Disboutiquers Part 23 Kids Disney Boutique / Customs Clothes psst..we sew ;-)

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CUTE!!! CUTE!!! CUTE!!!! I don't recall ever seeing pics of your kids. They are adorable:)

And thank you for not making your bed. I used to be really good about getting all of ours made, but sewing has taken priority now so bedmaking has become a thing of the past!

Many cute things posted but sorry I didn't have time to go back and quote -- love the Aurora dress with the shimmering fabric and all the Simply Sweets posted :upsidedow

Andrea I only make my bed on days DH is off from work because I get up and he goes in LOL.

Thanks for the compliments on my cute kids. I think so too.
Oh I forgot I have a sewing project to share now that the Big Give package has arrived. This is what I made for Khelsey - a Patricia tunic with Eeyore trim/ruffles:


I also added a matching bib to it, though it may ended up a touch too thick to use as a bib:


Thanks for looking. Now I am off to sew other things for the current Gives!
Eyeore is adorable and I know the families appreciate all that you do for them. Thanks for sewing for the gives, it is very kind.

Sorry! I usually copy my photos from facebook, but they changed the photo format and it is messing me up. Here is a bigger pic :)

Sleeping Beauty with a scratched nose ;)
I love the sparkle to the fabric and she is too cute.

I finally found some of this Minnie Dot Fabric, but it costs $18.00 a metre! This is the first time I have seen it.
I just say it for $3 a yard this past weekend. I could send it to cheaper.

I'm sorry I've not had time to post recently... I've had some pretty time consuming things going on in other parts of my life.

But I did want to say that I am still checking in every day - and I hope my schedule simmers down a bit soon. :lovestruc

I hope your life slows down and you can relax.

okay here are my kiddos from yesterday. I was so happy to get one of DS somewhat looking at the camera

OMG, CUTENESS! The shirts are so sweet. Did you do that on your new machine? Is it a hand applique? Super job!
The Pooh was done on the new PE770 and the heart was on my SE-400.

I am loving the bigger hoop on the PE770

I need to get a picture of my sewing area.
okay here are my kiddos from yesterday. I was so happy to get one of DS somewhat looking at the camera


They are so adorable!!! From what I can see of your profile picture, your daughter looks a lot like you! lucky, none of my kids look much like me!

So glad you made her a dress for the birthday party. Wouldn't want her showing up naked after all LOL. .

I love your sense of humor! :rotfl:
So there I was at Disney World . . . at the Magic Kingdom. . . on the second floor of the Columiba Harbor House. . .in the bathroom. . . and there's a cute little girl wearing a patchwork twirl. I asked if her mommy made the skirt and the grandmother answered, 'yes and six other outfits as well'. We exchanged dis names -- it was jeniamt's daughter.

And just to recap, here are our emails before I left!

What are the odds???

Welcome Back! My mom was so excited to call me to tell me she met you! I actually posted the same story the day it happened. I will try to go back and find it for you since it was awhile ago! Of course the day she is spotted she is wearing the least exciting (and recycled) of all the outfits I made. Speaking of outfits, I made a Tiana Vida for our cruise last year that DD refused to wear but I sent it this trip and once again, she refused to wear it. Its a go to dress here at home but apparently not at Disney :confused3 Oh well.

Hope you guys had a great time. DD was over the moon and talks about the trip non-stop. My mom is supposed to bring me her camera today so I can download her photos. Can't wait!

Very exciting news!!! My mom called to tell me they had just gotten off Its a Small World and headed to the upstairs super-secret bathroom at Columbia House. While in the bathroom a woman started talking to DD4 and asking her if her mommy made her skirt (she was wearing a Minnie patchwork twirl). DD4 said yes and then my mom got into the conversation. The woman asked if I was on the Dis boards and then asked about Disboutiquers. Well... it was AboveH2O. Isn't that cool!?! I love it! It is a Small World After All. :rotfl2:

Found it! Too funny!!!
Hi ladies, I'm new to posting here, but have been lurking a long time. I found this thread just a couple weeks before our last Disney trip in 2009 and was very bummed I didn't really have time to make my DD anything for the trip. Well, we are going back in June and I just made her the cutest shirt for our trip. It is hot pink with a zebra ruffle and a zebra Mickey head. I would post a pic but I have long lost the cord that connects my camera to my computer. I just wanted to say thanks for all the inspiration and now I can head to the World happy I finally made her something for our trip!
Hi ladies, I'm new to posting here, but have been lurking a long time. I found this thread just a couple weeks before our last Disney trip in 2009 and was very bummed I didn't really have time to make my DD anything for the trip. Well, we are going back in June and I just made her the cutest shirt for our trip. It is hot pink with a zebra ruffle and a zebra Mickey head. I would post a pic but I have long lost the cord that connects my camera to my computer. I just wanted to say thanks for all the inspiration and now I can head to the World happy I finally made her something for our trip!

I'm so glad you were able to make her something!!! I wish you could share a picture with us!
This is what I did yesterday:


This is Arminda's friend, Shelby. She is going to Disney World for the first time this week!!! She asked me to make her a Minnie Dot dress (which I don't have a picture of!) and a Drizella dress. She is practicing her Drizella pose in this picture. :lovestruc Love that girl!

This is the back of the dress (incase you didn't know! :lmao: ).

I modified the Precious Dress pattern by making the back wider and then I added a casing for elastic. (if anyone wants a better description of how I did that let me know and I'll try to explain better!) I was pretty pleased with the way it turned out. I had the peplums wrong when I first made it, I tried to make them one piece. I've done that in the past, but this was a stiffer material, so they just stuck out funny. So, much to Shelby's horror, I took a pair of scissors and sliced up the back of the peplum! (she wasn't wearing it at the time!) She gasped and said, "I never thought I could be so nervous about a dress!" It layed much nicer after that, and we were both happy with the way it turned out!

They are eating at 1900 Park Fare on Friday night, so if anyone sees her, say hi and tell her you know me!

and, just because they are silly, here are pictures I took of Shelby with Arminda and Lydia


That's Lyddie in the white


These girls crack me up. :rotfl2:
ARGH... what is going on? I had quoted some many things and it wouldn't let me edit or requote anything.:confused3

Wow... everyone has been "SEW" busy and everything looks so cute.:love:
This is what I did yesterday:


This is Arminda's friend, Shelby. She is going to Disney World for the first time this week!!! She asked me to make her a Minnie Dot dress (which I don't have a picture of!) and a Drizella dress. She is practicing her Drizella pose in this picture. :lovestruc Love that girl!

This is the back of the dress (incase you didn't know! :lmao: ).

I modified the Precious Dress pattern by making the back wider and then I added a casing for elastic. (if anyone wants a better description of how I did that let me know and I'll try to explain better!) I was pretty pleased with the way it turned out. I had the peplums wrong when I first made it, I tried to make them one piece. I've done that in the past, but this was a stiffer material, so they just stuck out funny. So, much to Shelby's horror, I took a pair of scissors and sliced up the back of the peplum! (she wasn't wearing it at the time!) She gasped and said, "I never thought I could be so nervous about a dress!" It layed much nicer after that, and we were both happy with the way it turned out!

They are eating at 1900 Park Fare on Friday night, so if anyone sees her, say hi and tell her you know me!

and, just because they are silly, here are pictures I took of Shelby with Arminda and Lydia


That's Lyddie in the white


These girls crack me up. :rotfl2:

The dress looks great. You did a nice job with it. Funny about the peplum. Never would have guessed. I'm sure Shelby will have a great time and feel very special in the dresses you made for her. What a lucky girl!
This is what I did yesterday:


This is Arminda's friend, Shelby. She is going to Disney World for the first time this week!!! She asked me to make her a Minnie Dot dress (which I don't have a picture of!) and a Drizella dress. She is practicing her Drizella pose in this picture. :lovestruc Love that girl!

This is the back of the dress (incase you didn't know! :lmao: ).

I modified the Precious Dress pattern by making the back wider and then I added a casing for elastic. (if anyone wants a better description of how I did that let me know and I'll try to explain better!) I was pretty pleased with the way it turned out. I had the peplums wrong when I first made it, I tried to make them one piece. I've done that in the past, but this was a stiffer material, so they just stuck out funny. So, much to Shelby's horror, I took a pair of scissors and sliced up the back of the peplum! (she wasn't wearing it at the time!) She gasped and said, "I never thought I could be so nervous about a dress!" It layed much nicer after that, and we were both happy with the way it turned out!

They are eating at 1900 Park Fare on Friday night, so if anyone sees her, say hi and tell her you know me!

and, just because they are silly, here are pictures I took of Shelby with Arminda and Lydia


That's Lyddie in the white


These girls crack me up. :rotfl2:

This is so great.

I am home from the peditrician with DS he has a double ear infection. I have never seen my peditricians office so crazy in the 9 years I have been going there.

I have a support group meeting tonite at DS's school. I am actually looking forward to it then I am coming home and finishing a few things.
This is what I did yesterday:


This is Arminda's friend, Shelby. She is going to Disney World for the first time this week!!! She asked me to make her a Minnie Dot dress (which I don't have a picture of!) and a Drizella dress. She is practicing her Drizella pose in this picture. :lovestruc Love that girl!

This is the back of the dress (incase you didn't know! :lmao: ).


That's Lyddie in the white


These girls crack me up. :rotfl2:

HaHaHa! Love the Drizella pose, she has it down! Those pics are great!
Hey ladies!! Anyone ever make a star wars outfit for a girl? Looking for inspiration for a friend taking 6yo dd to sw weekends.

This wasn't SW weekend, we were just in the Studios and she wanted Princess Leia. I don't think I had the embroidery machine then either. Anyway, I used an old SW pattern and summerized it. Made a belt for her to hang her gun.


I tried to quote on these yesterday but lost it all. I love these! Is that shirt CarlaC's Raglan pattern? I bought that about a year ago and have never tried it. I think Connor would love a shirt that! I just have trouble finding knits around here.

Very cute!



Also a rerun, Simply Sweets for our travel day


With Easy Fits to match for DD2


Floral patchwork twirls for the second Flower & Garden day


Monsters Inc twirl for DD2, aka Boo, for our DHS day



Still to make, tees to match the floral twirls, a Boo tee to go with the Monsters skirt, a Hollywood tee for a "bling" outfit my older DD requested, older DD's stripwork jumper, and Princess dresses for our Magic Kingdom day.

Love it all!
PJ's are a must....I even made my DGD's (they were only 2 and 4) wear Disney underwear :rotfl: but you may not can get away with that with yours :goodvibes

Very cute stuff! Love the valentine shirt especially!
As for the t-shirts. I have never ripped one apart. I always just watch it very carefully to make sure nothing crawls up underneath.

My kids wore both disney pjs AND disney underwear at WDW!


i've fallen in love with the simply sweet pattern

All of your dresses look great! I love the simply sweet pattern too, so versatile!
This is what I did yesterday:


The dress is great. Does the casing go all the way around or is it just in the back? And I like the fabric... doesn't look like it wrinkles.

Just downloaded my parent's pics. Here are a couple of the outfits (some you 'ol timers may have seen some before) Be prepared for photo overload:







I thought this photo was kind of cool!


My parents are great grandparents but not the best photographers! They missed taking pics of a bunch of outfits! And the small pictures are b/c they apparently don't know what the zoom button on their camera is. I tried to crop the photos but it didn't make the picture any bigger.

This is the best they did for this outfit. :confused3

You cannot imagine the strict instructions I gave them about taking pictures of her in the outfits but what can you do!?! They did take her to Disney World after all, geesh! ;)

Thanks for looking!
They turned out so cute! Love that they have matching bows! My DGDs rarely leave the house without matching bows. If we forget to put one in, they usually stop and say "oh, where is my bow?"
Thanks. They are known in school for their bows. if they go in with out a bow the Staff members as the girls if Mommy is sick? :lmao:
Thanks. They are known in school for their bows. if they go in with out a bow the Staff members as the girls if Mommy is sick? :lmao:

Lol, my daughter is known for her bows too. Her older sisters wouldn't wear them so it is so fun for me to have a "Girly-Girl" the second time around!
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