**Disney After Hours - Magic Kingdom** FAQ & Discussion Thread

Just filled out a survey asking if I would have preferred a more party like atmosphere at the after hours event. I responded absolutely not! I enjoyed hearing the normal music and sounds of the park with just less people present.

Yeah, I’ve had that question asked on a few surveys and I’ve always responded the same as you.
I sort of feel the need to put a disclaimer/asterisk on the DAH reports for these May dates for those new to following the thread.

Like all Disney events, things tend to ebb and flow over time. Crowds change, reports change, people pick up on different nuances of the event, Disney changes things, etc. With them now happening during nearly every month of the year, DAH is now happening in many different crowd seasons.

Reading about crowds is always difficult to interpret, but generally speaking the reports from these May dates to me seem like they are much more lightly attended than the Jan-April run of dates. I can't prove that of course, it's just based on my reading of people's posts and what I see for wait times.

I suspect they may set an unrealistically high bar for the summer Villains dates and even regular DAH dates during non-May times of the year. 7DMT at 8 minutes, for example, is pretty unheard of!

Anyway - as always, a big thank you to everyone who contributes to this thread. Always fun to read people's experiences.

I agree. I know my June 6 DAH villains thing is not going to be like the May reports unfortunately. I hope it is still relatively uncrowded but my expectation is not at all one of wall-one. I am just praying they don’t increase tickets sold (but am sure Disney will be trying to increase profits)
I had tickets shipped for this hoping they would be villain themed for souvenirs, but alas, we got Minnie, Belle, and Epcot. I usually don't bother with tickets since they are linked to MDE.

I did the same thing! I was so disappointed that they weren't a villain theme that we could keep as souvenir.

I sort of feel the need to put a disclaimer/asterisk on the DAH reports for these May dates for those new to following the thread.

Like all Disney events, things tend to ebb and flow over time. Crowds change, reports change, people pick up on different nuances of the event, Disney changes things, etc. With them now happening during nearly every month of the year, DAH is now happening in many different crowd seasons.

Reading about crowds is always difficult to interpret, but generally speaking the reports from these May dates to me seem like they are much more lightly attended than the Jan-April run of dates. I can't prove that of course, it's just based on my reading of people's posts and what I see for wait times.

I suspect they may set an unrealistically high bar for the summer Villains dates and even regular DAH dates during non-May times of the year. 7DMT at 8 minutes, for example, is pretty unheard of!

Anyway - as always, a big thank you to everyone who contributes to this thread. Always fun to read people's experiences.

I agree with you and this is why I am so nervous about the Villain event. We are going on June 13th and Disney always seems to ruin wonderful events like this by overselling them. The question asking if it was "too spooky" because it wasn't crowded seems especially worrisome to me.
The question asking if it was "too spooky" because it wasn't crowded seems especially worrisome to me.

FWIW, that question has been on the DAH survey for awhile (at least the ones I’ve done), probably dating back a few years. Again, for whatever it is worth! :-)
Hi everyone! We had planned two days at Disney prior to heading to Port Canaveral for a cruise (Friday 6/7 and 6/8 at MK and AK). We are flying down Thursday evening and land 7:37pm, and staying at Pop. We recently got the email about the Villains party Thursday night and we are strongly considering getting to our room, dropping our bags, then heading to the park. We could realistically be at the park by 9-9:30ish. Right now we are booked on the DME to the resort, should we Uber to save time? Anything I'm not thinking of (assuming our flight ins't delayed) that would make this a bad idea? We have DS12 and DD10, both have done late night parties MVMCP before and can stay up late.
I know that by asking for advice here I’m probably actually asking to be enabled (lol) but would you do back to back nights of DAH? What about if you are solidly middle aged and sadly not the night owls that you used to be? We were originally going to get into town late on a Thursday and stay offsite the first night then move to BWI Friday morning so we purchased DAH tickets for HS. Now our plans have changed and we are going to be staying at the Poly in Thursday and arriving in the early evening. Do you think it would be too much?
I know that by asking for advice here I’m probably actually asking to be enabled (lol) but would you do back to back nights of DAH? What about if you are solidly middle aged and sadly not the night owls that you used to be? We were originally going to get into town late on a Thursday and stay offsite the first night then move to BWI Friday morning so we purchased DAH tickets for HS. Now our plans have changed and we are going to be staying at the Poly in Thursday and arriving in the early evening. Do you think it would be too much?

Well, I was in a somewhat similar but different predicament.

I could have flown in Thursday afternoon/evening and done the double - MK Thursday and DHS Friday.

Friday was a better travel day for various reasons vs adding an extra day, so I waived off getting there Thursday.

I am now regretting that decision.

So my answer is, do it! :duck:
Hi everyone! We had planned two days at Disney prior to heading to Port Canaveral for a cruise (Friday 6/7 and 6/8 at MK and AK). We are flying down Thursday evening and land 7:37pm, and staying at Pop. We recently got the email about the Villains party Thursday night and we are strongly considering getting to our room, dropping our bags, then heading to the park. We could realistically be at the park by 9-9:30ish. Right now we are booked on the DME to the resort, should we Uber to save time? Anything I'm not thinking of (assuming our flight ins't delayed) that would make this a bad idea? We have DS12 and DD10, both have done late night parties MVMCP before and can stay up late.

That would be cutting it way too close for my comfort. Even if your flight is delayed some, that could significantly cut into your DAH night. Even if you land around 7:35-7:40, you still have to get your bags, Uber to the hotel, get settled in your room, and wait for a bus from Pop. We've had to wait a long time for a bus at Pop, so you may want to just Uber to the park instead. If everything went exactly right (i.e. flight not delayed, no problems with luggage, no problems with Uber or checking into your resort), you would be getting to the park around 9:30 or 10, right when the event starts.
If your flight is delayed, you may miss out on a big chunk of the party. I've had a lot of flights delayed or cancelled altogether this year, so I wouldn't buy DAH tickets in advance because they are non-refundable. You could wait and see how everything goes on your travel day, and if all is going smoothly, you could buy tickets when you arrive (assuming the party is not sold out).
Is there any chance you can get on an earlier flight?
I know that by asking for advice here I’m probably actually asking to be enabled (lol) but would you do back to back nights of DAH? What about if you are solidly middle aged and sadly not the night owls that you used to be? We were originally going to get into town late on a Thursday and stay offsite the first night then move to BWI Friday morning so we purchased DAH tickets for HS. Now our plans have changed and we are going to be staying at the Poly in Thursday and arriving in the early evening. Do you think it would be too much?

I would say no only because what if something happens and your flight is delayed? Or you get to the airport and your luggage has "disappeared"? Or once at the resort your delayed because the 5 people in front of you are waiting for the two upfront having "issues"? If you were coming in during the afternoon, I'd say go for it. But PPs have given good scenarios to what could happen. You're paying that much for a ticket, you deserve to enjoy the WHOLE event. Disney allows DAH goers in around 7:30 I believe, so you could do some rides before the event begins on FP.....I think. Pretty sure I've read that here.
I would say no only because what if something happens and your flight is delayed? Or you get to the airport and your luggage has "disappeared"? Or once at the resort your delayed because the 5 people in front of you are waiting for the two upfront having "issues"? If you were coming in during the afternoon, I'd say go for it. But PPs have given good scenarios to what could happen. You're paying that much for a ticket, you deserve to enjoy the WHOLE event. Disney allows DAH goers in around 7:30 I believe, so you could do some rides before the event begins on FP.....I think. Pretty sure I've read that here.
Actually they’ve been letting people in anywhere between 6-6:30 pm at the mk dah.
I would say no only because what if something happens and your flight is delayed? Or you get to the airport and your luggage has "disappeared"? Or once at the resort your delayed because the 5 people in front of you are waiting for the two upfront having "issues"? If you were coming in during the afternoon, I'd say go for it. But PPs have given good scenarios to what could happen. You're paying that much for a ticket, you deserve to enjoy the WHOLE event. Disney allows DAH goers in around 7:30 I believe, so you could do some rides before the event begins on FP.....I think. Pretty sure I've read that here.
We are actually driving in not flying in, but I guess things can happen either way.
Actually they’ve been letting people in anywhere between 6-6:30 pm at the mk dah.

Thank you for the correct information!!

We are actually driving in not flying in, but I guess things can happen either way.

Well if you are driving in, then go for it! You know what you can handle better than all of us! GOOD LUCK!
So I am late reporting for last week 5/16. Sorry it’s long!

By coincidence this date was the last day of my AP. (I am not renewing but may buy a voucher later, waiting until 2021 to return to WDW.) Had gone to HS that morning for my FP on ToT and SDD and made a FP for 7DMT for 8:10 pm upon the use of my first at HS. Left studios around noon and took a solid nap to be able to make it through the night.

Got to MK at 5:40 and ate at Pinocchio Haus-I was just craving flatbread! Wandered over for Monsters Laugh Floor and picked up my wristband right outside. Rode People Mover after that and checked the app and was able to move up 7DMT to within the next 15 minutes by refreshing-being solo must have helped too. Thus after MT I was able to ride Buzz and Pooh with FP and and get JC FP for 8:45. As HEA was going to start soon, I was able to walk on IASW then BTMRR with a 10 minute wait (posted 15) then watch fireworks from the ride and in Frontierland afterwards. Rode Pirates right after they ended, then used my JC FP. As it was still 9:50 I went ahead and watched the Tiki show. By the time I was out AH had begun.

Official AH rides/treats:

Carpets-just needed to wait for ride to finish then load

Treehouse-always love not having to wait on people or be pushed along though this

Mickey Ice Cream sandwich and water

Splash-Walk on but, ok this was weird, a family of three adults was directed to same log as me, told to sit however they liked, and they ALL 3 sat in the row right in front of me!

Thunder-both sides running but filling up each train each side an hour into event.

Thunder-had to walk around and wait one train for back row.

Splash-couldn’t resist one more ride! Had log to myself.

Popcorn and Coke

Peter Pan-a bit of a wait but under 5 minutes.

I didn’t get in the 7DMT line as it was posted 30 min. I didn’t believe it was that long but since I’d ridden earlier I felt my time could by utilized better elsewhere. If I’d known it was under 10 minutes I might have jumped in.

Teacups-ride has just finished so a literal walk on

Barnstormer walk on x4 stayed on

Dumbo-just needed to let ride finish and load. The CM was singing poorly into the microphone and I wasn’t crazy over that, but I get the vibe she was trying to set.

Space-walk on

Peoplemover- I would’ve stayed on (I always make this my last ride in MK if at all possible) but I had to use the restroom and I wanted to make sure I had a soda to go. It was 12:43 and I’d read a report of the stands closing early the previous week. As it was, the stand was out of beverages but assured me more were on the way. So I got a frozen banana (all stands seemed to have all regular treats most of the night) used the restroom, got back in line, got a soda and got back on Peoplemover at 12:58.

I got a PhotoPass right in front of the castle, maybe 6 groups in front of me.

Emporium still open so I bought the stuffed Dumbo I’d debated over all trip. There was one grumpy CM restocking and complaining they should be closed but all others were pleasant.

Another PhotoPass from the end of Main Street. I just walked right up no waiting. But Main Street never was “empty” there are several groups of people in ALL of my photos.

Walked out at 1:38 am, waited roughly 8 minutes for bus to Wilderness Lodge when a CM came over and apologized I had to wait so long and he called and the bus was pulling up right now. I was the only one waiting and we didn’t wait for anyone else. Probably the creepiest part of my night being on the bus all alone, different than in the day. Back in my room by 1:57am.

I felt it was worth it especially with the AP discount and MK having light crowds earlier so I could maximize my pre event time in park. Plus I’d been here for 12 days and in MK for parts of 5 of those so I wasn’t under pressure to “do it all” But personally having done both the HS version twice and now the MK I might say I prefer HS BECAUSE of the lack of attractions, thus making rerides so much easier-I rode SDD 7x and ToT 6x plus Saucers, TSMM, RNRC, a few characters and there never seemed to be a line of more than two for snacks. In MK you have to hustle to do everything and each snack stand seemed to have a line 10 deep. Just My own opinion on what I feel I want out of these AH events but I can see how this is better for other people. I honestly don’t mind paying for something that works to my advantage so as long as they don’t change them too much I’d continue to do them. At any park.
That would be cutting it way too close for my comfort. Even if your flight is delayed some, that could significantly cut into your DAH night. Even if you land around 7:35-7:40, you still have to get your bags, Uber to the hotel, get settled in your room, and wait for a bus from Pop. We've had to wait a long time for a bus at Pop, so you may want to just Uber to the park instead. If everything went exactly right (i.e. flight not delayed, no problems with luggage, no problems with Uber or checking into your resort), you would be getting to the park around 9:30 or 10, right when the event starts.
If your flight is delayed, you may miss out on a big chunk of the party. I've had a lot of flights delayed or cancelled altogether this year, so I wouldn't buy DAH tickets in advance because they are non-refundable. You could wait and see how everything goes on your travel day, and if all is going smoothly, you could buy tickets when you arrive (assuming the party is not sold out).
Is there any chance you can get on an earlier flight?

Unfortunately we can't take an earlier flight (we have one in our party that can't leave work until 2pm. The good news is this flight has an on-time history of 94% so fingers crossed we arrive on schedule. I think we are going to do what you said, we are going to wing-it with this "in our pocket" and if everything goes smoothly and tickets are available we'll buy day of. We are ok with not doing it, but thought some park time sounded fun compared to eating at the food court and chilling in the room for the evening after arriving. When we get checked in we'll literally shove the bags in the room and go, we can get settled later. We are packing a separate bag for just what we'll need at Disney so we don't have to mess with our bags that are packed for the cruise.
I know that by asking for advice here I’m probably actually asking to be enabled (lol) but would you do back to back nights of DAH? What about if you are solidly middle aged and sadly not the night owls that you used to be?

I can't speak to the getting in late Thursday, etc. part but I would definitely do back-to-back nights. My next trip will be only DAH, and I'm seriously considering making all of my future trips that way. Medical issues mean heat and sun are a problem for us, so while staying up late can be tough it's better than the alternative. :)
Hi everyone! We had planned two days at Disney prior to heading to Port Canaveral for a cruise (Friday 6/7 and 6/8 at MK and AK). We are flying down Thursday evening and land 7:37pm, and staying at Pop. We recently got the email about the Villains party Thursday night and we are strongly considering getting to our room, dropping our bags, then heading to the park. We could realistically be at the park by 9-9:30ish. Right now we are booked on the DME to the resort, should we Uber to save time? Anything I'm not thinking of (assuming our flight ins't delayed) that would make this a bad idea? We have DS12 and DD10, both have done late night parties MVMCP before and can stay up late.

We did a MK after hours event on our arrival day a couple of weeks ago, but were scheduled to arrive much earlier than you. We had a 5:45 am flight (had to be up at 4am). We should’ve arrived at 1pm. My plan had been that we’d be at the YC by 2:30, lunch at Beaches and Cream at 3. I figured our room would be ready by then and we’d unpack and take a long nap before heading to our dinner at Artists Point at 7, then the DAH.

Best laid plans....First, our flight was delayed by an hour. We just barely managed to make our lunch reservation. Our room wasn’t ready at 3. By 4, I was heading to the desk when I got a msg that they needed to discuss my reservation. I don’t know what the problem was, but turns out we were upgraded to Club Level- was thrilled but it was 4:30 when we got to the room. A quick unpack and a very short break and we had to get ready to leave for dinner.

The point of all this is, things rarely work out as nicely as we plan them. We should’ve had lots of time, but as each snag happened, it ate up all the cushion we had. I would do it again in a heartbeat, but we were exhausted and couldn’t manage to stay until the end, slept in the next morning.

Unless you can live with the $$$ loss if things don’t work out, waiting till day of is a smart thing to do.

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