Here is September 11th as it happened on the DIS...very long

I remember reading this thread one year ago..
I can't believe it's been 7 years.

And what made me sick, was many kids in my highschool FORGOT what today was :sad2:
R.I.P those who died, and those who died saving<3

It is so dd8 came home from 3rd grade today and ask me why they didn't talk about Sept.11th at school today. :confused3

Even in preschool her teacher had them draw pictures on 9/11. They didn't go into detail, but explained things on a child’s level. Every year since then, her class has discussed it on some manner. To think that she is older now, has questions, is more understanding and now it is being swept aside in the's both heart breaking and frighteni9ng to me.

As long as she is in my home....we will ALWAYS remember and do so honoring the people that lost their lives that horrible day. :sad2:
I remember how nice it was that sad day to have others to share the fears and sadness with since I was home alone. At one point I had to quit watching the tv and the disboards and go outside to listen to nothing for awhile. Then I realized how eerily quiet it was, as we lived under the flight path for the airport. The lack of planes in the sky made it real to me,
strange huh, after seeing it all on TV.

:hug: to all who were here that day.
For those who are interested, how 9/11 unfolded here on the dis. Many memories here. Many thanks to Jenifer once again for her compiling all these many posts a little over 9 years ago. The times of the posts as reported are off, possibly the onboard computer clock in Jenifer's PC. The times would have been like 8:55 AM EDT and later.


For those who are interested, how 9/11 unfolded here on the dis. Many memories here. Many thanks to Jenifer once again for her compiling all these many posts a little over 9 years ago. The times of the posts as reported are off, possibly the onboard computer clock in Jenifer's PC. The times would have been like 8:55 AM EDT and later.



Wow, Dan, I remember it like it was yesterday....:guilty:
Thanks for bringing this thread up Dan. I was a lurker then, but don't remember being online much at the time. Interesting to read the thoughts of people here.
One of the things I most remember about 9/11 was getting information here on DIS. I was at work so no TV. CNN and other news sites were all jammed, you could not get anything. The breaking news e-mails from CNN were running about an hour behind, I think I had over 20 by the end of the day. But DIS was up and running. One of our coworkers happened to be home that morning and called in to see how everyone was. As I was talking to him, he said one of the buildings just fell. I remember saying, what do you mean it fell? He said, it just totally fell. I just couldn't imagine.
Every second of this day is fresh in my mind as it was 10 years ago.

I was at work about a 30 minute trip to NYC. My son was an infant at the time. At around noon our office closed and I picked up my child from daycare and drove home on the NJ Turnpike, could see black thick smoke everywhere. The next door neighbor of my parents died that day, only one of two people from the town they lived in. He was only 47 and called his wife at home but didn't make it out of the 2nd tower in time.

In the summer of 1999, we took my MIL, FIL and extended family up to the observation desk of the WTC...I remember how awesome it was, and we were talking about how cool it was that many years before someone walked a tight-rope between the buildings. I can't even describe how high they were, literally they were in the clouds.

May those innocent people who died that day rest in peace. :hug:
That day is burned into my head like a photograph. Was watching Regis when they cut away to say that a fire was in the WTC. Then, they started talking about a small plane might have hit it. All of a sudden, we saw the second plane hit. I was horrified. On the phone with my mom and sister. We live close to Wright Patt and I just wanted my son home. I just had a feeling that I needed to get there to him, so we drove up and got him.

Thank God we did because some insane father was in the school SCREAMING "Come on boys (to his sons) lets go. RUN! America is under F*(#%ing attack." In the middle of the elementary school.

We had no idea if my uncle was alive for about 24 hours....

In the afternoon after we had been watching tv all day, we were finally sitting down to eat and all of a sudden a HUGE, ENORMOUS BOOOM went off. Later on, we found out it was a sonic boom from Bush's plane taking off. However, our news was freakin us out for like 20 minutes. Saying to take cover and that there were reports of a plane down at the VA. It was so scary.

God bless all who were touched by this horrific tragedy!
The secondary thing that the thread points out is the dear friends that used to be on the DisBoards Community Board. I kinda miss some of those people.

I work at a high school, and there were posters around campus remarking about not forgetting what happened on 9/11. Then I realized that the students were 4-8 year-olds at the time. Hopefully, our teachers have done enough "teaching" about this event.

(another side note: when I copy stuff about the Vietnam war for the US History classes, I recall that it was "current events" when I was in high school!)
For those who are interested, how 9/11 unfolded here on the dis. Many memories here. Many thanks to Jenifer once again for her compiling all these many posts a little over 9 years ago. The times of the posts as reported are off, possibly the onboard computer clock in Jenifer's PC. The times would have been like 8:55 AM EDT and later.

Thanks for bumping this Dan. Read every word of the first post, and boy, it feels fresh all over again.
The secondary thing that the thread points out is the dear friends that used to be on the DisBoards Community Board. I kinda miss some of those people.
How true.
I work at a high school, and there were posters around campus remarking about not forgetting what happened on 9/11. Then I realized that the students were 4-8 year-olds at the time. Hopefully, our teachers have done enough "teaching" about this event.

(another side note: when I copy stuff about the Vietnam war for the US History classes, I recall that it was "current events" when I was in high school!)
My brother served in Vietnam (actually living there right now :eek: ) when I was about 8 years old. I remember my mother waiting every day for mail from him, and when mail would finally arrive, our mail carrier (who walked the route) would get into his car and drive to our house first, then go back to the beginning and walk his route. It has always struck me how instantly everything plays out now; I sat in the waiting room at Boston Children's Hospital when my DD had surgery, watching the start of the Iraq War as it happened. Re-reading everything on this thread as it happened is haunting.

On 9/11, I was just walking from the kitchen into the LR to check the time...I was going to change the channel from the Today Show to repeats of Mary Tyler Moore at 9 AM, but they were just announcing that the first plane had hit. I called my husband at work (he was supposed to go to NYC that day on business), and we talked about it being a terrible thing, but this was before we knew it was terrorism. I remember them saying on the Today Show how odd it was, because it was such a clear day. And then everything started to unfold... :(
I found out about the attack by seeing a thread on the DIS. I will never forget that.

Our Social Studies lesson today was about 9/11. I teach middle school so many of my students did not understand the event. My project was for them to interview an adult, preferably their parent, about the events of that day. They presented their interviews to the class. By understanding the emotions felt by their parents that day they better understood the horror of that day and its impact on the country.
My memory is long.
I am a teacher in elementary school. Our principal came room to room to tell us what happened and to NOT let the children know so they wouldn't become scared. So all day we tried to get info on the sly without the children knowing anything. The teacher across the hall from me had a daughter at NYU and she kept trying to call her but couldn't get through. I would watch her class when she would try to use the phone. Later that morning a reading teacher came to my room and said that they crashed a plane into Pittsburgh and my sister works in a downtown high rise there. So then the teacher across the hall covered for me while I tried to get ahold of my sister. Of course, later I found out the plane crashed in Somerset. It wasn't until 2:30 that afternoon that my class went to music class (ten years later I remember it was music class). That was when I first saw any video footage at all. Even though I'd been hearing about it during the day I couldn't believe it when I saw the video of the towers collapsing. I never could have imagined such a thing. I can remember visiting the WTC with my church youth group and eating my first NY bagel there. It was such a worldly thing to me at the time being from the countryside of PA. I called my grandfather that night who was a WWII vet. He NEVER talked about his war experiences and was really a man of few words in general. I remember him saying to me that he felt really bad for all of those people because he knew what it felt like to lose your "buddies" that way. Broke my heart then and breaks my heart now to remember it (he has since passed :littleangel:). I thank God my children weren't born yet in 2001. I don't think I could have let them leave my side for weeks after that. :sad1: What a horrible, horrible day.
I remember that day very well. I was 12 and we had just started middle school about a week before (we start after labor day). I went to school in Fairfax County, VA so about 20 mins. west of the Pentagon.

I was in band class when the towers were hit. Had no idea what had happened. It was weird though because administrators kept coming into our class to get kids whose parents were there to pick them up. In a class of about 50 students, by the end of the class, there were probably about 20 of us left. That continued throughout the day. Our lunch period was combined with "activity class" which was basically a free class before or after our lunch. Our activity teacher usually had teh TV turned on to the Price is Right during our activity class but that day it was not on at all (now we know why). We kept asking if he could turn it on and he just said no. No explanation at all. Later that day, we kept hearing rumors about what was going on. Al administration had been told to keep all TVs off and they were not allowed to tell us anything that had happen or was happening.

We were not allowed to go outside to wait for pickup if our parents picked us up and no one was allowed to walk home. They had other arrangement for those students. Thats when we really knew something was up. When we got on the bus we were told that we were not allowed to get off at any other stop besides the one we were assgned to. I was not happy. My mom worked at our elementary school and I would get off at the stop right near there a lot to go to the school to hang out there until they got out. Obviously we knew something serious was going on. and remember, cell phones were not as common place as they are now with middle school students.

When I got home, my brother was not home yet (he was in high school) so I ended up going to a friends house who lived right behind us.

I remember that the next 2 days we had no school. Everything was closed. The thing the time, we were 12. Our parents were trying to keep everything as normal as possible for us. We KNEW what was going on but I think we still didn't really UNDERSTAND just what was happening and how massive the events were. When we found out we had no school, all we wanted to do was have a sleepover. I remember going to my friends house and there were like 10 of us there. We had pizza, ice cream, watched movies and slept over. For us, it seemed like a normal day off.

Looking back on that it's weird. Because being 22 now, I can't believe that we just went on with our lives semmingly so oblivious to what was going on but I think we were just being kids. I'm extremely grateful that all of our parents let us just be kids and let us do what we wanted to do. From what my mom was saying, none of our parents wanted us to watch the TV coverage of it anyway and that was all that was happening so they thought it was better if we just spent the day with out friends so that we were keeping busy.

I think it was hard for us because we were at an age where we knew what was going on. We saw the news, we heard all the adults talking and we knew something had happened. But I think we were still too young to really comprehend any impact that it could possibly have on any of us.

It did have a huge impact on me at that time in one way though. My Bat Mitzvah was in June 2002. I was having trouble deciding on a theme and decorations and someitme after Sept. 11th happened I decided on doing an America the Beautiful theme. Red, White and Blue decorations. Red, White adn Blue hats for my friends as placecards and the adult tables were all a different major city and we had the words for the song God Bless the USA posted around the ballrooms.
12 years have passed, it still seems like yesterday.

Thanks again to Jennifer for compiling this, over 11 years ago.

From the ashes, a new future rises.
Thank you for bumping this up.

I remember when I first heard about what was going on. I was at work by myself when a co-worker called to tell me to change the radio station as a plane had hit one of the towers. I changed the station and that is what we listened to all day. All the breaking news. When it was late enough in the morning, I called my mom in CA to tell her to turn the tv on. We talked about what was going on for a short time, but we just could not believe it. :sad1:

When the plane crashed into the pentagon, the same co-worker was worried because a friend's daughter worked there. We found out later she was okay. My cousin lives in NY and I was worried about him all day. I eventually found out that he was fine.

I picked up my DD from school and they had heard all about it. She was concerned and a little scared. We lived on base at the time and when we went home, we had to wait in a line of cars because they were checking all cars going on base. My DH said not to worry about dinner, we were going to go out to eat. We sat in Applebee's and watched the news that was on every tv in the restaurant. No one wanted anything else on. :sad2:

We had a tv at work, but did not have any type of cable. We couldn't get any type of reception so we couldn't see some of the things that were being reported. When I saw the images and videos later, it was horrifying. I just could not believe what people were doing to get out of the towers.

My DD was 14 when this happened. She remembers it clearly. This was her first year in high school. I now have a 3 yo GDD and I hope she never has to remember something like this.
I am not American. I have never lived in America. I have no ties with America, save with my dear friends over there.

But I wept. I wept for the lost souls, so needlessly struck down in an act of unmitigated hate. I wept for the families, now without a father, now without a mother. I wept for the future yet to come. I wept.


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