>> Funniest Overheard Comments Part II <<

HAHA ive been asked that SO many times, its hillarious! What they actually mean is 'when does the parade get here!'

I have also been asked:
- What time exactly will the rain stop *** I wanna go outside on some rides!
- Oh my god I can't believe Im meeting you - you must have known Diana , what was she like!? (Im english, and therefore must have known her! I was also 11 when she died)
- Have you had tea with the queen?
- Do you go clubbing with Princes William and Harry?
- So where are you from? Engand. Oh what part of america is that and how did you get here - drive?
- Did you have to learn English to come and work here? (My name tag says i am from england!)

:rotfl: Don't feel bad. My legal assistant is english, and she said an American once asked her "Do you celebrate 4th of July in England?" Sad to say, this person also was shocked to find out England doesn't do all the fireworks and things that we do, and wanted to know why not! :confused3
Ahh.... on it's a small world, the people who try to name each country/continent they see... get to the last room and "Iceland! No, Greenland! Yeah, it's Greenland!) :sad2: :rotfl2:
The people mover....will always be the people mover to me :laughing: even after numerous trips since it became the TTA.

DH and I are taking my parents to WDW in a couple of months for my parents first visit since 1980 (when I was 5). We gave my dad the planning DVD to watch on Christmas to get everyone "excited" about the trip. While watching the AK piece, he said as others have already mentioned "OH! So they really have animals at Animal Kingdom!". So, I guess many people just don't realize :rotfl:

Also, to a PP that talked about Mission to Mars..thanks! My dad has been talking about that for weeks now but couldn't remember the name. I just kept saying "it isn't there anymore Dad! - a WHOLE LOT has changed since 1980!!"
i love these!

I went once, many many years ago. It was July. It was hot. My 60+ year old aunt was with us, with a flair for pointing out the obvious. Every time we saw a horse, she observed, "Boy, I bet that horse it hot." Never mind that the people were sweating. Now, whenever the rest of us hear someone stating the inane, we look at them and say the line. Cracks me up. My aunt doesn't get it.
While on line last month for ice cream in the MK, I was carrying one of our friends little girls who is Asian and 2 women commented to be heard "why would you want a kid who doesn't look like you?"

Not sure if that was stupid, mean or both:confused3

i do believe that was just plain ignorance :headache:
HAHA ive been asked that SO many times, its hillarious! What they actually mean is 'when does the parade get here!'

I have also been asked:
- What time exactly will the rain stop *** I wanna go outside on some rides!
- Oh my god I can't believe Im meeting you - you must have known Diana , what was she like!? (Im english, and therefore must have known her! I was also 11 when she died)
- Have you had tea with the queen?
- Do you go clubbing with Princes William and Harry?
- So where are you from? Engand. Oh what part of america is that and how did you get here - drive?
- Did you have to learn English to come and work here? (My name tag says i am from england!)

I have to laugh at your post. When I was younger I lived in London. When people (the British) learned that I was from Texas they always asked if I had an oil well in my garden and if I rode a horse to school. They were serious!:lmao:

Also, my children are all adopted from asia. I have had many funny questions asked of me! My favorite was when my youngest was about 9 months old. A lady asked me "So, are you going to teach her how to speak English?" I told her that I supposed I would since that was the only language I knew!:rotfl: People are funny!
I wonder what people must think as they pass my wife and I (and friends when we can talk them into coming with us). We are always making ridiculously incorrect comments about any and everything that we see as we walk around the world. Of course we started doing this as a an inside joke when we over heard other WDW guests make blatantly incorrect comments.

-Tom in SC
Last time we went, we were on a bus going from the Animal Kingdom to the Magic Kingdom, and on the bus was a couple. We were with them waiting for the bus, on the bus and heard them talking a lot, since there were very few people with us. (early Feb.)

The woman was clearly in charge, with maps and brochures, and she was looking over a map. The man was clearly used to having her in charge, and he just followed her along, rather bemused at everything, and had no clue about anything. He asked her at one point, "are we going to Treasure Island now?" The woman, without batting an eye, just answered, "No, it's the Magic Kingdom."

I also like going to a Fast Pass machine at rope drop for the most popular rides and hearing someone say a variation of: "hey, we need EVERYBODY'S tickets to get a FastPass for each of us! Quick, go get everyone's tickets!" Seems like that happens every time. We quickly learned the drill: as soon as you get through the turnstiles, hand your tickets to Dad. He's in charge of getting the FastPasses for all of us.
Talking to a relative at a wedding and we both discovered we had been to Disney over the summer, she then continues to say and I quote "We decided that the summer months in Disney are way to busy, so we booked a trip to be at Disney the week of Christmas when its not as crowded":eek: I cant wait till she gets back to see how that went.

Wooooow. You have to post and let us know her reaction.
We just got back from Disneyland (I know it's cheating, but there are too few DL posters here to make a" funny comments at DL" thread). Anyways, a family was waiting in line in front of us at the StoryBook Land boats, in the shadow of the Matterhorn (the most easily recognizable attraction at DL). The mom looks up at the Matterhorn and says, "That's Splash Mountain. I don't want to go on." :upsidedow
I thought this one was pretty good. We heard it outside of "Splash Mountain" by a woman who's obviously an aspiring rocket scientist:

"FastPass is such a scam! Look! The FastPass return time two hours from now, but the standby line is only 90 minutes long! People think they're getting such a good deal with the FastPass, but they're not. We'll wait in line and be on the ride in 90 minutes and the FastPass folks will still be waiting! I can't believe how many people get fooled by that silly system! Come on, let's get the kids and get in line." :confused3

We heard something similar outside of "Tower of Terror," where somebody reasoned that just because FastPass had a shorter line didn't mean they got on the ride any faster...

Well, I guess part of the reason FastPass works so well is because there are folks out there who don't get the concept and won't use it. Sucks for them, rocks for me. While the woman waited in line for 90 minutes, we rode PotC, BTMR, Haunted Mansion, and got food, and when our FastPasses became valid we walked right on the "Splash Mountain" in less than 5 minutes.
I'll admit it...I'm one that says "disney world" instead of "magic kingdom". I have been going for close to thirty years and to me disney world will always be disney world. not being disrespectful or hardheaded...it's just that it will be DW until the end of time for me:goodvibes

I'll plead guilty too... I call MK "Disney World" too. My mother went when it first opened, and has been going at least 2 times a decade since then. We were raised calling it Disney World and that's all she's ever called it, so it just feels wrong to call it MK. Just like MGM will NEVER be Hollywood Studios for me. It will ALWAYS be MGM.
Haha...thats a good one.
On our recent trip we were waiting in line to see mary poppins and bert and across the street in front of Tony's, Jiminey Cricket (excuse the spelling) had just come out and the lady in front of us said "Ohhh Look theres the Cockroach" hahah:rotfl:

:rotfl: :lmao:
The other day I was informing my DH that Space Mountain would be closed on our next trip. Mind you, this is a man who has been to WDW every year since 2003 and several trips before then as well as many times as a child. He looked a bit confused and asked, 'which one is Space Mountain?'. I gave him a 'you-have-GOT-to-be-kidding-me' look and then he said 'Oh, that's the ride that's near Jimmy Neutron, right?'. :headache:
Some of the funniest things we heard:

"Let's go over to Toy Story Mania and get a fast pass first..." overheard when we were exiting HS for a break at 2 pm on Dec 22 by a group entering the park. The wait was at 200 min and, of course all FP were gone.


I heard almost the same quote from a woman to her husband on a bus to DHS. "When we get there, we'll grab fastpasses for the Toy Story ride". This was at 1:30 in the afternoon on Dec 30.
alright ive got a few funny things and not surprisingly enough both of them were said by people in my group.

First One: On our arrival night, my DFiance and I had dinner at Ohana and just as we were finishing up dessert the fireworks started. So Adam excitedly whips out his phone. When I asked what he was doing he said "I'm texting B (one of our friends who also had traveled with us) to tell him to 'look outside, We've got fireworks!'" :confused3 What makes this funny is that B was back at our hotel, Port Orleans French Quarter. :lmao: I just looked at him and shook my head.

Second One: We were taking a break in AK, sitting on some benches enjoying some fruit and lemonade. In front of us was a restaurant (i cant remember which one) that was supposed to look like and old beat down hotel. It had painted on cracks on the walls, "exposed brick", all the disney magic that makes things look worn down. I think somewhere on the building it was also written in run down faded writing "Hotel". A female companion of ours who was sitting next to me says quietly to herself "Oh that looks like a cool hotel, I bet it would be cool to stay there." :rolleyes1 I let it go at the time not quite sure if she was serious or not but a few days later I mentioned it. She was like "I wasn't joking, what do you mean it wasn't a real hotel." "I thought you could stay in the parks." :rotfl:
I was pregnant with DS and we were eating at a restaurant (dont remember which) but there was a family at the table behind us. The little boy asked his daddy why my belly was sooo big...His dad said shes got a baby in her tummy and the little boy said..."where did she get the baby at?" The daddy looked at him and said with the straightest face on earth and said...."WALMART"!!!!!!!! I laughed until I cried.....
My husband and I were on the tram to the front gate of the AK, I have fairly long, thick, brown hair that I wear down. All of a sudden I could feel someone playing with my hair. I turned around in time to see a man grab his DW hand and pull it off my hair. She smiled and said she just had to touch it. Her DH replied that she was having a little too much fun on her trip and was also pretending to speak japanese to the server at the Japan Pavilion the night before. She apparently does not speak a word of it.

We all laughed at the experience, and now I wear my hair up at the parks. :rotfl2:


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