Goal = 75

1. 4th of July by James Patterson and Maxine Paetro
4th in the Womens Murder club series. This book focused much more on Lindsay Boxer with hardly any interaction from the rest of the club. It was ok...better than #2 not as good as #3. There were 2 separate plot lines and a good twist at the end.
First book down! Frost Burned by Patricia Briggs. (This one was a reread.) Coyote shapeshifter Mercy Thompson finds herself in a pickle when the werewolf pack is abducted by government agents, and assassins are after her and her step daughter. Can Mercy rescue the pack- and herself?

I gave it a 5/5

I've started reading the Cain Project. It is about a boy who finds out that he is part of a secret government program that clones serial killers.

Book 2/120- "I Hunt Killers" by Barry Lyga. I really liked this book, the characters were likable and while the suspense wasn't earth-shattering, it was a decent thriller. I liked it so much I added the sequel "Game" to my TBR list. I gave it a 4/5 stars on goodreads.

Summary from goodreads:
"What if the world's worst serial killer...was your dad?

Jasper "Jazz" Dent is a likable teenager. A charmer, one might say.

But he's also the son of the world's most infamous serial killer, and for Dear Old Dad, Take Your Son to Work Day was year-round. Jazz has witnessed crime scenes the way cops wish they could—from the criminal's point of view.

And now bodies are piling up in Lobo's Nod.

In an effort to clear his name, Jazz joins the police in a hunt for a new serial killer. But Jazz has a secret—could he be more like his father than anyone knows?"

Up next is "Swimming at Night" by Lucy Clark and "Every Day" by David Levithan.

I loved I Hunt Killers and Game. I am eagerly awaiting the net one which come out later this year.

Every Day was also very good. He has a short story eBook called Every Other Day. If you like Every Day, you will like the short story.
Goal 72

#1 Six Years by Harlan Coben
Great book, I would recommend it.

Review from author's website:

Six years have passed since Jake Fisher watched Natalie, the love of his life, marry another man. Six years of hiding a broken heart by throwing himself into his career as a college professor. Six years of keeping his promise to leave Natalie alone, and six years of tortured dreams of her life with her new husband, Todd.

But six years haven’t come close to extinguishing his feelings, and when Jake comes across Todd’s obituary, he can’t keep himself away from the funeral. There he gets the glimpse of Todd’s wife he’s hoping for . . . but she is not Natalie. Whoever the mourning widow is, she’s been married to Todd for more than a decade.
As Jake searches for the truth, his picture-perfect memories of Natalie begin to unravel. Mutual friends of the couple either can’t be found or don’t remember Jake. No one has seen Natalie in years.
Goal 72 #1 Six Years by Harlan Coben Great book, I would recommend it. Review from author's website: Six years have passed since Jake Fisher watched Natalie, the love of his life, marry another man. Six years of hiding a broken heart by throwing himself into his career as a college professor. Six years of keeping his promise to leave Natalie alone, and six years of tortured dreams of her life with her new husband, Todd. But six years havent come close to extinguishing his feelings, and when Jake comes across Todds obituary, he cant keep himself away from the funeral. There he gets the glimpse of Todds wife hes hoping for . . . but she is not Natalie. Whoever the mourning widow is, shes been married to Todd for more than a decade. As Jake searches for the truth, his picture-perfect memories of Natalie begin to unravel. Mutual friends of the couple either cant be found or dont remember Jake. No one has seen Natalie in years.

This sounds really good. What did you think?
Bad Monkey
Carl Hiassen

I enjoyed this book, but I felt that it didn't live up my expectations.
It was funny, and I really love quirky characters, but there was no flow to me.

I will be reading more books by Hiaasen though. I like the characters and LOVE anything set in FL, especially The Keys.

Have you read anything by Tim Dorsey? All his stuff is set in Florida and it's an awful lot of fun. Dave Barry's books usually take place in Florida also.
This sounds really good. What did you think?

I really liked it (Six Years). Harlan Coben was a recommended author on last years challenge & so far I've read 4 of his books & liked them all.
The last 2 of his I read had little references to WDW, sounds like he might be a Disney fan, lol.
Book 1/50: Dancing on Broken Glass by Ka Hancock

I loved this book, I am actually surprised by how much I loved it. I thought her writing was beautiful and the characters were very well developed.

Summary from Amazon: Lucy Houston and Mickey Chandler probably shouldn’t have fallen in love, let alone gotten married. They’re both plagued with faulty genes—he has bipolar disorder, and she has a ravaging family history of breast cancer. But when their paths cross on the night of Lucy’s twenty-first birthday, sparks fly, and there’s no denying their chemistry. Cautious every step of the way, they are determined to make their relationship work—and they put it all in writing. Mickey promises to take his medication. Lucy promises not to blame him for what is beyond his control. He promises honesty. She promises patience. Like any marriage, they have good days and bad days—and some very bad days. In dealing with their unique challenges, they make the heartbreaking decision not to have children. But when Lucy shows up for a routine physical just shy of their eleventh anniversary, she gets an impossible surprise that changes everything. Everything. Suddenly, all their rules are thrown out the window, and the two of them must redefine what love really is. An unvarnished portrait of a marriage that is both ordinary and extraordinary, Dancing on Broken Glass takes readers on an unforgettable journey of the heart.
1/52 Perfect by Sara Shepard is about 5 friends and one if them (Ali) recently died. The girls are all still thinking about Ali's murder and who it is. They are also trying to figure out who A is. A keeps sending them texts that have clues on who Ali's murder was. Spencer stole her sisters paper and she is getting a golden apple award. She also finds out something big about herself that makes her think some crazy thoughts. Emily doesn't do something A says to and a big secret of hers get found out. Her parents threaten to send her off to her aunts house on a farm. Hanna's friendship with Mona is getting worse and Mona dis-invites her to her huge birthday party. Hanna is also starting to gain the weight she lost again. Lastly Aria, she is getting back with Ezra and one night when they are hanging out the police come and arrest Ezra for "dating" his student. Her and Sean are "back together." Everything gets pretty crazy at the end of the book. I got this review from good reads

I am loved the book could not put it down
1/40 - An Abundance of Katherines by John Green

Summary from Amazon - When it comes to relationships, Colin Singleton’s type is girls named Katherine. And when it comes to girls named Katherine, Colin is always getting dumped. Nineteen times, to be exact. On a road trip miles from home, this anagram-happy, washed-up child prodigy has ten thousand dollars in his pocket, a bloodthirsty feral hog on his trail, and an overweight, Judge Judy–loving best friend riding shotgun—but no Katherines. Colin is on a mission to prove The Theorem of Underlying Katherine Predictability, which he hopes will predict the future of any relationship, avenge Dumpees everywhere, and finally win him the girl. Love, friendship, and a dead Austro-Hungarian archduke add up to surprising and heart-changing conclusions in this ingeniously layered comic novel about reinventing oneself.

This took me awhile to get into, but once I did it was a quick read. I was satisfied with the ending, but there seemed to be a lot of filler in some part of the books.
I am going to set my 2014 goal at 24 again. I did the same for 2013 but didnt make it. Hopefully this year I will do better.

I have won several books from Goodreads so I better get a move on it.
I'd like to join in for 2014 please.
My goal will be 30.
I tend to go for easy reads, I like feel good 'Chick Lit' too.
My major goal this year is to get through the Harry Potter Series and the Game Of Thrones series. I have tried to read the first HP several times and just get bored. Hopefully I will be able to preserver…
ATM I am almost finished The Language of Flowers and am really enjoying it. My next book is 'The Festival Of The Sea' by June Loves (Australian author).
I am also going to TRY and read 50 Shades…Well, just because I can :lmao:…

Thanks all. I am Miss Hippy on Goodreads too….:thumbsup2
Book 2 Broken homes by Ben Aaronovitch,
i'd give this 4 out of 5
This is the fourth in an urban fantasy/ police procedural series that has been described as a cross between Harry potter and CSI. I love this series about a department of the metropolitan police that deals with supernatural related crime.
I just finishes the first book out of 30. The Mockingjay. I really enjoyed reading the Hunger Games series.
I started One for the Money by Janet Evanovich. It's the first book of the Stephanie Plum series.
I'd like to join in for 2014 please. My goal will be 30. I tend to go for easy reads, I like feel good 'Chick Lit' too. My major goal this year is to get through the Harry Potter Series and the Game Of Thrones series. I have tried to read the first HP several times and just get bored. Hopefully I will be able to preserver… ATM I am almost finished The Language of Flowers and am really enjoying it. My next book is 'The Festival Of The Sea' by June Loves (Australian author). I am also going to TRY and read 50 Shades…Well, just because I can :lmao:… Thanks all. I am Miss Hippy on Goodreads too….:thumbsup2

I wish you luck with HP. I was determined to read them because so many people loved them. It took months because I just couldn't get into them. After having the last book for months, I finally gave up and stopped trying to force myself.

Tried the first GOT and quit after about 100 pages. I may try again some day now that I've watched the show.
Now this is my kind if thread.
My goal for 2014 is 150 books.
I am most excited about the new Stephanie plum book- number 20 and all the new Australian country books that are coming out.
I've finished 1 and 2 of 200: Fragment and Pandemonium, both by Warren Fahy. Both were decent, I'd say 3/5. I was looking for something in a similar vein to Jurassic Park. These weren't as good, but the search continues I guess!

Next up I'm about to start If You Find Me, by Emily Murdoch. I've heard great things about this one!
Book 2 Broken homes by Ben Aaronovitch, i'd give this 4 out of 5 This is the fourth in an urban fantasy/ police procedural series that has been described as a cross between Harry potter and CSI. I love this series about a department of the metropolitan police that deals with supernatural related crime.

I am am halfway though my 2ed
I'd like to join in for 2014 please.
My goal will be 30.
I tend to go for easy reads, I like feel good 'Chick Lit' too.
My major goal this year is to get through the Harry Potter Series and the Game Of Thrones series. I have tried to read the first HP several times and just get bored. Hopefully I will be able to preserver&
ATM I am almost finished The Language of Flowers and am really enjoying it. My next book is 'The Festival Of The Sea' by June Loves (Australian author).
I am also going to TRY and read 50 Shades&Well, just because I can :lmao:&

Thanks all. I am Miss Hippy on Goodreads too&.:thumbsup2

If you've seen the first two Harry Potter movies you can skip the first two books. They're pretty similar. The story starts evolving more starting with book 3 - Prisoner of Azkaban.
Goal 72

#1 Six Years by Harlan Coben
Great book, I would recommend it.

Review from author's website:

Six years have passed since Jake Fisher watched Natalie, the love of his life, marry another man. Six years of hiding a broken heart by throwing himself into his career as a college professor. Six years of keeping his promise to leave Natalie alone, and six years of tortured dreams of her life with her new husband, Todd.

But six years havent come close to extinguishing his feelings, and when Jake comes across Todds obituary, he cant keep himself away from the funeral. There he gets the glimpse of Todds wife hes hoping for . . . but she is not Natalie. Whoever the mourning widow is, shes been married to Todd for more than a decade.
As Jake searches for the truth, his picture-perfect memories of Natalie begin to unravel. Mutual friends of the couple either cant be found or dont remember Jake. No one has seen Natalie in years.

This sounds REALLY good! I really need to check out this author in 2014! Adding another book to my "to read" list, sigh. You all are burying me here!! :goodvibes

Oh, and updated up to this point.
This sounds REALLY good! I really need to check out this author in 2014! Adding another book to my "to read" list, sigh. You all are burying me here!! :goodvibes

Oh, and updated up to this point.

Harlan Coben's books are all pretty good reads.


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