Disney Wonder Sept 3-7, 2006 Part 3

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LCTsMom said:
I'll be passing you by to head for the food! :teeth: :lmao:

sounds great :cool1:

s few months ago I took up jogging, well I enter races (the reallly short ones) and most people are running but I am definitely not keeping up, so to them I'm sure I look like I'm just out for a leisurely jog (meanwhile I am dying :rotfl:

Anyway I was going to jog around deck 4 also but then thought, who am I kidding? I'm on a cruise for cryin out loud, the last thing I wanna do is waste valuable eating time working out :lmao: besides then I don't have to pack my tennies and will have more room for souvies!

It's getting sooooo close now.... which of course it doesn't seem like because my flippin' documents have yet to arrived!!!!

I did however, manage to get my flight from my home town to seatac all figured out and we are actually leaving a day earlier and staying at a hotel because our flight out is sooooo early, so that will be fun! Kind of like I just discovered I got a whole nother day of vacation, woo hoo! :banana:

Great, now all I can think about is buffets..... :crazy:
PirateCutie05 said:

Oh I hope we have a good crew! We had such good crew members our last cruise I don't think I'll ever forget them! Especially DJ Pike! :lmao:
I hope so too! :sunny:
lunamum said:
sounds great :cool1:

s few months ago I took up jogging, well I enter races (the reallly short ones) and most people are running but I am definitely not keeping up, so to them I'm sure I look like I'm just out for a leisurely jog (meanwhile I am dying :rotfl:

Anyway I was going to jog around deck 4 also but then thought, who am I kidding? I'm on a cruise for cryin out loud, the last thing I wanna do is waste valuable eating time working out :lmao: besides then I don't have to pack my tennies and will have more room for souvies!

It's getting sooooo close now.... which of course it doesn't seem like because my flippin' documents have yet to arrived!!!!

I did however, manage to get my flight from my home town to seatac all figured out and we are actually leaving a day earlier and staying at a hotel because our flight out is sooooo early, so that will be fun! Kind of like I just discovered I got a whole nother day of vacation, woo hoo! :banana:

Great, now all I can think about is buffets..... :crazy:
Yeah I'm going to start running on a regular basis starting next week. I'm a little scared about it...I always hated running...but it seems to work for me. Go figure. :sad2: :rotfl: Oh well...at least it'll get me moving in the morning on the cruise! Or maybe it will be an afternoon early evening cool down...who wants to get up early on vacation? :rotfl2:
PirateCutie05 said:

Yeah I'm going to start running on a regular basis starting next week. I'm a little scared about it...I always hated running...but it seems to work for me. Go figure. :sad2: :rotfl: Oh well...at least it'll get me moving in the morning on the cruise! Or maybe it will be an afternoon early evening cool down...who wants to get up early on vacation? :rotfl2:

Our old director of the ER jogged and wantesd everyone to jog. He told me I should start jogging. I told him "Why so I can have 2 black eyes?" :teeth:
He just walked away. :goodvibes
sugaswim said:
ok i need to rant...

so i was perfectly fine with the 'no liquid' thing on the airplane. so what, i either just put my suitcase as check in (since the cruise line will pick it up for me on this trip, no big deal). or i just leave liquids at home. blah blah... easy enough to work around... but that was until i found out whatelse you are not allowed to bring on the planes... ELECTRONICS! what the heck am i supposed to do for 2 whole hours!? no ipod, no gameboy, i was going to buy myself a laptop for christmas since soda got spilled all over my portable dvd player, but i guess that might be stupid now since you can't have those either! :furious:
it would be one thing if they showed good movies, but a flight from dc to orlando there are no movies. and half the time when there are movies on a plane they aren't very good. so now i have to just sit (granted i could read and probably will but that's beside my point at the minute) for 2 hours doing NOTHING. half the reason i have an ipod and a gameboy are for plane flights. my parents bought us portable dvd players for christmas for plane trips. now it's like money was wasted! why do people have to be so stupid and ruin EVERYTHING!! :furious:

ok i'm done with my rant. now if only this computer i'm on wasn't ancient and freaking slow than maybe i could start to get happy...

he he, oh dear please don't get so mad your head pops off (I always think that when I see the little flamey head smilie)

Anywho, I am not 100% sure, but I believe it is just a recommendation you don't take electronics, and that the actual restriction to not have electronics is for flights coming to the US from the UK.

I might be wrong, but as I understand it you can still take your electronics if you are only flying within the US

hope that is right, cause I just bought some movies to watch on the plane (6 hours bleah)
purplern said:
Our old director of the ER jogged and wantesd everyone to jog. He told me I should start jogging. I told him "Why so I can have 2 black eyes?" :teeth:
He just walked away. :goodvibes
Alright I think I will go get some lunch. I'll check back in with y'all later! :wave:
Yeah! I made it back. That would not be a bad drive but the last part is all dirt up to a big ranch. She has so much fun at camp though. They have 2 pools, zip lines, go carts, rock climbing, ga-ga and much more. Today is her last day so they are staying until 10 tonight and having night swim dinner and campfire with smores. I want to go. :rotfl:
mom_of_2_princesses said:
Yeah! I made it back. That would not be a bad drive but the last part is all dirt up to a big ranch. She has so much fun at camp though. They have 2 pools, zip lines, go carts, rock climbing, ga-ga and much more. Today is her last day so they are staying until 10 tonight and having night swim dinner and campfire with smores. I want to go. :rotfl:
GO KARTS!? SIGN ME UP! :teeth: :rotfl:

Seriously...can I go to her camp?? :teeth:
PirateCutie05 said:

Holly that's just the UK flights that aren't allowed electronics.

Don't you just love when you can tell your sissie somethin? Most of the time she is the "know it all", so it really makes my day when I can point somethin out to her :rotfl:
mom_of_2_princesses said:
Yeah! I made it back. That would not be a bad drive but the last part is all dirt up to a big ranch. She has so much fun at camp though. They have 2 pools, zip lines, go carts, rock climbing, ga-ga and much more. Today is her last day so they are staying until 10 tonight and having night swim dinner and campfire with smores. I want to go. :rotfl:
Can you imagine all these flights to Florida with all these little kids and no electronics? I heard the same thing just for U.K. I feel for the flight attendants with all these people who have no entertainment on these long flights. You might start seeing a higher rate of air rage just not on my flight please!
mom_of_2_princesses said:
Can you imagine all these flights to Florida with all these little kids and no electronics? I heard the same thing just for U.K. I feel for the flight attendants with all these people who have no entertainment on these long flights. You might start seeing a higher rate of air rage just not on my flight please!

:scared1: :scared: :eek: :crazy2: :faint:
PirateCutie05 said:

GO KARTS!? SIGN ME UP! :teeth: :rotfl:

Seriously...can I go to her camp?? :teeth:
I know she is one lucky little girl she just does not know it. 2 weeks ago white water rafting, this weekend birthday party and next weekend Catalina with dad.
mom_of_2_princesses said:
I know she is one lucky little girl she just does not know it. 2 weeks ago white water rafting, this weekend birthday party and next weekend Catalina with dad.

I want to go whitewater rafting! We are going to when we go to Yellowstone!!!! I cant wait! :sunny:
Hey, clue me in about sunscreen in the lower elevations of Florida and the Bahamas. Do I need to worry about it more than I do at home? We're at about 6,000 feet above sea level. I was always told that you burn more easily at higher elevations, but is that true?

PirateCutie05 said:

Yeah I'm going to start running on a regular basis starting next week. I'm a little scared about it...I always hated running...but it seems to work for me. Go figure. :sad2: :rotfl: Oh well...at least it'll get me moving in the morning on the cruise! Or maybe it will be an afternoon early evening cool down...who wants to get up early on vacation? :rotfl2:

I know for me, I'm going to have to do it very first thing in the morning if it is going to work at all because as the day goes along I just get more and more tired and then i end up just not doing it.

especially on the crIuise where there are going to be SO many other things I would rather be doing, especially at night. I'm hoping there won't be as many early morning activities to tempt me to skip some exercise, (even if it is JUST a walk)
I am also hoping that getting up early will let me enjoy the ship that much longer. I don't wanna sleep in toooo much because then I'm just wasting the little cruise time that I do have (4 days is going to be way too short and go waaaay too fast)
purplern said:
I want to go whitewater rafting! We are going to when we go to Yellowstone!!!! I cant wait! :sunny:
It was just DD and DH for Indian Guides but they said it was so much fun. DD said it was the best trip they have done with Indian Guides. They have done Catalina, Big Bear and all sorts of trips so it must have been fun for her to say that. I want to do it to.
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