Disney with a Southern Twist- Tomber 11.11.11 UPDATE: BLOGGED & LIFE!! 1/24!

Yay for getting the cd of pictures! I can't wait--bring it on!!! :laughing:

I HATE acrylic nails, so I know exactly what you are going through. I was going to get them for the wedding, but I went somewhere new and ended up getting shellac which is so much easier!!! Look into that next time if you want a french mani.

I'm so bummed the 'person that shall not be named' ruined the surprise! Who does that? Gaaah! :headache:

That's so nice Thomas told you to quit your job so you could spend time with him over the holidays. :wizard: I wish Chris was like that, but he's like...'you need to get more hours!' Blargh.

:rotfl: You'd think the 'prostitution, drugs, and murder' tour would be good. Huh. :confused3
This all sounds so much fun! I can't wait to read more!!!! :love: (And I love that your DF-now-DH was so supportive of you. He's a keeper.)

He is! :lovestruc

Yay for getting the cd of pictures! I can't wait--bring it on!!! :laughing:

I HATE acrylic nails, so I know exactly what you are going through. I was going to get them for the wedding, but I went somewhere new and ended up getting shellac which is so much easier!!! Look into that next time if you want a french mani.

I'm so bummed the 'person that shall not be named' ruined the surprise! Who does that? Gaaah! :headache:

That's so nice Thomas told you to quit your job so you could spend time with him over the holidays. :wizard: I wish Chris was like that, but he's like...'you need to get more hours!' Blargh.

:rotfl: You'd think the 'prostitution, drugs, and murder' tour would be good. Huh. :confused3

Might have to try those nails next time! :)

Hahaha.. apparently "my friend" does that.... lol the same girl that wondered why I didn't have bridesmaids... ummm because of crap like that!

I am so excited to spend time with him and holidays with the family and friends, but I still wish I had a job as well! I get cabin fever easily!! Plus I want to support us like he does!

Yeah... that tour... HUGE disappointment... :headache:

So my family was all working up until Wednesday this week, so I didn't have to rush to get home. I woke up with Thomas before he went to work and said our last "goodbye" as an engaged couple in our Charleston home! Again Thomas was going to work until Wednesday and then meet me in Myrtle Beach after picking up my family from Texas!

I lounged around the house for a bit watching The Today Show and Price is Right and made myself some lunch. I browsed online for a bit and checked the house a million times to make sure I didn't forget anything for the wedding. I said my goodbye's to this little brat (I wasn't going to see her for a week and half!!)


I got everything ready (I write directions and leave post-it notes everywhere- I guess it is still the inner-teacher coming out) for the pet sitter even though Thomas would still be home for 3 days.

I locked up the house and then I was off. As I was driving there were two realizations that occurred:

1. I was driving home... by myself... driving home to get MARRIED. It was so surreal.

2. I.... FORGOT..... THE... WEDDING.... RINGS..... :scared1:

I was already about an hour into the trip- so it was a lost cause to try to go back... luckily Thomas was coming on Wednesday, so I didn't freak out too much (I asked that poor guy about the rings for the next three days at least a million times...) The rest of the drive was uneventful- but it was nice to be traveling solo, listened to some Disney music and just kinda watched the scenery go by.

I got "home" to my parents house around 3:30pm and I unpacked my suitcase and got settled. I met up with our family friend Cheryl which is also the florist, (I dropped off all the florist stuff) which is also the mom of one of our groomsmen, and the mother-in-law to Sam! John and Sam recently had a baby boy, and have been married for 3 years now! It was fun to chat with them both and spend time together and of course see the baby! I was brave enough to hold him, which I admit was terrifying... but I think I did ok, shortly after this picture was taken Little John proceeded to throw up on me... haha that's love right there! :lmao:


They gave us our Wedding presents early- which might I say WERE AWESOME! They definitely made an appearance at the wedding!




I love hanging out with Sam- which like me hangs out with mostly guys, and we share the same crazy sense of humor and personality traits.

I met my mom after work to go to Wal-Mart and get a few last minute things for my family coming in and things for the wedding!

We grabbed some pizza from a local place by their house and just enjoyed a relaxing evening just spending time together. I face-timed with Thomas before going to bed and then drifted off to sleep!


I woke up early with my parents before they headed off to work and then lounged around their house for a bit. I went out to lunch with my dad and went to a few stores and errands to burn off the rest of the day. I met back up again with Sam and We reminisced about old times and just talked, which was nice. Little John slept almost the whole time I was there, but I did mess with him once he woke up! :) We watched Monster in Law... which I thought was hilarious for it being my wedding week.

I met my mom after work to get our nails done, I got finished before her so I sneakily paid for her nails :goodvibes


We got some Chinese food for dinner and just relaxed at home with just the girls :) Nothing too eventful today! We did have to get up early for a busy day tomorrow!

Thomas and I talked a bit that evening before bed, and it was all becoming so real!! We face-timed and had a goofy conversation. I took a picture our shenanigans!



My brother and mom were both off today so My brother volunteered to help us bring all the wedding stuff to the venue and drop it off, so we took off early that morning to meet my coordinator at 9:00am. We carted everything in and then the daunting task for going through everything so she would know what to do with it as well as make an inventory list. we went ahead and got the sand in the vases, and all the candles ready, and all the centerpieces set-up, so all they would have to do is set it up. (which I was leery of having someone else set it up, and I had to give up control to that- but it was nice to have some free time and to leave it up to someone else, it turned out great!)

We took off in the wedding mobile (which had been attacked by window markers with a wedding countdown and "honk if your happy"). I was picking up my dress today!!!! :goodvibes The shop was amazing and I would highly recommend them to anyone down this way! It was funny when we first got there because they saw my brother and immediately thought GROOM, and the one associate was scared to bring the dress out. We had to clarify the male in the room and then she brought it out! She looked BEAUTIFUL! :) I can't believe I was taking her home for the last time! :cloud9: We were getting lots of errands checked off our list and it was still early!! We decided to splurge and go to Olive Garden (mmmmm unlimited salad, soup and breadsticks....) We got there right at 11am.. so it was weird being there that early- but at least the food was fresh! :) It was nice to spend time with my brother and mom.

We stopped by the mall and just walked around for any last minute items or ideas and my mom and brother proceeded to pick out a beautiful honeymoon outfit for me, which I was instructed to put on...


Haha.. we headed back to the house and hung out until my dad got home and I got the call that Thomas had picked up my family from the airport and they were on the way to MB!! :woohoo: Chaos ensued once everyone arrived and we relaxed and unwound for a bit before our planned dinner at Abuelos (which is excellent mexican food btw!) The dinner was so awesome! It was nice to have the whole gang together, and it was so heartwarming to know that everyone was there for me, for us. :grouphug:


My sister-in-law and I indulged in my deliciousness which made the night that much better! (old picture because I didn't take one that night! :( but it was just as delicious!! )


We parted from the restaurant three separate ways! Thomas was heading back to his mom/grandma's house, my parents and aunt and uncle were heading back to their place, and I was going along with my brother, sister-in-law, and two cousins to spend the night! Which was filled with lots of laughter and good times, reminiscing, and Dance Central dance offs! We went to bed around 2, it was REHEARSAL DAY!
Sounds like a fun few days! Mmm, I love Olive Garden and their soup, salad, and breadsticks! It sounds like some great times with family and friends, probably exactly what you needed right before your wedding!
Love the pics and the report so far! I can't wait to read more!!

And I LOVE your Minnie hat!!!
Sounds like a fun few days! Mmm, I love Olive Garden and their soup, salad, and breadsticks! It sounds like some great times with family and friends, probably exactly what you needed right before your wedding!

MMmmm Olive Garden! :cloud9:

It was a nice week to just relax with family :)

Love the pics and the report so far! I can't wait to read more!!

And I LOVE your Minnie hat!!!

Thanks love!!! :) I wish it was cold while we were in FL and I would have rocked that hat so hard!

On a side note-

I started writing a blog


I'd love to have some followers! If not you can just stalk it for the album of wedding photo sneak peeks I just put up! :rolleyes1

Either way... enjoy! :goodvibes
Rehearsal DAY! 11.10.11

Sadly I hardly have any pictures from this!! :scared1: I am not sure what happened there- my mom and aunt are usually photo nuts- so they might have some, but honestly, it was such a good time I am glad we got to just enjoy it without having to focus on pictures!

We woke up fairly early the next morning despite being up super late from our Dance Central Shenanigans and went out to breakfast with my family and we just walked around town and hung out together. It was nice and crazy at the same time that I was getting married tomorrow!!

We left around 1 to head back to the house to get ready for the rehearsal. My dad had to go pick up the rehearsal cake and drop it off at the restaurant and he was going to meet us at the venue.

We got ready and soon we were off!! We all planned to meet at the venue at 4:00 so that way we could practice semi-close to the actual wedding time and work with the lighting. We arrived at the venue- Litchfield Country Club right on time!




The Ceremony Site


My preacher and photographer were both there and made me definitely feel at ease.

All the groomsmen and their dates/wives slowly began to arrive and it felt like a high school reunion! :) It was ironic that the last person to get there was Thomas... everyone kept asking, is he coming? He flaked out already?

We rounded up the boys and started the rehearsal, it didn't go exactly like I thought it would- but we still made it work- I didn't have a wedding planner were kinda going off what we thought looked best and organizing the guys around the alter. We did have an issue with ceremony music- as our DJ wouldn't be doing the music (grrr.. this still makes me mad) so we had to get an extension cord and a little stereo and have my cousin Justin operate the music. We had to practice a few times for volume and timing- but I think it came together in the end! We had a few rough patches and some decisions about some things and quickly practiced a few times and made it work. I was happy with how it turned out. It was all so surreal. I couldn't believe I was practicing for my wedding.. and all these people were here for us. Again, so thankful that I had an awesome preacher and my photographer Crystal! :) I gave them each a little gift, a camera ornament for Crystal and a Miami Dolphins ornament for our preacher. We got everyone rounded up and headed off to the Hanser House for the Rehearsal Dinner.


We had picked this venue probably 2 months before after some drama with the rehearsal dinner and MIL... which I won't really discuss cause the past is the past, but it couldn't have turned out more perfect! It was actually the same place we had used for my brother's rehearsal dinner. They were very accommodating and were extremely attentive! It was southern cooking and delicious!

Our Menu


We had a wonderful dinner and a great time with friends and family. We gave out gifts to our groomsmen which were electric wine bottle openers and a wine from a local Charleston winery.


I got my Dad, Brother, Mom, and SIL photo frames with pictures in them of memories I had with each of them. As well as additional gifts.

I got my Dad some Steelers Cufflinks for his tux.


My mom got a wooden sculpture which after opening she proceeded to bawl her eyes out and made me cry- which then made my aunt cry! Haha.. it was an emotional night for sure!


We got Thomas's mom a few Detroit Redwings items, which sadly I can't remember! :confused3

We had beautiful flower arrangements from my florist which we were able to take and recycle at the wedding the next day! They were so pretty!!

After dinner the boys had planned to take Thomas out for his bachelor party- which after planning and discussing, he actually just wanted to go to a chill bar and just hang out with everyone, he wanted me included as well as all the guy's ladies, so we departed the rehearsal dinner and set off for our adventures for the rest of the night! Thomas and I drove separately because I needed to leave before 12 so he wouldn't see me on our wedding day! We ended up at this nice bar called Borgata with all of our groomsmen and their ladies, and it was so nice to just relax and unwind.


It was pretty quiet for a Thursday night at like 9:30, which was nice. We had drinks and just talked about old times and spent time together. We had some random people buy us shots and honestly, we couldn't have had it any other way.

Slowly our group got smaller and smaller, and at 11:45 we started to say our goodbyes to the remaining couples left. After we said goodbye to everyone Thomas and I said goodbye and "see you real soon" and I drove away and blew a kiss as I faded off in the distance at 11:58. :)

Aw, what a nice rehearsal day! The food at your dinner sounds really yummy. I'll try some shrimp and grits, please! I remember being so confused at our rehearsal with that awful wedding "coordinator" that we had. I'd had the worst day that day and I just didn't want to think about anything or make any decisions, but of course that wasn't happening. And then I'd get vague questions like "How do you want them to walk down the aisle?" I'm like, "huh? Like people... walking..." So I'm glad you got it straightened out even without a planner to help you :)
Yay! More More More! I know I'm going to be a sobbing mess at rehearsal during speeches and such. Wah.
Yayyy, an update from my Twinny!!! :goodvibes

•I'm so glad your rehearsal went well and the food sounded delicious!!!
•LOVE the Steelers cufflinks. <3

Ahhhh! Let's relive 11/11/11!!!!! :laughing:
Aw, what a nice rehearsal day! The food at your dinner sounds really yummy. I'll try some shrimp and grits, please! I remember being so confused at our rehearsal with that awful wedding "coordinator" that we had. I'd had the worst day that day and I just didn't want to think about anything or make any decisions, but of course that wasn't happening. And then I'd get vague questions like "How do you want them to walk down the aisle?" I'm like, "huh? Like people... walking..." So I'm glad you got it straightened out even without a planner to help you :)

I heard the shrimp and grits was delicious!! I was really adventurous and went with the chicken tenders... lol :lmao:

Hahaha yeah it was surreal at that moment for sure that all these people were looking at me for guidance on the biggest day of my life, and I was clueless to where they would stand and how they should walk out! Not to mention I was worried if the music would work out! But it all came together beautifully! I think it was just over and done with so quick I hardly had time to really be nervous.

Yay! More More More! I know I'm going to be a sobbing mess at rehearsal during speeches and such. Wah.

Hahahah I cried... at the beginning of the start of Beauty and the Beast... not even the beginning of the movie.. like at the Disney intro.. haha so I am a huge sap and cry about everything, but I held it together surprisingly well, as long as I didn't see anyone else cry!! :)

Yayyy, an update from my Twinny!!! :goodvibes

•I'm so glad your rehearsal went well and the food sounded delicious!!!
•LOVE the Steelers cufflinks. <3

Ahhhh! Let's relive 11/11/11!!!!! :laughing:

LOVE those Steelers!! Too bad they couldn't pull a playoff win!! I hated that it was going to either be the Ravens or Patriots.. I despise them both! :)

Ahhh!! YES!!! RELIVE THE 11.11.11.!! Carly helped out with that today by posting my wedding today!!!


We were blogged!! I have been a huge follower of Carly's blog since I first had thoughts of a Disney wedding, and I am so honored to be apart of her spotlights.

YAY! <--- Here it is!

ALSO! Some life news! Along with being blogged because that ranks pretty high in my awesome day, there were two other things...

1. We met with our mortgage lender today about our loan approval! We got approved and for a decent amount! :worship: So now we have the green light to go ahead and look at some properties to buy our first house!!! :love: And cause my real estate agent is just SO awesome we already have like 6 houses lined up to look at on Thursday!!

2. I GOT A JOB!! And it is one I have really been wanting!! It is with Amazon.. not sure if you have heard of them.... :rotfl: It is one of their sister companies called CreateSpace- which is a publishing, distributing website that allows people to get their books, music, movies published. I would be starting as a temp (which apparently is the only way to get in there) as a Customer Service Rep. and then I can advance to a permanent position after 3 months. I am super excited and love books, and technology and the whole publishing aspect. That and I was a total Newspaper nerd in high school...So I start on MONDAY!! :) SOO excited! I actually know two people there as well so it will be nice to see a familiar face! I am not sure about the dress code or my hours yet, but I hope to find out soon!!

Not bad for a random Tuesday!!! :goodvibes:goodvibes:goodvibes

:dancer: :dancer: :dancer: :dancer:

I am going to try to finish my wedding day on here before I venture off into the working world, so stay tuned! I am also still working on my trip report which is on the TR section, and also linked in my signature!
I GOT A JOB!! And it is one I have really been wanting!! It is with Amazon.. not sure if you have heard of them.... :rotfl: It is one of their sister companies called CreateSpace- which is a publishing, distributing website that allows people to get their books, music, movies published. I would be starting as a temp (which apparently is the only way to get in there) as a Customer Service Rep. and then I can advance to a permanent position after 3 months. I am super excited and love books, and technology and the whole publishing aspect. That and I was a total Newspaper nerd in high school...So I start on MONDAY!! :) SOO excited! I actually know two people there as well so it will be nice to see a familiar face! I am not sure about the dress code or my hours yet, but I hope to find out soon!!

First off, SUPER CONGRATULATIONS!!!! That is so awesome!!


Second, I may be bugging you about the publishing . . . I'm working on a manuscript (well, more than one, but anyway) that I'm going to be submitting for publication. I'd love to compare notes and talk to someone I 'know' about it. :goodvibes
LOVE those Steelers!! Too bad they couldn't pull a playoff win!! I hated that it was going to either be the Ravens or Patriots.. I despise them both! :)

•I know! And because I'm living in the New England area now...I guess I have to root for the Pats, even though I don't wanna! :rotfl:

Ahhh!! YES!!! RELIVE THE 11.11.11.!! Carly helped out with that today by posting my wedding today!!!
•Yayayay! I loved it--I was drooling over all your pictures. :goodvibes


We were blogged!! I have been a huge follower of Carly's blog since I first had thoughts of a Disney wedding, and I am so honored to be apart of her spotlights.

YAY! <--- Here it is!

ALSO! Some life news! Along with being blogged because that ranks pretty high in my awesome day, there were two other things...

1. We met with our mortgage lender today about our loan approval! We got approved and for a decent amount! :worship: So now we have the green light to go ahead and look at some properties to buy our first house!!! :love: And cause my real estate agent is just SO awesome we already have like 6 houses lined up to look at on Thursday!!

2. I GOT A JOB!! And it is one I have really been wanting!! It is with Amazon.. not sure if you have heard of them.... :rotfl: It is one of their sister companies called CreateSpace- which is a publishing, distributing website that allows people to get their books, music, movies published. I would be starting as a temp (which apparently is the only way to get in there) as a Customer Service Rep. and then I can advance to a permanent position after 3 months. I am super excited and love books, and technology and the whole publishing aspect. That and I was a total Newspaper nerd in high school...So I start on MONDAY!! :) SOO excited! I actually know two people there as well so it will be nice to see a familiar face! I am not sure about the dress code or my hours yet, but I hope to find out soon!!

Not bad for a random Tuesday!!! :goodvibes:goodvibes:goodvibes

:dancer: :dancer: :dancer: :dancer:

I am going to try to finish my wedding day on here before I venture off into the working world, so stay tuned! I am also still working on my trip report which is on the TR section, and also linked in my signature!

So, congrats on the blog spotlight!
Congrats on house hunting! (I wish I was financially stable enough to do that... :lmao: )
AND CONGRATS on the job!!!!!!!!!! I'm so excited for you! Woohoo! Happy random Tuesday! :hug:

Oh, and heck yes--I'm pumped for more WEDDING DAY REPORT!
Okay, I have tried to comment on this like 2 times and it didn't go through! Anyway, congratulations on the job!! It sounds like a good one. Being a book nerd I'm really interested in publishing and would love to hear the details once you get started!
I have to go to work now but I just finished skimming through your PJ! Congrats on getting married and loving the mickey ball with ribbons and all the teeny details you added to your day. I love your husbands thread less shirt I believe with the teacher from the peanuts with the trombone! And I also read that you're from Texas? Where from? I'm from South, literally, the Valley. Can't wait to see more pictures and I can't wait to get my own PJ started in two months!


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