Discuss what Disney is doing wrong part II


Aug 26, 2006
I was really enjoying the first thread & then had to stop reading in order to get dinner on the table ( darn family obligations ). Imagine my suprise when after dinner I came back to find that the thread had been closed. I had planned to post my thoughts, albeit very similar to other opinions. So, I'd like to start a new thread & I have no qualms about disagreements & differing opinions, so discuss away.

Just to recap: biggest problems seem to be DDP, stroller increases, club closures, lack of frequent flyer program, special event ticket prices, & loads of others I'm sure I forgot to mention.

My opinion with things I'd like to see change:

1) Why is there no 800 #? Like I already don't spend big bucks just to get there, let alone the BIG bucks I spend once I'm there (esp. on the generic shirts, mugs, etc), that they can't at least pay for the phone call.

2) I am planning a 5 day fall getaway & only have 2 days to try & fit in F! (& one of those is one our travel day)

3) Of those 5 days, 3 are MNSSHP & unless I am willing to spend an extra 100 for at least 1 of those days then we're out of luck for any nighttime entertainment @ the MK.

4) Although I am happy to have free dining, I'm having difficulty planning dinner for next week for my family. So knowing what we are going to want to eat 90-180 days from now is too much pressure for me esp. on vacation. So yeah I'm in the leave some walk up resies open, please.

That's all I can think of now as bedtime rituals now are calling (darn those family obligations, like--don't they know I'm discussing Disney). Let me know what y'all think.
I'm not sure why the first thread was closed, but you are generally not supposed to reopen closed threads (unless they are closed because they were too long).

I'm sure a moderator will weigh in if this thread is not supposed to be here. Just wanted to give you a heads-up! :goodvibes
Right - reopening a closed thread can get you points/infraction from the mods, per the boards terms of use.
I'm not sure why the first thread was closed, but you are generally not supposed to reopen closed threads (unless they are closed because they were too long).

I'm sure a moderator will weigh in if this thread is not supposed to be here. Just wanted to give you a heads-up! :goodvibes

The first thread was closed because the OP of #1 had made a request that it not become a debate thread and of course thats what was happening, and after asking several times that people stop some of the posters started telling her that even though she started the thread, she didn't have any right to make rules (simple though they were, just goes to show people are a lot braver in doing what ever they want when they aren't face to face). So instead of creating their own thread they choose to crash hers. So she asked the mods to close it.
Well, I for one, thought the first thread was a nice one and was surprised the OP of it got so upset. I don't recall seeing any arguments whatsoever.

I'm happy another thread was started and hope it doesn't get closed.
I also enjoyed the original thread. I think its frustrating when threads that are not controversal and a free for all fight are closed. There was some pretty good discussion going on over there. Its not like anyone was using old mugs, pool hopping while thier double booked ADR's were wasting away w/ no one showing up. :confused3
I was also enjoying the other thread. My major complaint is the special parties at the MK. There are times I have been at WDW that a nighttime trip to the Mk was almost impossible. Don't get me started on Disney greed on that one. My other complaint would be calling Disney. They can sure mess up things and most of the poor underpaid and untrained CM's just don't have a clue.
The first thread was closed because the OP of #1 had made a request that it not become a debate thread and of course thats what was happening, and after asking several times that people stop some of the posters started telling her that even though she started the thread, she didn't have any right to make rules (simple though they were, just goes to show people are a lot braver in doing what ever they want when they aren't face to face). So instead of creating their own thread they choose to crash hers. So she asked the mods to close it.

Once again, I take the dog to dog training and miss all the drama on the DIS. Now I have to go find the thread and see what all the fuss is about. :rotfl2:

OP, if the OP of the first thread asked that it be closed, you might be in the clear on starting your own. (Total speculation on my part, though . . .)
Like some PP's have said, they (& of course me too) were really enjoying the first thread, I meant no disrepect to anybody, but I was suprised by the abruptness of the closure when every one was really discussing things pretty amicably. If the mods feel this needs to be closed then so be it, but I just felt we could continue our discussion of things we would like to see change.
I agree with the Fantasmic! thing...We're there for 10 days...10 DAYS! F! is only showing 2 nights??? :confused3 We're having to leave MK during EMH on my son's birthday just to see it.
I also am annoyed about the special events. They're ridiculously expensive and DH won't pay that for "days we have already paid for".
It seems they're trying to jimmy things around so they can stay afloat in rough times, and for that, they may be the only smart ones. I'm starting to feel like a sucker, though. They'll come through unscathed since they have foresight, unlike some of the other industries. They'll just be doing it on my money...:lmao:
I'm still overall happy with most things, but this trip in 10 days will either cement the life-time Disney deal for me or may break the cycle of Disney-only vacations. We may finally be able to do other things more reasonably...?
Upon thinking about this and reading others opinions, I have to say my biggest disappointment is the MK special events. The price has increased A LOT over the past couple of years, and with the way it's handled (party goers getting in hours before the party and non party goers being asked to leave the park early along with there being so many it makes it difficult to plan a visit if you're not attending), I think Disney is trying to force people to just buck up and lay over the cash for the too-high-priced tickets. I really resent that. We're already spending thousands of dollars for less than a one week's stay.

My other, more minor, complaint is the lack of QS dining options for children.
The first thread was closed because the OP of #1 had made a request that it not become a debate thread and of course thats what was happening, and after asking several times that people stop some of the posters started telling her that even though she started the thread, she didn't have any right to make rules (simple though they were, just goes to show people are a lot braver in doing what ever they want when they aren't face to face). So instead of creating their own thread they choose to crash hers. So she asked the mods to close it.

Some folks cry when they learn that the internet doesn't always follow the rules you might wish to impose upon it.

As for what Disney is doing wrong, well, I don't think I have a huge list like many. I'd like to see a bit more variety in the restaurants- just about all the table service locations have eight or so entrees, a tiny fraction of what you'd find elsewhere. I don't expect them to have a menu large enough to come in hardback, but a bit more choice would give more reason to return (other than just having again what you enjoyed before).

I can't say that I've experienced the rude CMs or dirty conditions reported by others, but that could also have to do with us visiting during off peak times- if it's mid summer, stifling heat and humidity, and crushing crowds I can see how CMs might not be at the top of their games.
I don't have any major complaints (ok I would like a boy character meal or for Disney in general to recognize that there are boys out there too...so one complaint), but I do notice a trend.

We are DVC members and go every year, sometimes twice. Price increases, less shows, more expensive not as great food, lousy selection for purchases....we still go every year. I don't really fuss about the things that would otherwise bother me because I am in Disney. And because those of us who do go often and plan long and hard are still doing that, Disney is not worried about the changes. Something in the water making us want to go back over and over. If the Disney magic bites you, many things can be overlooked I think. They will always be able to make these kinds of changes as long as the market allows it and the market just allows it at Disney. All of these discounts and perks are to get people there who wouldn't otherwise go so they can spend money at Disney in other revenue areas.
I really don't see Disney doing much wrong -- for what they offer, and for the thousands of people that they deal with, I have to give them kudos for handling things as well as they do. There's no way they can ever make everyone happy, but they are so accommodating that I just can't find much to complain about. If if I had to pick something -- I'd say that some of their restaurants could accommodate more people.
Goofy's candy company toppings change.

:lmao: Hey, it's my first time going and I was really looking forward to going to DTD specifically for Goofys. Ok, I have no life.
i don't have any major complaints (ok i would like a boy character meal or for disney in general to recognize that there are boys out there too...so one complaint), but i do notice a trend.

We are dvc members and go every year, sometimes twice. Price increases, less shows, more expensive not as great food, lousy selection for purchases....we still go every year. I don't really fuss about the things that would otherwise bother me because i am in disney. And because those of us who do go often and plan long and hard are still doing that, disney is not worried about the changes. Something in the water making us want to go back over and over. If the disney magic bites you, many things can be overlooked i think. They will always be able to make these kinds of changes as long as the market allows it and the market just allows it at disney. All of these discounts and perks are to get people there who wouldn't otherwise go so they can spend money at disney in other revenue areas.

The absolutely only thing I dislike is the recent changes to what is/is not included as a snack on the DDP.

Otherwise, nothing.
I don't have a problem with the special events etc because Disney is a business, plain and simple. They are in this to make a profit and I think by and large, they treat their customers pretty darn well. Of course, I love MNSSHP, so I'm very biased.;)

That said, I'd be all for some kind of a customer loyalty program.

I don't have issues with the whole ADR thing either..in the real world, the more popular/trendy/upscale restaurants often require reservations..you can't just walk up and expect a table. Being that many people don't want to be bothered leaving the parks to grab food, this means that the restaurants simply can't accomodate everyone. I'm by no means a big planner, but I don't find it difficult to make a decision about meals 90 days out.


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