"First rule of leadership, Princess...." ~Overdosing on Ice Cream

I can't help on the dictator issue, tho - not my parenting style. I tend to find that I need win-win options, aka a way for ds to save face, or he'll just dig in his heels...

Being a dictator is not my normal parenting style. Luckily for all of us we have Aunt Pat here to get us to a win/win situation.

I had no idea boys have opinions about clothes!:scared1: That does not bode well for my future:rolleyes1


:rotfl2: you are so funny! I wish my family had this much excitment about going to Disney. They have never been, so I hope when they get there it will be different!

I'm sure it won't take long of being there for the excitement to kick in.

After I showed him a few of the shirts I bought him for the trip he left the room. When he came back he had gone on strike. First he started with a petition. He whipped out his laptop and typed up a petition to overrule my directive that as trip dictator I got to choose what he wore. He figured if he could get three of the six of us to sign the petition that would be enough to overthrow me.

His next step was to post signs of protest around the house. He taped them up in prominent places, such as the microwave, and on the bathroom door. Then he turned to picketing, complete with picket sign.


After marching by me on the couch for awhile he staged a sit in and sat in front of the tv with his picket sign.

Time for negotiations, not something I do well. Compromise does not come easy to me. I figured I'd offered up a bribe, in the form of Disney Dollars. Unfortunately my son had to much wealth, having just received birthday money the week before, and my bribe was ineffective.

Oh my goodness, I go away for 2 nights!! I can absolutely understand and relate to the coordination factor for pictures as well and also the not wanting to make him unhappy during the trip- tough:headache: ... but you have to be proud of his intiative and creativity:) !!!Joey is something- pursuing his wishes with such conviction!!! He's how old- I have to go back and reread? Have negotiations begun again? Any success? Good luck!!
Joey is something- pursuing his wishes with such conviction!!! He's how old- I have to go back and reread? Have negotiations begun again? Any success? Good luck!!

Joey just turned 11, and yes negotiations did begin again. I'll post how Aunt Pat saved the day very shortly.
"Hold everything, someone's pulled the sword from the stone!!!" - The Sword in the Stone

I spent all day pondering what I was going to do about the "clothing crisis." The only plan I came up with was to pick up some new shirts for Joey. I figured I could handle some nicer t-shirts as replacements for the polo shirts. I had even gone onto Old Navy online and found some nice looking t-shirts for under $5, I could do that. So I headed home after work planning on re-opening negotiations with Joey when I got there. Then I checked the messages on my cell phone.

The message from my aunt was cryptic.

"The shirt problem has been taken care of. I made a deal with him."

When I arrived home Joey greeted me with a smile and said "I negotiated a deal with Aunt Pat."

I was dying to know what "the deal" was.

Now I'm not surprised that Joey was able to work himself out of being mad. He doesn't tend to dig his heels in about stuff, and is generally a happy kid. He actually is the lowest maintenance of all 3 of my children. Which is why I'm caught off guard when he is stubborn about something.

Anyway back to "the deal." Aunt Pat had given Joey and open ended offer- What would it take for him to wear the clothes in Disney World with a smile on his face?

This is what he wanted-
  • For Aunt Pat to tell him what was in the boxes that were still coming for his birthday.
  • For Aunt Pat to take him and Adam to the skate park the next day.

Really. That's it. That's all he wanted to make it ok.

I could relax, all of my careful plans were still whole and intact and everyone was happy.

This is what he wanted-
  • For Aunt Pat to tell him what was in the boxes that were still coming for his birthday.
  • For Aunt Pat to take him and Adam to the skate park the next day.

Really. That's it. That's all he wanted to make it ok.

I could relax, all of my careful plans were still whole and intact and everyone was happy.

so simple. :confused: The funny thing is, you wonder how much sweeter Aunt Pat would have made the deal if Joey'd shown a little more resistance. Joey might have caved a little too soon.

Bravo to Aunt Pat though. She sounds like the perfect kind of relative.
Glad to hear the clothing crisis has been averted and Operation: Match can continue as planned. :woohoo:

You will be leaving so soon!!!! I am jealous! :jumping1:
you wonder how much sweeter Aunt Pat would have made the deal if Joey'd shown a little more resistance. Joey might have caved a little too soon.
:rotfl: Totally caved to soon, he could have asked for the moon from Aunt Pat.

Bravo to Aunt Pat though. She sounds like the perfect kind of relative.
:love: She is!

You will be leaving so soon!!!! I am jealous! :jumping1:

Only two more weekends to get myself pulled together. It's starting to feel like not enough time to do everything I want to do!:p
LOL! That was an easy deal! Yeah for Aunt Pat! I figured there was a video game or something like that in it for him!
LOL! That was an easy deal! Yeah for Aunt Pat! I figured there was a video game or something like that in it for him!

If it had been one of the other two I'm sure it would have costs my aunt a lot more. Joey doesn't think like that. Seriously the kid thinks a new roll of masking tape is the best gift ever.

Aunt Pat ROCKS!:cool1: Well that worked out well!:goodvibes

:worship: Yes she does! And yes it did. :thumbsup2
What a great story! :rotfl: Sounds like your son may have a future in politics... and Aunt Pat may have one in hostage negotiations! :laughing:
It was five weekends before our trip and I had declared that Disney World training needed to begin. We as a family needed to begin a walking program to condition ourselves to exploring Disney World's vast parks. Sounds good right? What I really ment was that I needed to start getting myself in shape and I wanted company!

I told my Mom this about 6 months ago...and our trip isn't until May! We try to go for nightly walks when the weather is halfway decent and I'm always reminding her to walk at her "Disney Pace":rotfl:

Love your trip report so far and glad the "strike" is over!
Hi, Chel. Is Aunt Pat out for hire? I have a couple of things I'd like her to negotiate with my DH.
Loving the read! And can I rent out Aunt Pat for a few family issues I need to negotiate too?


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