Dry Ice?


Earning My Ears
Mar 27, 2002
Has anyone used dry ice in their cooler? I've heard it works much better than regular ice. We will be making a supercenter stop for snacks and soda and I was wondering if it's worth picking some up. Maybe some of the campers have used it?
I work in a laboratory and my experience with dry is it is great for keeping things cold and frozen for a short period of time 2-3 days but not for making things cold. Also the more you open and close a cooler the shorter it will last. Also you will need a good qualtiy cooler to make it last as long as possible. Finally from a safety aspect it is possible to get "burned'/ frost bite from touching dry ice with with bare hands or improper hand protection. I cerainly would not recommend it around kids.

We have always bought a styrofoam cooler and used the free ace at WDW. Usually have to change it every other day.
Just a warning about the "burning' aspect of dry ice...........I ordered a bunch of stuff for Xmas from Hickory Farms. I got a huge styro cooler shipped to me with dry ice. After 2 days I finally found a place in the freezer for all of it. The last box of food that I took out was still frozen. I picked it up out of the cooler and put it in the freezer. When I closed the door my fingers started burning. It didn't last that long, maybe a half an hour, but it was really annoying and I felt really dumb for not realizing what I had done until it was to late. Silly me, go figure.
Yea, but using dry ice would be so cool! :D Imagine pulling out your cooler, opening it and tons of steam comes out. People will be gawking at you more than Goofy in the MK! :p
Keep in mind that you can't fly with dry ice (or wet ice for that matter) in a cooler - either as checked baggage or as a carry on.

I think you can bring wet ice (just regular ice) in a cooler as a carry on, but don't try to bring dry ice on a plane - they will try to charge you for a hazardous substance, and the price is EXPENSIVE (well over $100).

If you use dry ice, pick it up in FL once you get there!
We just got back from camping - we always use dry ice!! We save so much money by not having spoilt food/wet yucky food. We buy about $15 worth of the stuff (use gloves to handle it), put it into our "freezer"cooler with the meat and we're good to go for about 4+ days. We had to take our steaks out to defrost them because they were frozen solid 3 days after putting them in. We always put something heavy on top of the freezer cooler to make sure the lid is on tight. Don't put anything in that you don't want completely frozen. I would buy it in Orlando - we live in a small town area, and have 2 places to buy it here, so your bound to find a place in Orlando. Once you use it you'll never go back to soggy meat again!!


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