Homeschool Chat Part III

Does anyone else find that after about a semester they are bored with their curriculum and need a change? Not that the curriculum isn't good, but that it just isn't exciting or fun anymore and having something new re-energizes you? I seem to do better teaching my daughter with semester long curriculums instead of year end ones. Anyone else experience this?

ALSO, on a totally unrelated note, has anyone used Song School Spanish? I have heard wonderful things about their Latin program, but nothing on Spanish. My 5 yr old wants to do Spanish and we did the first Hooked on Spanish, but I did not like it and am looking for another age appropriate curriculum. I majored in Spanish, so I am familiar with the language, but my daughter needs something that holds her interest and is "fun." We tried Prima Lingua and she hated it. She is not old enough for Rosetta Stone. We do watch some spanish videos on you-tube. Looking more for lessons. Thanks!
We use a wide mix of curricula. Since we move on as things are mastered, we finish different subjects at different times throughout the year which helps keep it interesting. No suggestions on the Spanish. We do Latin until high school (at least so far!).
Hi! I have been reading these forums for years and never noticed this forum before. I thought I would pop in and say hello. I have a 15 year old daughter and we have always homeschooled her. It's nice to "meet" you all. :cool1:
Hi dowchick! Welcome :)

We are going through the curriculum thing now. My son has gotten a bit bored with his. Luckily we just completed Health and are almost done with the LA book, so we'll be starting something new. We need that right now.
I also use a mix of things. I've been homeschooling my kids for 15 years, oldest is 26 - youngest is 11, and we use a variety now. I originally started with a curriculum, but she moved very quickly through some subjects, got more interested in other subjects - so I had to supplement more and more, and others took a slow pace. So what I'm saying is, when the homeschool groups in your area start having their used book sales don't miss them you may find some real gems there at great prices. Never be afraid to replace something you or your homeschooler don't like. There are a ton of choices out there for every subject and style of learning.:teacher:
Hello Everyone! Getting excited for conference time! I love seeing all the different curriculum options in action. I have requested Cathy Duffy's book from the library to help with selecting curriculum this year. I know we will stick with Math U See. But literature/writing/spelling will probably switch. I need something Orton-Gilliningham based.
Does anyone else find that after about a semester they are bored with their curriculum and need a change? Not that the curriculum isn't good, but that it just isn't exciting or fun anymore and having something new re-energizes you? I seem to do better teaching my daughter with semester long curriculums instead of year end ones. Anyone else experience this?

YES! I am working on a semester system with my younger two as well. :thumbsup2 I could spend a year in each book, but I agree that the change keeps things more interesting.
Very discouraged today. My four yo twins were home today for a snow day. My plan was to bring them home for school in sept to begin senior kindergarten. After today I'm not sure I can handle it. They are wild, oppositional, fight with each other and won't do the work. I was trying for some reading and a little printing. Should I abandon my plan. My ten yo dd is home with me now.
At that age, just focus on having fun. There is no need to "teach" them anything at the age of 4.
Hello everyone! Im new to the boards (been lurking for a while and just now decided to start posting). I thought Id introduce myself.

Im Heather, mom to 4 blessings and expecting our 5th in September. My oldest is 7 and this is the first year we have "officially" homeschooled her. She has never been in a classroom other than the children's classes at church. My other children are 5, 3 and 1. They are just along for the school ride but love to participate in lessons. One of my favorite things about homeschooling is how much the kids LOVE to learn. Its just part of our life so they never have protested it or complained. My oldest actually complains if we don't do our school work.

I look forward to getting to know you all.
Hello everyone! My oldest is currently in public school, however we will be starting homeschool next year. We both can not wait to start. I've already looked at so many resources, I'm so excited. She is going to absolutely hate me though...since we are going to be at Disney during the "school year", I'm going to make her get at least something educational out of it. I know she is going to be like, "Seriously Mother, my first trip to Disney and you want me to go to 'school'??"
At that age, just focus on having fun. There is no need to "teach" them anything at the age of 4.

So true. They'll soak it up like sponges anyway. And especially with you teaching your older child in the same house, they are going to be at such an advantage! My younger brother (2 years, but 3 grades due to how our birthdays fell) listened to me study and helped me study for tests, and thanks to his freakish memory he would actually remember things 3 grades later.

It'll take awhile to get the 4 year olds off of the school thing and into just learning as they go, but they'll work it through.
So true. They'll soak it up like sponges anyway. And especially with you teaching your older child in the same house, they are going to be at such an advantage! My younger brother (2 years, but 3 grades due to how our birthdays fell) listened to me study and helped me study for tests, and thanks to his freakish memory he would actually remember things 3 grades later.

It'll take awhile to get the 4 year olds off of the school thing and into just learning as they go, but they'll work it through.

Thanks for the input. Yesterday was report card day for the twins at their jk preschool. Not great reports. According to them my son doesn't know anything (no numbers beyond one, only the letters in his name). When he is home with me in the afternoons he is one quarter of the way through Teach Your Child To Read in 100 Easy Lessons. My daughter's report was better but she too does more at home. I know they sit them down and do a formal test. I can't see my son cooperating with that.

Anyway my point is: I'm tired of this teacher complaining about my kids. I know what they can do at home. I'm a certified special Ed teacher so I feel pretty qualified to assess their abilities. Just looking forward to bringing them home and handling it myself.

My mom went through all this with my brother and sister. Teachers wanting to label them learning disabled or remedial. My mom fought against it tooth and nail and sure enough they came along fine, both graduating with advanced degrees from top universities in the country. Why do educators want to set off alarm bells so much? My mantra as a teacher has always been, "if they didn't learn it, you didn't teach it."

My plan for the fall is to do the academics in the mornings and send them to the preschool for art, music and sports three afternoons a week. I figure once they are used to seeing me as their teacher as well as mom we will have an easier time of it.

Biggest worry is dd's speech. She has made huge gains and may be discharged from treatment come June, but if she isn't the only way to access publicly funded speech therapy is through the public school system. If she isn't there, my guess is she doesn't get it. I know I'm ahead of myself but it's a worry.

Sorry for the long post. It's going to be a big transition and I'm trying to wrap my brain around it all.
I know it's different in different places. But I have a homeschool friend who was able to take her daughter to the public school for speech only.
mindygirl5238 said:
Hello everyone! My oldest is currently in public school, however we will be starting homeschool next year. We both can not wait to start. I've already looked at so many resources, I'm so excited. She is going to absolutely hate me though...since we are going to be at Disney during the "school year", I'm going to make her get at least something educational out of it. I know she is going to be like, "Seriously Mother, my first trip to Disney and you want me to go to 'school'??"

This is my first year homeschooling my daughter. When school ended in May we started homeschool right away. We were both excited to use all the new books we had. It turned out to be such a great decision. We don't have to do any school on Fridays and we didn't do any on our Disney trip. We are still way ahead. So when the weather is nice we will take off days and enjoy being outside. And we don't have the stress of being 'behind.'
Hello everyone! My oldest is currently in public school, however we will be starting homeschool next year. We both can not wait to start. I've already looked at so many resources, I'm so excited. She is going to absolutely hate me though...since we are going to be at Disney during the "school year", I'm going to make her get at least something educational out of it. I know she is going to be like, "Seriously Mother, my first trip to Disney and you want me to go to 'school'??"

My kiddos have never complained about doing school work on vacation but they have never known any different. We leave for disney in 10 days and Im planning the school time for the week. I usually bring some worksheets then have my oldest keep a journal/take photos and do a scrapbook with them. This time Im having her do a small set of questions on her favorite country in the WS and her favorite animal in AK as well.
I have to admit she does most her "reports" verbally instead of writing them out. Shes good at writing but after a page or two her little hands start to hurt so she just tells me what she wants to write.
I know it's different in different places. But I have a homeschool friend who was able to take her daughter to the public school for speech only.

That's what I'm hoping for. Speech is accessed via community care here for our schools. I figure we pay taxes, I should be able to access that care. I'm going to talk to our md about a referral to the community care. We will see what happens. I think I may have to bang on a few doors but I will find my way.


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