Giving Thanksgiving a Whirl (and a Hurl) in WDW *COMPLETE! 5/20*

I can't tell from the label, what is this? And no matter what it is everything taste better in Disney.
It's a light-ish Belgian beer, Hoegaarden. I don't really like dark beers, so the first time I tried this I asked what they had that was light and they suggested this. It's much better than your typical light beers, say Coors or Bud, not as watered-down tasting.

I feel some foreshadowing coming on....
::yes:: :sad2: :sick:
Yay for BOG! We are going there for the first time (in 2014, we tried every day of our trip to get an ADR there with no luck). It's the only ADR we haven't futzed with since we made our initial 180 day reservations. I am kind of excited about that mushroom bread pudding...

My fingers are crossed that your tummy troubles weren't too terrible!
uh oh... I don't like the sound of this foreshadowing!
Ugh, unfortunately it was NOT the Thanksgiving day I was hoping for.........

Yay for BOG! We are going there for the first time (in 2014, we tried every day of our trip to get an ADR there with no luck). It's the only ADR we haven't futzed with since we made our initial 180 day reservations. I am kind of excited about that mushroom bread pudding...

My fingers are crossed that your tummy troubles weren't too terrible!

So happy you finally got in to BOG! I look forward to hearing how you like it. Tip: the strawberry cupcake is the BEST :thumbsup2

Let me just say I rarely get sick. At home........
BoG dinner might move onto my list. We've done breakfast twice and lunch once now, so it is only fair we try dinner after all.

I do not like the foreshadowing. No, I don't!
Ah well, we all went right to sleep when we got back to our room. The next day was Thanksgiving and I had big plans! I was so excited to be spending an actual holiday in WDW. In 2012 we flew down ON Thanksgiving but didn't arrive until about 8:30 at night. And in 2013 we were there for Mother's Day which was great, and kind of a holiday, but not a major one.

The plan for the day was as follows: sleep in a bit since we'd been up late; 11:30 lunch at the Wave, which we'd never been to before. They had a special Thanksgiving day menu which looked awesome. Then we had FP's for AK including one for Adventurer's Outpost. I wanted to get the kids picture taken with Minnie and Mickey in their holiday clothes for our Christmas card which I'd done back in 2012. Then we had a 7:00 Beaches and Cream reservation, possibly just for ice cream depending on who was hungry for what, and then we'd go to HS to see the lights one more time since the park was open until 10. YUP.

I'd gone to sleep around 1:30ish feeling not real bad, but as I said in my last update my stomach wasn't quite right. I woke up around 3 and it was not right in any way, shape or form :sick: Yes guys, this is where the "hurl" in my title comes in......from 3am all the way until 11am. It was horrible. Any of you moms know how much it sucks to be the sick one. Not that I rather it have been one of the boys - Steve maybe :scratchin No just kidding! Even if you're not a mom you know how it goes, pretty much whenever we women don't feel well we push it aside and do whatever we need to do that day. And the next day, and the next, and only go to a doctor or stay in bed if we're almost dead. Well, I was almost dead :faint: I could NOT believe this was happening!!! IN DISNEY! AND ON THANKSGIVING!!

We turned on the Macy's Parade which we watch every year and all morning I kept hoping I'd feel good enough to at least go to the Wave, but I couldn't even sit up or talk without getting nauseous. I told Steve to take the boys to eat but none of them wanted to go without me :love: Very sweet yes, but I still think the logical thing to do would've been to go! Not only that but I kept muttering to him to cancel it then, call and explain that I'm sick and maybe they won't charge us the no show fee, and he didn't do that. However we won in this case and never got charged anyway. Payback or the whole room/sewage thing maybe??

Once it was determined there was no way I could go eat, Steve took the boys to get something to eat at the bakery and then to the pool. I felt like I was letting everybody down and kept apologizing. I felt like a loser and like I should have tried harder to get up and out. Again deep down I knew this wasn't the case and nobody blamed me, but as the mom you just feel guilty. But they also all knew there was NOTHING that would keep me from enjoying a day in Disney so I HAD to be feeling horrendous. I kept trying to sit up - blech. At least I wasn't getting sick anymore but still felt that way whenever I moved. After swimming Steve and Ricky went to the gym for a bit while Chris hung with me - he was worried about his mom :hug: Once everyone was back I talked Ricky and Steve into going to AK to use the FP's we had, since Ricky had mentioned wanting to ride Everest and this was really his last chance. I also felt bad because we only had one more park day left after this. AAAHHH! SO crappy!!! I don't wish the stomach virus on anyone in Disney!!!

Chris decided to stay with me instead of going to the park, so we just watched TV and chilled. Steve texted me from the park saying it wasn't nearly empty but not overly crowded so they actually got quite a bit done in addition to the Everest and safari FP's. They did skip the Outpost though, which also upset me (not that they skipped) but I'd been looking forward to that picture. They got back around 4; I was feeling just a little better and decided to walk down to the BW with them while they got a snack. It felt good sitting in the sun for a little while, but after about 20 minutes I needed to lay down.

I can't actually remember what they did for the next couple hours. Shortly before 7 they were ready to Beaches and Cream as they were starving, having not had a real meal all day! I was feeling better but not what I'd call good. I was hungry but the thought of eating made me nauseous, you know that feeling? But I was also tired of being in the room and determined that I'd be 100% better for our last full day tomorrow, so I was going over to the restaurant with them. Initially I'd been looking forward to the grilled cheese and tomato soup - Oh, and some ice cream! And figured I'd try to keep some soup down.

I managed to take this picture of the BW once we were across the way, in front of the YC:

We got to Beaches and Cream about 10 minutes to 7 and they were packed. Not only that, but there were tons of people trying to get a walk-up and being turned away, not happy. Not sure why you'd think this was a good strategy on Thanksgiving? Anyway, we checked in and were given a pager. The boys went into the arcade - first time we'd seen the BC arcade which is pretty darn big - and Steve managed to snag a little table outside for us to sit at. I was still feeling fairly decent, a bit dizzy but not nauseous. After about 20 minutes we were seated. It's nice and bright and upbeat inside with a 1950's ice cream parlor feel and décor. We ate here in August 2014 for lunch and enjoyed it!

I didn't take pictures of our food nor do I remember exactly what everyone ordered since I wasn't myself. I know Ricky ordered a burger and instead of getting the grilled cheese and tomato soup, I just ordered a bowl of the soup. I also got the pomegranate lemonade which normally I love, but after a couple sips it was clear it wasn't going to sit well that night. I had to stick with water :(

Ricky confiscated Chris's kids menu (which he didn't order from anyway) and he and Steve worked on their non-electronic gaming skills while we waited for our food

And Chris enjoyed wearing, and then later coloring, his cool short order cook hat they gave him

The hat came back to NY with us and lasted until I think the end of January :)

My soup looked sooo good when it came! I ate a spoonful and then another and it tasted just as good as I remembered. Everyone else dug right in to their dinner; I got about 6 spoonfuls down and that was it. I was going to attempt a couple more because I could tell it was bothering the kids that I wasn't eating, but then the smell of all the food in the restaurant mixing together started making me feel really sick again and I knew I had to get out of there. Like, right away. This made me feel like crap again not staying together with the family but I made them promise not to rush and to still get ice cream. I began walking back to our room alone :sad1: I rested until they came in; the boys had gotten ice cream but Steve hadn't and after laying down a bit I was feeling much better than I had all day. It was almost 9 and Illuminations would be starting, so Steve and I went down to the BW, got a dish of ice cream from the Sweet Shop and watched the high Illuminations from the railing by the water. For whatever reason the ice cream sat well in my stomach; maybe because what I had was a 24 hour thing and it was approaching 24 hours? I didn't care, I was just hopeful tomorrow was going to work out! We had breakfast in the castle scheduled, a first for all of us (and booked just for me princess:) The boys were so completely against this, but when we got back to the room and reminded them they were so happy I had been able to eat ice cream they both said they just wanted me to feel good enough to go to CRT. I guess they love me a little........

The boys jumped in the shower and I managed to get everyones clothes ready for the morning. Assuming I felt better, we were going for RD-only our 2nd RD of the trip! Believe me, when we go this November we'll be doing a lot more than 2 RD's whether the boys come with us or not! MK was opening at 8 and we'd be there for it. Our CRT ADR wasn't until 10 so we'd be able to do some rides first.

I guess the day could have been worse. I would have felt worse if one of the boys had gotten the stomach bug, we'd done that on a trip in 2014. And at least it wasn't a travel day - more than once during the worst hours I was thinking "OMG I can't be like this when we fly Saturday!" It would have sucked any day but I wish it hadn't been on Thanksgiving. What can you do though, sometimes the real world creeps in when you're at Disney!

BoG dinner might move onto my list. We've done breakfast twice and lunch once now, so it is only fair we try dinner after all.

I do not like the foreshadowing. No, I don't!

You should try BOG dinner ::yes:: You're right, only fair you do the BOG Trifecta!

I know, foreshadowing is never a good thing. I couldn't even eat a snack while I typed the last update lol
Oh no! That's terrible... I'm sure it happens a good bit, just due to odds with that many people there, but that's got to be one of the worst times ever to be sick! :(
Oh no! That's terrible... I'm sure it happens a good bit, just due to odds with that many people there, but that's got to be one of the worst times ever to be sick! :(
It does happen a lot, I've seen so many threads here about people getting the stomach bug and more specifically the Noro virus (which many mistake for food poisoning) when there. Like you said, it's hard to avoid down there! No matter what you do or take before you go or how rigorous you are about hand washing and watching what you touch when you're down there. And it would stink to get sick on any vacation, but one where you go-go-go just about all day every day, and plan so far ahead, and then a holiday on top of it :headache:

Not to mention I LOVE to eat and really hated missing out on what sounded like a delicious meal at the Wave :sad1: It's on my list for this November, possibly to book for Thanksgiving day again :thumbsup2
I am so sorry you spent your Thanksgiving at Disney sick!! That is the worst! I hope that you felt better the next day!
I am so sorry you spent your Thanksgiving at Disney sick!! That is the worst! I hope that you felt better the next day!
Thank you :) I did feel better the next day, for the most part :worship: I kind of used the fact that while I was in Disney for a major holiday, I technically didn't get to enjoy Disney on that holiday as an excuse to go back for Thanksgiving this year lol. Luckily Steve doesn't need much prodding!
When we left off, I was hoping to wake up feeling 100% like myself and ready to spend our last day going full force in the parks. I woke when Steve's phone alarm went off and.....phew! All was good! I jumped out of bed as soon as it went off and really, other than being completely thirsty and pretty hungry, I felt almost perfectly fine. I was rarin' to go and as soon as I was ready I made everyone else get up, get ready on the double, and we were at the bus stop by 8:00 for MK 9am RD. Strangely enough nobody complained about getting up early; I think it was a result of my being sick and them wanting me to have a good day. The boys grabbed pop tarts and I ate half an energy bar on the way out since we had a couple hours until our breakfast at CRT.

Not the best picture but, I'm alive and walking around!

The bus took a little while to come this morning but we still made the opening show. I didn't take any pictures this time because, being our last day, I just wanted to watch it and enjoy. As soon as we were let in we headed for Liberty Square and went right to one of our favorites, HM. We had FP's for our other faves, Splash and BTMRR, later.

This store is pretty cool! Lots of interesting HM souvenirs.

We were the first ones on line and the 999 Happy Haunts weren't quite ready to greet us yet, so we hung outside reading the stones in the graveyard for the two-hundredth time. A CM was watching us and Christopher started staring at her. She noticed and then this happened

When she first came over to him he noticed her nametag said she was from Fallsburg NY, so he said "you're from Fallsburg? We're from NY, too!" Her response was, "I KILLED MYSELF in Fallsburg!"
Right after that the doors opened and we were ushered in; she continued standing where she was but her eyes followed Chris until she couldn't see him anymore and Chris kept looking back at her. She didn't smile or break character once, until he'd gone inside with Steve and then she gave me a quick smile. Love the HM CM's! I love their outfits too and I always think if I worked at WDW I'd like to work at that attraction, but there's no way I'd be able to keep a straight face the way they have to!

I told Ricky we can probably swing one of these for his first car in another 2 years. Two years!! OMG I can't handle it.......

Next we moseyed over to Frontierland to take a ride on the wildest train in the west, because even though we had a FP for later you can never ride BTMRR too much. In fact, we rode it twice! It was still a little chilly for Splash so we opted for a ride on Pirates while the wait was still non-existent.
As we walked out I noticed this on the side of the Pirates building. It's a prop for the Pirates game you play where you get a map; can't think of the name right now. My boys haven't been interested in trying it since it began, but this just looks cool.

In January Steve and I saw a couple of these "portals" in action and they do some neat stuff, neater I think than a lot of the Agent P ones in Epcot. Don't think I'll have much luck but I might try talking the boys into finally trying it on our trip this November.......

By now our FP window had opened for Jungle (Jingle) Cruise. I know it's normally not the best strategy to use a FP from 9-10, and we really didn't need it, but our plan was to leave MK by 2or 3 for Epcot and since we had breakfast in there also, 9-10 was one of the only times I could fit a FP in. Originally it was for Enchanted Tales with Belle, strictly for me. We've done this once and, not surprisingly, the boys don't care to do it again. But since we were doing breakfast with Princesses I thought it only fitting that they do ETWB for me, also! However after doing JC the other night and loving it, I decided to give them a break and switch our FP to that so we could see it during the day.

I know I posted some pictures earlier in this TR of our nighttime ride. Still think it's cooler at night but I was able to get some different pictures on our day cruise:

One of the holiday names for the boats

Funny looking snowman on the dock:

And here's our boat:

The little Skippers cabin was all decked out for the holidays, too:

We had another excellent Skipper as we did the other night; I LOVE these Jingle Cruise jokes! Here are another couple shots I couldn't get at night of the scenery set for the holidays:

Eventually we made it back dockside and safely disembarked. We still had plenty of time before our breakfast ADR .....what to do? The park was practically empty almost 90 minutes after opening. I guess another ride on HM was in order!

Two quick funny stories here: Ricky rode HM with no problem when we started taking him to Disney at age 4. Then all of a sudden when he was 7 he started refusing to go on. When he hit 10 he said it wasn't that it was scary, he just didn't like it. Chris on the other hand has been riding since he was 11 months old with no breaks. Every trip we tease Ricky about the fact that he'll ride RnRc and ToT but no HM. He FINALLY agreed to ride this morning-at age 13- and then agreed to ride again a 2nd time.

Second funny story and this is at my expense. The last couple trips we've noticed the wait time for HM is often at 13 minutes but no other ride is, and we all find this humorous. So when we went back for our 2nd ride the wait time was again at 13 mins. even though there was absolutely no wait at all. I joked about it to the HM CM standing out front and he said "13 is OUR lucky number" (ha, ha, ha.......) I smiled and laughed too. And then as I walked away it hit me - "OH! 13! It's the Haunted Mansion and they have the wait time set at 13! NEAT!" I said this out loud and Steve and the boys couldn't believe I was just "getting it" now and started teasing me. I'm into all things horror, Stephen King is my favorite author, I've even been to his house and met him. Anyway, I of all people should have gotten that connection. DUH!

We were now getting pretty close to ADR time so we began walking toward Fantasyland by way of the carousel. As we walked around we came across this going on by the Sword in the Stone

First they called up a couple big (well, not this guy), strong men to try and pull out the sword, and of course they couldn't do it. So then they called up a young girl from the audience. I have a picture of her attempting to lift the sword but I don't want to post a picture of a child I don't know; here you see her shadow as she's walking up

Before each person tried pulling the sword out there was a chant the crowd had to do which I've forgotten unfortunately, but guess what? The little girl was able to pull the sword up!!! She was so excited! Years ago there was a sword show with Merlin and then they did away with it so it was nice to see some type of ceremony happening again.

Finally it was time for our breakfast in Cinderella's Castle! I was still feeling fine and I was starving after having eaten nothing but a couple spoonfuls of soup and a small dish of ice cream yesterday. Everyone else was hungry but nobody else was excited to eat in the Castle.....oh, well. Sometimes you do things you don't want to do! Living in a house full of boys I do things I don't want to do all the time, like clean the kids' bathroom :crazy2:. And wash out their sports bags :crazy2::crazy2: So one meal in a designer abode with some fancy dressed ladies wasn't going to kill them!

Bummer to be sick at Disney At least you went to dinner with your family for a few minutes.

I always feel bad for people when I read their posts or TR's about them getting sick down there, never thinking about it happening to myself or my family but yes, bummer it was! I had to try to do something as a family; that little bit of time was better than nothing :worried: Luckily I only felt that bad for one day, but like I said before I don't wish that on anybody on their Disney trip!
because even though we had a FP for later you can never ride BTMRR too much

It's a prop for the Pirates game you play where you get a map
My boys and I saw one of the portals in action back in February. It looked fun.

"OH! 13! It's the Haunted Mansion and they have the wait time set at 13! NEAT!"

I'm impressed with the low wait times in the morning even though it was Thanksgiving time. I'm sure everyone was at 7DMT.

I'm impressed with the low wait times in the morning even though it was Thanksgiving time. I'm sure everyone was at 7DMT.

Surprisingly, I'd read that Black Friday at MK is generally not crowded! We were there until early afternoon and it was just about that time when it seemed to get busy.
Even on a low crowd day, 7DMT lines are ridiculous :crazy:

Catching up on this TR too! Hate you got sick! Can't wait to read about CRT!
Well hello again :wave2: Sick is no good! CRT coming up soon :thumbsup2
Oh you poor thing. Being sick in Disney is horrible, but on Thanksgiving too. Sounds like you were a trooper though and how sweet of the boys to look after you.

Glad to see you were better the next day. Sounds like you had a great HM cast member experience. We've never had anything like that happen or seen the 13 minute wait ; ) Also had no clue the sword could actually come out. Casey would love to have that happen
Sounds like you had a great HM cast member experience. We've never had anything like that happen or seen the 13 minute wait ; )
That HM CM was great! I don't know how she kept from smiling or laughing when she was in Chris's face lol.
On our last 3 trips I think we saw the 13 minute wait posted like 20x. Start looking for it each time you pass by ::yes::

Also had no clue the sword could actually come out. Casey would love to have that happen
Right? I realized they'd end up having a kid pull it out and tried to get Chris to move up front but he wouldn't :sad2: And that was the only day we saw it, and never saw it listed on any guide. I guess you'd have to ask a CM.......who might know, or might not know how it goes........but if you see it get Casey right up front!
After watching the sword come out of the stone it was finally time to check in to the castle for our breakfast with the Princesses. I was pretty excited about this having never been inside the castle. We'd done Akershus twice when the boys were younger and didn't mind meeting pretty ladies in costume, and they'd also done a good number of plain old Princess M & G's with me back then. But the last time either of them had wanted to meet a Princess without any suggestion from me was on our May 2013 trip when Chris asked to meet Rapunzel.....I was in my glory!
So first I'd tried nicely asking them to do a meal in the castle, to which I got 2 loud, resounding
s. Then I tried guilting them into it, asking to please just do it for mommy. Nope, still didn't work. So when I made our initial ADR's I didn't book it. But I kept mentioning it so eventually Steve kind of told them they were doing it whether they liked it or not :D but now that it had come time they were being good sports about it - again, I think partly (or mostly) because I had been sick the day before. I didn't care, I was happy they weren't complaining! And really Ricky will be happy anywhere he's getting food so......

We checked in and were escorted right into the...foyer of the castle?? Entry way of the castle? Castle mudroom? Whatever, the room Cindy meets everyone in

Do you see how weird Steve's eyes are in this picture? Well wait until you see our family photo with Cinderella! You know those things that pop up on FB all the time, like "25 most awkward family photos" and stuff like that? This would be one for "most freakish Disney photos" or "walking dead Princesses" or maybe "zombie family in WDW"

All the pictures the photopass photographer took with their camera AND ours look like this! I'm so disappointed, because even though we got some good ones upstairs of the Princesses with the boys, the ones I took with the Princesses came out C-R-A-P-P-Y. But moving on-

Other than the bad photos our meet with Cindy was fun. She told me I was lucky to live with 3 Princes (ok, whatever you say ;) ) and asked if they help me sweep the hearth and if they darn their own socks. Ricky and Chris were like "what is she saying???" When we were done we sat down and waited to go upstairs......and waited a little more.......and a little more. Our ADR was for 10:05, we sat down at 10:00 and didn't go up to our table until 10:25. I know technically that isn't that bad but normally we're seated on time if not early at ADR's.

We had a window seat which was cool. Our view was nothing spectacular but I always enjoy looking out over the MK from above

I wish I could remember our servers name because she was really good; came over right away and brought our drinks promptly. Steve had coffee, I had OJ and I believe Ricky had chocolate milk and Chris regular milk. We all knew what we were ordering so she took care of that right away also as well as bringing over our pastry plate. I honestly can't remember what all was on it but I do know there was one apple Danish because I absolutely LOVE Disney apple Danish so I grabbed that beautiful thing right away.

As soon as we sat down we saw Snow White close to our table so we knew she'd be over soon, followed by Ariel whom we saw in the not too far distance. Right then those were the only two Princesses we saw, but we assumed both Aurora and Jasmine would be out in the future. Our drinks came followed by Snow White.

I wish I could remember what she was saying to them!

I think looks-wise Snow was spot-on. I enjoyed her interaction with the boys, too. She didn't spend tons of time with them since they're older (most likely, and they weren't all that engaging) but she didn't just say hello, take the pictures and move on.

Ariel came up fairly quickly after Snow White

Her and I did talk for a minute about the beauty of red hair :) The boys made a comment about her looking a little different than the "friends" of Ariel we've met in the past.......I'm not saying anything. I would certainly never qualify to be a Disney Princess!

Right after Ariel moved on our breakfast came out, which was perfect because having barely eaten the day before I was STARVING. Ricky and I both ordered the Traditional Breakfast:

Going to apologize here because I forgot to take any food pics before we'd all dug in:

We both were happy with our meal. The eggs were very good, although I tend to love Disney eggs anywhere I have them. Bacon was crispy and potatoes had a good seasoning. Kind of hard to screw up breakfast basics but yes, it can be done. Ricky doesn't eat sausage and Chris loves it so both of us ended up giving it to him because he wasn't too thrilled with the amount of food on his Royal Children's Breakfast

This normally comes with the one waffle, eggs, and bacon which just wasn't enough to satisfy Chris. Our server saw his pout and asked what else he wanted; his request was breakfast potatoes and then Ricky and I offered our sausages. Our server also told Chris she'd bring him more of anything he wanted, but in the end he had enough on his plate.

Steve got the Caramel Apple Stuffed French Toast

This is French toast stuffed with sweet cream cheese, baked with caramel apples and drizzled with a Calvados caramel sauce. Unfortunately he didn't like this; he found it too sweet which I'm sure it was for him. To be honest I'm not sure why he ordered it in the first place. He's not a big breakfast guy and when he does eat breakfast he doesn't eat sweet stuff. I tasted a bite and thought it was damn good.

Two things happened while we were eating. First, the boys were given their swords and we were given our wishing stars.

I noticed the other girls/ladies in the restaurant were given wands and I wasn't :sad1: Not gonna lie here, I would have liked one, but I wasn't going to complain because I'm in my mid-40's and the boys would have been embarrassed. Steve would have been embarrassed too but I don't care about that lol. They also did the wishing ceremony or whatever it's called but we couldn't hear one word because it was very noisy and I guess maybe whomever was announcing it wasn't speaking loud? I've read other TR's about it and haven't heard others complain they couldn't hear. Either way, another no big deal.

The second thing that happened WAS a big deal: Ricky pointed out to me that across the room was MERIDA!!!!
Aside from Ariel Merida is my favorite Princess and I was so psyched she was "filling in"for Aurora!!! First I didn't believe him because she was behind a pillar when I looked; I thought he was teasing me. Then Chris joined in saying she was there and I really thought they were lying. But they weren't!

The boys were actually happy to meet Merida since they'd only met her once before, whatever year she started meeting. She was quite engaging also and was talking to them about how wonderful it was to have brothers (??) but did agree with Ricky that sometimes younger brothers can get on your nerves. However then she said something to Ricky along the lines of, "but if Chris was ever turned into a bear you'd do what you had to do to get him turned back, right?"

I was SO happy to meet her again and I guess it showed a bit because after she left Ricky told me I acted like I had a "girl crush" on her lol. And my picture with her was downright scary! I do look a bit stalker-ish in it..........two reasons I'm not posting it here.

Once our plates were cleared away and we paid our bill, we only had to wait a couple minutes until Jasmine came over. The boys hadn't met her in a few years, and Chris had on a Genie shirt which was the only Disney shirt he'd wear this trip-

Unfortunately Jasmine was a bit of a disappointment. She was all "hi boys", picture, and gone, and didn't say anything about Chris's shirt which we (or at least I) was kind of hoping for. As your kids get older there's really less and less for the characters to say to them in a lot of cases. And yes I do realize in general they don't spend as much time with older kids as they do with young children but I was still hoping for a comment about the shirt. She was the quickest of all the Princesses we met at that meal.

Well. that was it! We were all full except Steve and had seen all the ladies. I'm glad I got a chance to eat in the castle but I'm pretty sure we're done with it until and unless I go with granddaughters or maybe my future DIL who has never been. The food was fine but the price is definitely not cheap! I did like the character interaction minus Jasmine, but we also had great interaction both times at Akershus although that was in 2010 and 2013. If you have girls or are just really wanting to BE in the castle, I say go ahead and do it :thumbsup2 I know I've said this before and I'll say it again, I want to be able to say I've done everything at Disney once so it's something else we had a pretty decent experience with and I can add it to my "done" list.

We packed up our Wishing Stars and swords which BOTH boys wanted to bring home and which we currently only have one of. We had 2 FP's left and a M & G I was dying to do for the first time!


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