would come off as such rather than the more fun-scary I think it was intended for

Wasn't aware one could be hypnotized into believing in gay rights ... clearly that needs to be the focus of a future Myth Busters episode ;)

I like your thought process as to the placement of Anna & Elsa vs Tink, etc. ... plus, they put Anna and Elsa in Princess Fairytale Hall and Elsa is clearly a queen not a princess

Good job getting the fast pass though! I am bummed we never got to meet with them while they met together but having met them separately I think it works out better all around

oh, glad Marie looked at the pictures and noticed the Gaston ones weren't there ... probably easier to take care of that while in Disney World rather than when you got home

oh gosh, that sounds like some crazy rain to produce mid-calf puddles! Definitely right though that once you are in that deep you are pretty committed to continuing to the other side

Oh how I miss that version of the Poly Lobby!

ooh, looking forward to hearing how the trip report got its title :thumbsup2


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