Disboutiquers Part 19 Kids Disney Boutique / Customs Clothes psst..we sew ;-)

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OK...all you young, hip, new mommies out there... I need some advice on burp cloths. A good friend has a new family member in the NICU and wants some personalized burp cloths for him.

I never had 'burp cloths' I just used a cloth diaper...but I see they can be really pretty now and not just functional.

I've been searching patterns for almost a week, and have discovered there are as many ways to make them as there are people making them. Do you prefer to have a layer of cloth diaper and a layer of flannel, or just use the flannel as a decorative accent either on the sides or ends (and some have it as just a center panel)

And then, if you use a layer of flannel and a layer of diaper...would you put the embroidery on the diaper side or the flannel side?

I cannot believe that something so simple has so many design options! DD9 told me to just make one each way...I should be able to get at least 6 different cloths that way...using the embroidery and the flannel fabric to pull them together.

And...last question (I promise!!) Is a pack of burp cloths a good baby gift???? They are so easy to make and so relatively inexpensive to make it seems almost like cheating!!



I am making a few of these next week for a baby shower. The pattern is free at YCMT


I will be giving a few of these and a taggie blanket that matches for a shower gift.

Hi Nini,
I like having a cloth diaper, I have kept them simple- just adding 2 rows of grosgrain ribbon, or lining one side with flannel. Then a matching simple bonnet (YCMT) to coordinate, or a flannel blanket. (just slap 2 flannels together, sew, turn, topstitch. Voila!)

I would embroider on the flannel side prior to attaching to the cloth diaper.

I also have some with embroidery right on the diaper cloth.
But buyer beware- I have purchased some that were thin and flimsy and not absorbent, and others hold up nicely.
I turned some Gerber (lousy for diapers, great for burps) into decorated ones and like those.

I like using a burp cloth for wiping noses, or laying down baby's head if Im doing a quick change in the car, I would like a flannel side for Hannah's face to sleep on- I might have a shirt thats rough or has buttons. etc.

(Im not a young hip mom though, Im old, tired and wear sneakers everyday- I have forgotten what I look like in heals):cool1:

SO you might want more opinions! LOL

Psyched!! I got my ressie changed for our Oct trip to BWV, so we wont need a rental car now!

So I am not really young but I am a mommy to a little one. Steph made me a burp cloth like the YCMT one. I really like it. I would embroider on the flannel side. We still use cloth diapers on Lauren's runny nasty nose.

Nicole - I am with you. I wear yoga pants and sneakers almost every day. I haven't worn a pair of real pants in almost a year. And heels - forget that - sneakers all the way. I think I need orthotics now too. My arches have fallen since being pregnant a second time and my feet hurt.
There was a women that made custom Minnie overalls on this thread. Does anyone know her name?

My first t-shirt appliques - for Noah's big give! - I can see a few little boo-boo's, but I don't think they are bad for my first try on that stretchy t-shirt material! Hope the boys like them...I am really happy with how they came out...

I can't wait to see a bunch of little girls twirling around the yard in those pretty dresses! I love seeing all of the beautiful spring colors all lines up like that! The Girl Scouts skirt is darling!

I have the same camera! I think you can get a lot more from your lens, so don't give up!

You can't just put it on the camera though in automatic and expect to see a substantial difference.

The advantage of that lens is that it is capable of a larger aperture (or lens opening) than your kit lens. THe nifty fifty has a 1.8 compared to the kit lens around 3.5. With aperture, the smaller the number, the larger the opening. With a larger opening, it lets in more light, allowing for a faster shutter speed, and maybe even the ability to avoid harsh lighting from a flash.

Try this: Set your ISO to 800 or 1600. With the nifty fifty on, put your camera in "aperture priority" which is Av on your dial. This allows you to select the aperture, and then the camera will give the best shutter speed for the situation. DO NOT USE YOUR FLASH. There is a little dial right above the shutter release button that your can turn back and forth. That will adjust the aperture setting. It will go as low as 1.8, but try it at different settings. I go with 2.8 a lot.

With a decent amount of natural daylight indoors, you should get a more pleasing result.

If you have questions, let me know! Let us know how it goes! :thumbsup2
THANK YOU!!! I didn't even know what that little dial above the shutter release was for! (hanging my head in shame) So, I took your advice and I put it on AV, with an ISO of 800. Then, I put the aperture at 2.8. Here's what happened. Please excuse my shaggy schnauzers. They REALLY need a haircut, but I was waiting for the weather to warm up.


Tessa (she's home sick from school today and was thrilled with me for taking her picture). Her picture turned out darker, even thought it had the same settings:

Most of them were really blurry, like this one:

Is there any way to prevent the blurry-ness, besides making everyone stand like statues? I am so clueless on all of this! I just don't have the time to play with my camera as much as I'd like!

Sooo excited I just had to share (and ask advice of course LOL)...dh finally gave the okay to book a trip to WDW at the end of Sept....soooo now where to stay. He has given his wish of the Polynesian but will also consider The Beach Club. Has anyone stayed at the BC, if so what did you think?
No advice for you because I love the value resorts. But, WOO-HOO on your upcoming trip!!! How exciting!

I went away for the weekend and it has taken me until today to catch up with this thread.
I had to laugh because I was just thinking how nice it was that the thread moves a lot slower now than it used to! In the disboutiquers heyday, there would be at least 10 pages every day!

I just love this! I got a Hatter from Stitch on time. Did you design this? Or is it a purchase?
Sorry to answer for Leslie, but she does all of her appliques by hand, I believe! I saw that Mad Hatter from Stitch on Time. WOW!! That looked awesome! My Alice in Wonderland themed set hasn't sold at all. I guess I should have been a little fancier with it!

I love that girl!
She's sick today. The poor thing woke up with a 101.6 degree fever. She threw up her vitamin (which is all she ate this morning before I realized she was sick) and she's sleeping on the couch.

How did I miss this camera talk? I'm pretty mediocre at sewing, but I do know my way around a camera. PM me! I'll give you my cell phone number. We'll have you up to speed in no time.

Photography is really about controlling light. On your camera you have 3 ways to do this. 1. The ISO setting (this was film speed in the old days). The higher the number, the more sensitive your sensor is to light. 2. Aperture - this is simply the opening in the lens. The smaller the number (ie, 1.8) the bigger the lens opens up and lets in more light. 3. Shutter speed - this is how long the shutter is open. Once you understand how these three things relate, you'll be dangerous!
I'm not sure how to adjust the shutter speed. Is there a way to make my camera take a bunch of pictures really fast? Again, I am clueless!

CONGRATULATIONS on your 3000th post!:cool1:

Thank you! Here's to 3000 more! :rotfl2:
My first t-shirt appliques - for Noah's big give! - I can see a few little boo-boo's, but I don't think they are bad for my first try on that stretchy t-shirt material! Hope the boys like them...I am really happy with how they came out...


They look great! I was trying to come up with something new for SWW for the kids...I may want to CASE you if they approve?

Went to the specialist this morning...thought I was going to pass out in the office I was so nervous. My surgery is al set. They wanted to do it next week, but I needed time to calm down as this has all moved so fast, so it will be the 23. He seems to think we are going to be okay...but of course he went with the warning that we don't know until he takes it out. I don't have to worry about my facial nerves as they are high above where the incision will be. I also don't have to be completely under...which I have to say, I was more worried about that than anything. I have never had any surgery, so I was scared to death. So, after my nerves kicked in completly after leaving the office, I cried all the way home...just nerves. Plus...I have to tell my mom now! I haven't told her because she would worry me to death!:lmao: She likes to worry!

Thanks for all the kind words...I worry too...I get it from my mom!;)

Now...I must finish sewing Katie's stuff for school tonight...ugh...what a crazy week!
Here is the outfit I made Isabel for Valentine's Day, she was 3 months old here (3 days shy of 4 months). The top is Carla C's Portrait Peasant (made the 6 month size, fit her big, but we can use it again since it doesn't actually say anything about Valentine's Day) and the bottoms are Crala C's easyfits - I had to do a modification. Isabel is a slim baby, so the 6 month size was HUGE! So, I started over and got the 18-inch doll pattern and extended the leg part and the behind part to accommodate for her diaper, but it fit perfectly :)

THANK YOU!!! I didn't even know what that little dial above the shutter release was for! (hanging my head in shame) So, I took your advice and I put it on AV, with an ISO of 800. Then, I put the aperture at 2.8. Here's what happened. Please excuse my shaggy schnauzers. They REALLY need a haircut, but I was waiting for the weather to warm up.

Is there any way to prevent the blurry-ness, besides making everyone stand like statues? I am so clueless on all of this! I just don't have the time to play with my camera as much as I'd like!

I'm not sure how to adjust the shutter speed. Is there a way to make my camera take a bunch of pictures really fast? Again, I am clueless!

Use the same dial - just change it to shutter priority. (I think on Canon cameras that is Tv - don't ask me why.) And then set your shutter speed. I would recommend trying around 1/100. When you use Av, you set the aperture and the camera sets an appropriate shutter speed based on what you selected. When you use Tv, you set the shutter speed and the camera picks an appropriate aperture based on the shutter speed.

When I got my first DSLR about 4 years ago, I used this website to understand the basics of exposure, etc.


Even though I have a Nikon, I still found the info. to be a good basic introduction to photography. And, hey, you get to watch movies on your computer. You don't even have to read a book or anything. What's not to like?! (edit - I guess you do have to read. It's been awhile since I used that site. But still worth it!)
THANK YOU!!! I didn't even know what that little dial above the shutter release was for! (hanging my head in shame) So, I took your advice and I put it on AV, with an ISO of 800. Then, I put the aperture at 2.8. Here's what happened. Please excuse my shaggy schnauzers. They REALLY need a haircut, but I was waiting for the weather to warm up.

I'm not sure how to adjust the shutter speed. Is there a way to make my camera take a bunch of pictures really fast? Again, I am clueless!

Thank you! Here's to 3000 more! :rotfl2:

The blurriness is because of the shallow depth of field you get with a larger aperture (smaller number... like 1.8 or 2.8) If it's still too blurry, you can do one of 2 things:

1) go with a slightly smaller aperture (little larger number) or
2) work on your focus skills. The viewfinder has little dots and will light up on red on what it's focusing on. You can actually decide which dot your camera will use, so that you can choose to focus on the dog's eyes if you want.

On the back of the camera, push the button in the furthest upper right hand corner. The screen will say "AF point selection". Then use that cool dial right behind the shutter button again. Turn it to find the one you like. Then hit the "set" button back. That will be your focal point until you change it again (or use the green auto mode.).

I'm sorry your daughter is sick, but the lighting on that one was nice, not washed out at all.

For shutter speed, it is not the speed at which you camera moves on to the next shot. It is how long the shutter stays open when you push the button. 1/40 is really slow. 1/1000 is really fast. But it can be anything in between. When you select the aperture in AV mode, the camera computes the best shutter speed.

Can't wait to see more!
My first t-shirt appliques - for Noah's big give! - I can see a few little boo-boo's, but I don't think they are bad for my first try on that stretchy t-shirt material! Hope the boys like them...I am really happy with how they came out...

Wow!! These are great!! How did you do the names on these? Is that machine embroidery? Do you mind if I case this for a machine embroidery design someday?

Went to the specialist this morning...thought I was going to pass out in the office I was so nervous. My surgery is al set. They wanted to do it next week, but I needed time to calm down as this has all moved so fast, so it will be the 23. He seems to think we are going to be okay...but of course he went with the warning that we don't know until he takes it out. I don't have to worry about my facial nerves as they are high above where the incision will be. I also don't have to be completely under...which I have to say, I was more worried about that than anything. I have never had any surgery, so I was scared to death. So, after my nerves kicked in completly after leaving the office, I cried all the way home...just nerves. Plus...I have to tell my mom now! I haven't told her because she would worry me to death!:lmao: She likes to worry!

Thanks for all the kind words...I worry too...I get it from my mom!;)

Now...I must finish sewing Katie's stuff for school tonight...ugh...what a crazy week!
Kim, it breaks my heart to think of you crying all the way home. That is so good that you won't have to worry about your facial muscles. Check one thing off the list of things to worry about, right? I'll keep praying that everything goes smoothly for you. :hug: I love yah, girlie! Oh,and did he say you would be in "twilight sleep" for the surgery? Every time they've told me that, I was knocked out cold.

Here is the outfit I made Isabel for Valentine's Day, she was 3 months old here (3 days shy of 4 months). The top is Carla C's Portrait Peasant (made the 6 month size, fit her big, but we can use it again since it doesn't actually say anything about Valentine's Day) and the bottoms are Crala C's easyfits - I had to do a modification. Isabel is a slim baby, so the 6 month size was HUGE! So, I started over and got the 18-inch doll pattern and extended the leg part and the behind part to accommodate for her diaper, but it fit perfectly :)

Oh my goodness!! She is absolutely beautiful, Adi!!! I think I'm in love!! Such a little sweetie!! Her outfit is so cute!! What a great picture!

Use the same dial - just change it to shutter priority. (I think on Canon cameras that is Tv - don't ask me why.) And then set your shutter speed. I would recommend trying around 1/100. When you use Av, you set the aperture and the camera sets an appropriate shutter speed based on what you selected. When you use Tv, you set the shutter speed and the camera picks an appropriate aperture based on the shutter speed.

When I got my first DSLR about 4 years ago, I used this website to understand the basics of exposure, etc.


Even though I have a Nikon, I still found the info. to be a good basic introduction to photography. And, hey, you get to watch movies on your computer. You don't even have to read a book or anything. What's not to like?! (edit - I guess you do have to read. It's been awhile since I used that site. But still worth it!)
Thank you so much!! I haven't checked out the website yet, but I did put it on tv and adjust the shutter speed. That is much better!!! I had it on 1/400 or something like that! I feel like such a doofus for having such a great camera and not knowing anything about it! Henry bought it for me for our anniversary over a year ago.
Heather, if you're a reader, try the book Understanding Exposure by Bryan Peterson. He explains the relationship between ISO, shutter speed and aperture really well!
THANK YOU!!! I didn't even know what that little dial above the shutter release was for! (hanging my head in shame) So, I took your advice and I put it on AV, with an ISO of 800. Then, I put the aperture at 2.8. Here's what happened. Please excuse my shaggy schnauzers. They REALLY need a haircut, but I was waiting for the weather to warm up.


Tessa (she's home sick from school today and was thrilled with me for taking her picture). Her picture turned out darker, even thought it had the same settings:

Most of them were really blurry, like this one:

Is there any way to prevent the blurry-ness, besides making everyone stand like statues? I am so clueless on all of this! I just don't have the time to play with my camera as much as I'd like!

I'm not sure how to adjust the shutter speed. Is there a way to make my camera take a bunch of pictures really fast? Again, I am clueless!

I'm not an expert, but I do know that the bluriness that looks like motion is due to the shutter speed being slow, and the bluriness that is around the edges of the pic are due to a shorter depth of field. The depth of field is adjusted by the aperture - the smaller the number, the greater the blurriness in the background (if I remember correctly)
There is a great book that I read when I first got my camera. I need to go back and read it again - it has GREAT information in it!

It gives the technical answers in easy to understand terms of how exposure is achieved. It really opened things up in my mind!
Here is the outfit I made Isabel for Valentine's Day, she was 3 months old here (3 days shy of 4 months). The top is Carla C's Portrait Peasant (made the 6 month size, fit her big, but we can use it again since it doesn't actually say anything about Valentine's Day) and the bottoms are Crala C's easyfits - I had to do a modification. Isabel is a slim baby, so the 6 month size was HUGE! So, I started over and got the 18-inch doll pattern and extended the leg part and the behind part to accommodate for her diaper, but it fit perfectly :)


She is adorable!
OK...all you young, hip, new mommies out there... I need some advice on burp cloths. A good friend has a new family member in the NICU and wants some personalized burp cloths for him.

I never had 'burp cloths' I just used a cloth diaper...but I see they can be really pretty now and not just functional.

I've been searching patterns for almost a week, and have discovered there are as many ways to make them as there are people making them. Do you prefer to have a layer of cloth diaper and a layer of flannel, or just use the flannel as a decorative accent either on the sides or ends (and some have it as just a center panel)

And then, if you use a layer of flannel and a layer of diaper...would you put the embroidery on the diaper side or the flannel side?

I cannot believe that something so simple has so many design options! DD9 told me to just make one each way...I should be able to get at least 6 different cloths that way...using the embroidery and the flannel fabric to pull them together.

And...last question (I promise!!) Is a pack of burp cloths a good baby gift???? They are so easy to make and so relatively inexpensive to make it seems almost like cheating!!



What I find myself going to for burp cloths are flannel receiving blankets. They are too small to actually use as a blanket, and are large enough to catch just about anything Kaitlyn might spit up during a burp. You can NEVER have enough burp cloths or bibs, IMO! I like the idea of cloth diaper backing on the flannel for extra absorption. If I had one with cloth diaper backing I'd probably put the diaper on my shoulder with the flannel towards Kaity.
Kim - I feel so bad for you. Hang in there...everything is going to be fine. And the worrying...yep, thats me too (and I got it from my mom too).

Heather - don't know anything about cameras (except how to point and shoot) but I love the puppy pictures.

Here is the outfit I made Isabel for Valentine's Day, she was 3 months old here (3 days shy of 4 months). The top is Carla C's Portrait Peasant (made the 6 month size, fit her big, but we can use it again since it doesn't actually say anything about Valentine's Day) and the bottoms are Crala C's easyfits - I had to do a modification. Isabel is a slim baby, so the 6 month size was HUGE! So, I started over and got the 18-inch doll pattern and extended the leg part and the behind part to accommodate for her diaper, but it fit perfectly :)


What a doll!! Love all the hair and the outfit is adorable.
Here is the outfit I made Isabel for Valentine's Day, she was 3 months old here (3 days shy of 4 months). The top is Carla C's Portrait Peasant (made the 6 month size, fit her big, but we can use it again since it doesn't actually say anything about Valentine's Day) and the bottoms are Crala C's easyfits - I had to do a modification. Isabel is a slim baby, so the 6 month size was HUGE! So, I started over and got the 18-inch doll pattern and extended the leg part and the behind part to accommodate for her diaper, but it fit perfectly :)


Adi, the little outfit came out great! Isabel is sooo adorable! :)

I smile and think about how fun getting the girls together will be when I see pics of Isabel. Looking forward to getting one of Isabel and Kaitlyn together!
Heather, if you're a reader, try the book Understanding Exposure by Bryan Peterson. He explains the relationship between ISO, shutter speed and aperture really well!
Thank you! I've got the book in my cart at amazon and I'm trying to find $7.87 worth of stuff to bring my total up to $25 for the super saver shipping! ;)

I'm not an expert, but I do know that the bluriness that looks like motion is due to the shutter speed being slow, and the bluriness that is around the edges of the pic are due to a shorter depth of field. The depth of field is adjusted by the aperture - the smaller the number, the greater the blurriness in the background (if I remember correctly)
There is a great book that I read when I first got my camera. I need to go back and read it again - it has GREAT information in it!

It gives the technical answers in easy to understand terms of how exposure is achieved. It really opened things up in my mind!
It looks like you both suggested the same book, and you both have husbands named Robert! Thank you, Shannon! I think adjusting the shutter speed really helped with the blurryness.
Last week someone posted a photo of a beautiful snow white outfit. I was inspired by it and here is my result.

The bodice and shorts are navy blue eyelet, the skirt is a pretty yellow calico with roses on it, and the sleeves are broadcloth. The bows were added for pretty and also to cover up the fact that I serge everything with white thread :rolleyes1 I guess I get a little lazy...
I just love this! I got a Hatter from Stitch on time. Did you design this? Or is it a purchase?

For the HAT: at Xmas I was looking at hat in Hot Topics. I thought Kirta might like one for Disney (but didn't see anything I liked). Anyway, they had their hat on Headbands.

The applique is done "by hand" so I didn't buy it from anyone, I combined some pictures to create it.

I'm in love and in awe of most of the things posted lately - everyone has been so creative!

My daughter has asked me to make her outfits that match the Rainbow Magic fairies. This was new to me! Her final decision was to match Juliet the Valentine's Fairy, though I expect this will change again in the morning. I was rooting for Tia, who has a tank top and gathered skirt. Juliet wears a demin skirt with a scoop neck top and a tank underneath it, from the picture:


Does anyone have a good pattern for a scoop neck? I'm wondering what would happen if I made a long-sleeve peasant top and left the neckline open, then sewed shoulder straps to it to keep it from falling off her shoulders.



I'd go with the peasant top with looser elastic at the neckline. I think it woud sag without any elastic.

Last week someone posted a photo of a beautiful snow white outfit. I was inspired by it and here is my result.

The bodice and shorts are navy blue eyelet, the skirt is a pretty yellow calico with roses on it, and the sleeves are broadcloth. The bows were added for pretty and also to cover up the fact that I serge everything with white thread :rolleyes1 I guess I get a little lazy...

This is adorable!!

She is such a doll and the outfit looks so cute on her.

Last week someone posted a photo of a beautiful snow white outfit. I was inspired by it and here is my result.

That came out great!

Here's the second test skirt for the Audrey skirt pattern (named in honor of a little girl who must have 'butt ruffles' on most things :rotfl:)


I'm very pleased with how the development of this is going. I used the actual pattern I drafted for this one and only had to tweak a couple things. The next step is to resize the pattern and see how it works.
My first t-shirt appliques - for Noah's big give! - I can see a few little boo-boo's, but I don't think they are bad for my first try on that stretchy t-shirt material! Hope the boys like them...I am really happy with how they came out...

Those turned out great!!! Really nice!


She's sick today. The poor thing woke up with a 101.6 degree fever. She threw up her vitamin (which is all she ate this morning before I realized she was sick) and she's sleeping on the couch.

2.)I had to laugh because I was just thinking how nice it was that the thread moves a lot slower now than it used to! In the disboutiquers heyday, there would be at least 10 pages every day!

3.)I'm not sure how to adjust the shutter speed. Is there a way to make my camera take a bunch of pictures really fast? Again, I am clueless!
1.) Poor Tessie!! I'm guessing she is going to miss pizza night tomorrow. :sad1:

2.)I was thinking the same thing!

3.)You could have asked Corey. ;)
I'm guessing you wanted an explanation that made sense?? :rotfl:

They look great! I was trying to come up with something new for SWW for the kids...I may want to CASE you if they approve?

Went to the specialist this morning...thought I was going to pass out in the office I was so nervous. My surgery is al set. They wanted to do it next week, but I needed time to calm down as this has all moved so fast, so it will be the 23. He seems to think we are going to be okay...but of course he went with the warning that we don't know until he takes it out. I don't have to worry about my facial nerves as they are high above where the incision will be. I also don't have to be completely under...which I have to say, I was more worried about that than anything. I have never had any surgery, so I was scared to death. So, after my nerves kicked in completly after leaving the office, I cried all the way home...just nerves. Plus...I have to tell my mom now! I haven't told her because she would worry me to death!:lmao: She likes to worry!

Thanks for all the kind words...I worry too...I get it from my mom!;)

Now...I must finish sewing Katie's stuff for school tonight...ugh...what a crazy week!

:hug::hug::hug::hug::hug::hug::hug: I'm glad the doctor had good news about the nerves.

Here is the outfit I made Isabel for Valentine's Day, she was 3 months old here (3 days shy of 4 months). The top is Carla C's Portrait Peasant (made the 6 month size, fit her big, but we can use it again since it doesn't actually say anything about Valentine's Day) and the bottoms are Crala C's easyfits - I had to do a modification. Isabel is a slim baby, so the 6 month size was HUGE! So, I started over and got the 18-inch doll pattern and extended the leg part and the behind part to accommodate for her diaper, but it fit perfectly :)


She is such a cutiepie!

Thank you! I've got the book in my cart at amazon and I'm trying to find $7.87 worth of stuff to bring my total up to $25 for the super saver shipping! ;)

It looks like you both suggested the same book, and you both have husbands named Robert! Thank you, Shannon! I think adjusting the shutter speed really helped with the blurryness.

Shoot, I was going to order somethign from Amazon on Monday, but didn't have enough for free shipping, so I got it on Ebay. We could have combined orders.

Last week someone posted a photo of a beautiful snow white outfit. I was inspired by it and here is my result.

The bodice and shorts are navy blue eyelet, the skirt is a pretty yellow calico with roses on it, and the sleeves are broadcloth. The bows were added for pretty and also to cover up the fact that I serge everything with white thread :rolleyes1 I guess I get a little lazy...
That turned out really cute!!! I always use white serger thread too!
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