How to make $3600 on your disney vacation! WE DID!! NEW 9/3*The Epilogue, DONE* p. 54

Just subscribing, heading out the door to class and don't want to miss anything.

Love it, keep it coming.
Did I miss it? In the second installment it's promised in #3... yet, nothing? :confused3

Did I miss it? No... tell me NO!!!! :lmao: Oh my GOSH I must get a life.... :rolleyes:

Great trip report so far.... I'll be working on mine while there and thinking back to the best of the best... this is at the top of best list!!! Great job!! :woohoo:
Kimmielee said:
Did I miss it? In the second installment it's promised in #3... yet, nothing? :confused3

Did I miss it? No... tell me NO!!!! :lmao: Oh my GOSH I must get a life.... :rolleyes:

Great trip report so far.... I'll be working on mine while there and thinking back to the best of the best... this is at the top of best list!!! Great job!! :woohoo:

Hi Kimmielee :wave: How nice of you to be so sweet! I have to say I have no idea what I am doing here! When I joined these boards, I hung out on the budget board for a long time, right through xmas, and then as our trip got closer moved to theme parks and transportation. RIght before I left I found the trip report board. How embarrassing to admit how clueless I am! I had a rough month this past month and just didn't go online at all, and then poof out of the blue, I felt like writing the beginning of the trip. Yesterday, I was shocked by so many responses and I couldn't keep up with all the replies. So to make a long story short, I don't know the trip report etiquette or how to alert to when a new installment comes in. I also don't know how to post pix. So I will try to figure things out. I am long winded which I did not know as I have never, ever written anything before, so I haven't gotten to the part of the tale I think you are interested in. Now I am afraid you will all leave me when you know the anticlimatic ending to the teaser!
You are doing a great job - don't second guess yourself! You have a whole bunch of us hooked - and it's NOT about the money... it's your wonderful way of telling your story!

I don't know how to post pics or links... and look at how many posts I've made... :lmao: We'll call ourselves "DIS challenged"!!! :badpc:

Keep up the good work! :wave:
Allright, I'm in. :wave:

Gotta find out how to make 3600 big ones on my next Disney vacation so it will pay for my NEXT Disney Vacation. :teeth:

So come on. Out with it already.

Oh, and BTW, I can hear your LaLa Call all the way down here in Missis-sip. :listen:

Great report. Can't wait to read more. :thumbsup2
I know that feeling of looking behind you as you close the door and seeing all of the pet's lonely sad faces staring at you. Ouch..makes me feel guilty every time I leave the house!

I know that feeling of looking behind as you leave Disneyland/ Disneyland Paris and seeing all of the great rides and Mickey waving goodbye at you. Ouch.. makes me feel guilty every time I leave Disney!

:rotfl2: :rotfl: :lmao: :Pinkbounc :wave2:
I think I am going to just keep notes and mail them to her and let the magica flow!!!!!! You crack me up and I feel like we are sitting at the table over coffee having a real discussion.............YOU GO GIRL!!!!!!

P.S. Hurry up on the next installment!!!!!!! :thumbsup2
LOL LOL We totally have the same kids. I have three boys - just turned 6 year old twins & a 5 year old. all boys. they are insane together & yes I try to stop them but I haven't got a hope of it!

and I totally remember that skit!

horsegirl said:
I watch the other kiddies in the gate area. Why are they all sitting down reading a book and just mellowing at their mama's breast? Our 3 look like Mike Myers on Saturday night live when he was the tethered little boy eating a chocolate bar with Nicole Kidman. Some of you must know that skit. He's got the leash that parents use with those little ones who tend to roam. Only problem is mother hooked him to the jungle gym and little mikey has so much energy he pulls it down the block. Maybe I am imagining this but everyone else's kids seem so well, tame. There is even a little toddler just contentedly sitting on a chair. No bribes, no restraints, just sitting like a 50 year old. How do people get these kids to do this? Mine have knocked over the ropey things designed to properly queue. You know, the metal posts with the big ropey things that kids love to swing on, and my dear princess keeps running and nearly knocking into people. I try to contain them, I really do. I am not obliviously reading the Times or anything, it's just they are excited.
Ok, I just have to say that I am glad I am not the only one with "very active children". I too sit in amazement when I see a family with kids of similar age sitting perfectly still and listening to any command or request by their parents while they sit quietly coloring or reading a book while waiting to be seated for dinner, or at the table next to us or waiting at the airport, etc. My two would be the ones running around the table/resturant, wingy crayons and books at everyone. Ok, maybe not all the time, but it seems like everytime. And when I complain to my mother about it she always says "well honey, would you rather they just sit in a corner and do nothing all day??" and I simply reply...............YES just once I would!!!! LOL
Just found this !!! Keep the trip report going!!!! It is kinda nice knowing that there are other people out there with active kids :banana: :banana: :banana: Subscribing so I can keep up.

Great stuff you and HaleyB shud colaberate(have no clue how to spell it lol), she is writing a great trip report too!!! Funny and great like yours, we get the hear all her inner thoughts too!!

Can relate to the bad weather holding you back....l live in Canada!!!

Can totally relate to the kid thing, I have 5 sons (hence the name) and 1 daughter (she is actually worse than all 5 put together were lol). Back in 1998 when i only had the 5 boys we took a trip to Disney. When we were coming home I INSTISTED that we get there early so we could get bulk head seats. My youngest was only 1 and he did not have a seat....anyway we did get them. My husband is affraid of flying so needless to say he was of no the end of the flight a few people came up to me to let me know what a great job I did keeping the kids happy and not letting them bother other people!!! My husband just stood there and he said they probably were looking at me saying.....your are a @##@$%^&^ goof!!! LOL!!!!!

Anyway I don't really care about the money (even though that is why I actully went in to read it) but I forgot about it as I was reading I just want to hear how the rest of your story went!!!! SO HURRY UP!!!!!!!
You seriously have me so captivated and your only on the plane a day before your real vacation was to start! I love it! I can't wait to hear the rest! :rotfl:


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