Disney tips everyone should know

When you make a purchase just tell the cm at the register you want to pick it up at the front gate when you leave the park. They take care of the rest. If you want it to go to your resort it may take a couple of days so plan accordingly.
#1 garden grocer for beer/wine, fruit, water. ect. They deliver it to your resort.
#2 If we are flying I UPS (much cheeper than a checked bag) all our toiletries, dry snacks, laundry detergent. (all disposable items too) This way It saves time at security with no liquids and I dispose of everything at the end of the week. No need for liquids on the fight home.
#3 We bring lunch and water to the parks, It saves us a ton so we can eat at a great sit down every night.
#4 I made Autograph Books out of spiral bound 3X5 note card books. They were so inexpensive. The fit printed photos to a T. I placed the photo of my child with the character opposite of signature.
You will walk miles every day so bring extra pair of shoes( broke in ones) so you can rotate..pack foot first aid just in case
Take a moment, everyday, to thank Walt Disney for having the courage to follow his dream. Without him, and the thousands of people who help facilitate his vision, we would never have this wonderful experience. I have been pixie dusted more times than I can count and I really think it's beacause I appreciate Disney so much!
Take Children's Motrin. Last trip my son became ill with a high fever that I needed to alternate Children's Tylenol and Children's Motrin. WDW doesn't have any Children's Motrin on property. (So thankful to the CM who called looking for it.) I had to rent a taxi to go and buy some. Lesson learned - take Children's medications - tylenol, motrin, allergy, etc.. For some reason they stock more adult stuff than children.
Bring thin panty liners...even if you don't have your "gift/curse," they still come in handy....how?
If your shoes give you blisters on the bottom of your shoes, put 1 soft liner in each shoe. This will pad your shoes make it softer for you to walk. :)
How do you have things sent to the front gate? Is it the same process at all the parks?:genie:

Yes just ask when at cashier. Take a couple hours to get to front of park though. I think offsite guests don't realize you can do this- we utilized it a lot last year.
My DD25 and I recently got back from our first WDW trip! Now I have a few tips to add:

1. If you are planning on staying at All Star Sports, call ahead and make sure there is not a Cheerleading event happening while you are there! The first few days of our trip were great, then the cheerleaders invaded! Between their late night practicing, taking over the food court, 1-2 groups in front of you in the bus line filling a whole bus or 2 before you can board, it was horrible! I'm sure a lot of the kids were sweet - we, unfortunately did not encounter those cheerleaders. Plan ahead!

2. When you carry moleskin in your bag (and you SHOULD! it was a lifesaver!), make sure you keep it in a baggie! I had some loose in my drawstring backpack and it got wet on Kali River Rapids (soaked!), and it has a HORRIBLE smell when wet! The smell permeated my bag and I ended up throwing it away and buying a Disney one.

3. Carry your own cold medicine with you. I caught a cold and was sick our last 5 days of a 8 day trip and the first day buying the daytime cold medicine in the resort didn't seem that bad ($2.89 for 4 caplets). But after 5 days it added up. Plus I had to take the one brand that they sold at the resort. I was happy to have it, couldn't have functioned in the park without it, but was not how I wanted to spend my limited spending money.

4. If you aren't a big eater, definitely share an entrée if you aren't on the Dining Plan. DD25 and I split almost every meal and had PLENTY to eat. Plus we were able to save room for desert (and Dole Whips! Did NOT share those, lol!).

5. Check in online for your airline the night before you leave. I forgot (being sick and medicated, lol) and after waiting in line for 30 minutes at the Disney bag check the morning of the day we left (behind a large group of cheerleaders!) I was told my airline had listed me as on standby and they couldn't take my bag as I did not have a guaranteed seat. I bought my ticket 3 months in advance and had a seat assignment, so I was very irritated. We checked our bags at Bell Services until our Magical Express time. I feel like if I had checked in the night before I probably would have had a seat.

6. I know not everyone is like us, flying to 2 different locations when you leave, but if you are, know ahead of time that the airlines won't take your luggage until 2 hours before your flight. DD25 was flying Frontier and her plane left a couple hours after mine, so we went to the airport together, to spend our last few hours together. Well, after standing in line 1 hour to check in and have them take her bag, the agent couldn't take the bag! So she couldn't go through security with me. I ended up having just a couple of minutes to say a rushed goodbye and sprinting through security and to my gate. We only see each other a couple of times a year, so it sucked.

I'm sure I have more, but that is all I can think of at the moment! Despite the cheerleaders, and getting sick, we had a wonderful time and are going back 2 times this year!
1) We had our son (4 years old at the time) earn money before we left, and we told him that he couldn't spend it until the last park day. So every time he saw something he "needed," I made a note in my phone of what it was, where it was and what it cost. The night before our last park day, we went through, figured out what he could afford and what he REALLY wanted, and bought it all then.

2) I also stocked up on cheap shirts from the Disney Store and cheap pins on ebay. Since I knew what we'd do every day, I also brought cards, written in a "disney" font to leave with the gifts. I used the in-room safe as a mailbox and he woke up to a magical treat each day. Something like "Good morning Adam, please join my friends at me for breakfast this morning! Love Donald" on the day that we had an ADR for breakfast at Tusker House. It was also easier to get him out of bed each day!

3) rain ponchos are not created equal. We had high-quality heavy ones (purchased at another theme park in a rain storm) and we used them nearly every day. I was grateful for our heavy ones when I could see the cheap ones flying up in the wind all the time.

4) On our first trip, I brought two 11X14 photo mats for the characters to sign. They now hang in my son's room and they look fantastic. I can't say enough about how much of a pain in the butt they were to lug around, keep flat, keep dry, make sure nobody signed twice, get a good mix of signatures between the two, etc. For our second trip, they signed index cards. Since I don't do photo albums, but I do a photo book on Shutterfly, I just scanned the cards and put them with the pictures. They look great!

5) On my son's first trip, he hadn't flown before and I wanted to make sure he understood how long and boring the process is. So I did a sheet of paper with each step that we could cross off together (including pictures) - drive to airport, check in, security, sit and wait, board plane, take off, land, layover, etc.

6) Take advantage of the hotel's pool and other cool features. And spring for one night at a better hotel! On our last full day at Disney, we checked out of Coronado Springs and took a cab to Art of Animation, where we had a Nemo suite waiting. We didn't want to pay for a suite for a full week for the three of us, but it was very fun for our last full day and night! And since our flight left late the next day, we got almost two days to explore.
1) We had our son (4 years old at the time) earn money before we left, and we told him that he couldn't spend it until the last park day. So every time he saw something he "needed," I made a note in my phone of what it was, where it was and what it cost. The night before our last park day, we went through, figured out what he could afford and what he REALLY wanted, and bought it all then.

Be careful with this one. There have been many times that people have reported seeing something they really wanted on the first day of the trip but not buying it for one reason or another. When they went back on the last day of their trip, the item was no longer available. It has happened to me with wine glass charms I saw at Animal Kingdom but didn't buy because I thought I'd just buy them another day and then never saw them again ANYWHERE. Had I been a young child, I'm sure there would have been a meltdown involved. :rotfl2: Five years and 3 trips later (plus numerous friends keeping an eye out for the item on their trips) and I almost had it happen to me again (because apparently I didn't learn my lesson the first time). I saw wine charms on our first night on that trip and didn't buy them again!!! Went back a few days later and there was only 1 set left on the shelf and the CM couldn't sell it to me because it was damaged. Had to go to a few other resorts to find it. Our kids always have a set amount for souvenirs and they can spend it any day they want to. They understand that when the money is gone, it's gone. They've always (we started this when they were 4) been happy with their choices whether it meant that they waited until we went to Downtown Disney and they spent all of their money there or if they saw a stuffed Figment at Epcot that they HAD to have just 3 hours after we arrived on property and knew that they then had $10 less to spend during the rest of the week.
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Buy it when you see it is good advice in general, not just at Disney.
My tip is to snack your way through the day every 3 hours or so including a bathroom stop with each, and have a table service dinner. For example in MK, we either have breakfast in room or grab a quick snack upon arrival, split a Gaston cinnamon roll around 11, Dole whips a few hours later at about 1:30 and then about 4 or 5 grab another quick snack to split until our dinner reservation at 7 or 8 pm. Then you don't waste precious time on a sit down full lunch. You get 3 ten to fifteen minute breaks built in to the day and you feel refreshed throughout.
I've always liked as little cargo as possible. If I can walk in the park with a few things in my pockets and skip the bag line, I'm perfect. Of course, this isn't for everyone. But man does it ease my stress in an instant. No lockers all the way!
About 6 months before our trip, we put a 'disney box' In our closet. What we do is make a list in my phone of all of The random things we need to buy for our trip. Travel sized stuff, ponchos, moleskin, advil, bandaids, bright bandana to tie on stroller, sharpies, ziploc bags, etc. Then every time we are at the store, we pick up a few things on the list, so we're not having to buy it all at once a week or so before our trip. Also helps me not forget anything because it's all together in one box. I also add stuff to the list anytime I think of something new or read good tips on here or FB or something.

Already have about 12 things in our trip box for October, it works great for us. :)
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There are change machines in the laundry rooms so bring some 1$ bills they are lighter than carring around a tube of quarters.
If you decide to bring quarters you have to take them out of your carry on luggage and put them through the scanner other wise you will be pulled aside for by the TSA for a luggage search.

Asking for a cup of free ice water while in the parks is a huge savings.

I have some experience with the quarters-one year I had an issue with them in my carry on and TSA had to pull us aside and swab the suitcase. Next year I packed them in my check in suit cast-surprise-they were not in the luggage anymore when we arrived at our resort. :(

Also, we also ask for free ice water. I will never carry around bottles of water...and then there is the cost of of those bottles of water. The water from the soda fountains is fine-it is the water from the drinking fountains that is kinda icky. I also bring a few of those crystal lite packets to add to the water.
Take a moment, everyday, to thank Walt Disney for having the courage to follow his dream. Without him, and the thousands of people who help facilitate his vision, we would never have this wonderful experience. I have been pixie dusted more times than I can count and I really think it's beacause I appreciate Disney so much![/QUOTE

I thank him all the time
If there is one thing that I couldn't live without seeing at DisneyWorld, what would that be? I got to disneyland regularly, so I'm not new with disney, but I certainly don't want to miss the best of it all!
Disneyland vet here and we just did our first WDW trip. Our unique highlights included Expedition Everest, 7DMT (short but fun -- use FP), Grand Floridian, Nostalgia of Country Bears MSEP, and People Mover (if you are old enough to remember them at DL); World Showcase and all the great TS restaurants. Our favorites: Le Cellier, Narcoosees, Be Our Guest and Cinderella's Royal Table.

We found DHS a waste of time and would not return.
My one tip to add to all of these good ones is "wash your hands." There are thousands of people touching everything in the parks and on the buses. Try and remember not to touch your eyes or mouth until after you have washed your hands. It can save you a lot of grief if nobody gets sick. One year my DW got a cold and she felt pretty bad by the end of the week and one year my DD got a stomach bug. Not fun, but it only lasted one day. You can use hand sanitizer, but a good soap and water works just as well.

i can absolutely co-sign with touring plans--it makes ALL the difference when it comes to touring. also, i can say that if you have boys, it's a good idea to learn about the boy stuff that is all over the 'world'.
  • lego store in downtown disney--you can make a free build character on the first tuesday of the month! free souvenir!
  • pirate cruise--schedule this treasure hunt and sailing for about $37 per kiddo; a bargain compared to the bibiddi bobbity boutique, i assure you.
  • pirate's league--dress yer poppet in pirate gear! argh!
  • build-a-car--yes, you read that right. just like doing the build a bear, you can build a car. downtown disney. yes.
  • create a lightsaber at hollywood studios
  • become a padawan (young jedi in training) at hollywood studios
  • fishing, horseback riding, bicycling at fort wilderness
  • during father's day weekend (usually) they have the master's car show in downtown disney. great way to see some really cool muscle cars! and drink beer! hubby and son love this! (not the kiddo with beer though, he gets ROOT beer)
aaaaaannnnddd the list could go on. there are many obvious things boys could get into, but since this is about tips everyone should know, i wanted to chat about the lesser known things.

These are great! We also like to take our son to build his own Mr. Potato Head in Downtown Disney. After he plays, we let him pick out a couple of accessories to bring home each trip.


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