DISNEY COLLEGE PROGRAM - A Spring 2013 Adventure! *COMPLETE* 11/20

luvin the update so much disney yummyiness I want to get into the pictures and eat it all :)

Whew. I'm so glad you felt better too. And you got my winning combo at Sci Fi as well. I have taught my readers the right way.

Yay Sci Fi! I haven't eaten there before, but I have an ADR in may and I can't wait! You have been reviewing a lot of places that are in my upcoming plans lately and I am TOO excited to go back to WDW :)
LOVE the Green Army Man picture! So cute! I can't wait to eat at Sci-Fi in August! And there isn't much I love better than a Butterfinger cupcake from Starring Roles so I'm so glad you got your favorite! The peeps at Starring Roles are the best. When we bought a cupcake there in Dec they gave my kids Mickey cookies for free! They are so fabulous! :love:
Just saw this on facebook and it made me think of you and your fellow CP'ers :)
Awe, so glad you started to feel better after getting out of the hotel!

No red velvet?!?!?!NOOOO!! So glad they shouted for you, and for free! Heck yes!

Imma need to try those onion rings, defs just booked at Sci Fi for our next trip!! Comparethem to beaches & creams! Yum!!
Thank you so much for the updates & info in DCP. I never knew about it, but now my 9 year old daughter wants to do it too! Your trip report has helped us through our Disney withdrawal. I have even been reading your past trip reports. Thanks again, keep making your dreams come true!
March 4th, 2013 (Part 2) - 50's Prime Time Cafe!

Then we went back to the animation building and watched the Mushu movie! It was precious, as per usual. Our animator was a little bit over the top… but at least she was entertaining!

We did the drawing class right after. We had to sit in the front with lap desks but that was alright with me. We drew Minnie Mouse!



We went to go get Star Tours fastpasses after that. We had to wait 10 minutes to get our new one, so we made ourselves comfy near the fastpass machines. We made a little friend while we were sitting there. There was this tiny little girl named Ellie with blonde hair and huge blue eyes who just kept coming over to us again and again. She showed us her park map and her times guide and she was just SO CUTE. She wandered all over the place. I couldn’t even stand how adorable she was. Eventually Ellie had to go and we got our fastpasses!

Then it was MUPPET VISION 3-D TIME!!!!!! I was LOVING IT! Until I fell asleep during the last five minutes of the show and literally just passed out asleep. Hahaha I just don’t even know how I could do that to the beautiful Muppets. I was still listening to every word in my unconscious state!

I think every couple should take a picture as beautiful as this one:


The Great Movie ride was our next choice! Our guide was good today! He was energetic and keep me engaged, which is definitely a good thing. We ended up being on the cowboy side, which is something I didn’t expect!


Then we went to get Rock N Roller Coaster fastpasses. Surge was working photopass on the main strip and he took our picture for us! YAY!


We went back to Star Tours and rode the ride! It was so much fun!! Preston LOVES Star Wars so he was in his glory. Him, Matt, and Alex made light sabers before Sci-Fi this morning so it was just a big Star Wars day.


Mark left right after that because his Dad was flying in today and they were staying at Animal Kingdom Lodge! We said our goodbyes and continued on.

Rock N Roller Coaster was next! We had our fastpasses to use up and we got right on! The cast member working was so funny. He would interact with the video and tell Steven Tyler to “throw in backstage passes!” Then when their manager was like “make it a stretch. Actually make it a... [he interrupted] ROLLER COASTER.” It was PERFECT. We were all in the last car of the limo and it was super fun!


Matt and his random friends:


Matt left us right after that because he was meeting up with his family for dinner at Cape May!

Then we had a little time before dinner, so we decided to go meet Ralph and Vanellope! We couldn’t forget to do that because Wreck-It-Ralph is one of our favorites!! AHH I LOVE THEM! Vanellope seriously gives the best hugs!


The animation building is the best.




Everyone's desk should look like this:


Then it was time for 50’s Prime Time Café! Yes, it was a Hollywood Studios double whammy restaurant day and NO ONE WAS MAD!


We checked in for our 5:15 pm reservation and we were seated very quickly! Our waitress’ name was Sara and she was really sassy! She asked us to tell jokes so we told her the ones we heard at Monster’s Inc. last night.

“What do you call a gator in a vest?” “An investigator!” and “Why did the price of balloons go up?” “Inflation!”

We were at a TV table!


It was also really funny because Keirsten, Primo, and Dave were at 50’s tonight too!! Out of all of the parks and restaurants and times. Seriously.

We ordered our food YUMMY YUMMY YUMMY. Since I didn’t get a milkshake at Sci Fi I got the peanut butter and jelly milkshake here! AHHH it was so good! I absolutely loved it. It has such an interesting but refreshing flavor. I loved it so much.


For my meal I got the meatloaf! That’s what Alexander got, too. It was delicious.


Karen got the chicken pot pie, which everyone thought looked AMAZING. It definitely caught everybody's eye at the table. I need to get that sometime in the future. It looked incredible. She let me have a few bites and I was just blown away.


Preston got the pork chop and he said it was delicious. He really loved it and thought it was so good! The mashed potatoes were wonderful too!


For dessert, Preston and Alex both got Dad’s Brownie Sundaes! They were AWESOME. They were gigantic!


Karen and I both got the s’mores! Ahh so delicious. I didn’t have enough room to even eat the entire thing, but it was very yummy!


After that we ran right to Toy Story Mania!


We got there with ONE MINUTE TO SPARE before our fastpass time was up. I redeemed myself and beat Preston (YEAH YEAH) and then we continued on our way.


At that point Preston and I split off on our own and went to Tower of Terror. Alexander can’t do that ride so him and Karen went to do something else. THIS WAS PRESTON'S FIRST TIME EVER!!!!




Continued in Next Post
This looks like it was a really good day!
I love when cast members make the ride more fun like you were saying on Rock n roller coaster. Yay for fun!
My sister loooves the chicken pot pie at Prime Time. I want to order that next time too.
Monsters University looks good! I used to live in Missouri and I wonder what the students of MU (Missouri University) think about sharing the name.
Thanks for the update!
I am excited because I am going to the Disney store today to buy park ticket for my fall trip!!!!
I found this thread a few weeks ago and am finally caught up! What an awesome documentation of the DCP! I love how you are embracing it all and sharing your experiences with us.

My daughter is a HS senior and planning to apply for Fall Advantage 14. Your thread has gotten us both more excited about it.

LOVE your ride pictures...the cheerleaders on the TOT has to be the best ever!! :rotfl:

Whatta frump.

I approve. :thumbsup2

That is all.
OH MY GOSH - just as you're about to get on one of my top favorite rides, and Preston's 1st time, it ends!!! :scared1: LOL Oh well, something to look forward to.

Another start to a great day. The pixie dust is surely showering upon you both. Good food, good times, good rides, and a great TR. What else could a subscriber ask for? :thumbsup2

As always, looking forward to reading more. :surfweb:
Hello! I am new here. Well, kinda because I have spent the last few days reading your entire thread! I am loving it and am living vicariously through you living your dream! it's not something I would have ever done in college and I am very impressed! I have read only your reports and not the comments so i would like to tell you that I was very upset when you stated that people were giving you a hard time! I, for one, am loving every minute of your report and have no judgement on what you choose to eat or how you choose to live! I have lived long enough to know that there will always be haters out there but I am so impressed with your enthusiasm for Disney and for life! Now that I am caught up I anxiously await your next entry!
It's taken me days but I finally caught up on the whole thread! LOVING your TR! Thank you for all the time and effort you put into it. You've inspired me to start a PTR. We'll see how it goes. Won't be nearly as entertaining and well done as yours though! Keep up the good work! (and the playing and eating!)


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