Dumbest things you believed as a child?

I knew that a side effect of cancer was hair loss, but I didn't realize that this was due to chemotherapy rather than a direct result of the cancer. For years all the hair that came out in my hairbrush really worried me.
I used to believe that all TV programs were being broadcast live. My explanation for reruns was that they were being acted all over again. I certainly didn't make sense when there were outdoor shots and location shots, but that's kid logic for ya.
I didn't understand why, when you turned on the TV, it just didn't continue on with where the program was when you turned it off.
When I was little, I thought all girls were right handed and all boys were lefthanded.

My mom, my sister, and I were all right handed. While my dad, my uncle, and my friend who lived down the street were left handed. That's a big enough sample size to extrapolate to the whole population, right?

edited to add: As it turns out, my son is also left handed and my daughter is right handed. Weird coincidence, huh? (But my husband is right handed. He must be the exception to the rule.)
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That if I didnt stop it I would go blind
I didn't understand why, when you turned on the TV, it just didn't continue on with where the program was when you turned it off.

I understood that it was from some sort of broadcast and that there was a glass tube. My dad used to slap the side of the TV when it acted up, so I knew it was really an electronic transmission and that it went through an antenna like a radio. But I still thought from whatever reason that TV shows were always live.
I thought all cats were girls and all dogs were boys. I was just talking to my oldest about this a couple days ago, she said she used to think that too.

Another thing I got into my head was that women had to cut their hair short when they reached a certain age. All the women I knew had short hair and I was so upset about I cried.
I understood that it was from some sort of broadcast and that there was a glass tube. My dad used to slap the side of the TV when it acted up, so I knew it was really an electronic transmission and that it went through an antenna like a radio. But I still thought from whatever reason that TV shows were always live.
To be fair, many many shows like the Honeymooners & Taxi, even Cheers used to say "Filmed before a live studio audience" and none of us had any reason to think they would be misleading.
When I was about 5 I asked my mom if people who lost in court went to jail. She said yes. I would watch the people’s court with my grandparents. I always felt so bad for the person who “lost” I thought they had to go to jail. I remember thinking that if anyone ever cheated me out of money I would never take them to court because if for some reason the judge sided against me I’d go to jail 😂
We were at a hospital when I was young due to my uncle being in a car accident. my mom told me if I got off the elevator on the wrong floor doctors would take me to a room and cut me up in tiny pieces. I believed that for many many years.
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When my mother took us to the city for shopping she often told my brother and me we can not go to Toys'R'Us because you can only go there if you buy something for a certain amount and that she has not enough money in her purse to be allowed in.

I was sad, but I thought it was a valid reason to stay away.

From a todays point of view I can only say she is such a wise lady. I was going insane in Toy stores.
I thought that when you played a record, the band was actually playing. I remember when I was at a friend's house and she kept starting a record over, I was worried that the band would get mad.


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