Disney dangled the visual weinee & Mickeystoontown gobbled it up! 10/26

I am so glad you were on the prowl...I would have been too. Have you seen any updated pictures. I haven't had time to go look after the ones you directed me to about a week or so ago.
Thanks so much for all of the CBR details. I originally subscribed because your advice on the CBR thread was so great and I was looking forward to hearing more about the resort. Now I'm tuned into your TR because I just love reading about your adventures!

The two hour bus ride sounds horrendous. You and your family handled it much better than we would have. We use the word "hangry" in our house. It is the only way to describe the mood shift that hits each and every one of us when our fuel tanks run low!
Thats a bummer that you couldnt get a better look at what the workers have done to the rooms . But nice try anyway :thumbsup2
Yes the POR does have a nice food court, we really liked it. It is one of my favorite resorts and we especially liked the boat to DTD, it so much more relaxing than taking the bus.
How crazy that your first night was a bust!! I wish you would have seen more magicians and musicians but hey, naked men are always good too right?!?! :rotfl2:

I really think you should let poor Hunter have pizza at home so that he eats something else at Disney! :thumbsup2
Well it took me a while but I'm here and I just read all 21 pages tonight. I was really tired but I wasn't going to quit until I was done :surfweb:

I'll try my best to stay caught up. Now its off to bed!
We stayed at CBR last October on our first trip and have been counting down to our next trip (495 days-ugh) ever since! Love feeling like I'm there!:thumbsup2
No Magicians/Yes Naked Guy:

Once again, I love all of your resort pictures and information. I swear since becoming part of the DIS, my trips are forever changed. No longer can I go into a hotel room or lobby or food court or gift shop without snapping a gazillion pictures because "Somebody out there may want to see this"

Sorry your night at DTD and the Boardwalk and back to DTD was a bust.

Can I tell you that I hate that DTD bus to the EPCOT resorts with a passion of a thousand white-hot suns???


Too crowded, full of drunks and the trip can take SOOOOOOO long as you discovered. We will either take a cab- worth every penny- or if it is early enough and we have the time, we take a boat to one of the DTD resorts then get a bus to EPCOT when we are returning to the Beach Club.

We haven't spent much time on the Boardwalk. We have seen one outdoor perfomer- a magician- but that has been all. Not sure what the schedule of entertainment is or where you can find that.

Thank goodness for Planet Hollywood and at least you had a naked guy to keep you company. :confused3


Bail $$$:

Thank goodness you didn't get arrested for sneaking around the refurbishment area. I wonder how many backsacks you would have to make to pay to be bailed out of Disney jail?

Disney jail? Is that where they tie you up and make you listen to "It's a small world" over and over until you break? :lmao:
Hi Lisa. I have read MANY of your trip reports. Not sure if I've ever stopped in to say "hello" or not so, :wave2:

I just stumbled across this latest report and I'm all caught up. Can't wait to read more. popcorn::

Welcome! Thanks so much for saying hello!

:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao: You crack me up, Lisa. And I can just see John and Hunter giving you grief that you are going to get locked up by the Disney police or in trouble with them like on your cruise. :rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2:

But you are a GOOD DISer trying to get those pictures for your readers. Too bad the Disney police prevented you from getting much.

After your evening before, it was a good idea to sleep in and take it easy.

Can't wait to hear what you do next.

I tried my best to get better pictures but Disney security wasn't making it easy. You have my men pegged right, they were definitely giving me grief.

Sounds like a nice, relaxing morning. Well, apart from hiding from security... :rotfl2:

I love those kind of mornings...except for hiding from security of course.

Lisa, Lisa, Lisa! I am glad you did not get thrown in Disney jail! Probably John and Hunter was glad too. They had security there because they knew you were coming to town to snoop. Didn't you see we made you a website called Lisa: The Disney Detective?

Hey, get that website started and I'll contribute every time that I can.

You are a good DISer - willing to go to Disney jail to take pictures for your fellow CBR fans!

It looks like a really nice day - was it hot and humid yet?

Love that Hunter got pizza again! Did you count how many times he got pizza this trip?

I knew that so many Disers wanted to know what the new rooms would look like so I was willing to give it a try.

It wasn't too terribly hot and humid that particular day but there were a couple of days that it was hot.

You know what? We were just talking about how many pizzas Hunter didn't eat this past trip. He usually wants one every single counter service meal.

All I can say is, even as crappy as the parking is at DTD and BW, I bet you wish you had driven. That two hour bus ride sounds like pure torture. And I am seriously shocked that there was no entertainment outside on Memorial Day weekend. There really are limited food choices. Next time you get stuck there (if you ever venture forth again) and you are starving, hit the Captain's table at the YC. You can always get seated and they make a good burger. Wow - what a frustrating evening. :faint:

Glad you finally got some food in your stomachs.

Back to read you next update.

Oh goodness no! We used to drive to DTD but after taking a bus, we said that we'd never drive again. I absolutely hate driving to DTD. Well, wait, it would have been nice to have a car so that we could have driving to the BW.

:rotfl2: I did try snooping a bit too, but there were so many workers around that I couldn't get out of anyone's view long enough for pictures. I saw those permits too, but you did better with snooping than I did since I didn't get any pictures of them!

I'm glad that I wasn't the only one who was unsuccessful in their attempts to get pictures of the new rooms. Wait? That didn't sound right because I do want to see pictures.

Pretty pictures of the resort. It's always interesting to see when they do refurbishments. I love when you can actually see a new room. Sounds like all you saw were work permits and a toilet. :rotfl2:

Someone posted pictures of the rooms right after I got back. They were successful in sneaking pictures late one evening. They do look nice and I look forward to seeing them for myself next May.

Way to be willing to take one for the team! I never would have even thought there would be security. Crazy!

Oh yeah, there was always security around which put the kabosh on me taking many pictures.

Wow what a long ride to Boardwalk and then for nothing to be there such a bummer. I did learn that maybe I should be timing my bus ride tho.

Sound like such an adventure looking for refurb rooms. I have always wanted to spend a little more time exploring the resorts but James, my DH, is such a parks person.

The ride to the Boardwalk was ridiculous!

Over the years, we've learned that we need a few days to relax. We used to be the kind that had to go go go.

We were there May 22-30, & I agree with Lisa. We never felt that is was unbearably hot in comparison to home. One afternoon at Animal Kingdom, we felt hot & worn. Otherwise we tried to do water activity during the day, & parks in the evening/night.

It really wasn't that bad was it? There were only two days that we ever really noticed. But, that doesn't mean that we didn't enjoy the air conditioning when it was available.
Really, Hunter wanted pizza? I'm so surprised!!!! LOL :lmao:

Thank you so much for trying to snoop out some scoop for us DISers! We really appreciate the fact that you were willing to take one for the "team.":grouphug: Three weeks from today and I will be there to carry on the mission!

Can't wait to read more about your adventures!

I know that it came as quite a shock that Hunter wanted another pizza. LOL!

I tried my best to get pictures but it just wasn't happening. I hope that you'll be able to do a better job than I did.

Hi Lisa! I was a few days behind but I'm all caught up.

CBR looks great! Loved your resort pictures!

Ohhh, and now you've got the Wayne's World song stuck in my head for the rest of the day! :rolleyes:

I wish that I were able the CBR right now! I could go for lazing around on a beach instead of sitting behind this darn desk.

Wayne's World and Spice World were two of Lacey's favorite movies. Every single time her cousin came over, they watched them over and over again.

I agree. You get to the point where you will either laugh or cry about what's going on. Much better to laugh at things like this.

I'd much rather be laughing.

Glad you didn't get taken to Disney jail! ;)

I'm intrigued now about the new rooms. Maybe I can sneak a peek in September. I'll let you know!

And I'm shocked that Hunter got pizza!

Love you CBR pics. I can't wait to be there.

There haven't been any recent pictures posted and I'm wondering how the work is progressing. Hopefully, somebody will post new pictures soon.

Hey Lisa!

Subscribing to see how your trip went. Great to meet you and the family in the MK!

Glad you got home ok. Will have to tell you the adventure I experienced as soon as I got home. It wasn't full of pixie dust, that's for sure!

Welcome! So glad to have you here and it was nice to meet you guys!

I saw all of the "stuff" that you went through after you got home. Wow! Wow! Wow! How are you feeling?

I can just see you sneaking around trying to take pics :rolleyes1 - love it!

Oh yeah, there was a lot of sneaking around on my part.
I'm so sorry to hear that Hunter's birthday night was a bust. The Boardwalk is pretty, but I guess I wouldn't make a night of it either.

Thank goodness you didn't get thrown in Disney jail! Though it would have been nice to know what Disney jail looks like... do you think they'd have let you take pictures? :rotfl:

Are they doing a major refurb on the rooms at CBR? I guess I thought that they had just re-done them a few years ago-adding the Nemo theme? :confused3

It all ended up being okay in the end. I just wish that we had skipped the Boardwalk all together.

Ooooh, I don't know if they would have let me snap some pictures of Disney Jail but I bet that I'd have tried.

Yep, they are redoing the rooms completely. They have more of a Poly look now.

Hello Lisa! Just subscribed CBR looks great never stayed there before may have to in the future. Looks like you did some great investigative work on those new rooms. Can't wait to hear more.

Welcome! I'm so glad that you are here! I tried my best to get better pictures but it just wasn't happening.

Oh you are bad! I love it! Muahahaha

I'm thinking this was not your last attempt to find the coveted refurbished room. ;) And, I don't blame you one bit for sleeping in after that crazy night before. What a zoo! We've never run into the Boardwalk entertainment yet, either. Very disappointing. Some day! Keep the stories coming. Love it! :)

I wanted pictures of the new rooms sooooo badly.

I hope to get another update posted this afternoon. I don't know how long it will be but at least it will be something.

Well, with all that undercover work you were doing at CBR, at least you had the forethought to put aside some bail money in case the Disney police caught you! :rotfl2::rotfl:

I suppose seeing a gutted room is better than nothing. At least it was something.

Yep, had the bail money right in the safe ready to be grabbed up need be.

I guess so. I wish that I would have been able to get pictures like someone else posted on the CBR thread. They were able to sneak over during the evening and take pictures.

:laughing: Girl, you and your run-ins with the law at Disney!

I remember when we met and I asked you about the rehab at CBR - John got a big grin on his face and said you almost got arrested snooping around taking pictures. All I could think about was your previous run in with the law on your cruise - sneaking that contraband clothes iron in your luggage. What a rebel you are! :lmao:

Glad the bail money was in the safe and the boys knew where the key was! :rotfl: You had the best intentions though - takin' one for the the DIS Boards Team! You're such a good DISer! :thumbsup2

One of my travel agent friends sent me a text reminding me what happened on the cruise. I have this thing about meeting up with Disney security.

I was ready to take one for the entire Disboard team!

Such a tough day! I had no idea that that the boardwalk entertainment was hit or miss! I can not sit still on vacation either, It drives my hubby nuts! Maybe I should go take some pictures next time. Can't wait to hear more!

We didn't either! I just knew that we'd see all sorts of cool stuff.

I always take a walk around the resort while the rest are just sitting around like dust bunnies. I can only take so much of that.

Wow 2 hours on the bus! That's crazy! What a shame there were no performers out, especially after your long trip there!

You are funny sneaking around with your camera and waving at the guards, it won't be long till they have your name on a wanted poster :rotfl2:

Two hours on a bus was insane!

I wonder if my ugly mug is posted somewhere in a Disney security room?

New to your trip report but subscribing can't wait to see what happens next!

Welcome! Happy to have you!

I would have been FREAKING OUT after two hours on a Disney bus!!!

The bus ride took forever and a day!
I am so glad you were on the prowl...I would have been too. Have you seen any updated pictures. I haven't had time to go look after the ones you directed me to about a week or so ago.

It's weird because nobody has reported anything new about the rooms. I know at least one person who is going soon and she's going to get as much info as she can.

Thanks so much for all of the CBR details. I originally subscribed because your advice on the CBR thread was so great and I was looking forward to hearing more about the resort. Now I'm tuned into your TR because I just love reading about your adventures!

The two hour bus ride sounds horrendous. You and your family handled it much better than we would have. We use the word "hangry" in our house. It is the only way to describe the mood shift that hits each and every one of us when our fuel tanks run low!

Thank you! I'm glad that you are enjoying the report. We absolutely love the CBR and can hardly wait until we are back there again.

Ooh, I like that word...hangry. I may start using it!

How crazy that your first night was a bust!! I wish you would have seen more magicians and musicians but hey, naked men are always good too right?!?! :rotfl2:

I really think you should let poor Hunter have pizza at home so that he eats something else at Disney! :thumbsup2

Oh yeah, Poor Hunter and the lack of pizza while at home. My Mama keeps her freezer stocked with pizzas just for him.

Well it took me a while but I'm here and I just read all 21 pages tonight. I was really tired but I wasn't going to quit until I was done :surfweb:

I'll try my best to stay caught up. Now its off to bed!

Hey! Welcome aboard! I was nice and didn't post any more updates just so you could catch up. (actually, I've been uber busy and haven't had time to post.)
We stayed at CBR last October on our first trip and have been counting down to our next trip (495 days-ugh) ever since! Love feeling like I'm there!:thumbsup2

Isn't the resort wonderful?! I am always in countdown mode too.

No Magicians/Yes Naked Guy:

Once again, I love all of your resort pictures and information. I swear since becoming part of the DIS, my trips are forever changed. No longer can I go into a hotel room or lobby or food court or gift shop without snapping a gazillion pictures because "Somebody out there may want to see this"

Dee, I am the same way. I'll look at something and go "Disney would never let XYZ happen" or "Disney's looks better". Even when we go to someplace like Hot Springs, Arkansas or to Gatlinburg, Tennessee, I'm snapping those information type pictures too.

Sorry your night at DTD and the Boardwalk and back to DTD was a bust.

Can I tell you that I hate that DTD bus to the EPCOT resorts with a passion of a thousand white-hot suns???


The bus ride was ridiculous getting to the Boardwalk. Getting back to DTD was easy peasy.

Too crowded, full of drunks and the trip can take SOOOOOOO long as you discovered. We will either take a cab- worth every penny- or if it is early enough and we have the time, we take a boat to one of the DTD resorts then get a bus to EPCOT when we are returning to the Beach Club.

We haven't spent much time on the Boardwalk. We have seen one outdoor perfomer- a magician- but that has been all. Not sure what the schedule of entertainment is or where you can find that.

It's so weird how the Boardwalk is so hit or miss. I've seen lots of reports with pictures of the Boardwalk performers?

Thank goodness for Planet Hollywood and at least you had a naked guy to keep you company. :confused3


Bail $$$:

Thank goodness you didn't get arrested for sneaking around the refurbishment area. I wonder how many backsacks you would have to make to pay to be bailed out of Disney jail?


Well, you know how I am with Disney security. We are just likethis. Actually, I probably should say that Disney security follows me likethis. :lmao:

Disney jail? Is that where they tie you up and make you listen to "It's a small world" over and over until you break? :lmao:

Oh goodness! I hadn't thought about that!
That’s a mighty fine hat you got there Mister! Not as fine as my shirt!

Having had enough of the lazy vacation style, we were all ready to get up and do something. The only thing that was on our agenda was our 6:30 p.m. reservation at Ohana. You know...the Ohana reservation that everybody voted against this trip so I didn’t make one until somebody asked “why aren’t we eating at Ohana?”....the reservation that I stalked the May ADR cancellation thread for....the reservation that I finally finally was able to get after days and days, heck, weeks, of refreshing the Disney dining reservation page. Yeah, that Ohana reservation.

It was unanimously decided that we’d do a monorail resort tour before our dinner reservation. Even though we had been to eat at each of the monorail resorts, we had always been in somewhat of a hurry and never really looked around much. We freshened up and were out the door in plenty of time to get to the Magic Kingdom and take our tour.

We were the only ones at the bus stop when we arrived. I took a picture of the Jamaica bus stop sign:

And to prove that we were the only ones there:

John sat down on the bench and had me take a picture of his shirt. Why in the world would I take a picture of his shirt? :confused3 Is there something special about this shirt? Why yes, yes there is. You know how one incident/thing happens and it will snowball and then becomes this whole big tale that’s told over and over again and is one of those weirdly funny memories that you have of a trip? John’s shirt is our “snowball of a tale”. We still laugh about it.

During our 2013 trip, John wore this shirt to Hollywood Studios and a CM said “I like your shirt.” Later on in the same day, somebody else complimented his shirt. I kid you not, in line for Toy Story Mania, another person said that they liked his shirt. Within just a few hours, he had quite a few people comment on it.

Well, it didn’t take long for our goofy family to start making up stories about this wonderful shirt. It was made of the finest 100% cotton. The best of the best. Everybody wanted it. Even Kings and Queens desired a shirt like his. If we thought somebody looked at John a little too long, we said it was because he had on the best 100% cotton shirt in the world and he was the envy of all. It was, quite simply, an amazing shirt! ::yes:: I know! It’s a stupid thing to laugh about but we did and still do. What can I say? We are weird like that.:laughing:

Annnnyway, when Lacey and Jesse had to cancel their trip with us, Jesse told him to wear the shirt proudly and take pictures of him wearing it all over Walt Disney World. Again, weird, I know.

Want to see the best shirt in the whole wide world?

Are you sure you are ready for it?

Be prepared to gasp in awe.


Yeah, just a normal looking shirt. We have no idea why it appealed to so many. I washed the shirt one evening at the resort and he wore it again, for Jesse’s sake of course. And, I’ll go ahead and share in case you are wondering, he did get a compliment on the shirt again. What the hecka decka? :confused3

The bus came soon after we sat down and I sent the picture to Jesse and Lacey. There were only a few people on the bus and we pretty much had our pick of seats. We passed under the Magic Kingdom sign and just before turning into the Magic Kingdom bus station, Hunter said “Cue the Magic Kingdom music!” and we heard the trumpets playing. I smile every single time. Our bus driver dropped us off at one of the closest bus stops and told which bus stop we had to go to when going back to the resort. We thanked the driver and walked right past the Magic Kingdom. I looked at John and Hunter and said “So close but yet so far!”. It was okay though, we’d be there soon enough. :hyper:

Up the resort monorail ramp we went and waited with the dozen or so others for the next monorail. My pictures of the tour are sorely lacking. Sorry! Our first stop was at The Contemporary where I took this picture:

We looked around at the various stops, took a potty break and hopped back on skipping the TTC and the Polynesian. Our next stop was The Grand Floridian. Every time I walk into the Grand Floridian, it almost takes my breath away, it’s so pretty and pristine and elegant which is the total opposite of me and my style. We live in a log home, have an elk hide in the entry, a cow hide on my living room floor and my dining table is made from an old barn that we used to play in as kids. Couldn’t be more opposite could it? Doesn’t stop me from admiring the Grand Floridian’s loveliness though.

As we did at the Contemporary, we went from shop to shop just browsing and window shopping. None of us were looking for anything in particular. Except for maybe Hunter.

John came around the corner and said “That’s a mighty fine hat you got there Mister. Not as fine as my shirt though.” and, of course, that led to another story about the awesome shirt and how the Grand Floridian band should swap out their spiffy duds for shirts like John’s and the story went on and on and got bigger and bigger.

After looking at all of the Grand Floridian shops, we went back to the monorail station so that we could make our way to the Polynesian. It was nearing time to check in for our Ohana reservation that had taken me weeks to get.

We made the loop back around and made it to the Polynesian in plenty of time to check in. As a matter of fact, we were actually a little too early. That’s okay because it gave us time to look around at the ugliness. Ugliness? Yep, ugliness!:scared1: The construction at the Poly was going on in full force. No more pretty water features and lush foliage. Instead, there were dull, drab walls. If I thought that it looked ugly and hated walking around it, I can only imagine what the guests staying there (and paying plenty of money to do so) thought about it. Bless their hearts!

I checked us in, was given a pager and we actually found seats. I couldn’t believe it. Every other time that we have eaten there, we had to stand, or sit on each other’s laps or some of us stand and one, maybe two of us, sit. Probably 15 minutes after checking in, our pager went off and we were led into the restaurant by our hostess. In times past, we were walked by the counter where our host picked up our loaves of bread and then shown to the table. This time, that area was blocked off and we went what I could only call “the back way”. Not that the back way was bad, it was just different.

As we were walking, she asked if we had been to the restaurant before and we told her that we had. She told us welcome back and she wouldn’t go into the spiel of how the meal would work since we had been there before. She told us our cousin’s name but I couldn’t really hear her since she was walking and talking at the same time and she wasn’t facing me. Once we were seated she asked if we wanted bread and we told her that we did and could she bring two loaves since Hunter can eat a loaf all by himself. She said that wouldn’t be a problem and that she would be right back.

Probably 10 minutes passed and we had no bread and no cousin. What did we do? Took pictures:

Another 5/10 minutes went by and finally one of our cousins (we would have two) came with the salad. He said something and we all just looked at each other like “Whaaaaat?”. I said “Pardon?” :listen: and he said it again. “Huh?” I know that I had a stupid look on my face ‘cause I had no clue what he had just said nor did Hunter. John? Well, he’s so hard of hearing from working around machines that I knew better to look at him for an interpretation. Our cousin’s accent was super thick and he must get the “What? Pardon? Huh?” looks all the time. He slowed down his speech and said “You have allergies?” Oh, I understood what he said then. I told him no and he said “Why no bread if no allergies?” He thought that we didn’t order bread because we were allergic to something in the bread. We told him that we would like two loaves and he came back with them quickly.

While he was gone, our other cousin, came and took our drink orders. In the meantime, I took a picture of our salad.

Sorry, the picture is dark but even though we were seated by a wall of windows, it was dark in the restaurant. A thunderstorm was rolling through the area and it getting darker and darker as the clouds closed in. Hunter had the bright idea to use the flashlight on his phone to shine a little light on the subject of my camera:

The salad was simply delicious. Just the right amount of sweet and tangy and overall fabulous. Next came the lettuce wraps or, should I say, deconstructed lettuce wraps. They were good. Not knock your socks off good but good. They had something in them that gave them a little spicy kick.

The food kept coming as did the bread which was quickly gobbled up. Our cousin noticed that the bread was almost gone and brought out another loaf. I guess in the future we need to tell them to bring a loaf for each of us. We convinced our picky eater Hunter to try the pork dumplings and he ended up eating about half of them so we asked for more. He also tried the sticky wings (or whatever they are really called) and ate a few of those. Yay for branching out Hunter! :thumbsup2

*Continued in next post*
The meats soon followed and we tried some of each with the exception of Hunter. He skipped the shrimp. Never fear, John made up for it. The beef was too red for any of our liking. It was almost bloody and we like our’s just a little pink on the inside. The pork, chicken and shrimp were delicious. I guess that I took only one picture and it’s a blurry one of the shrimp:

During our meal, the thunderstorm blew in fast and furious and there was lots of thunder, lightening and rain and we could see it all from our window. The entertainer came by with her ukelele and sang songs. I don’t remember her asking if anybody was celebrating anything which is odd because they’ve done it in year’s past. Huh? Wonder what was up?

Our cousins were very attentive and even did a magic trick or two for the family near us and he included us by standing in between the two tables. He said that he was an elementary school teacher and had been working evenings and weekends for years and loved his jobs. You could totally tell too.

It was time for dessert and out came this nugget of deliciousness:

My gosh that thing was good and I am not a fan of bread pudding. Hunter was treated to a birthday cupcake:

Even though it was a pain in the rear end to procure the Ohana dinner reservation and it’s a little on the expensive side, it was well worth it. I also know that whenever somebody/anybody tells me in the future not to book an ADR there, I’ll do it anyway and will somehow work it into our schedule. Yep, we like it that much.

We weeble wobbled our way out of the restaurant and made a pit stop in the bathrooms. It was still sprinkling rain so there was no need to rush leaving the resort. After the stop, we went downstairs via the stairs near the bathroom. I sure hope that they replace the carpet on those stairs. It was so worn and had stained spots on them. They looked really bad.

Once downstairs, Hunter had some fun mimicking the statue:

John and Hunter both made sure that I got pictures of them pointing to John’s awesome shirt:

We contemplated buying either a coffee plant or a money tree figuring that if either one produced, we’d save a ton of money. John drinks coffee like it’s going outta style. And, well, if I could have a tree that sprouted dollar bills, then I’d be in hog heaven. In the end, we didn’t buy either one which may very well be the reason that I’m still broke.

The rain had stopped so we made our way back to the monorail station and then hoofed it across to the bus stop. A group selfie while waiting on the bus:

There were quite a few of the new longer buses parked but not yet in use. We figured that they would roll out nearer to park closing.

A few other families joined us in the bus line and we waited only a few more minutes before a bus pulled up and we were off to Caribbean Beach. The rain had stopped completely so John and I decided to get off at the Custom House to see if we could go ahead and schedule a time for them to pick up our luggage and move them to our new room. Hunter said that he was going to go back to the room while we dealt with the luggage transfer questions.

Some CBR info for those who need it: There is a pathway to the Custom House near the Barbados bus stop. Just get off at the Barbados bus stop and look to your left. The pathway goes across the road and then on to the Custom House. You can’t miss it.

We stopped at Bell Services and told them what we needed. They were super nice and arranged to pick up the luggage at 7:30 a.m. which would allow us plenty of time to get to our first park of the trip. Even after we had all of the details worked out, we continued to chat with them and found out that one of the guys went to college in a town just 30 miles from our house. He was from another State but had attended the college for their something or other program. It was a pleasure to speak with the young man and the two others at the desk. I love it when you meet up with great castmembers. We told them goodnight and went off for a lovely stroll back to our room in Jamaica. Sure, we could have taken the internal bus but it was quite pretty out after the rain had swept through. Plus, we could see the fireworks from the promenade:

**Up next: Excuse me Sir! Miss! Would you mind moving your feet?
Those stuffed lettuce things must be new, we didn't have them in Dec. Do they still serve the noodles? E also love O'Hara. My son must have eaten 30 shrimp.
Those new buses look awesome especially at night.

The one reason I hesitate to stay at CBR is hat the custom house is separated. We use magical express so it would be a pain.
Glad you enjoyed your dinner at O'hana!! We LOVE breakfast there! It's a must do for us.

Aren't the construction walls just pitiful?? So sad for those people who pay so much to look at plywood boards all the time.

The new buses are so cool!
:lmao: about John's "special" shirt. That's so funny that he is doing pictures in it and got another compliment on it!

O'hana looks delicious! I went back and forth on booking it my next trip. I didn't, but I may still change to eating there between now and then. And I agree that it's a pity that the people staying at the Polynesian have to look at the construction, especially with how much they are paying!!
I keep going back and forth, back and forth about getting an Ohana reservation for DH and I during our trip later this month. The menu is one our kids would not enjoy, so we would leave them behind at Wilderness Lodge to do a quick service dinner (DS11, DD17) while we enjoy Ohana. I have made and cancelled a reservation twice. LOL. Your review makes me think I need to add it back in... Guess I could add it toward the end our trip and cancel before 24 if I don't think we will use it!

Oh, by the way..... I like John's shirt! :)
Does your family know how lucky they are to have you get that reservation? Seriously. You rock. :thumbsup2

Your dinner looks really yummy!

I agree that the Poly looks like crap right now. I would be so disappointed if I was staying there, although the rooms are pretty sweet, so maybe I could overlook it. :rotfl2:

Too funny about John's shirt! Yup - looks like a regular t shirt to me. Perhaps it holds some magical power. :confused3 Gotta love your ongoing joke. Too funny! :rotfl2:

Yayayayay for your first park coming up. :cool1: Hope you love your new room!


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