"Donald Threw Crap at Me"


DIS Veteran
May 1, 2005
I just thought I would share what had my DH and I in stitches thismorning. Last night I was helping DS who is almost 7 order the customized maps for our Nov trip. He informed me he did not want to go to any of the 3D movies. I convinced him that we had to got to Muppet Vision and he said fine he would go to one. Well at the very end before I ordered I added Mickey's Philharmagic to the MK map. He was upset with me for a moment but I thought it had passed. Thismorning on the way to school he started complaining to DH that he did not want to go to 2 movies. DH asked what on earth he was talking about. He explained and was insistent that he did not want to go to Mickey's Philharmagic. When asked why he said..."Cause Donald threw crap at me" ( sorry he does not usually use the word crap and he was referring to the 3D stuff) When he had last seen this at 5 he did not understand that everyone sees the same thing and thought Donald had singled him out and was throwing stuff at him. We never knew until today 18months later. :confused3 Just thought some families may enjoy this and I would love to hear of other funny stuff your kids have said or thought after their encounters.
:rotfl: your son is hilarious- and obviously sticking with his convictions!
My daughter (then 3) met Cinderella and loudly told her "I have you on my underwear" - we were hysterical and even Cindy was laughing!
:rotfl: your son is hilarious- and obviously sticking with his convictions!
My daughter (then 3) met Cinderella and loudly told her "I have you on my underwear" - we were hysterical and even Cindy was laughing!

:rotfl2: that is funny, and slightly embarassing..........
That is so cute. I remember taking my dd3 to muppet vision and laughing and videoing her reactions to the presentation OMG kids are so innocent.

What fun my grandson was on his first trip and seeing Mickey last fall.
As his turn to visit came, he got down on his hands and knees reaching his hand out to creep up and check it out. He was about two and a half.

Best buds

Oh, my daughter would be your son's best friend! She was so surprised when Simba popped out at her I think she bit her lip or something. Now she insists that she hates philharmagic because Simba bit her! I had to trick her the next time we went to get her to go in!

I guess some kids just don't like 3d!
Last year, my sister and I took my DS (who was 4 at the time) to MNSSHP. We had dinner right before the party at Liberty Tree Tavern and the characters for that dinner were dressed up in Halloween costumes. Minnie Mouse came up to our table dressed in her coloniel gown and my DS got excited and yelled "Mickey is dressed up as a girl!" Minnie thought it was hilarious!!:lmao: I guess for some reason, instead of realizing that it was Minnie, he assumed that it was Mickey in drag! LOL!!:lmao:
Oh, my daughter would be your son's best friend! She was so surprised when Simba popped out at her I think she bit her lip or something. Now she insists that she hates philharmagic because Simba bit her! I had to trick her the next time we went to get her to go in!

I guess some kids just don't like 3d!

OMG!! My DD says the same thing!! That is so funny!!
last year in ellen's energy ride when my dd was 7, the part in the pre-show were ellen says she likes someone's haircut, my dd 100% thought ellen was talking to her (she had a new hairstyle).* she talked about it for months ("remember when ellen said she liked my hair???")* :rotfl: one of my favorite disney memories... when my ds was about 2yo, we were sitting at noodle terrace waiting for the fireworks, and we knew tink would fly above our heads and told the kids that.* DS unfolded a napkin and was holding it out in front of him flat.* I asked what he was doing, and he was soooo serious when he said it was for tink to land on.* :love:* omg, it was sooooo adorable, I started crying, and dh started laughing at me for being such a sap (that seems to happen a lot w/ my family!)

ok, what's w/ all the ***** in my posts???* this happens all the time to me!* I didn't put any of them in there, and they pop up all over the place!* anyone know?

see??? it happened again! it drives me batty!!
I just thought I would share what had my DH and I in stitches thismorning. Last night I was helping DS who is almost 7 order the customized maps for our Nov trip. He informed me he did not want to go to any of the 3D movies. I convinced him that we had to got to Muppet Vision and he said fine he would go to one. Well at the very end before I ordered I added Mickey's Philharmagic to the MK map. He was upset with me for a moment but I thought it had passed. Thismorning on the way to school he started complaining to DH that he did not want to go to 2 movies. DH asked what on earth he was talking about. He explained and was insistent that he did not want to go to Mickey's Philharmagic. When asked why he said..."Cause Donald threw crap at me" ( sorry he does not usually use the word crap and he was referring to the 3D stuff) When he had last seen this at 5 he did not understand that everyone sees the same thing and thought Donald had singled him out and was throwing stuff at him. We never knew until today 18months later. :confused3 Just thought some families may enjoy this and I would love to hear of other funny stuff your kids have said or thought after their encounters.

Wow!!! I didn't know Donald was a monkey! I thought he was a duck?
LOL!! :rotfl: :rotfl:
That's the best!
I have one DS (7) who hates the 3D movies. He'll sit there with us, but won't put on the glasses! I checked him on our last trip and he had his eyes closed! Personally, I like to know when the water is going to spray! But I can't get him to wear the glasses and watch!
:rotfl2: Now that's funny!! Poor little guy thinking Donald singled him out this whole time.
We were in the princess room and my DD (5) was visiting w/ Cinderella. DD was telling Cindy that she loves seeing her in the movie and it's her favorite movie, etc. Then Cindy asks DD what her favorite part of the movie is, DD thinks about it and responds with..."the part where your stepmother locks you in your room". :eek: OMG! I was mortified! Well, this had Cinderella in stitches as well as the other CM's in the room and the other guests that were in earshot! :rotfl2: DD then explained it was that whole segment (Cindy gets locked in her room, little mice friends steal the key from the pocket, rescue her, etc.) Thank goodness she explained or else Disney may have called DCF on me to see if I was locking my DD in her room! Definitely something I will never forget...
That is too funny (and cute too!).

My son was 4 when he first went to WDW. He enjoyed all of the 3D shows, but when we came out of Tough to be a Bug, he said that he DID NOT LIKE that nasty spider! We thought he was talking about the spiders that fall from the ceiling (he has never liked spiders), but he was talking about the one in the movie.

He thought the same thing (that he was the only one having stuff thrown at him). He said, "I didn't do anything to that mean ol spider and he threw hickory nuts at me!":lmao:

We still laugh about this (he's 15 now). Every year when the hickory nuts fall out of our trees, I get a few and put on the table and tell him the spider sent them!
My oldest dd, on her 4th Birthday, we took a trip to WDW. On the day of her BD, we were at the Magic Kingdom. Of course, we picked up a BD button for her and everyone was telling her "Happy Birthday". She was so surpised that everyone knew it was her birthday.

The best part was at night, when the fireworks started she shouted "I can't believe they are doing fireworks just for my birthday!" I didn't have the heart to tell her that they do fireworks everynight;)

This isn't Disney related, but recently my son has been planting random seeds all over the yard. Sometimes it's a seed packet that someone gave to him, and sometimes it just the seeds from his apple.

We moved some plants around the yard recently, and we moved a small tree when he wasn't around. The next day, he came out of the house and was literally overjoyed and soooo proud because the seed he'd planted (about 20 ft. away) had "grown" into a tree overnight.

He still takes care of it, and is so protective of it. He's shows it to everyone. He has never made the connection between all of our yard work and the sudden appearance of his tree.

They just live in their own little worlds. :)
and it was hilarious to see her go to grab the jewels. She thought that she was the only one who felt the mice in Honey I Shrunk the Audience:lmao:

Also, for her b/day in July we hired a Cinderella to come to her party. Just before we left for DW, I had a hair cut and she suddenly tells me that Cindy won't recognize me. I was wondering what she was talking about as this was our first trip to the World, and then it dawned on me that Cindy visited us in July, lol. Luckily I did not say anything, lol.
My daughter who was 4 at the time, was terrified of all the 3-D shows. She hated almost everything in fact. During Its Tough to be a Bug she was trying to climb over and then under the seats to get away, and she still demands we not go there when we go to WDW again. She hated the Muppets and Philharmagic and it was all the stuff coming at her that had her so freaked out. She was sure the bug was really spraying us with bug spray, she was sure we were really under water on the Nemo ride, ect. She just believed so much it made it scary instead of magical half the time. Oddly she wants to ride ToT again! :scared1:


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