Golf is boring without Tiger

Winning 14 majors is tarnishing golf? His personal life has nothing to do with what he accomplished. Heck look at the current #1 player Dustin Johnson who goes around banging wives of other players.

I know plenty of people who are interested in golf, liked Tiger and are completely turned off by his behavior. There are plenty of comments right in this thread along similar lines.

So, yes, his personal behaviors did tarnish golf, as did some of his conduct on the course for some folks.
I do miss Payne Stewart

The pants!

I always found it such a shame that Paul Azinger became ill right when it seemed he was really going to do a lot more. I'm glad he recovered, but I think it disrupted what could have been for him for sure.
I know plenty of people who are interested in golf, liked Tiger and are completely turned off by his behavior. There are plenty of comments right in this thread along similar lines.

So, yes, his personal behaviors did tarnish golf, as did some of his conduct on the course for some folks.

Yes we all know he cheated on his wife. Get over it. It happens more often than you might think.
Yes we all know he cheated on his wife. Get over it. It happens more often than you might think.

I think perhaps you're a bit confused.

You asserted that golf viewership has dropped with Tiger's diminishing presence and seem quite invested in fangirling over his achievements. I merely brought up the reasonable assertion his behaviors may have given golf a bad image in the view of some, which turned away viewership, which is different from the idea you proposed. Several people in this very thread don't seem to care to watch Tiger. I know several people who don't care to watch Tiger, for various reasons. Most if not all of his sponsors chose to end their deals with him because they didn't feel he brought value to their brand anymore.

Basically all I discussed were facts surrounding the Tiger situation. In fact I never actually stated anything about my own opinions about watching Tiger or what I think of his behavior in his personal life.

I really could care less if you're displeased I disagree that golf isn't worthwhile as a viewer simply because Tiger isn't a factor anymore. It appears you're confused about who needs to get over what. It's a discussion. It doesn't have to fangirl for Tiger simply because that's your opinion.
That does nothing to prove your original point that golf is boring.

Well if it was exciting (as you seem to think), I would imagine viewers wouldn't tune out just because Tiger left. Did people stop watching NBA after Jordan left? Did people stop watching NHL after Gretzky left?

Case closed.
Well if it was exciting (as you seem to think), I would imagine viewers wouldn't tune out just because Tiger left. Did people stop watching NBA after Jordan left? Did people stop watching NHL after Gretzky left?

The people who only watched because of on person would stop watching, people like you.
I think there are some great golfers right now, both Europe and America.
Jason Day, Rose, McElroy, Spieth, Rhaam, Fowler, just to name a few.
Tiger was great but golf is very exciting now.
What I miss most right now is Tom Waton. Loved watching him make cuts and play against best in the world at his age.
I liked The Walrus.

If anyone's interested, there are a few articles online from when Garcia made his racist comment regarding Tiger..
Golf is not the only sport having problems.
Nascar, Hockey, tennis, baseball, even football are all battling rating blahs.
That said I do not think golf will ever have as big a draw a Tiger was.
I think perhaps you're a bit confused.

You asserted that golf viewership has dropped with Tiger's diminishing presence and seem quite invested in fangirling over his achievements. I merely brought up the reasonable assertion his behaviors may have given golf a bad image in the view of some, which turned away viewership, which is different from the idea you proposed. Several people in this very thread don't seem to care to watch Tiger. I know several people who don't care to watch Tiger, for various reasons. Most if not all of his sponsors chose to end their deals with him because they didn't feel he brought value to their brand anymore.

Basically all I discussed were facts surrounding the Tiger situation. In fact I never actually stated anything about my own opinions about watching Tiger or what I think of his behavior in his personal life.

I really could care less if you're displeased I disagree that golf isn't worthwhile as a viewer simply because Tiger isn't a factor anymore. It appears you're confused about who needs to get over what. It's a discussion. It doesn't have to fangirl for Tiger simply because that's your opinion.
Don't spend time trying to reason with a troll.


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