Faith question


Has a love affair with the monorail
Mar 2, 2001
If you did something that you know in your heart that God meant for you to do, why would you not feel good about it?

I know that I did what God intended me to do, I know that I probably made a difference in this man's life, but why do I not feel good about it?

Thanks for letting me "invade" your board to ask this question.
Bonnie, why do you refer to it as invading someone else's board? This is your board as much as it is anyone else's, and you certainly aren't "invading" anything!! :D

To answer your question, I think it may be hard to "feel good" about it because what you saw and dealt with was so tragic. And I think it's probably hard to see past that. I don't think anyone could ever be prepared to deal with something like that, and it probably is a very draining experience.

Take care of yourself and try to rest your mind. You definitely rose to the occasion today.
thank you jc2. I actually am doing better this evening. I know that I did what I could, and it is what God would want from me, no matter how hard it was on me.

I love your quote. That is actually very helpful.:D
:D Bonnie
I'm glad tonight is some better. Be good to yourself.

That quote helps me too!
I don't always trust/follow my emotions when I believe God is leading me to do something. Emotions can be tricky things.

It sounds like God directed you that day in a miraculous manner. Had you not been there at that exact time, there is no telling what may have happened to the accident victim. Your intervention may have saved his life.

Sometimes God places us in difficult situations in order to do something wonderful in our lives. While this event was tragic, God will certainly use it for good, both for you and the victim and his family. Right now it is probably hard to see what good will come out of this. We may never see it in this lifetime. But whatever happens to you, God always intends it for our good.

I hope and pray you will rest in His peace and love.
"but why do I not feel good about it?"

I wouldn't expect you to feel "good" now. But in time, I hope you do. I also hope that you feel proud of yourself. You did what many people couldn't (or wouldn't) do. You may have saved this man's life. At the very least, you prevented any additional harm, from coming his way.

God bless you. :sunny:
Bonnie, I have been thinking about this since I read your post this afternoon when I got home from work. That was a really traumatic thing that happened. I can imagine that such a stressful thing alone would leave you feeling a bit down. Also not knowing how he is doing could be enough to make you not feel good about it... or maybe somewhere in your gut you knew this person was more than a mere stranger to you (as you found out later from what you said on the CB). Who knows. I do really believe God meant for you to be there at that time for that man! You did a truly wonderful thing by helping him the way you do. I just hope in time you will feel better about it all {{{hugs}}}
thanks Elaine. You are truly a good friend and a blessing in my life.

An update if you don't visit the CB. It turns out that this young man that I helped is my MIL's best friend's grandson. I had just met his mother on Friday when we sat down with her mother and my MIL to play cards. He is in intensive care and had to have brain surgery, we will know more tomorrow.
Awww Bonnie, you are such a sweetie... I do hope you are feeling better about this all soon {{{hugs}}} I also pray for the best for that man during his recovery.


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