Disboutiquers Part 27 Kids Disney Boutique / Customs Clothes psst..we sew ;-)

Thanks for all the input on fabrics for appliqués. I have quite a dilemma here....

I am trying to make a shopping list, for my stash. I am going to Miami or Tampa (can't decide which) to shop for my stash. I won't be able to get back to the States until Aug when we are in Disney. So I've got one shot..... I plan to make DD ALOT of customs. I have started making a list with fabric color ideas....

So here's another question - If you couldn't run to a fabric store whenever you needed something and you had to get as much for your stash as possible what are some things you would make sure you absolutely had? How would you handle this situation?

I am so scared I am going to forget something important. I hope to have my PE770 way before my trip so don't forget any Embroidery supplies. ALL of DD request have Lots of appliqués and HUGE appliqués.

Another ?

For those who have done a Vida with huge face appliqués where they done by embroidery machine or a sewing machine....

TIA for any info or input.....
I would say get lots of basic colors (for appliques).
I like lots of polka dots.
For the appliques fabric that is say blue for Cinderella's dress but maybe with a small print.

If you can get online before hand and see a bit of what they have fabric wise. Maybe pick out something you like and think what colors you would want to coordinate.

For the embroidery machine.
Make sure you have the correct color thread for every design you are using. The more thread the better.
Bobbin thread too.
Bobbins if you are going to wind matching thread.
Maybe Adhesive spray if you like to use that for the applique pieces.
If you are going to do the applique by hand and not machine. Heat N Bond lite.
Lots of needles. Ball point if you are doing t-shirts.

I think thats it...??
I don't think I could survive without a fabric store! LOL! I'm always running there for something!
Hope this helps!
I would say get lots of basic colors (for appliques).
I like lots of polka dots.
For the appliques fabric that is say blue for Cinderella's dress but maybe with a small print.

If you can get online before hand and see a bit of what they have fabric wise. Maybe pick out something you like and think what colors you would want to coordinate.

For the embroidery machine.
Make sure you have the correct color thread for every design you are using. The more thread the better.
Bobbin thread too.
Bobbins if you are going to wind matching thread.
Maybe Adhesive spray if you like to use that for the applique pieces.
If you are going to do the applique by hand and not machine. Heat N Bond lite.
Lots of needles. Ball point if you are doing t-shirts.

I think thats it...??
I don't think I could survive without a fabric store! LOL! I'm always running there for something!
Hope this helps!

curved scissors for trimming thread if u don't already have

basic colors for the applique....of course pay special attention to any potential projects.....also pick up brown, black, and "flesh"...and get the matching "flesh" embroidery thread (I would not want to match that on a computer screen!)

If you are picking up any fat quarters for applique....I usually stick with small prints....big ones don't show the whole thing.

I like to have lots of broadcloth solids for sewing DD dresses....it's light enough for dresses and has enough poly to prevent wrinkling.

I didn't catch how old your DD is....but also think about picking up buttons, elastic, and ric rac.....if you might use on disnified dresses :)

For any main prints for customs you are doing....unless your DD is a baby, get 2 yards of all main fabrics.....in a 3T that's enough for a long dress or top and pants.....sometimes you will need a little bit of a coordinating print....maybe 1/2-3/4 yd....there will be a little left over....you can applique with it.
I would say get lots of basic colors (for appliques).
I like lots of polka dots.
For the appliques fabric that is say blue for Cinderella's dress but maybe with a small print.

If you can get online before hand and see a bit of what they have fabric wise. Maybe pick out something you like and think what colors you would want to coordinate.

For the embroidery machine.
Make sure you have the correct color thread for every design you are using. The more thread the better.
Bobbin thread too.
Bobbins if you are going to wind matching thread.
Maybe Adhesive spray if you like to use that for the applique pieces.
If you are going to do the applique by hand and not machine. Heat N Bond lite.
Lots of needles. Ball point if you are doing t-shirts.

I think thats it...??
I don't think I could survive without a fabric store! LOL! I'm always running there for something!
Hope this helps!
I also don't think I could live without a nearby fabric store!

Don't forget to get the little curved scissors for snipping embroidery threads, lots of stabilizer (you will use more than you think!), elastic, buttons and zippers.

I usually buy one yard of each fabric for my stash since I can run to the fabric store to find a coordinating print or solid. Since you can't do that, I'd probably plan to buy two yards of each fabric. Make sure you buy some coordinating ribbon and rick rack to trim up your dresses and skirts. You also might need some fabric for linings if you are making some a-line jumpers.

I have the PE770 and I'm having a really hard time getting my frame into the carriage. I am doing it like the book says, and it's not working. I have tried to do it sitting, standing, from the front, from the side. No matter what I do, it takes me about 1/2 hour to get it in. Any advice please??? Thanks a bunch!

I have always had this problem with mine, it's trial and error but it really doesn't seem to fit. I also purchased this http://www.amazon.com/Elipse-Embroidery-Package-Scissors-Babylock/dp/B002P0AWZG/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&qid=1327329397&sr=8-4 and they fit so much better than the hoop that came with the machine.

Thanks for all the input on fabrics for appliqués. I have quite a dilemma here....

I am trying to make a shopping list, for my stash. I am going to Miami or Tampa (can't decide which) to shop for my stash. I won't be able to get back to the States until Aug when we are in Disney. So I've got one shot..... I plan to make DD ALOT of customs. I have started making a list with fabric color ideas....

So here's another question - If you couldn't run to a fabric store whenever you needed something and you had to get as much for your stash as possible what are some things you would make sure you absolutely had? How would you handle this situation?

I am so scared I am going to forget something important. I hope to have my PE770 way before my trip so don't forget any Embroidery supplies. ALL of DD request have Lots of appliqués and HUGE appliqués.

Another ?

For those who have done a Vida with huge face appliqués where they done by embroidery machine or a sewing machine....

TIA for any info or input.....

The large Vida appliques are done with a regular sewing maching, they are called "by Hand" appliques There is a terrific tutorial on the first page of this thread on how to do them.

As for the shopping spree you have some great advice if I were in your situation I would print pictures of things I wanted to do or that I found inspirational. I would make a list of every outfit I wanted for the parks and reservations. I am very visual so I need lists and pictures in the store or I get overwhelmed and cant select anything. If I was in your situation I would overspend because I would be afraid of being without. Have fun shopping!!
Are these too babyish for 10 year old boys? My ds is not home right now so I can't get his opinion.

This hopefully shows the whole set:

He is having a camping sleepover this weekend for his birthday and goodie bags are flashlights and t's. I have a nice fill design of a bear fishing with evergreens that would work, but it's over 23,000 stitches and I have to make 5 shirts. These are more camping related as well, but I'm not sure about them.

SWAK has a design set too, but I'd want to put more than one thing on from the set and the sizes won't look right together :headache:

I have the PE770 and I'm having a really hard time getting my frame into the carriage. I am doing it like the book says, and it's not working. I have tried to do it sitting, standing, from the front, from the side. No matter what I do, it takes me about 1/2 hour to get it in. Any advice please??? Thanks a bunch!


This won't make it perfect, but it will make it tons easier as I had the same problem and wanted to throw my hoop out the window when I got it.

You need to take the hoop and file the insides of the metal pieces that snap onto the cartridge on the machine. I can't recall if I used one of dh's good files or if I just used a coarse emory board, but I read to this on line somewhere when I googled what to do to get the thing to attach.

I so hopes this works for you.

Another tip is to have the design either centered or doing a part at the top of the hoop when you attach the hoop. to do this you have to go to adjust and move the spool back one -- and then attach the hoop and then move it forward to start stitching again (I need to do this with some appliques that I am frequently detaching the hoop for). Sorry if that's clear as mud -- my brain is kind of muddy right now and Dis is once again loading soooooo slow for me that I can't even quote everything I want to -- I just had to quote you though in hoops this does the trick for you.
Those are cute but seem a little bit young. You might get away with it for girls but I don't think boys would wear it. How about this design?

That's what I was afraid of. I saw the tent one on emblibrary and I already have one with a bear and fish in it's mouth and trees that I can use so figured I could use that. I also like The Great Outdoors one. I will let my son pick tonight. As I long as I get my t-shirts ordered by 6pm I'll have them late tomorrow so can wash them tomorrow and embroider on Wed and Thurs (party isn't til Sat -- nothing like last minute for me!!!!). I'm going to run to our larger ACMoore on the way to pick up the kids to see what colors they have have, but they generally don't have muted colors that I like, so I'll probably have to order the t's.

I wish I was like you and got these things done months ahead of time! You may be mildly proud of me though, I did a Valentine's t for dd last night and it's not even February yet :)
I'm going to put my 2 cents in :lmao: I like the Great Outdoors and the one with the tent and stars... the others seem okay for a toddler or boy up to 6 maybe...:confused3 Can't wait to see which one your son picks out.
That's what I was afraid of. I saw the tent one on emblibrary and I already have one with a bear and fish in it's mouth and trees that I can use so figured I could use that. I also like The Great Outdoors one. I will let my son pick tonight. As I long as I get my t-shirts ordered by 6pm I'll have them late tomorrow so can wash them tomorrow and embroider on Wed and Thurs (party isn't til Sat -- nothing like last minute for me!!!!). I'm going to run to our larger ACMoore on the way to pick up the kids to see what colors they have have, but they generally don't have muted colors that I like, so I'll probably have to order the t's.

I wish I was like you and got these things done months ahead of time! You may be mildly proud of me though, I did a Valentine's t for dd last night and it's not even February yet :)

I am glad that you got your dd's Valentine's shirt out of the way. I am planning to make one for my niece and nephew but if I don't get to it, that's ok. My girls would never wear a Valentine's Day shirt to middle school so I don't have to worry about making them anything.

Good luck finding the shirts you need and I can't wait to see which design your son ends up picking out.
I do have the pattern and have made it in the past, although it was several years ago so I don't remember it very well. I was just re-reading it and I guess I don't see anywhere that it says teh bottom of the bodice for a size 5 is 11.5" What I see is that when you overlap the 2 top pieces of the bodice it says to make the total width the same as the finished bodice width which is 14". Where are you seeing the 11.5" measurement?

Thank you for taking the time to answer my question, ellenbenny.
I should have made it clearer: the front panel that the bodice is sewn to measures 11.5" for a size 5.
The author did help me thru it and it's really a cute top.
I still don't know about the 14" - but I made the bodice 11.5" to fit the front panel and all is well. (The back panel measures 14" - but that wasn't a problem at all....)
Thanks again!
I have always had this problem with mine, it's trial and error but it really doesn't seem to fit. I also purchased this http://www.amazon.com/Elipse-Embroidery-Package-Scissors-Babylock/dp/B002P0AWZG/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&qid=1327329397&sr=8-4 and they fit so much better than the hoop that came with the machine.
Thank you, I wondered if buying a new hoop might make it slightly easier.

Are these too babyish for 10 year old boys? My ds is not home right now so I can't get his opinion.

This hopefully shows the whole set:

He is having a camping sleepover this weekend for his birthday and goodie bags are flashlights and t's. I have a nice fill design of a bear fishing with evergreens that would work, but it's over 23,000 stitches and I have to make 5 shirts. These are more camping related as well, but I'm not sure about them.

SWAK has a design set too, but I'd want to put more than one thing on from the set and the sizes won't look right together :headache:
What a fun theme for a party! I do like the first set you posted, but for a younger age. I like that wide one you found, but don't have an answer for you if it will fit. sorry. I can't wait to see which one you and your son settle on.

This won't make it perfect, but it will make it tons easier as I had the same problem and wanted to throw my hoop out the window when I got it.

You need to take the hoop and file the insides of the metal pieces that snap onto the cartridge on the machine. I can't recall if I used one of dh's good files or if I just used a coarse emory board, but I read to this on line somewhere when I googled what to do to get the thing to attach.

I so hopes this works for you.

Another tip is to have the design either centered or doing a part at the top of the hoop when you attach the hoop. to do this you have to go to adjust and move the spool back one -- and then attach the hoop and then move it forward to start stitching again (I need to do this with some appliques that I am frequently detaching the hoop for). Sorry if that's clear as mud -- my brain is kind of muddy right now and Dis is once again loading soooooo slow for me that I can't even quote everything I want to -- I just had to quote you though in hoops this does the trick for you.

Thanks for this info. I did notice it was a lot worse when I had to take the hoop off mid design yesterday to trim the fabric. The carriage was almost all the way forward. I played around with it today, and of course, with nothing hooped, I can put it on easily. Go figure!
Thanks for all the input.......on my shopping dilemma :grouphug:

I going to make a detailed list by outfit maybe sketch out my ideas as well. Then just add some extras for Gives and to build my actual stash...
I have not sewn in a while, as we don;t have a trip planned as of yet. We MIGHT go in May for an adult only trip, if we can fit it in our budget. Anyway... I have a new neice arriving sometime on the Morning of Feb 2nd. We had the Baby shower yesterday and here is what I made for Baby Jayla Brie

Blankie and Taggie Side A

Blankie and Taggie Side B

Also, My DDs ages 9(in 2 days) and 7 are members of a Special Needs Cheer team. The Company that the Cheer team orders their sweat shirts and such from Does not really carry true pooh sized sweat shirts so.... Most of you might remember my Jack Skellington sweat shirt that I Hand appliqued, I took him off and added this Hand Applique for the :cheer2:High Voltage Allstars:cheer2:

Thanks for looking(sorry the pics are so big)
I finally did some sewing! Elizabeth and Tim are going to camp this weekend with their Sunday School Class. So I decided to make them some new jammies and a pillowcase with their name on it. Of course I didn have enough fabric to do Elizabeth's pants the tie dye hearts (curse you size 10!!) so I made a solid leg, and I wanted her to think I made it that way so I did the same for Hannah - lol....

they look great. I have done the 2 different leg thing a few times. Especially when Tyler can't decide what fabric he wants for PJ pants, lol.

My house is a wreck. I need to wash laundry. Instead I added to the pile, a dress I made dd today. I had to hand paint some of the details since I don't have an embroider machine.


So Cute, lots of detail, good job.

You are way more patient than me. I could never put that kind of time into an applique without going crazy. Looks awesome. And I really like the little travel folder too.

3 Emily - Fancy Nancy by Sheila Grammy, on Flickr
Well, now I need to think about organizing a baby blanket that I've crochetted...it's granny squares with a flower in the middle of each square (I think the pattern was called rose garden). I have one more square to finish and then I need to sew all the squares together....:confused: Oh why did I pick that pattern...I don't like that part of the project.

The skirts are really cute, as it the baby blanket

Sorry the pic is so big, first pic I've posted to disboards also it's upside down.
It worked finally though.

DS's autograph quilt. His Granny is making after we spent a wonderful week at WDW collecting signatures for. He's super excited! She still has the batting to add and the quilting left.:love:

Soon she'll start on DD. I can't wait to see how that one turns out.


Please tell me you sell these. LOL, link please!

And I just have one to share today, made this for myself for our disney trip in July! What can I say, i'm a kid at heart ;]

Cute. I have a Halloween Themed twirl skirt that I wear to work on Halloween every year. Nothing wrong with being a kid at heart and having a little fun.

I have been using this thread for tips and inspiration and also gotten help from disboutiquers in separate posts, so I thought I would post my first completed kids outfit/disney themed outfit. My 5yo dd wanted something to wear to Disney Live! that wouldn't be itchy (she is super anti-itchy). I found the tutorial and she came up with making it look like Snow White's dress (I was going to use princess fabric). We're really proud of it. I'm making another Snow White and a Cinderella this weekend. Thanks for the inspiration and help!

Good job. Love the little apple, it just makes the dress.

I'm really into twirl skirts lately! Lol!

The last one is for my little sister for Disney on Ice!


Super cute.


a couple of kids outfits for a charity craft booth my church sponsors, proceeds go to orphans


That top is really cute on you. Is the baby sleeper an Ottobre pattern?

Great job.

It's fun isn't it? Good job with Snow White.

This is the wet bag I made for the baby. I keep telling people the name is only set in fabric not stone. :rotfl: I dunno I'm not completely sold on it yet.


Great. That reminds me, I have to make a diaper bag for my niece. She is in labour right now, so I better get on that.
Just wanted to share a Tinkerbell dress I made last weekend. I hadn't realized how long it had been since I was on the Board. Gotta check more often or I could miss some great stuff.

I am soooo far behind on my quotes. I have been following along but my computer is not cooperating and keeps restarting so I loose my quotes. There have been so many cute things for little ones!

I actually sewed something last week and I'll try to post the pictures soon.

I'm trying to get ready for a last minute, adults only, trip to Florida. My DH is there for work and I will be joining him for a few days while my parents come to babysit. I might be spending one day at the parks by myself. Any suggestions for a solo visitor?
Are these too babyish for 10 year old boys? My ds is not home right now so I can't get his opinion.

This hopefully shows the whole set:

He is having a camping sleepover this weekend for his birthday and goodie bags are flashlights and t's. I have a nice fill design of a bear fishing with evergreens that would work, but it's over 23,000 stitches and I have to make 5 shirts. These are more camping related as well, but I'm not sure about them.

SWAK has a design set too, but I'd want to put more than one thing on from the set and the sizes won't look right together :headache:
I like all three sets but agree that the first one is a little young for the age you are looking at. My DS, who is 11, agrees. He went back and forth between the second and third ones, he had specific things he liked about each of them. Can't wait to see what you and your DS choose!

Just wanted to share a Tinkerbell dress I made last weekend. I hadn't realized how long it had been since I was on the Board. Gotta check more often or I could miss some great stuff.
So cute! I love the fabrics and the applique!

I finally finished the messenger bag for my DS. Here is the front with the Mickey head applique:

Inside, pockets for his MP3 player, headphones and an extra sharpie!

Back, pocket for his autograph book and sharpie

My supermodel - LOL!

This one is about 1/3 bigger than the ones I made for the girls as my DS is a fair bit taller than them and I thought the other bags looked small when I "test fit" them on him. I also think I know what the problem was when appliquing the front - the black in the pattern of the material was throwing me off when doing the outline. And it was late at night and I need better lighting where I was sewing. I think I might set up a better area in our spare room to sew in, especially once I get the new machine. I don't really want to be lugging everything out to the dining room table all the time!
This isn't disney, but its a dress I made today for my little sister



Very cute!

My DD Brendi had her early ultrasound today,she's 16 weeks and they are having a GIRL! so i will have 6 dgd's and 2 dgs and 1 dgd angel. her name is Liberty / Libby ...they are still working on her middle name...Elli was so happy and Blaze was in shock,i don't think it was what he expected,the ultrasound that is...they had it showing on the wall in a 120" screen! she was moving all over the place and kept her hands up to her head/face most of the time,opened her sweet lil mouth and kept crossing her legs at the ankles...her Aunt Jennifer in Maine { David's sister} and her Aunt FattFatt here in GA{ my dd Candice who is pooh sized like me,she dubbed herself that on the day Elli was born almost 10 years ago ,she doesn't let them call her Candice! } got to watch it live through a link online...amazing technology! afterward we went shopping and her Grandma/grandpa bought her a bunch of stuff { this is their 1st grandchild!!!! } and Momma & Daddy got her a dress and a high chiar and Nanna got some patterns for things to make for her!lil shoes/shopping cart cover,quilt...it will all be in Minnie heads and pink/white polka dots and b/w damask... we are all so excited ..
here is her profile...she's 3 1/2 oz and 4 ins. long to the rump...soooo tiny....and so perfect!!
this is her full body profile,they couldn't get a face shot,,,she was playing hard to get!


Well, I finally broke down and talked dh into a PE770. I love it and he thinks it's really cool. :cool1: I made a few shirts for a big give, and now have made a few things for my own kids. Only thing I have pix of is my dd's shirt.


The shirt looks great!

This is the wet bag I made for the baby. I keep telling people the name is only set in fabric not stone. :rotfl: I dunno I'm not completely sold on it yet.


Here is the diaper bag that I made. I was so nervous putting it together. I didn't quite understand how the inside would fit well in the outside but I am pretty happy with how it turned out. I am thinking of making another one that will be just a bit bigger since I want to cloth diaper.

(How do I make the pictures smaller?)

Looks like you did a wonderful job with the diaper bag.


I found another design I like but it's 7 inches wide -- will a 7" design fit in a 5x7 inch hoop -- I always had it in my head that the design needs to be less than 7 inches to fit. Height is much less than 5 inches so that part isn't an issue -- huge stitch count again, but not as huge as some I've done.


I don't know if you can put it on "sideways"?

I have not sewn in a while, as we don;t have a trip planned as of yet. We MIGHT go in May for an adult only trip, if we can fit it in our budget. Anyway... I have a new neice arriving sometime on the Morning of Feb 2nd. We had the Baby shower yesterday and here is what I made for Baby Jayla Brie

Blankie and Taggie Side A

Blankie and Taggie Side B

Also, My DDs ages 9(in 2 days) and 7 are members of a Special Needs Cheer team. The Company that the Cheer team orders their sweat shirts and such from Does not really carry true pooh sized sweat shirts so.... Most of you might remember my Jack Skellington sweat shirt that I Hand appliqued, I took him off and added this Hand Applique for the :cheer2:High Voltage Allstars:cheer2:

Thanks for looking(sorry the pics are so big)

Great job on the blankie and taggie. The hand applique looks perfect!

Just wanted to share a Tinkerbell dress I made last weekend. I hadn't realized how long it had been since I was on the Board. Gotta check more often or I could miss some great stuff.


I really like the colour combo - not something I would have thought putting together. Great job!

I am soooo far behind on my quotes. I have been following along but my computer is not cooperating and keeps restarting so I loose my quotes. There have been so many cute things for little ones!

I actually sewed something last week and I'll try to post the pictures soon.

I'm trying to get ready for a last minute, adults only, trip to Florida. My DH is there for work and I will be joining him for a few days while my parents come to babysit. I might be spending one day at the parks by myself. Any suggestions for a solo visitor?

I would say whichever park you like the most! I had a few solo days a few years ago when DH was there for a conference. I did MK and Studios on my own. I actually ended up spending a lot of time chatting with CM's since I didn't have a schedule or anything.


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