Disboutiquers Part 28 Kids Disney Boutique / Customs Clothes psst..we sew ;-)

Sally I saw your posted these on FB too. How about doing the embroidery onto felt and then sewing them exactly where you want them on the shirts? If you use yellow felt, maybe it will look like gold on the necklace. Or you could use felt that coordinated with the shirt so that it doesn't stand out much at all.

Thanks for the tip. It is something to think on. I do want to try the printed picture of the design to see how that works.
I just printed out my pattern and measured it and then measured Arminda's Josefina. The pattern measured out to 14" around and Josefina's posterior measured 12", which would seem like plenty of room to get on. What is yours measuring either across (7") or around (14") ?

Do you usually put the dresses on over the dolls head or feet first?

After another conversation with my mother, she says she was having trouble with the pattern, so she followed it, BUT did some things her own way too. :sad2: so I'm guessing this is where the problem came in, although she doesn't see how. In any case she took it apart already.

My guess would have been printing the pattern incorrectly but I see you said you measured it. I don't have that pattern but everything else I've made of hers that was for AG dolls fits great (better than the way the real AG doll clothes fit). I did buy some preprinted fabrics at Walmart (clearance $1) with doll outfits that are supposed to fit 18 inch dolls and they are way too small -- and I bought 4 sheets so it was a waste of $4!

And we show photos of everything we make on here - Disney or not!

Try contacting Tricia -- I am almost positive she will make them for you and sell them to you. I don't know her shop name, but she posts on here from time to time.

Thanks I had someone on DIS contact me so I'll start with them and see!
Not the best pictures, but these are the totes I have been working on recently:

th_ ToteSullivanInterior.jpg

Andrea, these look wonderful!!

No I use a really easy free tutorial from here (http://punkinpattern.blogspot.com/2012/05/easy-peasy-skirt-with-pockets.html) and she has pocket patterns to print out. I love these skirts because you can make them any length you want. I'm so short that a lot of skirts are too long.

Thanks for the link!

Do you usually put the dresses on over the dolls head or feet first?

After another conversation with my mother, she says she was having trouble with the pattern, so she followed it, BUT did some things her own way too. :sad2: so I'm guessing this is where the problem came in, although she doesn't see how. In any case she took it apart already.

Thanks I had someone on DIS contact me so I'll start with them and see!

I just asked Arminda, and she says they always pull them up over their legs. I've really never heard of anyone having problems with this pattern fitting.
We JUST figured out the problem with the Precious Dress Doll Pattern!!
I printed the pattern all at one time including the pattern pieces for the 15 and 18 inch doll and made sure they were printed to scale.

The reason the dress doesn't fit is because I asssume the pattern pieces are mislabled.

The pieces labled for the 15 inch doll are BIGGER than those labled for the 18 inch doll. So essentially, my mom made the wrong pattern. Not at all her fault, but she isn't a great seamstress and it took days and a lot of work to make the wrong pattern :sad2:

She has cut out the pieces labled for the 15 inch doll and will try again.
Teresa are your pattern pieces for the 15 inch doll bigger than the 18 inch doll? Maybe I'm wrong, but seems odd that the 15 inch doll pices would be bigger than the 18 inch.
We JUST figured out the problem with the Precious Dress Doll Pattern!!
I printed the pattern all at one time including the pattern pieces for the 15 and 18 inch doll and made sure they were printed to scale.

The reason the dress doesn't fit is because I asssume the pattern pieces are mislabled.

The pieces labled for the 15 inch doll are BIGGER than those labled for the 18 inch doll. So essentially, my mom made the wrong pattern. Not at all her fault, but she isn't a great seamstress and it took days and a lot of work to make the wrong pattern :sad2:

She has cut out the pieces labled for the 15 inch doll and will try again.
Teresa are your pattern pieces for the 15 inch doll bigger than the 18 inch doll? Maybe I'm wrong, but seems odd that the 15 inch doll pices would be bigger than the 18 inch.

Looking at my daughters AG dolls..the 15 inch one is wider than the 18..but shorter. Her 18 inch doll can wear the 15 in doll's clothes but not really the other way around, so that might not be the problem.
First, thank you all for the kind compliments on the shirts, skirt and totes I recently posted :) Hmmm, what to sew next :confused3

Andrea those look super! Is that the Aviolo (spelling????) tote? I have thought about buying that pattern but haven't done so yet. I love how you did the piano teacher's tote with all the embroidery. I think all the teachers will love the gifts. I did totes for the kids teachers a few years ago but I just decorated some purchased canvas totes. These are so special! And how great that you were able to make them with mostly what you already had.

When did you go to Kenya? Did you do a safari? Going to Africa is at the very top of my list of places we'd like to go on a vacation. I've been saving up our frequent flyer miles for a couple of years now, hoping that I will eventually get enough to cover the airfare.
Yes, that's the Aivilo (and I'm not sure if I spelled it right but I know you didn't :rotfl2:) . I make a few modifications to it. Honestly, I think some of the free on line tuts are probably about the same. It's very similar to this bag:
(#4 in case the link doesn't take you right there)
Only exception visibly is the straps and I'm not sure how the lining is constructed on the tut I posted as I never made it. On the Aivilo I make my lining large and fold the edge over so it peeks out the top. I also add padding to the straps and always adjust the sizes of the bags I make.

Went to Africa for a month when I was in my 20's, working full time and living at home with my parents paying $0 in rent :) I could never afford to go now! I went with a coworker. We did two weeks in Kenya on safari, 1 week in Egypt and 1 week in Morocco. Kenya was by far my favorite and I definitely dream of going back some day. My sister did a safari trip in Southern Africa and it seemed really nice as well, but I still prefer my experience in Kenya. I am a huge animal lover and really loved seeing them in their natural habitats. We even saw a kill (two cheetahs vs. wildebeest) which is very rare to see -- our driver had been doing his job for over 10 years and it was only the third kill he had seen. Promise if you go you'll sneak me in your suitcase!

No I use a really easy free tutorial from here (http://punkinpattern.blogspot.com/2012/05/easy-peasy-skirt-with-pockets.html) and she has pocket patterns to print out. I love these skirts because you can make them any length you want. I'm so short that a lot of skirts are too long.
Thank you! I figured worse case scenario I could trace some pockets I have, but having a tut/pattern is so much easier. Hmm, maybe making a skirt for myself should be my next project. I really want to make a wrap skirt with some fabric I bolt last year. I never sew for myself.

Looking at my daughters AG dolls..the 15 inch one is wider than the 18..but shorter. Her 18 inch doll can wear the 15 in doll's clothes but not really the other way around, so that might not be the problem.
Oh dear! I see what you are saying. I made a SS and portrait peasant for a friends bitty baby so I hope they fit her doll OK -- she never said they didn't, but I don't think most people would comment about it if they didn't work. I know they work for the 18 doll.
Looking at my daughters AG dolls..the 15 inch one is wider than the 18..but shorter. Her 18 inch doll can wear the 15 in doll's clothes but not really the other way around, so that might not be the problem.

Hmmm that would make sense. I've never seen a Bitty Baby to know. I'm guessing she justdid something wrong. I don't know. We're going to remake the pattern and see.
Hi all! Finally read through everything I missed while I was gone!!

Thursday after chemo Tori got very sick again and had to go back to the ER. She had a 104 temperature and her blood pressure got very low. It was really scary. Then I had to miss work on Friday again. At this point it is not even worth me working most of the time between what I am paying for Tori's care during the day. It is frustrating.

Anyway, by Friday afternoon she was much better and we got to go to the Ride for Wishes, so I wanted to show you how the final outfit turned out!

First, here are 3 of my 4 kiddos:


Here's Tori in her outfit and the boys in their Big Bro shirts:


Good view of the whole outfit...I'm thankful you guys thought up the idea of the head scarf! It really pulled the outfit together!


America's Next Top Model:


I got a lot of compliments on the outfits which was neat!!

Sorry to hear about Tori getting sick. She looks great in her outfit though!!

This is the Unicorn t my dd requested in Rainbow (done on a $2 ON tank):

Close up:

And this is the outfit I made her to wear to the baseball game -- the skirt turned out longer than I wanted, but it will last year a couple of years this way! And yes, she picked out her coordinating footwear all on her own despite me wanting it make her rag flip flops to match.

DS, sister's boyfriend's grandson and DD at the game:

Still need to take pics of the teacher's totes. I'm in the middle of appliqueing the piano teacher's now (had to go with plan B b/c plan A did not work out) and I'm getting more annoyed with dd's teacher every day that I'm contemplating keeping her tote!

Looks great, love the baseball outfits. I wish they made more baseball fabrics, like the team prints like you can get for NFL teams.

I've already shown this on Facebook, but know everyone doesn't do FB, so I thought I'd post it again here. I especially want to thank Andrea for sharing her twirl skirt math, this is what I did with it! The first pic is just so I could try out the waist elastic, the skirt isn't done yet, but she looked so cute, I took a pic...she had to run and get her matching shirt for the full effect!

And the completed skirt, without the kid in the middle.

Love the skirt, it is gorgeous!!

That's funny because DH and I have been talking about going to Colorado, hike there, and drive around to Arches National Park and Mesa Verde National Park (and whatever else was on our wishlist). I have heard lots of good things about the West Coast Trail, I hope to go there some day.

That is funny. If you ever make it down here let me know. There are some great hikes, day hikes or longer. Mesa Verde is neat to see. In addition to Arches there is Bryce Canyon, not quite as crowded as Arches but just as nice. From there you are not too far from the Grand Canyon. My dad had me hiking the Grand Canyon when I was 7. There is also Havasupi which is close to the Grand Canyon, much different experience though. There are natural waterfalls and pools at the bottom so you can go swimming!

I have to show you these cute tshirts, although I am super embroidery challenged in doing them. Of course, not doing placement to directions could be a problem :goodvibes You print out the picture for placement, but I don't have printer right now, so I tried to improvise.

Cinderella gave me fits, I broke 6 needles and can't begin to count how many times the thread broke. I finally remembered that on my last project I wanted to try a prewound bobbin. I finished the shirt anyway as a tester.


Snow was the second one. I should have given up while I was ahead. The neck line is crooked and I had the interfacine off a couple of times trying to get it straight. Anyway, it is way off center and the neck makes it look even worse.


I thought I finally got the placement right. I measured, and re-measured. But it's still off. I think I'm finally getting there!!


I'm going to give Tink a try next. Try to do a better job of centering it. I was making them for a gift, and I don't really want to do them again. The other "stitchers" were putting little bows at the top of the necklace. I think I might try that to try and camoflague how off center they are.

Kirsta thinks they are creepy! Little heads on a necklace. I've done other designs from Nobbie Neez, but I found these were pretty dense in places and stitched out just okay. But they are cute and you get the idea of who they are.

Those are cute designs, I would even wear those myself!

Good news and Great news!!!

First, I changed the needle and thread on my machine... it worked fine. It must have been the bobbin I was using! almost done 2 pairs of shorts already.

Second~ AND BETTER... Embroidery machine is here!! So far so good!

I did end up in the ER with Alli today, but she is feeling much better. So much for going back to school full time (she went back yesterday for the first time in 10 weeks).

On to sewing!!

Sorry to hear about Alli, great news about the machines though!

Down to only two more days to finish

So can anyone guess where we are heading this day

The outfit was to be for the launch until I put a tiny hole in the shirt. With no time to make another one DD is the lucky one who gets to wear it



Love these, you have been working hard but the payoff will be great with all the great photo ops!

Not the best pictures, but these are the totes I have been working on recently:

For DD's teacher -- I originally bought the exterior fabric on clearance at Joann's to make dd a pillow case dress. Still never tried a pillow case dress. Anywhoo, this teacher went to Kenya on a missionary trip last year and talks about it a lot (as in over and over and over and over and over...keep inserting loads of overs.....again) and the fabric kind of appeared like the colors I saw when saw when there (see, I've been to Kenya too but I don't talk about it incessantly). This teacher has honestly become so annoying with her personality that I'm tempted to keep the bag, but anyway, here it is:

This bag is for ds's teacher. She is awesome -- very hard which ds doesn't so much care for but teaches in a very unique way -- doens't teach by text books and provides tons of hands experiences (she will not be back next year -- she is staying home with her baby). I really didn't mean for the colors to be so "fall" (as in the season) but I wanted to use fabrics I had on hand:

And this is for DD's piano teacher -- we love her. She also teaches music at a local grade school. This bag didn't turn out like I wanted to -- my goal was to make my own piano keys all around the pockets but my choices were to hand applique them (no tanks, would have been too many keys) or reduce the size of the rectangle my machine came with -- it wouldn't reduce to the proper size. So plan B: but the keyboard applique and use music notes of Heather's that I had already purchased for another project. I likewise didn't want to applique on the black fabric (which has treble clefs all over which I thought were non-directional and after cutting found out they were non directional in two dimensions, not four :rolleyes1) but it looked empty so I added some of Heather's fill notes and one other design I had to buy:



Piano teacher also didn't get two complete rows of interior pockets b/c I ran out of fabric. I made all bags extra large so they can put ring binders in them and still snap them closed. The only bag I had to buy things for was the piano teacher -- ran out of decorbond, had to buy the lining fabric and the other appliques. This saves me the $$$ I normally spend on AmEx gift cards at the end of the year and $ is tight this summer.

Love the totes, I think the music one is my favorite.

Went to Africa for a month when I was in my 20's, working full time and living at home with my parents paying $0 in rent :) I could never afford to go now! I went with a coworker. We did two weeks in Kenya on safari, 1 week in Egypt and 1 week in Morocco. Kenya was by far my favorite and I definitely dream of going back some day. My sister did a safari trip in Southern Africa and it seemed really nice as well, but I still prefer my experience in Kenya. I am a huge animal lover and really loved seeing them in their natural habitats. We even saw a kill (two cheetahs vs. wildebeest) which is very rare to see -- our driver had been doing his job for over 10 years and it was only the third kill he had seen. Promise if you go you'll sneak me in your suitcase!

Thank you! I figured worse case scenario I could trace some pockets I have, but having a tut/pattern is so much easier. Hmm, maybe making a skirt for myself should be my next project. I really want to make a wrap skirt with some fabric I bolt last year. I never sew for myself.

I think you should sew something for yourself. The more I sew for myself the more I am enjoying it and the more things I want to make.

My parents live in Africa 10 months out of the year. My dad teaches at a school out there. They love it, someday I would love to go visit them. They are actually coming home later today. They plan to stay here until January this time. My mom is having surgery and will need the time for recovery but I'm sure by tomorrow they will be itching to go back, well after they have a few good restaurant meals they will want to go back.
My computer is acting weird, but I wanted to say I love the outfits for Hollywood Studios, I love the skirt and matching 4th of July outfit (I want to try to make some clothes for myself one of these days!) and the bags are GREAT! You all inspire me so much!!!!!!!!
I have to show you these cute tshirts, although I am super embroidery challenged in doing them. Of course, not doing placement to directions could be a problem :goodvibes You print out the picture for placement, but I don't have printer right now, so I tried to improvise. :rolleyes1

Cinderella gave me fits, I broke 6 needles and can't begin to count how many times the thread broke. I finally remembered that on my last project I wanted to try a prewound bobbin. I finished the shirt anyway as a tester.


Snow was the second one. I should have given up while I was ahead. The neck line is crooked and I had the interfacine off a couple of times trying to get it straight. Anyway, it is way off center and the neck makes it look even worse.


I thought I finally got the placement right. I measured, and re-measured. But it's still off. I think I'm finally getting there!! :lmao:


I'm going to give Tink a try next. Try to do a better job of centering it. I was making them for a gift, and I don't really want to do them again. The other "stitchers" were putting little bows at the top of the necklace. I think I might try that to try and camoflague how off center they are.

Kirsta thinks they are creepy! Little heads on a necklace. :rotfl: I've done other designs from Nobbie Neez, but I found these were pretty dense in places and stitched out just okay. But they are cute and you get the idea of who they are.

I saw a tutorial one time about how to applique a tie on to a t-shirt. The gist of it was to use sticky and sew an initial outline on the sticky, then remove the backing and stick the shirt to the sticky in the same place using the initial outline as a guide for placement. Then do your embroidery/applique.
I am BRAND new to sewing and embroidering. I just bought the Brother SE400 machine and am getting ready to break it in.

My twins will be turning 2 the end of July. I am doing a Dr. Seuss Thing 1, Thing 2 theme (Is this thread for Disney only? Im sorry if it is!)

I am planning on making them matching hats, and shorts and a skirt (I have a boy and girl) with matching shirts. Maybe a matching shirt for hubby and I if I can convince him to wear it!

Now, here are my questions for all of you creative ones (I seriously lack imagination!)...

I want to make the favors. The kids will range from age 1-6.

I was thinking of

1.) Crayon rolls, Car rolls, or both so the kids can pick which they want. Im not sure if giving them an option will open it up for fighting though.
2.) Making medium sized bags for them and putting some bubbles and other trinkets in there. I know some of the Dads wont want their boys to carry around a "purse" though, and I dont want any of the kids to be left out
3.) Any options you all can suggest.....??

Id like to try to keep the cost around $3-$5 per favor.

AND.... If you have any cute party ideas, feel free to share! Im making the invites with the Cricut. Its going to be a fishbowl with the directions inside, and a red fish and blue fish swimming at the top. Im so excited!!

If you don't think the boys would like the tote, what about a drawstring backpack for them?

Not the best pictures, but these are the totes I have been working on recently:

For DD's teacher -- I originally bought the exterior fabric on clearance at Joann's to make dd a pillow case dress. Still never tried a pillow case dress. Anywhoo, this teacher went to Kenya on a missionary trip last year and talks about it a lot (as in over and over and over and over and over...keep inserting loads of overs.....again) and the fabric kind of appeared like the colors I saw when saw when there (see, I've been to Kenya too but I don't talk about it incessantly). This teacher has honestly become so annoying with her personality that I'm tempted to keep the bag, but anyway, here it is:

This bag is for ds's teacher. She is awesome -- very hard which ds doesn't so much care for but teaches in a very unique way -- doens't teach by text books and provides tons of hands experiences (she will not be back next year -- she is staying home with her baby). I really didn't mean for the colors to be so "fall" (as in the season) but I wanted to use fabrics I had on hand:

And this is for DD's piano teacher -- we love her. She also teaches music at a local grade school. This bag didn't turn out like I wanted to -- my goal was to make my own piano keys all around the pockets but my choices were to hand applique them (no tanks, would have been too many keys) or reduce the size of the rectangle my machine came with -- it wouldn't reduce to the proper size. So plan B: but the keyboard applique and use music notes of Heather's that I had already purchased for another project. I likewise didn't want to applique on the black fabric (which has treble clefs all over which I thought were non-directional and after cutting found out they were non directional in two dimensions, not four :rolleyes1) but it looked empty so I added some of Heather's fill notes and one other design I had to buy:



Piano teacher also didn't get two complete rows of interior pockets b/c I ran out of fabric. I made all bags extra large so they can put ring binders in them and still snap them closed. The only bag I had to buy things for was the piano teacher -- ran out of decorbond, had to buy the lining fabric and the other appliques. This saves me the $$$ I normally spend on AmEx gift cards at the end of the year and $ is tight this summer.

Man, those totes came out great! And I'm so proud of you pulling most of the fabrics from your stash.

Good news and Great news!!!:cool1::cool1:

First, I changed the needle and thread on my machine... it worked fine. It must have been the bobbin I was using! almost done 2 pairs of shorts already.

Second~ AND BETTER... Embroidery machine is here!!:thumbsup2 So far so good!

I did end up in the ER with Alli today, but she is feeling much better. So much for going back to school full time (she went back yesterday for the first time in 10 weeks).

On to sewing!!

I'm so sorry to hear about Alli and her impromtu trip to the ER yesterday. I hope she is feeling much better today. however YAY on the new machine getting there and getting the other one working too! hopefully this one won't give you any trouble

Down to only two more days to finish :cool1:

So can anyone guess where we are heading this day :rotfl:

The outfit was to be for the launch until I put a tiny hole in the shirt. With no time to make another one DD is the lucky one who gets to wear it :lol:



WOW! I LOVE the shirts! I love the shorts! I love the skirt! Aw, heck, I just love everything. And WOO HOO on only having two more days!

So I fixed the shorts tonight and here are my final products. I had the skirt done for Memorial Day but couldn't get baby's shorts done so we will wear them on the 4th of July and these will be our Epcot outfits.


My skirt with pockets!


Baby's shorts...His shorts are made with the same fabric on the stripe of my skirt


Closeup of the skirt

GREAT JOB! Thanks for posting that skirt tute. I have a whole bunch of other "selfish sewing" projects bookmarked on my computer. I really like sewing for myself too because I'm also short so things off the rack never quite fit right. I love that you and your DS will match too. VERY CUTE!

You look so cute!!! And, I love the pockets in the skirt! Arminda has requested that I make her a bunch of skirts with pockets!

here is another skirt pattern with pockets that I've saved:

Well, it appears that I need to shift gears in my sewing for the next week or so. My SIL is in the process of moving and found out that her new daycare provider will allow her to use cloth diapers. Only she needs a bunch of stuff to be able to pull it off (10 zippered mini wetbags, and 12 pocket diaper shells :scared1:) so she asked if I could help sew them for her so she doesn't have to shell out a small fortune. I'm happy to help, of course, but hate being on a timetable. She needs everything (ideally) by the 18th, but of course I need to finish in time to mail it out! I need to get to the fabric store and pick up some supplies, but wouldn't you know it this is the week where NOTHING I need is on sale at Joanns. :sad2: Fortunately, SIL has said she would pay me for all the supplies I use, so I know I will get the money back, but I just hate that it will be more expensive for her. So that's what I'll be up to!

I feel a little embarass to post here as it's been ages since I've been here ...but I always felt welcome and part of a special group,

for the past few months I had several surgeries ( for brain shunts) also found out I have glaucoma , been nothing but in an out of hospitals and doctors ,
a long while back I had some test done and a mass was found in the right ovary, I decided to just ignore it ( beside I had so much going on with the brain surgery) and forget about it, then a few mths back the pain was so bad I decided to go back to my dr and found out it grew and the Dr is the worried about possibility of cancer

here is where I'm at a fence about what to do...I could go for surgery , remove the ovary and mass, wait 2 days for pathology and if is anything bad , go back and have everything removed, or just go have surgery have everything removed ( ovaries, uterus, tubes, cervix) and be done with it( will be put on HRT) ...I'm to have surgery on June 20th, but do not know what to do or who to ask for information, I asked the GYN Dr if he had in office support or someone I could talk to and he said no, I do not want to let my family know as they've been really worried about me so my family don't know about the surgery yet ( but then again I have to decide first on what to do)


not doing a lot of sewing but made these outfits recently


As of today I have 100 days before we leave for WDW :cool1:

I have one outfit made

Shirt was a $5 find at wally world, made the shorts today. Little man wants me to get every Cars fabric they had and make him more :rotfl:

I am resisting the urge to put these away in the suitcase...it is a bit early to pack I think:rotfl:
I made 2 new coin purses for Disney. I am pretty pleased with them. I'd like to use them to hang off lanyards. I had planned on making the lanyards, but I can only find thin(ish) ribbon. ANyone know where I can get thicker ribbon, like what they use in Disney?

The first is for me and has a black interior. I hand stitched the satin stitch because I am not great at it with the sewing machine yet, and I like the look of it.


The second one is for my nephew and it has a baseball (same as the mickey head) interior. I actually used the sewing machine to applique this one and I think it turned out pretty well!!


I have a couple of easy fits I cut and they just need to be sewn. I also attempted a REAL pattern and that is cute. I did cut out a piece beackwards, but I'm using cheap fabric and considering it a learning experience.
That is funny. If you ever make it down here let me know. There are some great hikes, day hikes or longer. Mesa Verde is neat to see. In addition to Arches there is Bryce Canyon, not quite as crowded as Arches but just as nice. From there you are not too far from the Grand Canyon. My dad had me hiking the Grand Canyon when I was 7. There is also Havasupi which is close to the Grand Canyon, much different experience though. There are natural waterfalls and pools at the bottom so you can go swimming!

My parents live in Africa 10 months out of the year. My dad teaches at a school out there. They love it, someday I would love to go visit them. They are actually coming home later today. They plan to stay here until January this time. My mom is having surgery and will need the time for recovery but I'm sure by tomorrow they will be itching to go back, well after they have a few good restaurant meals they will want to go back.
Bryce is my personal favorite. DH and I love to hike there. Our ds's middle name is Bryce -- named after Bryce canyon. Havasupi sounds ideal -- next time we can afford to go out there I will look into that.

Where in Africa do your parents live? I hope everything goes well with your mom's surgery.

I feel a little embarass to post here as it's been ages since I've been here ...but I always felt welcome and part of a special group,

for the past few months I had several surgeries ( for brain shunts) also found out I have glaucoma , been nothing but in an out of hospitals and doctors ,
a long while back I had some test done and a mass was found in the right ovary, I decided to just ignore it ( beside I had so much going on with the brain surgery) and forget about it, then a few mths back the pain was so bad I decided to go back to my dr and found out it grew and the Dr is the worried about possibility of cancer

here is where I'm at a fence about what to do...I could go for surgery , remove the ovary and mass, wait 2 days for pathology and if is anything bad , go back and have everything removed, or just go have surgery have everything removed ( ovaries, uterus, tubes, cervix) and be done with it( will be put on HRT) ...I'm to have surgery on June 20th, but do not know what to do or who to ask for information, I asked the GYN Dr if he had in office support or someone I could talk to and he said no, I do not want to let my family know as they've been really worried about me so my family don't know about the surgery yet ( but then again I have to decide first on what to do)

If it were me personally I'd have them take everything out -- but that's b/c I'm too old to do anything with those organs and have the start of uterine prolapse anyway. I'm not old enough to be menopausal yet -- though I'm very much hoping it comes soon!

Honestly, it's really a personal choice for you and one you have to make for yourself. Hopefully you'll get some people here that can chime in with some experience. I just want to say I am really sorry for all you have been going through :hug: I hope you are still well enough to find the time to make some of your wonderful creations.

As of today I have 100 days before we leave for WDW :cool1:

I have one outfit made

Shirt was a $5 find at wally world, made the shorts today. Little man wants me to get every Cars fabric they had and make him more :rotfl:

I am resisting the urge to put these away in the suitcase...it is a bit early to pack I think:rotfl:
Very nice :) I think I have almost every cars fabric there is -- every time Wally's had it in their clearance bin I'd buy it. I mainly use it for pillowcases for GKTW. So watch for remnants!

I made 2 new coin purses for Disney. I am pretty pleased with them. I'd like to use them to hang off lanyards. I had planned on making the lanyards, but I can only find thin(ish) ribbon. ANyone know where I can get thicker ribbon, like what they use in Disney?

The first is for me and has a black interior. I hand stitched the satin stitch because I am not great at it with the sewing machine yet, and I like the look of it.


The second one is for my nephew and it has a baseball (same as the mickey head) interior. I actually used the sewing machine to applique this one and I think it turned out pretty well!!


I have a couple of easy fits I cut and they just need to be sewn. I also attempted a REAL pattern and that is cute. I did cut out a piece beackwards, but I'm using cheap fabric and considering it a learning experience.
Adorable! I can't believe you hand stitched a satin stitch :faint:
I made 2 new coin purses for Disney. I am pretty pleased with them. I'd like to use them to hang off lanyards. I had planned on making the lanyards, but I can only find thin(ish) ribbon. ANyone know where I can get thicker ribbon, like what they use in Disney?

The first is for me and has a black interior. I hand stitched the satin stitch because I am not great at it with the sewing machine yet, and I like the look of it.


The second one is for my nephew and it has a baseball (same as the mickey head) interior. I actually used the sewing machine to applique this one and I think it turned out pretty well!!


I have a couple of easy fits I cut and they just need to be sewn. I also attempted a REAL pattern and that is cute. I did cut out a piece beackwards, but I'm using cheap fabric and considering it a learning experience.

If I were you, I would just make the lanyards out of fabric. I have made several and they are very easy. Just decide how long you want them and how wide. I cut the fabric 4 times the finished width-fold both sides to meet in the middle--fold in half and stitch down both sides. Easy!
Oh, that's a good idea! I could even put some interfacing on the back to make it stronger before I folded it.


I LOVE this board!
I made 2 new coin purses for Disney. I am pretty pleased with them. I'd like to use them to hang off lanyards. I had planned on making the lanyards, but I can only find thin(ish) ribbon. ANyone know where I can get thicker ribbon, like what they use in Disney?

The first is for me and has a black interior. I hand stitched the satin stitch because I am not great at it with the sewing machine yet, and I like the look of it.


The second one is for my nephew and it has a baseball (same as the mickey head) interior. I actually used the sewing machine to applique this one and I think it turned out pretty well!!


I have a couple of easy fits I cut and they just need to be sewn. I also attempted a REAL pattern and that is cute. I did cut out a piece beackwards, but I'm using cheap fabric and considering it a learning experience.
you HAND SATIN STITCHED? :eek: Mad props girl...I just did my first by machine and I think doing all those stitches by hand would make me nuts! They came out super cute!


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