Finished #1 of 50

My Year with Eleanor: A Memoir by Noelle Hancock

I LOVED this book! I came across a quote a few years ago by Eleanor Roosevelt - "Do one thing every day that scares you" and I haven't been able to get it out of my mind. Then I discovered this book which has that exact quote as its central theme - how perfect is that?! I knew I HAD to read it, and so glad that I did.

Yes, it's lighthearted and fun (the author is a hoot), but I also felt the seriousness of it as Noelle tried to overcome her fears and stretch herself to be the person she was meant to be.

This book resounded with me because I'm a timid person by nature and enjoy staying within the boundaries of my "comfort zone." I continually have to prod myself to try something different, to speak up, to not settle into an "easy" way of life. I am trying to teach myself to not let fear or worry or anxiety keep me from living life to its fullest and to certainly not let any of those things prevent me from being ME.

As mentioned, the author has a great sense of humor and her "easy" writing style reflects that.

So far, I've started off the new year with a treasure! :wizard:

Next up is a book by Linwood Barclay - Trust Your Eyes - No idea what it's about or how it ended up on my "to read" list on Goodreads, lol. Most likely was a recommendation from someone here on the DIS...
My Year with Eleanor: A Memoir by Noelle Hancock

I LOVED this book! I came across a quote a few years ago by Eleanor Roosevelt - "Do one thing every day that scares you" and I haven't been able to get it out of my mind. Then I discovered this book which has that exact quote as its central theme - how perfect is that?! I knew I HAD to read it, and so glad that I did.
Sounds great….I am going to reserve it from the library right now.
Just wrapped up #2 of 35!

Shroud of Sorrow (Tommy Donbvand) is another Doctor Who tie-in novel but this time featuring 11 and Clara. Its set the day after the death of JFK and the faces of the dead are popping up everywhere. But its all due to an alien Shroud taking advantage of a world in mourning. I liked that this one was more history based but still kept to the spirit of the series. But in the end its basically a book long episode.

Next up: The Wench Is Dead (Colin Dexter), my first non DVD feature into the world of Endeavour Morse.
I've finished 1 and 2 of 200: Fragment and Pandemonium, both by Warren Fahy. Both were decent, I'd say 3/5. I was looking for something in a similar vein to Jurassic Park. These weren't as good, but the search continues I guess! Next up I'm about to start If You Find Me, by Emily Murdoch. I've heard great things about this one!

If you like a scientific thriller, try the series that begins with the book Relic. By Douglas Preston.
I've finished my first two - The Wonderful Wizard of Oz by L.Frank Baum and Deadly Night by Heather Graham.

Wonderful Wizard of Oz was a reread for me from my childhood when I read the whole series. My boys and I read it together, and it scores a 5/5 of course! For a book that is 114 years old, it holds up so well.

Deadly Night is a crime/mystery novel, the first in a trilogy about the Flynn brothers, a trio of private investigators. I chose this book b/c of the genre and because it was set in New Orleans, one of my favorite places on earth. I give this book a 3/5. Girls in their 20s are disappearing without a trace, and there are clues within a haunted plantation. Would I read the rest of the trilogy? Maybe, but I'm not busting down any doors to get to them. I'm not sorry I read it, because it was a pretty entertaining story, but it wasn't very well written.
I just read the description for Relic- that sounds like just what I was looking for! Might have to get that on my Kindle so I can start it tonight!
Just finished book #2 for the year. The Maze Runner by James Dashner

When Thomas wakes up in the lift, the only thing he can remember is his first name. His memory is blank. But he’s not alone. When the lift’s doors open, Thomas finds himself surrounded by kids who welcome him to the Glade—a large, open expanse surrounded by stone walls.

Just like Thomas, the Gladers don’t know why or how they got to the Glade. All they know is that every morning the stone doors to the maze that surrounds them have opened. Every night they’ve closed tight. And every thirty days a new boy has been delivered in the lift.

Thomas was expected. But the next day, a girl is sent up—the first girl to ever arrive in the Glade. And more surprising yet is the message she delivers.

Thomas might be more important than he could ever guess. If only he could unlock the dark secrets buried within his mind.

I absolutely loved it! I thought it was well written, and I loved how everything unfolded slowly throughout the book. I didn't find it to be formulaic or predictable, which was a lot of fun (and for someone impatient like me, sometimes frustrating) to read. I highly recommend it! I have the Scorch Trials checked out from the library, so I'm starting that one next.
Finished #1 of 50

My Year with Eleanor: A Memoir by Noelle Hancock

I LOVED this book! I came across a quote a few years ago by Eleanor Roosevelt - "Do one thing every day that scares you" and I haven't been able to get it out of my mind. Then I discovered this book which has that exact quote as its central theme - how perfect is that?! I knew I HAD to read it, and so glad that I did.

So far, I've started off the new year with a treasure! :wizard:

Next up is a book by Linwood Barclay - Trust Your Eyes - No idea what it's about or how it ended up on my "to read" list on Goodreads, lol. Most likely was a recommendation from someone here on the DIS...

This sounds great!
Related to Vampire Academy: which book will most likely be the one that is the movie later this winter? Just being on the safe side before placing a hold at the library.
#1 A Time to Kill by John Grisham

I read this years ago but wanted to reread before I read his new one. I remembered the gist of the story but wanted to reacquaint myself with the characters. I liked it a lot but want to take a break from the intensity before I read Sycamore Row.
Related to Vampire Academy: which book will most likely be the one that is the movie later this winter? Just being on the safe side before placing a hold at the library.

Pretty sure the movie is based on book #1, Vampire Academy. It comes out in theaters 2/14, I think.
Finished #2 - Specials by Scott Westerfeld (3rd in his Uglies series)

I thought it was ok. I enjoyed the first book, was unimpressed by the second, and this one I read just to complete the trilogy.

While I thought the universe he created was interesting, the character development left something to be desired. I disliked most of the characters for good chunks of the series. And the resolution was easy to predict yet unsatisfying.

Next up? Freshman Year & Other Natural Disasters by Meredith Zeitlin. Perhaps I'll go back to my typical nonfiction after this one.
Just finished number 2

The Book is A walk to remember by Nicolas Sparks and looking at the cover really doesn't give you any indication of what the book is about so I wouldn't analyse the cover too much or judge it by it's cover because I've read the book and don't even understand the cover.
Anyway onto the book's plot, It starts as Landon Carter at 57 explains that when he was seventeen his life was changed forever and that he is going to tell the story of how it changed. He starts talking about his childhood and his rich family before he gets onto the actual story that he is telling and while this drags on a little it is all relevant later in the story. He then starts explaining about how he chose performing arts in his senior year because he thought it would be easy, this is how he gets into the kind of meeting with Jamie Sullivan. I say kind of because he has known her his whole life but this is the first time he actually has a real conversation with her. She is the ministers daughter, a Minister who Landon and his friends used to call names and pick on him. Despite being misjudged by her peers Jamie doesn't change who she is to fit around other people , he describes her to make her seem like a misfit who wears jumpers and her hair always in a bun but he never says she is ugly and observes that she could be pretty if she tried harder to be. He also explains that she is one of the most giving people you will ever meet and volunteers and an orphanage most weekends.
He takes her to the homecoming dance later in the story only because he has to go because he is class president and doesn't have a date. this starts their friendship and she asks him for a favour to be in a play that her father wrote as a leading roll opposite her. When he accepts they start spending time together and he soon realises that he has unintentionally fallen in love with her.After a while he makes his move and kisses her and tells her the depth of his feelings for her. This is where I have to stop telling you any more because if I keep going I know I will reveal Jamie's secret and ruin the shock of this particular story.
Like all Nicolas sparks books it is so romantic and it pulls you into and tells you mostly everything about the characters from their upbringing to their deepest thoughts and feelings which makes you fall in love with them and the same thing goes for Landon and Jamie. By the time the twist came to the story I was so emotionally attached through the story that for the last half of the story I literally had to have a box of tissues next to me because I cried so much. The Ending was my favourite part of the book because instead of telling you exactly what happened he leaves you to decide for yourself what happened because he says it so one of two things could have happened and you can decide which one you would rather it be.
In a whole this book just made me feel so many emotions and I couldn't put it down after a started the first page. The only reason I put it down was to go to school which may be pathetic to some people but to me it's perfectly normal. I felt every emotion for the characters in the book and That is definitely what I look for in the perfect book.

From good reads and I loved it
As a high school library tech (a librarian without a library service degree), I should set my number much higher. But I get sucked into the internet and tv at 30. I go back and forth between YA for work, and popular lit. I also have a hard time finishing books. I've started "Kite Runner" and "Night Circus," and have a few more on my nightstand. Time to get serious and get reading!


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