Fear of flying


Earning My Ears
Jul 11, 2003
I need some advice. I was in a plane accident a few years back and have not flown since. I finally broke down and scheduled my first trip to Disney World and am heading there in a few days. I have avoided thinking about the plane ride till now and I am terrified. I have talked to my doctor and he has given me Valium and Ativan to try but both meds make me too lethargic. I am traveling alone (I know probably wasn't the smartest decision to make my first trip since the accident). I am thinking of bringing some of those little alcohol bottles with me so I can have something to take the edge off but won't totally knock me out. Do the airlines allow you to do this? Any other suggestions to get me through this?
Maybe this will make it feel better. I just heard on the news recently that 2002 was the safest year for airline travel for the US. I believe they said there were no plane crashes. I know they said there were no deaths. I was just trying to find an article on the internet but was unable to locate one. I can only imagine the fear you must have after being in an accident. Maybe your doctor could prescribe you a lower dosage of either medication. But don't drink any alcohol while on these medications. Another suggestion might be to let a flight attendant know your situation. Maybe they can offer some additional support or comfort, especially since you are flying alone. GOOD LUCK :D
Listen to what she said! Do NOT take these medications if you are going to drink alcohol and vice-versa. AND, if you are flying alone, you have to be the one to be in CONTROL so don't take too many of the prescribed meds. Otherwise, when you land safely in Orlando, you will be asleep. I don't know where you are flying FROM, but it probably won't be a very long flight.

I am proud that you are confronting your fears by getting back on a plane. You fear may never go away 100% especially since you had a previous "trauma" but it will fade.

I have to say it again. I am REALLY proud of you for getting back on a plane. It takes courage to even do THAT! Baby steps. And also you have a WONDERFUL destination ahead which helps. Listen to some audio relaxation tapes/CD's or get something on CD that is really interesting.

Good luck!!!
I can't blame you on the flying, especially if you were in an accident, I am not a big fan of it either. If the valium makes you lethargic just take a half of one and that should take the edge off without making you lethargic.

Hope this helps.


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