Have you gotten a COVID vaccine?

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I received my first Pfizer shot on Monday April 5th. I'm 55. My arm hurt from the get go, but only lasted about a day. Much better than my last flu shot in 2019. I am worried about the 2nd a lot, so I appreciate all the information about side effects.

I'm also 55 and got my second Pfizer shot yesterday -- first shot had only minor arm soreness for the first night, maybe similar to a flu shot but barely noticeable. Second shot was yesterday and had slightly more arm soreness last night, I would say comparable to a flu shot.

So good luck with your 2nd shot, I hope it's a breeze and certainly better than getting Covid!
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Realized I never posted my own experience. 1st Pfizer was fine except for massively sore arm for a day—way worse than tetanus, rabies, or flu vaccines I have received. 2nd Pfizer last week was good except for slightly sore arm until 24 hrs post vaccine. Then I felt like absolute trash—took 3 naps and still went to bed early, so tired, headache, some chills, temp was never above 98.5 but I usually run high 97s. Felt bad for about a day and the. It was like a light switch—totally normal. DH only had a sore arm, slight headache, and felt “off” the next day but was more functional than I was. We are in our early 40s
I did it - got my first Pfizer this morning. Thanks to you guys talking me into it :) 5 hours after and my arm is a little tender at the injection site. And, my stomach is grumbling, but is could be because my breakfast consisted of radishes with horseradish... :rolleyes:
My mom who is 78 got her second Pfizer vaccine on Tuesday. She had a fever, chills, and body aches Tuesday night and Wednesday, then vomiting and nausea on Thursday. She feels better today - just tired. Sharing because I was somewhat surprised she had lengthy side effects at her age; it seems the reports are that older people don't tend to have as many. She is still very glad she was vaccinated and says it was worth it.
For anyone living in Southern California, Riverside Co. is now running a surplus of vaccines due to lower demand than anticipated, even though they had opened up to anyone 16+ beginning this week. Many clinics throughout the county are vaccinating walk-ups without appointments now.
I'm 57 and received my second Pfizer vaccine yesterday.

First Dose - Tiniest bit of soreness at the injection site. I only noticed it when I rolled on my arm in bed.

Second Dose - I received the shot at 8:45 am. My arm was sore at the injection site fairly soon thereafter. I had slight chills about 2:00 pm, but they didn't last long. I started feeling cold late afternoon and around 7:00 pm my entire injection arm become achy, I had chills and a low-grade fever (100 degrees). All of those effects went away after just a few hours, but I slept very poorly and had a slight headache this morning. I also thought I might throw up at one point this morning, but avoided that. A nap and aspirin took care of the headache and I'm feeling mostly normal now, although still tired.
I got my second Pfizer dose at 1:30pm yesterday. I felt arm soreness sooner than the first. I got mine at work and had to drive 28 miles there and back. By the time I got home I had a very sore arm and a slight headache. Nothing a little Tylenol didn't fix. I was fine, just tired until i went to bed. I woke up around 4am with a slight fever, chills, nausea, aches and pains, and felt a little dizzy for a few minutes. That lasted until about 10 am. Now besides a sore arm, I just feel a little tired. We are over 24 hours from that dose.

I did prepare myself for the shot. I had some pharmacist co workers recommend to stay hydrated. i upped my hydration on Thursday, I started taking extra vitamin c on Tuesday, and have taken tylenol every six hours since I got home. I don't know how well it helped but maybe it lessened the side effects.

I will say I am very glad and grateful I got through my anxiety with needles/shots and did it. All of my vaccinated friends and I are planning a picnic at the beginning of May so we can finally all see each other.
DW had an uncle who had a really bad time with Pfizer #2. We think his immunity was down because of the stress of just losing his wife of more than 50 years. He was in bed, pretty much unable to eat for SIX days. His friends brought him Pedialyte and that got him through. He was better yesterday but still very weak. He'll be okay, but it sure was a bumpy ride.
I got dose #1 of Pfizer at Walgreens on Tuesday. I had a sore and swollen arm Tuesday-Thursday. It feels much better today. I also had a headache on Wednesday. My husband got his first dose of Pfizer end of December and he had flu symptoms after his first and second dose. We are both fairly certain we had Covid in March 2020 and didn’t realize that is what it was at the time.

I go for dose #2 on 5/4. On a side note, has anyone gotten a Pfizer dose at Walgreens and had them schedule you for 4 weeks out rather than 3? Apparently this week they are now allowing you to schedule 3 weeks out and so I must have gotten caught in the swirl of 3 vs 4 weeks. I asked the girl who gave me the shot about it and she actually doesn’t even work for Walgreens and said right away oh don’t worry that is totally ok. My husband is an MD and also said it’s more than ok and that 21 days is the minimum amount of days before you should get a second shot.
Things to look forward to for everyone still getting their vaccines. Last night my wife and I went out together and had dinner in an actual restaurant for the first time since Feb. 29, 2020. I'm 9 days past my second Moderna dose and my wife completed her Pfizer series in January. It was an amazing bit of normalcy.
I got dose #1 of Pfizer at Walgreens on Tuesday. I had a sore and swollen arm Tuesday-Thursday. It feels much better today. I also had a headache on Wednesday. My husband got his first dose of Pfizer end of December and he had flu symptoms after his first and second dose. We are both fairly certain we had Covid in March 2020 and didn’t realize that is what it was at the time.

I go for dose #2 on 5/4. On a side note, has anyone gotten a Pfizer dose at Walgreens and had them schedule you for 4 weeks out rather than 3? Apparently this week they are now allowing you to schedule 3 weeks out and so I must have gotten caught in the swirl of 3 vs 4 weeks. I asked the girl who gave me the shot about it and she actually doesn’t even work for Walgreens and said right away oh don’t worry that is totally ok. My husband is an MD and also said it’s more than ok and that 21 days is the minimum amount of days before you should get a second shot.

Apparently the 4 week thing started in some places in order to get more people thru their first shot. Same thing happened to my sister and her husband.

I got my first Pfizer today and the panic attack before, during, and after has not been pleasant. It was at 9:25am and I’m just now calming down a bit. Arm is very sore, and I’m a bit tired but that could be all the adrenaline! I am hoping I don’t get a migraine (I am prone to them) because I fear I will be on my way to the ER fearing a blood clot if I do. Definitely not looking forward to the second shot. I wish I could test for immunity and just skip it, but unfortunately that’s not possible.

I honestly don’t think most people realize how hard doing something like this is for people who suffer from severe anxiety/panic attacks. I take three medications for it - one of which I was afraid to take this afternoon for fear of some weird interaction. Eeesh.
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