Free Dining Oct-Dec Is Here!!

Not me. I'll check the Dis when I get in and if someone has success, I'll call then. :wizard:pixiedust:
Now Thursday Count me in.;)

I'll be watching and hoping for you all :goodvibes Of course, this is not unselfish of me...if it goes live for DV then it's looking good for the GP which I'm waiting on ;)

Sorry, but this is just funny. What are they going to do? Put us in time out? Ground us? Slap us on the hand with a ruler? :lmao:

My TA said she will be calling daily, so I don't need to worry about it. Maybe it will come out, maybe it won't. I am content with either turnout. Although it coming out would make me parrrrttttyyyyy! :banana: LOL

Why is it that when I called to find out how much FD would save me the cast member quoted me 612.00 savings for 4 people for 6 days. Her numbers seem off to me. She said that because I was purchasing a package my dining plan was less. I don't get how she came up with her total and asked what the per day price was and she said that with a package she couldn't give me an exact amt. Is this accurate info?
Plan A is a moderate with free DDP. Plan B is Shades of Green and discounted tickets with meals OOP. Cost works out the same, but DW liked the idea of free dining so we're hoping for that, but we'll still find a way to do a F&W trip that fits our budget.

See...your glass is half full!! Tastes so much better than a glass half empty right??!! Can you convert one of those discounted tickets to an AP or no? Then you could do TiW. When we had ours everywhere we went the CM's said it was the best kept Disney secret...I know it isn't top secret but it proved to be a great value for us. Now, we have 3 kids and two are Disney adults so that helps. And, DH and the oldest DS are eaters...not sure where they put it but they eat. So, we get great use out of it! :thumbsup2
This is like when kids snoop in the closet and find their Christmas presents. Mom finds out and returns everything and gives the kids underwear instead.
Why is it that when I called to find out how much FD would save me the cast member quoted me 612.00 savings for 4 people for 6 days. Her numbers seem off to me. She said that because I was purchasing a package my dining plan was less. I don't get how she came up with her total and asked what the per day price was and she said that with a package she couldn't give me an exact amt. Is this accurate info?

You should be able to go on the Disney site, put in your specifics...dates, number of travelers, ticket length, room category, resort choice. DON'T select a dining plan. The number it gives you should be about if not exactly (because I'm not 100% certain we do not pay the taxes on the free part of the dining) what you would pay for what you want or need for free dining. The dining would just be added for no additional cost. That is how it has worked for me in the past at least.
You should be able to go on the Disney site, put in your specifics...dates, number of travelers, ticket length, room category, resort choice. DON'T select a dining plan. The number it gives you should be about if not exactly (because I'm not 100% certain we do not pay the taxes on the free part of the dining) what you would pay for what you want or need for free dining. The dining would just be added for no additional cost. That is how it has worked for me in the past at least.

That is exactly how I do it too. Works for me everytime.
This is like when kids snoop in the closet and find their Christmas presents. Mom finds out and returns everything and gives the kids underwear instead.

That NEVER happened with my brother and I the year Attari came out
My attempt to lighten things up around here -----

"Serpents and spiders, tail of a rat; call in the spirits, wherever they're at. Rap on a table; it's time to respond. Send us a message from somewhere beyond. Goblins and ghoulies from last Halloween: awaken the spirits with your tambourine. Creepies and crawlies, toads in a pond; let there be FREE DINING, from regions beyond! Wizards and witches, wherever you dwell, give us a hint, by ringing a bell!"


:rotfl2: I LOVE IT!
Wow....that's all, just wow. I just got done reading about 50 pages. I'm shocked but not surprised that FD didn't go this morning. Disney's not dumb. Why should they give away for free what people are buying. But a rumor is a with it and move on.
As far as these boards go....they saved me $2000 from my original reservation costs. Joe, Smitch, David, Disneyfantotheend and plutospal along with countless others have helped me. And its so nice to have a place to talk disney 24/7 when everyone else in my life is tired of listening to me lol
My current package is booked through AAA, so I have a discount to start. The free dining would be great, but I am happy either way. ::yes:: pixiedust: :goodvibes :cool1:

I'm at 123 days and it's not going fast enough!!!!
:hyper: :hyper: :hyper: :hyper: :hyper:
I got up before 7 this morning also in hopes of using my DV for free dining. I've been following this thread (some skimming) off and on as I've had time. While, I was disappointed about the rumor not being true for today (we'll see about Aug 1), it is what it is.

The thing that upset me in this thread was people's assumptions about affordability. Now this is said without anger, snottiness, or any kind of tone. I'm just saying what I feel....I think it's kind of a rude or harsh statement to say that if you need a discount to fit your budget, you shouldn't go if you can't afford full price. I don't understand this line of thinking. People buy stuff with coupons and discounts all the time. I refuse to pay full price for anything. Why should I when I can get things for less? I have zero credit card debt because I am financially responsible. I save for vacation ahead of time. I have a large family though, and if we want to go every year, we need a discount. If we feel it is too expensive, we will not go. In fact, I do not pre-book before discounts are available.

I think Disney is expensive with the discounts. I would never pay full price. If you want to do that, that's fine, but what difference does it make to you if someone can only afford to go with a discount? I think it's irresponsible to put vacation on a credit card, but if people can pay it off, what business is it of mine? And everyone who is willing to pay full price for Disney and go no matter what, if most people do that, why would Disney offer a discount? They wouldn't have to. In the past at least, discounts are what were necessary to fill up rooms. We will see if they think it's necessary this year. My guess is yes, but time will tell.

Again, not trying to be rude or mean in any way, just sharing my two cents. Throw them back if you wish. ;)
I do appreciate all of your kind words; however, I want this to happen. I want all of you to have a wonderful Disney experience this fall.

Regardless of whether or not August 1, as leaked, is accurate or not, I'm beginning to wonder if these leaks are a good or bad thing...both from me, Danny, and all the others from the past who's leaked information.

For starters, everyone's sources are usually anonymous, as to protect their position. Someone is potentially putting their neck on the line by leaking info to someone, who then leaks it on here. Is it worth someone getting fired?

Second, we know Disney watches these boards, as they have said so in the past....and we know that they've grown incredibly frustrated with the leaks.

Third, if a leak causes bookings to go through the roof, it could cause the leak, no matter how solid it is, to be cancelled.

I'm certainly not saying any of this has happened this time...but eventually, one or all of those things will, it's only a matter of time.

I now go back to my sulking...:sad1:

As helpful as you are trying to be, nobody should think you are anything less! We'll all sulk together.
The thing that upset me in this thread was people's assumptions about affordability. Now this is said without anger, snottiness, or any kind of tone. I'm just saying what I feel....I think it's kind of a rude or harsh statement to say that if you need a discount to fit your budget, you shouldn't go if you can't afford full price. I don't understand this line of thinking.

I don't think anyone said that.

What was being said is that it is pointless to make a reservation at rack rate if you aren't going to keep the reservation. It doesn't hold a "spot in line" for you. So if you have no intention in paying rack rate the reservation is pointless. That statement has nothing to do with someone's income level. I don't book until the deal I want is available. It has nothing to do with what I can afford.


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