Have you ever had a shock?

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The other night after Fantasmic, I was walking on a backstage pathway behind the theater. I heard some rustling in the trees and looked over to see a family of three (mom, dad, son) climbing down the hill through the trees. I was with some other CMs who were trying to tell this family that they couldn't exit that way. After several times of us telling them there was no way out that way, they turned around and climbed back through the trees up the hill. I know it's annoying to have to fight a crowd of over ten thousand to get out of the theater. My question is what made them think, "hey, let's climb over this wall and through these trees and down this hill to get to the exit"? Kind of like the people who will open a door and find them backstage exclaiming, "Oh, I thought this was an attraction". Where on WDW property do you have to open your own door?!:rolleyes:
Originally posted by Goofydiane

Second - This has happened twice during Aladdin shows. This theatre is full of children and people who have waited a very long time to see the show. I've behind and next to women who choose this specific time to do their breast feeding. I realize this is a natural thing, however, I can also choose to prefer it not to happen next to me.

I've seen this happen in the front row of the Festival of the Lion King show. I really think this is a private moment that doesn't need to be shared with 24 cast and crew members and over a thousand guests.
Originally posted by loriandmatt

Well, one of this guys companions noticed our shock and said very loudly (in a very heavy british accent) "Nigel! Put your pants on! This is a bloody family place!"
To this day when DS hears anyone with a british accent he giggles and repeats that cry in his best attempt at the accent: "Nigel! Put your pants on! This is a bloody family place!"

- lori


That is too funny...I almost peed my own pants reading this thread...
Hi... I just remembered this from AKL

It was check out day for a man and his little girl who had been at AKL for 2 weeks... they were in concierge and we talked to them all the time.

Well anyway - they were on the "Grand Plan" as it was called last year...where you get meals and magical wishes etc...

As he was checking out - at the desk in the lounge - I heard the CM say "but Mr. ----- - you still have over 20 magical wishes left"

He said.. well I'll just take them on my next trip and she said - "No you have to use them now or they are lost.

Their plane was leaving in a few hours so they headed off to use these magical wishes.

We stayed at the hotel that day swimming so we saw them when they came back.

He had had to purchase a huge duffel bag and he was dragging it along - it was FILLED with stuff.. hats, snow globes, animation cells etc... it was ridiculous.. he gave my daughter a large snowglobe and tried to give me one but I refused. lol

Anyway - that was sort of a fun shock - he had - a reminder to everyone who travels on the packages to use your wishes!

I don't know exactly where in MK this happened, but a bird had swooped down and stolen a woman's hotdog and somehow she had managed to catch the bird by the leg. She was standing there, just holding onto the bird's leg, while the bird was thrashing around trying to get away! Meanwhile, another park visitor was screaming "LET GO OF THE BIRD, LET GO OF THE BIRD". The lady finally let go of the dang bird!! I don't know what she hoped to accomplish by holding onto the bird's leg--I mean, was she going to take the hotdog out of its beak and eat it??? I'm surprised she didn't get a good pecking from that bird!!!
To expand a bit on gonga's excellent and rational post, we don't live in a unisex world. Unlike on Alley McBeal, we don't have one big happy restroom shared by everyone all at once. There are Women's and Men's restrooms. Why? Many reasons but the main one is that there are just some things you don't want to see or have seen.

On to memories of other shocking displays of bodily function at Disney: DW and I rode HM at Disneyland one memorable afternoon. Just as the big elevator door on the stretching room closed, someone silently passed horrificly nauseating gas. Mercifully, the door opened to the "fresh" air of that haunted paintings passagway, but alas, the relief was only short lived. Another assault on our noses occured as we turned the corner by the two staring busts.

Once in our Doom buggy we prayed fervently that this was the end of our ordeal. But the stench of rotting meat greeted us at the top of the stairs. All though the ride this person, who was two cars ahead of us managed to fill the entire attraction with vile odors. The person in question was a tiny woman, barely 5' tall - thin as a whisp. How such a non-stop torrent of gas could come from her was unfathomable. I couldn't eat eggs for nearly a month after that experience. Her and her son were very proud of them selves and quite smug as they ran from their buggy up the ramp, and of course, leaving a trail behind them.

Real Class.

Well, more than a few come to mind. At risk of sounding prudish, please remember that we all come from diverse backgrounds, and many of us don't choose to dress the same. I myself dress conservatively, reflectively of my background. (and enjoy seeing young girls in dark knit skirts and long sleeved tees vs the bare skin which I do find offensive; or the nuns and monks at DL) But to each his or her own, and I won't judge you if you don't judge me! So.......

yesterday a woman came up to me in the bathroom at Animal Kingdom to tell me that I was way too overdressed! I was wearing a black knit skirt and white short sleeved t shirt, and black slides. Hmmm. Thanks for sharing your opinion. That's as casual as I get.

Recent memory of an early evening in December, quiet night at Disneyland, me with a cast and sling waiting with two elderly people with canes for the shuttle to the hotel. Bus pulls up, we are first in line, ppl on the bus get off. When we get on to board, bus is full - everyone else has boarded through the back door, and there are no free seats, and nobody will get up for the three of us!! The bus driver just ignored the whole thing. I couldn't believe that parents wouldn't even make their teenage boys get up, and we had to get off and wait for the next bus.

Early January, quiet day at the Poly, I am standing in the monorail, trying to balance one-armed, still with cast and sling. Family crowds into car at GF, man pushes me into corner with his stroller, I have nothing to hold onto, try to politely point this out, he won't make room. His wife asks, 'shouldn't you go with your father, honey?', to which he replies, 'na, he's in a wheelchair, the people who work here will have to help him!' - !!!!!!!
This was a truly entertaining thread there for a while. Fun to read and a lot of these stories made me laugh right out loud.

Then a few people didn't like what someone said shocked them. The next thing I know, the thread deteriorated into a debate. The debate had nothing whatsoever to do with what shocked the posters who were debating this subject.

I don't want to lock this thread. It has a great potential to be fun. So here is what I decided to do. I removed the posts that were discussing breast feeding and had nothing to do with the topic of this thread. If your post was removed and you don't include your email address in your profile and do not accept private messages this post will have to serve as your explanation.

Now, if it begins again I will lock this. I've already locked two threads today. I hate having to do that, it makes me feel like a hall monitor. I'm guessing that most of the people posting here are adults (I could be wrong). Please stop arguing. If you want to debate a subject put it in the correct debate format and post it on the debate board.

<b>Now!</b> I'm going back into the middle of this long and mostly amusing thread and look for arguments about cigarette smoking. If I come across any posts about that which have nothing to do with the topic that was originally posted, they will be removed too.

Come on, y'all. We all love WDW and we love planning and we love sharing stories. We shouldn't be arguing about this type of thing. Do you truly think you are going to change someone's mind about a personal issue like breastfeeding by arguing on the theme parks board? (that was rhetorical please don't answer)

Let's get back to having fun. That's what the DIS is all about. I'm racking my brain trying to think of something really shocking that I've seen. Can't think of anything right now :) Have some fun, people :)

Thanks for not locking the thread. :) I think it's fine to just delete the debate type posts and leave the rest. That way those of us who are posting correctly to this thread can continue enjoying it. :)
Thanks Katholyn.

My shocking story was last September. We were spending the day at the AK and were sitting in a shady section waiting for the time for our FP to the Safari. This family from another country sits down and decides that it is lunchtime. It looked like it was an extended family trip with about 8 - 10 people. One lady opens her mesh bag and pulls out a pack of hamburger buns and a bottle of mustard. Then she sets out a 2 liter bottle of Coke that they all start passing around. By then everyone has their mustard on their bun - some only chose to eat either the top or the bottom of the bun. They had plenty and didn't appear to be on a diet so I don't exactly know why they didn't eat both at one time. The real shock came when they pulled a pack of bologna out of the mesh bag that did not have anything at all to keep the meat cool! :eek: If that wasn't bad enough for me to be worrying about these people getting sick from eating bologna that had been out in the heat all day long they pulled out boiled eggs!!! :eek: They all enjoyed their lunch and went about their day. Hopefully they didn't get sick.
Originally posted by CanBeGrumpy
Meanwhile, another park visitor was screaming "LET GO OF THE BIRD, LET GO OF THE BIRD".

OMG! I can't believe someone would grab a bird, It's lucky she didn't hurt the poor thing.
Just wanted to say "Welcome" Scoobmuzic to the DIS. I've been to WDW 18 times since 1985, with trips 19 & 20 coming up, and after thinking and thinking, I can actually say I've not seen anything shocking as yet.:D I had to read through this whole thread, though, as some of these stories are, yes, shocking!! I have seen the usual rudeness of latecomers trying to shove their way in front for the parades, and the screaming toddlers being dragged through the hot parks, but thank God, have not seen any of the abusive behavior some of you have witnessed. I hope I never do, as I doubt I'd be able to keep my mouth shut. :mad:
Thanks nativetxn --- I think you should start a thread on what shocking things you have experienced or read as a board mod! ;) :jester:
More funny and gross than shocking for us.......but DS(14) and I were walking back to the BCV and were almost safely home just a few steps from the door........when we heard an earth shattering noise. (of the gas variety) I turned to son and exclaimed (in a - I can't believe you did that - tone) "Andrew" and he said........"I didn't do it." We both then turned around to see a slightly older teen walking behind his father.........who was not amused at all by what just happened. The poor dad was mortified. It kind of gives a new meaning to those DVC words "Welcome Home".
There are some really funny replies in here. There are also a few in here about how parents treat their kids that make me absolutely sick. The thing that makes me so angry is that these people get to be parents and treat their kids like absolute garbage while there are people out there like my DW and I who love kids and are good with kids (DW is a nanny) that cannot have kids and cannot afford adoption.
Someone summed it up perfectly earlier. "Nothing shocks me anymore because people are weird." So true. We've all experienced this one at Disney. Father, mother (or both) just enraged yelling at their kids for whatever the reason. Now I'm a guy, but that makes my heart sink every time even though it happens throughout the parks constantly.

I'm not talking about simple discipline. You know what I mean. These people who are way over the top and just ruining the memories those children will have of their Disney vacation. But then again, you can tell by the family dynamic that the same thing happens every day of their lives. Probably why my heart sinks. Here's a family who probably planned on Disney to have a great vacation and help improve relationships "quality time" if you will. Instead dad rants and swears and threatens violence because his son is tired and wants to go to the hotel and swim.

The rudeness is another example. Mostly numb to it by now, but after a couple days in DW it starts to annoy me. Even though it has no effect, I find myself making comments to the offenders. I don't expect them to change or even acknowledge me, it just makes me feel better that I say something. I took special pride last yr when a DF knocked over a young girl (probably 5 or 6) trying to ruch into the Indiana Jones show. (Then didn't bother to help her or even acknowledge he did it). You would have to have been there to see how he knew exaclty what he was doing. I felt good when I embarrassed him in front of his wife and anyone else within earshot (probably 100 people or so). In a rather loud voice I said "Congratulations...you knocked down a small child to get a good seat..WHAT A MAN" I couldn't help it. But I'll tell you this..it felt good and I'll keep doing it. Maybe if we all did things would change-even a little bit.

Now where exactly was that woman in panties?
I too have witness some of the behavior mentioned by others but the most odd thing that I have seen was on Main Street. It was about an hour before parade time and a few people were starting to stake out their spots. (it was early Dec and park was not crowded) There, seated on the curb was a "gentleman" of about 40 openly drinking a bottle of Budweiser, he had not even bothered to pour it into a cup-- Beside him on the curb was the rest of the six pack. Now, being from New Orleans we felt like maybe we were in the French Quarter and not in the Magic Kingdom. Within a couple of minutes a CM had come along and simply asked him to dispose of the contraband in the nearest trash can. -- I can't imagine why security did not find this when he entered the park. He just shrugged-- tossed out the beer and sat back down on the curb. :rolleyes:
For those not familiar with DLR, DL is dry like the MK but they do serve alcohol in DCA. We were leaving DCA one day on our last trip and a man in front of us had a drink in his hand. The CM at the gate told him politely that he couldn't take it out of the park. He got mad, slammed it down on the turnstile, and tried to get past her. She politely told him "No sir, you need to take it to a trash can". He picked it back up and walked off muttering some choice words under his breath. He may or may not have known he couldn't take it out, but there was no reason for him to be rude considering the polite way in which the CM acted. I was glad to see her stand her ground against this guy.
TeresaNJ, Thanks for the welcome! :wave:

I have been to WDW 8 times since 1982 with trip #9 this November to celebrate my Boyfriend's 40th birthday. :earsboy:

My boyfriend is always threatening to write a book about proper theme park etiquette. We will be walking somwhere in the parks and someone will do something totaly RUDE and he will say "that's goin' in my book!" His biggest pet peeve is when someone is walking in front of you and just stops dead to take a picture or read a map, of course you don't have enough time to stop yourself, so you crash right into them! Happens to us all the time.

Luckily, we have never run into the abuse some other people have witnessed. I am not sure what I would do.
All these stories of kids getting abused is so sad. There was a line in a movie that summed it up pretty good.

You have to have a license to get married or drive a car, Heck you even need a license to catch a fish but they will let any *@#$*@ moron have a kid.
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