Free Dining Oct-Dec Is Here!!

(yep, I'm the girl who booked and banked on FD to be able to afford the trip)

I had made my reservation based on my previous 3 trips being always included on free dining by a PIN or my dates falling in gpFD. I assumed (yep, I know what "assuming" does) that this vacation would magically be the same.
When I made my ress I asked the CM, "do these dates usually fall in FD?" She stated that she had been at Disney for almost 20 years and those dates were consistently offered up for FD, and to go ahead and book and check back the end of Sept, 1st of Aug because that's when they usually came out." (This conversation happened back in May, but I can remember it word for word because I banked on that.)

Then, I happened to see this post one day and read it...and well, most of ya'll know about the boo-hooing and whatnot when I realized how little I knew about how FD worked. How horrified that I was that my ress had contributed to those dates not being offered. How so wrong I was by thinking that by booking before FD was released that I was guaranteeing my spot/resort.

This thread made the difference in me calling in a couple of days and becoming devastated. It has made the difference in us being able to go. Through all of the ideas and support from this thread I now have a happily ever after story.

I know most here are on Joe's side, and you can bet that I am too...I just wanted the ones that aren't to know that this thread, started by Joe, saved our trip. That is one story of someone that this thread has helped for FACT. So Joe, please don't be discouraged in thinking that leaking dates isn't a good thing. Think of me and my family at Disney, being grateful to be there because we know how close we came to not being there. That was all you and the support I received from this thread.

This post taught me all of those things that I didn't know before. Not only did it help me with this trip, but it will help me with all future trips. As well as anyone who I can pass the info along to. For that, I'm in the ones who give without anything in return. I can't thank ya'll enough.
What I said earlier was that every other post EVER made that was SPECULATION or RUMOR, was moved to the Rumor Forum...this was not....people have a right to be upset if they believed this to be fact....regardless of their own gullibility....when something is a rumor and in the same breath posted with the word CONFIRMED....people put weight into it and invest emotion....I can see how disappointing it could be.

Now....IF this were moved (rightfully) to the rumor forum, which has far LESS traffic...fewer people would've seen it and people may not have gotten their hopes up, as it were, that's all...nothing more, nothing less. I got free dining for October without a this doesn't affect ,e either way...all I ever did was state why some people might get upset that to date....this is still a rumor and their emotional over it.

I was given a hard time based on what I was told before, which I've admitted wasn't correct....but I never claimed to have confirmed it goes on this are either raked over the flames....or you can do no gray area.

Would I ever book based on rumor? Personally, no....but some people may and they're learning that lesson (so far) today.

Sent from my iPad using DISBoards

I've been posting here for many years and the free dining discussions have always been on the hotel/discount forums. The mods have never 'moved' the discussions.
I am grateful for the leaks posted here. I don't use that as the sole basis for booking my vacation, however. If I am going to WDW, I am going to WDW. The only thing free dining will do is change how I tour, and where I stay. No free dining when I planned our vacation may mean we stay offsite and pay OP for meals.

There are lots of different ways to skin the Disney World budget cat, and free dining is only one of those ways.

Thanks to everyone for the work they do keeping us in the loop. :)
Thank you to everyone who helps on this thread! I personally appreciate any insight (rumor) as to when a discount might come! I woke up and called this morning like everyone else and while I am disappointed, I am keeping hopes up for later in the week.
I also want to add that if free dining does not come out, we are still going! We have AP's and will just stay off site to be affordable for us! There are other options people!!
Wow, this sure has gotten ugly. While I was disappointed after I called this morning and was told there was no Free Dining offer I didn't get mad. Joe - thank you for posting the information. You didn't have to; you were trying to be helpful. I'm still hoping that Thursday holds some promise for Free Dining but if not that's OK. My family and I are going to Disney together and for that I am grateful.

My attempt to lighten things up around here -----

"Serpents and spiders, tail of a rat; call in the spirits, wherever they're at. Rap on a table; it's time to respond. Send us a message from somewhere beyond. Goblins and ghoulies from last Halloween: awaken the spirits with your tambourine. Creepies and crawlies, toads in a pond; let there be FREE DINING, from regions beyond! Wizards and witches, wherever you dwell, give us a hint, by ringing a bell!"

What I said earlier was that every other post EVER made that was SPECULATION or RUMOR, was moved to the Rumor Forum...this was not....people have a right to be upset if they believed this to be fact....regardless of their own gullibility....when something is a rumor and in the same breath posted with the word CONFIRMED....people put weight into it and invest emotion....I can see how disappointing it could be.

Now....IF this were moved (rightfully) to the rumor forum, which has far LESS traffic...fewer people would've seen it and people may not have gotten their hopes up, as it were, that's all...nothing more, nothing less. I got free dining for October without a this doesn't affect ,e either way...all I ever did was state why some people might get upset that to date....this is still a rumor and their emotional over it.

I was given a hard time based on what I was told before, which I've admitted wasn't correct....but I never claimed to have confirmed it goes on this are either raked over the flames....or you can do no gray area.

Would I ever book based on rumor? Personally, no....but some people may and they're learning that lesson (so far) today.

Sent from my iPad using DISBoards

I guess I see where you're coming from. McDonald's did have to put "coffee hot" on the lids to keep certain people from burning themselves. :rotfl2:
Wow, this sure has gotten ugly. While I was disappointed after I called this morning and was told there was no Free Dining offer I didn't get mad. Joe - thank you for posting the information. You didn't have to; you were trying to be helpful. I'm still hoping that Thursday holds some promise for Free Dining but if not that's OK. My family and I are going to Disney together and for that I am grateful.

My attempt to lighten things up around here -----

"Serpents and spiders, tail of a rat; call in the spirits, wherever they're at. Rap on a table; it's time to respond. Send us a message from somewhere beyond. Goblins and ghoulies from last Halloween: awaken the spirits with your tambourine. Creepies and crawlies, toads in a pond; let there be FREE DINING, from regions beyond! Wizards and witches, wherever you dwell, give us a hint, by ringing a bell!"


lol did you just cast a disney discount spell :thumbsup2:rotfl::wizard:
If Thursday comes and nothing is announced, this thread will be even more entertaining to read.



I would like to believe that I will sleep in on Thursday since this deal has zero effect on me personally, but I have a feeling a will be up at 7 again. Hoping for a much more pleasant day on Thursday. :goodvibes
I do appreciate all of your kind words; however, I want this to happen. I want all of you to have a wonderful Disney experience this fall.

Regardless of whether or not August 1, as leaked, is accurate or not, I'm beginning to wonder if these leaks are a good or bad thing...both from me, Danny, and all the others from the past who's leaked information.

For starters, everyone's sources are usually anonymous, as to protect their position. Someone is potentially putting their neck on the line by leaking info to someone, who then leaks it on here. Is it worth someone getting fired?

Second, we know Disney watches these boards, as they have said so in the past....and we know that they've grown incredibly frustrated with the leaks.

Third, if a leak causes bookings to go through the roof, it could cause the leak, no matter how solid it is, to be cancelled.

I'm certainly not saying any of this has happened this time...but eventually, one or all of those things will, it's only a matter of time.

I now go back to my sulking...:sad1:

Honestly from Disney's standpoint I can't see why the leaks to a couple of message boards would matter. The number of people on here booking a trip in that time frame is a small fraction of the total market. Most people looking to book a vacation to WDW wouldn't have a clue about DIS boards. They might stumble across the WDWInfo site and look through it, but most would have no interest in joining DIS. This is different then it leaking out to the national news.

Secondly, most DIS members are educated WDW planners and will not goto WDW without FD or similar discount. Some because they can't afford to go without and some like myself believe rack rate is over priced and will go elsewhere if there is no FD. So the information leaking out here actually helpls WDW because the sooner the information comes out the less chance I book a vacation somewhere else. Although the last couple years I've recieved every PIN code anyway. Example of this, couple years ago Universal sent me a PIN code for 40% off onsite hotels, but didn't send it until October. We go in December and had already booked and planned our vacation at WDW with FD. If they would have sent that code earlier we probably would have split the trip with time at both places. Disney came to the party first and got all of our business instead of half.

I can see why they would be angry at the source for leaking it out, but really don't think there is any harm done to there bottom line. I actually wonder if they don't leak it out on purpose sometimes. As far as fake leaks, that really serves no purpose. That will just make people angry. Why anger your loyal repeat customers?

The only real harm done if the fanatics on the board who plan there life around these leaks and then are devastated if they don't come true.
Wow, this sure has gotten ugly. While I was disappointed after I called this morning and was told there was no Free Dining offer I didn't get mad. Joe - thank you for posting the information. You didn't have to; you were trying to be helpful. I'm still hoping that Thursday holds some promise for Free Dining but if not that's OK. My family and I are going to Disney together and for that I am grateful.

My attempt to lighten things up around here -----

"Serpents and spiders, tail of a rat; call in the spirits, wherever they're at. Rap on a table; it's time to respond. Send us a message from somewhere beyond. Goblins and ghoulies from last Halloween: awaken the spirits with your tambourine. Creepies and crawlies, toads in a pond; let there be FREE DINING, from regions beyond! Wizards and witches, wherever you dwell, give us a hint, by ringing a bell!"


Well played!
I'm seriously considering booking the current FDing deal.....just in case. I hate to miss it all together. And while we won't have any ADRs if I book our trip with the current deal (unless by some miracle ADRs open up for me).....we can survive off the QSDP as long as we're at Disney :).....I can't imagine missing the trip all together.

If they did extend the FDing dates, I could just move my trip biggie :).

I would like to believe that will sleep in on Thursday since this deal has zero effect on me personally, but I have a feeling a will be up at 7 again. Hopeing for a much more pleasant day on Thursday. :goodvibes

We all thank you for that good vibes :shamrock: Cheers to a better Thursday too! :woohoo:


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