Giving Thanksgiving a Whirl (and a Hurl) in WDW *COMPLETE! 5/20*

I think dining in the castle is a must at least once. Too bad your photos with Cinderella didn't come out better. In my experience you always wait a while to eat at CRT, probably because the dining room is quite small.
010 If you have girls or are just really wanting to BE in the castle, I say go ahead and do it
I've only ate there once in 2011. We are planning on going back when we take my nieces in February. I think I may be more excited!
Glad you were feeling better that day and could get to the castle.. I don't think you would've missed that though after you had got the boys to go! lol

All the pictures the photopass photographer took with their camera AND ours look like this! I'm so disappointed, because even though we got some good ones upstairs of the Princesses with the boys, the ones I took with the Princesses came out C-R-A-P-P-Y. But moving on-

Omg, haha! I can't believe even the PP ones came out with such funky lighting. You'd think they'd know what settings to use.


Their faces! Haha! I was going to comment that she looked like a very authentic Snow White.

Her and I did talk for a minute about the beauty of red hair :) The boys made a comment about her looking a little different than the "friends" of Ariel we've met in the past.......I'm not saying anything. I would certainly never qualify to be a Disney Princess!

Yeah.... she does not look like your average Ariel, my thoughts exactly.

This is French toast stuffed with sweet cream cheese, baked with caramel apples and drizzled with a Calvados caramel sauce. Unfortunately he didn't like this; he found it too sweet which I'm sure it was for him. To be honest I'm not sure why he ordered it in the first place. He's not a big breakfast guy and when he does eat breakfast he doesn't eat sweet stuff. I tasted a bite and thought it was damn good.

This looks realllllllllly good!

The boys were actually happy to meet Merida since they'd only met her once before, whatever year she started meeting. She was quite engaging also and was talking to them about how wonderful it was to have brothers (??) but did agree with Ricky that sometimes younger brothers can get on your nerves. However then she said something to Ricky along the lines of, "but if Chris was ever turned into a bear you'd do what you had to do to get him turned back, right?"

She is so cute!

Looks like a successful breakfast. I have never done CRT, I was thinking I'd hold out until we have a little one to take there. One of those experiences I definitely want to do some day, but I'm kind of holding out on for the magic. Chef Mickey's too, I have no desire to go there right now but when I have kids I think it would be fun. Certainly not for the food, lol. My cousin just had a baby girl (2 days ago) so I'm thinking when we take her on her first trip, it will have to include CRT!
this is a wimpy reply after getting so far behind but...

- it broke my heart that you were sick!! I'm terrified of that happening.
- you're so nice that you asked your boys about booking CRT - I'd have just done it, LOL!!
- I once considered becoming a professional mini-golfer (when I was 8), and that course looks really fun

Oh, and the Friends of Merida always look so perfect! I'm determined to meet her at some point.
:PGlad you finally got back inside the castle, even it if was for the zombie apocalypse :rotfl2:.

How cool to bet to meet Merida. She looks perfect!!!!!!

Totally agree with you on the price. Which is why we've never been. Maybe I can loan you Casey next time you want to go :P
One of these days I'll do CRT! It always starts out on my ADR list, but then never makes it to the final cut!

Speaking of your Ariel... She must have a twin sister who happens to be a friend of Cinderella over at Akershus in Epcot...

I think dining in the castle is a must at least once. Too bad your photos with Cinderella didn't come out better. In my experience you always wait a while to eat at CRT, probably because the dining room is quite small.
I hadn't thought about the size of the dining room, that could definitely have something to do with it :scratchin I was thinking maybe it was because it was a couple hours after they'd been open, but I've seen other reports of folks having reservations only say 30 minutes after opening and still waiting, so your explanation makes more sense!

I've only ate there once in 2011. We are planning on going back when we take my nieces in February. I think I may be more excited
No shame in being more excited than the younger ones :dancer:

Their faces! Haha! I was going to comment that she looked like a very authentic Snow White.
LOL! Not sure what Chris is thinking; Ricky did say he was just going to 'uh-huh" the Princesses to death like he does me :sad2: The joys of children, Ashley......

Yeah.... she does not look like your average Ariel, my thoughts exactly.
Right? I mean that costume will never be mine, but some "friends" of certain characters the bill more than others, you know?
I have never done CRT, I was thinking I'd hold out until we have a little one to take there
::yes:: Another joy of children, but one on the more positive side :cloud9:

And I think I saw a picture of your new baby cousin on facebook? Congratulations!!
this is a wimpy reply after getting so far behind but...
I know, right? What, do you have a family that requires your time or something? Are you, like, PTA president too, maybe?? ;) Seriously though, it's nice to see you again :)
it broke my heart that you were sick!! I'm terrified of that happening
OMG yeah, not going to gloss over it, it was crappy. And I spent a good chunk of mine and Steve's January trip worrying it was going to happen's too hard not to after it's happened once!
I once considered becoming a professional mini-golfer (when I was 8), and that course looks really fun
Well! I'm sorry you didn't continue with that; you may have been able to get mini-golf into the Olympics and you'd be famous now! I mean famous elsewhere other than on the Dis.........
Oh, and the Friends of Merida always look so perfect! I'm determined to meet her at some point
Shame on you! With your love of M & G's I can't believe you've never met her! Does she meet in Disneyland? If so I think that should go on your list asap!

How cool to bet to meet Merida. She looks perfect!!!!!!
It was a nice surprise! And she looked good too, just ask my son who thinks I'm in love with her :sad2: Sorry you don't get to experience the joy that is teenage boys, but I have a feeling there'll be enough joy for you when Casey becomes a teenager :rotfl: And speaking of Casey-
Maybe I can loan you Casey next time you want to go :P
Should we ever end up in WDW at the same time (which would be cool :cool2: ) I will most definitely borrow her for some Princess meet n greets! I think I've hit my limit with the boys until Chris decides he wants to put his arm around hot girls :P

One of these days I'll do CRT! It always starts out on my ADR list, but then never makes it to the final cut!
YOU SHOULD! JUST to say you've eaten in the castle :) Especially since you're the tiara queen!
Speaking of your Ariel... She must have a twin sister who happens to be a friend of Cinderella over at Akershus in Epcot...
OMG :scratchin :magnify: ::yes:: Holy crap!! LOL yup that's her! I'm not sure if I prefer her as a "friend" of Ariel or Cindy..........
We said good-bye to the castle and walked over to the wall by the carousel. I'd been wanting to do a M & G we've never done in the past - Lady Tremaine and her daughters :) I'd drilled it into my boys that this was ONE more thing they could do for mom on this trip - do you guys understand by now that these trips are highly about me lol? At first we'd booked dinner at 1900 Park Fare. I was going to bring a plastic diamond ring for Chris to give to one of the sisters and everything, but boy was he not agreeing to that! I didn't want to push too much, and in the end Steve and I had other places we wanted to eat more so I settled on the M & G and they were ok with it.

Unfortunately when we got to their spot, only Lady Tremaine was there and her line was closed. The CM told us the sisters were "having tea" with guests today and wouldn't be meeting, but Lady Tremaine would be back at 12:30 which was in about 50 minutes. I was disappointed but I'd take what I could get! In the meantime we strolled through New Fanstasyland

I think Gaston's is adorable and I loved it with the garland up all around it. So we cut through Fantasyland over to Splash to use our FP. With a little more time to kill before Lady Tremaine was due back, Chris asked to do a ride in Tomorrowland one more time since it was our last day in MK

And then it was time to get in line! We were the 2nd ones there, behind a little girl with her parents. She was very excited and was jumping up and down. Lady Tremaine came out right at 12:30 which was great since it was getting HOT and the sun was beating down on us - no shade around there! So the little girl goes up and hugs her and is talking a mile a minute, and doesn't stop jumping. It was cute at first but every time Lady Tremaine tried to say good-bye this little girl went on and on! Finally her mom turned to me and apologized, saying her daughter is Autistic and if she tries pulling her away she'll have a meltdown. I smiled and said no problem which really it wasn't, we were all just getting hot, I think it was the hottest day of our trip and there's NO shade by her M&G. So every time it seemed she was winding down we'd take a step forward like, "OK, you done maybe? Yeah? No? OK we'll move back. Now? No? Ok we'll wait here". But it was cute watching her. Her mom kept telling her to give her "present" to Lady Tremaine but she was too excited; finally she did, it was an Autism pin. I snapped a picture of Lady Tremaine sitting down putting the pin on

I know the little girl is in the picture; hopefully if anyone knows her the family isn't mad I posted it! Lady Tremaine was very good and patient with her and acted very happy about getting the pin.

FINALLY after about 13 minutes it was our turn - oh, and after the little girl left Lady Tremaine gave the pin to the CM with her.

She was fun: She asked Ricky how much money he makes. He said he does ok (sure, because his $$ comes from us), so she said she'll have him marry Anastasia because she likes to spend money. Then she asked Chris how much he makes and he said he's too young to work. She told him he better find some money real soon because Drizella will eat him out of house and home. Then she asked how big their castle is, because she'll be living with them too - forever! Chris was laughing and Ricky just kept smirking, like when I'm telling him to do something he has no plans on doing..........

I'm so glad we met her since she's now gone (or will be soon?) from the park,which is a huge shame. It stinks having to book 1900 PF to meet her; I hope Disney rethinks this decision and brings her back!

We had one last FP to use so we hightailed it back over to Frontierland (yeah, no real organization on my part ever), rode BTMRR for the last time, and headed down Main St. to take the Monorail over to Epcot. Normally I'm sad leaving MK for the last time each trip, even if I know when we'll be back, but our next trip was less than 2 months away so this time it wasn't bad at all!


Aw, I love that Lady T was patient with that little girl and put the pin on, even if she had to take it off later to stay in costume.

I'm loving your dress, btw!!
I am so sorry to hear that you got sick at Disney. That is a huge fear of mine! But I am glad you got over it in time to enjoy the rest of your trip.
I am a little disappointed you couldn't get Chris to propose to Anastasia or Drizella, maybe next trip? But at least they love you enough to dine with the princesses and wait for Lady T!
I also am obsessed with your Alice dress, so cute!
I'm loving your dress, btw!!
I also am obsessed with your Alice dress, so cute!
Thanks guys! Hot Topic :thumbsup2 And BTW I had bike shorts on choice but Ricky would have never let me go out with something that short and nothing underneath :rotfl2: He's worse than a husband!!

I am so sorry to hear that you got sick at Disney. That is a huge fear of mine! But I am glad you got over it in time to enjoy the rest of your trip
Ugh, I hope it never happens to you! And yes I'm SO glad I felt better the next day, even if I did end up not being 100% :rolleyes1 But we ended up having a great last day overall which is what counts :)

I am a little disappointed you couldn't get Chris to propose to Anastasia or Drizella, maybe next trip?
I was disappointed, too! One can only hope he'll make my dream come true in November lol. I am thinking of booking 1900 dinner. I'll have to start bringing it up to them soon and get them used to it!
We were going to Epcot for the rest of our last day mainly to catch some of the Holiday Storytellers. Even though the majority of the holiday decorations are up before Thanksgiving, the Storytellers and the Candlelight Processional at Epcot don't start until the day after.

On our Nov. trip in 2012 we caught quite a few of the storytellers, including Germany, China, Italy, and Canada. A couple had changed since then and I definitely wanted to get in the ones we'd missed.

Before heading over to WS we passed the Art of Disney store in FW, and noticed that an artist Steve and I really like was doing a signing there - Larry Dotson. At that time I had 3 of his prints hanging in our living room, including an awesome night print of the HM with the hitchhiking ghosts out front that Steve had gotten signed for me in Aug. 2014 in DD when he went one day with Ricky while Chris and I stayed at the resort to swim.

Had to take it off the wall so as not to get a glare:

It's kind of hard to see in this photo, but Madame Leota's face is in the moon, too. Anyway, we just had to go in and find another print for him to sign. While the boys waited (im)patiently outside, I chose a smaller print of the Kilimanjaro Safari to go in our family room since the "theme" of our family room is.......jungle. Go ahead and make fun, my sister likes to tease me about living in the '80's (which was a totally awesome decade btw) but I love it! And now my Larry Dotson signed AK print looks totally awesome IN my jungle-themed family room

Oh! But even before walking past Art of Disney we saw these cool holiday topiaries:

Chris's favorite!

Ok where were we? Oh yes, headed to WS for some holiday storytelling. But.....not quite yet. Breakfast had worn off and we were all in need of a snack, so a quick stop at Kringla Bakeri was in order. Three School Breads and a sweet pretzel with almonds later, we left our shady table under the patio behind the bakery to stand in the VERY HOT sun and await the arrival of Sigrid and Julenissen, the holiday storytellers in, of course,


Your Lady Tremaine meet and greet sounds great. It looks like even the boys enjoyed themselves. Sadly we never met her and you're right I think she is gone already. Hopefully she'll be back one of these days.

Love the print in your house and the one you bought. Sounds like a great living room theme to me ; )
Your Lady Tremaine meet and greet sounds great. It looks like even the boys enjoyed themselves. Sadly we never met her and you're right I think she is gone already. Hopefully she'll be back one of these days.

Love the print in your house and the one you bought. Sounds like a great living room theme to me ; )
Ha ha thanks! I think my sister is just jealous because I have better taste :P

It would be nice if Lady Tremaine came back to MK but the way they're ending M&G's there I wouldn't hold my breathe. Chris will be happy that Stitch is back at the flagpole but I think Marie fit better there. Weird stuff Disney is doing lately across the board........
After our snacks we got in place to see our first storyteller of the day, one we missed back in 2012 - Sigrid and Julenissen from Norway. We were there about 10 minutes before their next performance so we got right up front by their "stage" - premium sun-beating-down-on-us space! Steve and Chris tried to chill while we waited

Just as my makeup began running down my face, Sigrid came out. She explained the Norway holiday tradition and tale of Julenissen, who soon joined her on stage

This is a really cute performance! Sigrid is very bouncy and friendly and the tale itself is cute and very lighthearted. Julenissen is a lot of fun and "mischevious".

The tale went on, and as is the case with many Disney performances this one required some audience participation. Since we were way up front, guess who Sigrid chose?

At first he was hesitant to go up; I think it was Sigrid's pretty face that won him over. He had to ring this bell about 5x during the skit. Once he thought he was done and started walking off stage, and Julenissen called him right back up telling him they know what he looks like and he can't hide!

He had so much fun and the crowd - yes, a huge crowd had gathered behind us - kept clapping for him which he loves. After his "part" was over he came back to us, but they called him back onstage at the end so they could all take a bow together

I'm sorry for the picture overload but this was just about the highlight of the trip for me :goodvibes This isn't the first time one of us participated in a show of some sort, all four of us have over the years. This one was just so CUTE, and since Chris can be my sourpuss it's great when something makes him happy down there and I love seeing his smile in these pictures.

We said good-bye to Norway and their traditions and made our way over to our next Storyteller in

I'm so glad we met her since she's now gone (or will be soon?) from the park,which is a huge shame. It stinks having to book 1900 PF to meet her; I hope Disney rethinks this decision and brings her back!
I'm sad to hear she's no longer doing a M&G! She's one of the characters I've never met!

I looooove this!!! :lovestruc

This was my favorite topiary too, and the only one I even took a photo of!

I'm sorry for the picture overload but this was just about the highlight of the trip for me :goodvibes
Don't apologize! Thank you for sharing with us! What a neat experience!
He had so much fun and the crowd - yes, a huge crowd had gathered behind us - kept clapping for him which he loves. After his "part" was over he came back to us, but they called him back onstage at the end so they could all take a bow together

Awww! That smile on his face is just the best :D
The storytellers (and their apprentice) look perfect. It looks like Chris really enjoyed himself in that wonderful way that only a kid in Disney can.


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