Have you gotten a COVID vaccine?

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This may vary by state, however, my question is this: My DH is over 65 with medical issues that would put him in a high risk category, I am not yet 65, would I qualify to get the vaccine with him? I hadn’t thought about that but someone mentioned to me that since we live together, I would be bumped up due to DH. It will be what it will be, and will wait my turn but hadn’t seen that scenario addressed.
My husband is high risk but young...I will not be allowed to get one when he does since I am young (40s) with no underlying condition
Spouses/family members of higher risk are NOT included in the same group be association. This would make it even harder to vaccinate in a timely manner/order.

Any healthcare worker is vaccinated as the system needs to work. Can't let IT, engineering, or housekeeping go down in the hospital. Imagine the guy who does the Oxygen lines gets sick....
I think anyone with a direct contact with Covid patients should get the vaccine first, including housekeeping, but vaccinating all 8000 employees from a hospital, including many working from home is not right. I have a friend who works for hospital IT. She has been working from home since March. Nope, I don't think she should be getting it. My father is 77 years old with diabetes, hypertension and several heart surgeries. He should not be waiting until spring to get the vaccine when a 20 or 30-year-old who works from home is getting it, even to work out the kinks!
Georgia has said the next round will include first responders, school employees and critical function employees (e.g. transportation/power/food processing). What got me is Phase 2. Correctional officers will get it in Phase 2 which is the same phase that inmates and the homeless will get it. I’m not a prison guard or work in anything remotely related but I think it’s a travesty that they weren’t included with first responders.

Here in Florida Correctional Officers are included with the front line essential workers. I work in corrections but I have not heard anything yet about when we are to receive the vaccine.
I think anyone with a direct contact with Covid patients should get the vaccine first, including housekeeping, but vaccinating all 8000 employees from a hospital, including many working from home is not right. I have a friend who works for hospital IT. She has been working from home since March. Nope, I don't think she should be getting it. My father is 77 years old with diabetes, hypertension and several heart surgeries. He should not be waiting until spring to get the vaccine when a 20 or 30-year-old who works from home is getting it, even to work out the kinks!
Totally agree. It’s insanity. People who are most likely to suffer higher complications and require hospitalization (thereby further straining the hospital system) should get it after healthcare, first responders IMO. I do think DeSantis had it right to start vaccinating the senior population after health care employees
I am worried that people are beginning to be like they were before and we become if you got/get a vaccine before someone else you don't want to share it because someone will come on and judge you for it saying you had no right to get it before this other person :(

The vaccine is such good news but now we can't even be happy about that for too long before the us and them starts back up. I know some of this doesn't feel fair, I just don't want this thread to be a place where people can't share their information that they were able to get the vaccine and they feel shamed for it.
Totally agree. I'm happy for those who want it and have gotten it. If I had the opportunity I would absolutely say yes. But meanwhile my 80 something parents have zero idea when they'll be able to get it.

Agree. My sister and I got it today but our elderly mom has not. She was contacted by her doctor’s office today to ask if she wanted it when it becomes available to their patients.

this goes to our lack of a detailed National plan. Those, like me, who have a large employer advocating are getting it. Those without that are waiting.
I am worried that people are beginning to be like they were before and we become if you got/get a vaccine before someone else you don't want to share it because someone will come on and judge you for it saying you had no right to get it before this other person :(

The vaccine is such good news but now we can't even be happy about that for too long before the us and them starts back up. I know some of this doesn't feel fair, I just don't want this thread to be a place where people can't share their information that they were able to get the vaccine and they feel shamed for it.
No need for people to provide information about their profession. They can say they got the vaccine and their reactions.
My husband is high risk but young...I will not be allowed to get one when he does since I am young (40s) with no underlying condition
I'm 60 but with no health issues. My DH is 63 and has type II diabetes and asthma so he'll get it before me. I'm lumped in that 18-64 year old "healthy" group. It's not unusual for couples to be in this situation. Heck, I couldn't even get a pneumonia shot because I don't have the risk factors. I'm very happy being healthy, but I will get the vaccine as soon as I can.
No need for people to provide information about their profession. They can say they got the vaccine and their reactions.
If someone has to hide their profession because someone else will judge them doesn't sound like they will be as comfortable sharing on this thread. No need to make this thread unwelcoming. At least if someone shares it my hope is that people don't jump on them telling them they shouldn't have been able to get it.
Agree. My sister and I got it today but our elderly mom has not. She was contacted by her doctor’s office today to ask if she wanted it when it becomes available to their patients.

this goes to our lack of a detailed National plan. Those, like me, who have a large employer advocating are getting it. Those without that are waiting.

National plan wouldn't work. Every state is different and it's up to the Governor's and state and county health departments. Every state is so different in terms of population and demographics. Your employer shouldn't matter unless you work for a health network or a front line job. How did you and your sister get it? I retired from a Federal agency that was considered very essential, but they aren't getting it for their employees. People need to be pissed at their Governor's for their lack of plans considering they had to turn them into the CDC a few months ago. They were supposed to plan.
I am worried that people are beginning to be like they were before and we become if you got/get a vaccine before someone else you don't want to share it because someone will come on and judge you for it saying you had no right to get it before this other person :(

The vaccine is such good news but now we can't even be happy about that for too long before the us and them starts back up. I know some of this doesn't feel fair, I just don't want this thread to be a place where people can't share their information that they were able to get the vaccine and they feel shamed for it.
No need at all to be concerned about posting. I doubt any of us are making the decisions on how to deliver the vaccines. I disagree with some of what we're hearing about, but you better believe if it was offered to me tonight I'd get it. We can disagree with the policy of how it's being handled without disagreeing with any particular person for getting it.
I'm not a frequent poster here, and this is my first time using the whole multi-quote thing, so I apologize if I make this hard to follow... catching up on this thread.

My stupid question of the day. For anyone who has received the vaccine, which arm did you get it in? I am right handed and used to get the flu shot in my left arm, usually resulting in pain, tenderness, and some swelling in the injection area.

Not a stupid question! I received my vaccine in my dominant arm, as I always choose to do. I have some chronic shoulder/rib issues on my left side and figure I don't need extra pain in that arm, and I also know that I'll be moving my right arm much more, hopefully limiting how long the arm is sore post-vaccination.

My hospital is giving it to anyone who wants it no matter your job title. They have enough doses for all 8000 employees.

My hospital system is kind of doing that. I think that for people working off-hospital sites (like at corporate or from home), they are not receiving invitations to schedule at this time. But for departments working within the hospitals, they are inviting a certain percentage of departments at any given time. They don't want an entire department being vaccinated the same week to prevent everyone from calling out with fever after vaccination at the same time. Though they are saying that all departments are being invited, it seems there may be different percentages of departments receiving invitations at any given time, and I suspect that some departments are prioritized. That said, I do believe housekeeping is one of the prioritized departments.

I didn't quote the other posts regarding who gets it when, but wanted to point out that COVID exposure does happen in non-COVID units. I work in pediatric hematology/oncology- our patients are extremely high risk (believe it or not, some of our hematology patients are at highest risk even compared to our most immunocompromised oncology patients.) We do have children and parents who are diagnosed with COVID when in clinic or inpatient, having exposed our staff and potentially other patients (despite many measures in place to prevent this- a lot of this involves honesty and trust in correctly reporting symptoms and exposures.) We don't have full PPE (one surgical mask per day, no N95s.)

For IT, I can verify that some IT (not all) personnel are right there in the patient units. We have had COVID units built up and taken down and built up again, all needing IT support. IT has been on COVID units while patients are there, providing support for computer networks and other equipment. IT is in my non-COVID patient unit daily, not very far from patients at all. Not only do they take a risk coming into contact with patients, it's a risk to our patients to have these extra people in, but computer, network, printer, programming, etc. issues do arise. So I can understand why some IT personnel would be receiving vaccinations alongside other hospital departments.

My hospital has definitely had a few instances where there is an extra dose towards the end of a vaccination shift; they seem to be calling respiratory therapy (one of the highest risk departments, in my opinion) to see if anyone wants to come at that moment and then cancel their upcoming appointment.

There were some other quotes I missed... some have been asking if people who had side effects from dose one had COVID previously. As I reported earlier in this thread (and I'm not sure how much I updated!), I did experience fever, fatigue, and headache (questionable side effect since I often get headaches anyway.) As far as I know, I have not had COVID. I had negative antibodies at the end of May, and have had multiple negative COVID swabs (PCRs) throughout the past many months. I absolutely could have had an asymptomatic infection at some point, but was never diagnosed and never had symptoms.
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