Diary of a Picky Kid (& his Foodie Mom) DxDDP in December! Update 4/9 'Ohana Dinner!

yeah I would agree. what were your favorites?

We pretty unanimously liked the red pepper hummus the best. My next favorites would probably be the cucumber raita and then the tamarind chutney. The spiced naan was actually my favorite of the breads, particularly paired with the cucumber raita. The one sauce I stayed undecided about was the coriander chutney. Did I like it? Did I not? Did I keep tasting it wanting it to taste more like pesto since it kind of looks like pesto? I don't even know. I knew I wouldn't be able to handle a lot of the super spicy ones, but I did try a smidge of every single one, and it made me wish my stomach loved spicy food more. The one that I just knew I would like but then totally didn't was the mango chutney, which I thought was odd. Those flavors did not mesh well to me.
We are doing both of these meals next week, so I'm excited to see these reviews...but seriously CRUSHED about the arepas, because that's what I was going to order at Skipper's too :sad:

At least there's Sanaa bread service!
We are doing both of these meals next week, so I'm excited to see these reviews...but seriously CRUSHED about the arepas, because that's what I was going to order at Skipper's too :sad:

At least there's Sanaa bread service!
Well the new thing was seriously delicious so I'd recommend it highly. The corn cakes were super yummy and corny and sweet and crispy. It's just that it won't quite make it as an entire meal imo... which is an excuse to try another app as well!
We pretty unanimously liked the red pepper hummus the best. My next favorites would probably be the cucumber raita and then the tamarind chutney. The spiced naan was actually my favorite of the breads, particularly paired with the cucumber raita. The one sauce I stayed undecided about was the coriander chutney. Did I like it? Did I not? Did I keep tasting it wanting it to taste more like pesto since it kind of looks like pesto? I don't even know. I knew I wouldn't be able to handle a lot of the super spicy ones, but I did try a smidge of every single one, and it made me wish my stomach loved spicy food more. The one that I just knew I would like but then totally didn't was the mango chutney, which I thought was odd. Those flavors did not mesh well to me.
I think my favorite was a combo of the taramind and raita on the paneer paratha... spicy and cool and so yummy. I liked the coriander chutney but it was not my favorite to go back to. The hummus was hummus and we eat a lot of it at home so I didn't do more than taste it. I also really loved the mango and the smooth tomato whatever it was. Also the garlic pickles.
Oh man...I feel your pain with a picky eater. DD is 6 and is MUCH better, but for a while she only ate white foods (cheese, bread, pasta, bananas--no strings no bruises, yogurt, apples--no skin, no bruises, cereal). DH and I loooooove food too. And until she was 2 she ate just about everything.
People don't get it unless you've been through it. They think it's the parent's fault...as if we only offer them junk food or something!

DS on the other hand eats everything and anything. The last time we were there, DD was on the DDP which was a huge waste of $$. Luckily, DS was only 2, and ended up eating her share and then some. LOL

I'm curious to see what different options you found for your picky eater!
I am here and loving your reviews so far! You have such a great sense of humor in your writing. Can't wait to see more delicious dining!!!
Oh man...I feel your pain with a picky eater. DD is 6 and is MUCH better, but for a while she only ate white foods (cheese, bread, pasta, bananas--no strings no bruises, yogurt, apples--no skin, no bruises, cereal). DH and I loooooove food too. And until she was 2 she ate just about everything.
People don't get it unless you've been through it. They think it's the parent's fault...as if we only offer them junk food or something!

DS on the other hand eats everything and anything. The last time we were there, DD was on the DDP which was a huge waste of $$. Luckily, DS was only 2, and ended up eating her share and then some. LOL

I'm curious to see what different options you found for your picky eater!
He is much better now than he was at 6. I totally try to stay off of "picky eater" threads on here because it really gets my hackles up. I breast fed and made all of his baby food and he ate a huge variety of foods at first and basically did everything "right" and he is picky anyway. When he was first into solids we used to bring him to the indian buffet, lol. not anymore... but he is doing better. We def got our money out of the DxDDP though!
I am here and loving your reviews so far! You have such a great sense of humor in your writing. Can't wait to see more delicious dining!!!
Aw thanks! it was mostly quite delicious!
Day 2: AK day, Tusker House breakfast
so today was saturday and EMH for AK so we got quite an early start and did the dinoland stuff first.... primeval hurl x3, dinosuar x2 and triceratop spin x1 before heading over to africa for our 9:20 ADR at Tusker House. When we showed up at the podium to check in the CM looked all nervous and said "umm we just had a ton of 2-tops check in... it could be a bit before we seat you." I asked how long, getting annoyed already and she wouldn't say. It turned out to be 15 minutes and we sat in almost the exact same table we sat in last time, kind of toward the end of the big room to the right of the buffet room... and it was practically empty when we were seated. So not sure what that nonsense was all about.

Our waitress came and brought the jungle juice. I could live on that and a bottle of rum. The cups are kind of on the small side there so more work for her to keep it refilled but she did an admirable job. The kid does not like the POG/jungle juice, he thinks it is too sour, so she brought him a plain apple juice. So off we went to the buffet... I did not take photos of the whole buffet, just our plates. Let's hope I remember what we got.

Kid's first plate:

this one should be pretty obvious but starting at 12 o'clock you've got tater tots and going clockwise a half a biscuit with sausage gravy, two mickey waffles, a piece of carved ham and bacon. So basically carbs and pork products galore. The mickey waffles were a tad overdone and he actually didn't really eat them but he finished the bacon, the ham, the tater tots and the biscuit with gravy.

My first plate:

in the bowl is melon and grapes, all of which were fresh and delicious (esp for out of season melon... it could have been slightly softer and slightly sweeter but it's pretty much as good as it gets off peak) and the cup has the lovely POG juice. on the plate starting at 12 o'clock and going clockwise is the other half of the kid's biscuit with sausage gravy, coconut sweet potato casserole, a couple of tater tots, plantains, oven roasted red skinned potatoes, ham and cheese frittata, cape malay chicken curry served over basmati rice, and a slice of ham with sweet and spicy honey mustard.

So the biscuit was a standard biscuit with standard sausage gravy. it was good and if you have the itch, it will scratch it. The coconut sweet potatoes were delicious and coconutty (I love coconut. I'm not sure coconutty is a word but now it is!). The tater tots were deep fried tater tots. What's not to like? The plantains were probably alright, I don't remember them now... I think disney must deep fry them because they always seem much dryer on the outside. The scottish bakehouse here on the island makes the best plantains on the flat top grill and they are always soft and warm and gooey and sweet with some crispy parts. I find the disney plantains to fall short. The roasted potatoes had a very flavorful spice mixture on the outside and were roasted crispy on the outside and soft on the inside... kind of like me ;) The ham and cheese frittata was about what you'd expect. it tasted like a slice of a ham and cheese omelette. And then the chicken curry... which may be an odd choice for breakfast, but it was OMG deeeeeeeeelicious. It was a tomato based curry and was so perfectly balanced and delicious. The chicken was so tender. It was amazing and by far my favorite thing on the buffet... as you will see on my second plate. I love Indian food and would not have thought you'd get such complex flavor profiles at Disney but dang if they didn't nail it here too. The carved ham was good as well but mostly because it was drowning in the sweet and spicy mustard sauce. I'm a sauce girl, I love sauce... the creamier the better. There is very little in my life that isn't better in sauce. Maybe that is why I love the curries so much.

In between all this the characters started coming around and it was slightly above standard character interaction. Tap on the kid's shoulder, act surprised, give him a big hug, sign the autograph book, pose for pictures. This is the level of character interaction that the kid is happy with, so I'm happy with it too. Mickey noticed that the kid's autograph book came from "not here" (it was actually from disneyland paris) so he gets the token character photo for the dining review:


Here are our second plates:

first the kid's:


don't judge. the kid loves bacon and it is vacation. I let him serve himself and this is what he came up with: bacon, a donut hole and some kid of chocolate croissant twist or something. He ate all of this. quelle surprise.

Here's my second plate... I always get a second plate and always end up with "eyes bigger than stomach" syndrome and leave half of it.

I got a couple of pieces of bacon, more of the chicken curry over rice and a few more potatoes. to the right side is a small scoop of the bread pudding with vanilla sauce. The bacon was alright, typical disney bacon (I much prefer it to be thicker cut than they have it to be honest). The chicken curry was as good as the first serving and so were the potatoes. I kind of wish we could sit here and graze all day because I didn't even try half of what was on the buffet but I NEEDED more chicken curry it was SOOOOO delicious. The potatoes were as I described before... I love potatoes :P and the bread pudding was super yummy as well... I do love bread pudding but I only ate half of the small serving that I took because usually a couple of bites of something sweet is all I need at the end of a meal.

Here is a bonus pic of the kid standing next to the gingerbread african streetscape display they had at Tusker House.


I thought the display was totes adorbs and it was kind of unexpected. I am kind of crazy for gingerbread houses.

Overall I would say that Tusker House was an amazing breakfast. Foodwise, it was the best breakfast of the trip (and we also did Boma). Maybe you think I am weird for eating chicken curry for breakfast but honestly that's kind of how I roll. I am more likely to have dinner leftovers for breakfast at home and make myself an omelette at night than the other way around left to my own devices. But I am not often left to my own devices but I am totally into dinner food at breakfast. Kiddo loved it too but I think he pretty much loved any meal he where he could stuff his face with bacon and carbs.

This was our first DxDDP meal and if we had paid OOP it would have been $54.32 before discount and tip but with the 10% AP discount it would have been $48.89.

DxDDP Credits Used Total: 2
Total Value: $54.32 - 10% AP Discount = $48.89
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Awesome review! Tusker House is on our list for breakfast in September as well--can't wait! :)

(P.S. I eat breakfast for dinner at least twice a week, LOL)
I love Tusker House breakfast! We will miss it next week :sad1:

If a restaurant is serving POG juice, we just ask them to leave the carafe, and no one has denied us yet! (actually, our waitress at Ohana just left it for us because she kept having to bring refills, so then we just started asking if they'd leave it, and so far so good!)

That chocolate croissant thing that your son had - I had one at BOG breakfast and they're actually really good! That was a good choice on his part :)
And I'm such a sucker for Disney bread pudding...the little bit on your plate has my mouth watering. Ugh. I need the next four days to hurry up! I need some Disney-fied food!
Awesome review! Tusker House is on our list for breakfast in September as well--can't wait! :)

(P.S. I eat breakfast for dinner at least twice a week, LOL)

Girl after my own heart ;)

I love Tusker House breakfast! We will miss it next week :sad1:

If a restaurant is serving POG juice, we just ask them to leave the carafe, and no one has denied us yet! (actually, our waitress at Ohana just left it for us because she kept having to bring refills, so then we just started asking if they'd leave it, and so far so good!)

That chocolate croissant thing that your son had - I had one at BOG breakfast and they're actually really good! That was a good choice on his part :)
And I'm such a sucker for Disney bread pudding...the little bit on your plate has my mouth watering. Ugh. I need the next four days to hurry up! I need some Disney-fied food!
good idea. I could have used a carafe instead of a pot of coffee, I generally only drank one cup and didn't need thew hole pot there. The Tusker House bread pudding was good but not phenomenal. The title of phenomenal is saved for you-know-where (look at my list and I bet you can guess, lol).
Our waitress came and brought the jungle juice. I could live on that and a bottle of rum.

Oh, me too. I knew I liked you!

I love coconut. I'm not sure coconutty is a word but now it is!
So I thought I could live on jungle juice and rum alone but then you reminded me of coconut...

I love Indian food and would not have thought you'd get such complex flavor profiles at Disney but dang if they didn't nail it here too
And then you reminded me of curry... Alas, rum and jungle juice alone do not a happy life make!

Here is a bonus pic of the kid standing next to the gingerbread african streetscape display they had at Tusker House.
Adorable! I had no idea they did gingerbread there.

I am more likely to have dinner leftovers for breakfast at home and make myself an omelette at night than the other way around left to my own devices.
Preach, sister! I also can't usually do sweet things for breakfast so I have to do breakfast later in the day or for dinner to really maximize my enjoyment of things like that delicious looking bread pudding you had. Also, pizza for breakfast is a totally underrated indulgence.
Oh, me too. I knew I liked you!

So I thought I could live on jungle juice and rum alone but then you reminded me of coconut...

And then you reminded me of curry... Alas, rum and jungle juice alone do not a happy life make!

Adorable! I had no idea they did gingerbread there.

Preach, sister! I also can't usually do sweet things for breakfast so I have to do breakfast later in the day or for dinner to really maximize my enjoyment of things like that delicious looking bread pudding you had. Also, pizza for breakfast is a totally underrated indulgence.

um... coconut rum. 'nuff said. in fact that actually happens later. twice. have patience!

I think part of my dessert issue on this trip is I am always so full by the time I get to dessert. I think my best meals were the ones I was hungriest for!
Oh man, POG juice is the best. I was so stoked when I found out pre-trip that we would get to have it at Garden Grill!

We did Tusker House 2 years ago and absolutely loved it. I'm glad y'all did too! We'd have gone back this time if we weren't trying to do so much new stuff.

Also how cute is kiddo's BB-8 Christmas sweater t-shirt???
Day 2: AK day, Tusker House breakfast
so today was saturday and EMH for AK so we got quite an early start and did the dinoland stuff first.... primeval hurl x3, dinosuar x2 and triceratop spin x1 before heading over to africa for our 9:20 ADR at Tusker House. When we showed up at the podium to check in the CM looked all nervous and said "umm we just had a ton of 2-tops check in... it could be a bit before we seat you." I asked how long, getting annoyed already and she wouldn't say. It turned out to be 15 minutes and we sat in almost the exact same table we sat in last time, kind of toward the end of the big room to the right of the buffet room... and it was practically empty when we were seated. So not sure what that nonsense was all about.

Our waitress came and brought the jungle juice. I could live on that and a bottle of rum. The cups are kind of on the small side there so more work for her to keep it refilled but she did an admirable job. The kid does not like the POG/jungle juice, he thinks it is too sour, so she brought him a plain apple juice. So off we went to the buffet... I did not take photos of the whole buffet, just our plates. Let's hope I remember what we got.

Kid's first plate:

this one should be pretty obvious but starting at 12 o'clock you've got tater tots and going clockwise a half a biscuit with sausage gravy, two mickey waffles, a piece of carved ham and bacon. So basically carbs and pork products galore. The mickey waffles were a tad overdone and he actually didn't really eat them but he finished the bacon, the ham, the tater tots and the biscuit with gravy.

My first plate:

in the bowl is melon and grapes, all of which were fresh and delicious (esp for out of season melon... it could have been slightly softer and slightly sweeter but it's pretty much as good as it gets off peak) and the cup has the lovely POG juice. on the plate starting at 12 o'clock and going clockwise is the other half of the kid's biscuit with sausage gravy, coconut sweet potato casserole, a couple of tater tots, plantains, oven roasted red skinned potatoes, ham and cheese frittata, cape malay chicken curry served over basmati rice, and a slice of ham with sweet and spicy honey mustard.

So the biscuit was a standard biscuit with standard sausage gravy. it was good and if you have the itch, it will scratch it. The coconut sweet potatoes were delicious and coconutty (I love coconut. I'm not sure coconutty is a word but now it is!). The tater tots were deep fried tater tots. What's not to like? The plantains were probably alright, I don't remember them now... I think disney must deep fry them because they always seem much dryer on the outside. The scottish bakehouse here on the island makes the best plantains on the flat top grill and they are always soft and warm and gooey and sweet with some crispy parts. I find the disney plantains to fall short. The roasted potatoes had a very flavorful spice mixture on the outside and were roasted crispy on the outside and soft on the inside... kind of like me ;) The ham and cheese frittata was about what you'd expect. it tasted like a slice of a ham and cheese omelette. And then the chicken curry... which may be an odd choice for breakfast, but it was OMG deeeeeeeeelicious. It was a tomato based curry and was so perfectly balanced and delicious. The chicken was so tender. It was amazing and by far my favorite thing on the buffet... as you will see on my second plate. I love Indian food and would not have thought you'd get such complex flavor profiles at Disney but dang if they didn't nail it here too. The carved ham was good as well but mostly because it was drowning in the sweet and spicy mustard sauce. I'm a sauce girl, I love sauce... the creamier the better. There is very little in my life that isn't better in sauce. Maybe that is why I love the curries so much.

In between all this the characters started coming around and it was slightly above standard character interaction. Tap on the kid's shoulder, act surprised, give him a big hug, sign the autograph book, pose for pictures. This is the level of character interaction that the kid is happy with, so I'm happy with it too. Mickey noticed that the kid's autograph book came from "not here" (it was actually from disneyland paris) so he gets the token character photo for the dining review:


Here are our second plates:

first the kid's:


don't judge. the kid loves bacon and it is vacation. I let him serve himself and this is what he came up with: bacon, a donut hole and some kid of chocolate croissant twist or something. He ate all of this. quelle surprise.

Here's my second plate... I always get a second plate and always end up with "eyes bigger than stomach" syndrome and leave half of it.

I got a couple of pieces of bacon, more of the chicken curry over rice and a few more potatoes. to the right side is a small scoop of the bread pudding with vanilla sauce. The bacon was alright, typical disney bacon (I much prefer it to be thicker cut than they have it to be honest). The chicken curry was as good as the first serving and so were the potatoes. I kind of wish we could sit here and graze all day because I didn't even try half of what was on the buffet but I NEEDED more chicken curry it was SOOOOO delicious. The potatoes were as I described before... I love potatoes :P and the bread pudding was super yummy as well... I do love bread pudding but I only ate half of the small serving that I took because usually a couple of bites of something sweet is all I need at the end of a meal.

Here is a bonus pic of the kid standing next to the gingerbread african streetscape display they had at Tusker House.

I thought the display was totes adorbs and it was kind of unexpected. I am kind of crazy for gingerbread houses.

Overall I would say that Tusker House was an amazing breakfast. Foodwise, it was the best breakfast of the trip (and we also did Boma). Maybe you think I am weird for eating chicken curry for breakfast but honestly that's kind of how I roll. I am more likely to have dinner leftovers for breakfast at home and make myself an omelette at night than the other way around left to my own devices. But I am not often left to my own devices but I am totally into dinner food at breakfast. Kiddo loved it too but I think he pretty much loved any meal he where he could stuff his face with bacon and carbs.

This was our first DxDDP meal and if we had paid OOP it would have been $54.32 before discount and tip but with the 10% AP discount it would have been $48.89.

DxDDP Credits Used Total: 2
Total Value: $48.89
I was SO glad we did the Tusker House breakfast at the last minute. It was delicious!! I especially loved the mealie pap, and the hash. So so yummy, and now I'm drooling remembering it.
I'm here I'm here! I haven't been on Dis since I left for my trip and I'm back specifically for this! I'm with @areno79. I think I should just copy and paste your reviews! You have better pictures and we ate at the same restaurants too mostly! LOL! Excellent start and loving reading this... kind of eases the Disney withdrawal a little ;)
Oh man, POG juice is the best. I was so stoked when I found out pre-trip that we would get to have it at Garden Grill!

We did Tusker House 2 years ago and absolutely loved it. I'm glad y'all did too! We'd have gone back this time if we weren't trying to do so much new stuff.

Also how cute is kiddo's BB-8 Christmas sweater t-shirt???
it is, I really love it. Wish I had some right now, I tell myself it is chock full of vitamin C and would make my cold feel like it is getting better when in reality it is probably chock full of sugar lol. We had "matching" ugly christmas sweater tshirts - his was bb8 and mine was disney (monorail, castle, sorcerer hat) specifically for the JBJB party that night. I don't have any pics of mine.

I was SO glad we did the Tusker House breakfast at the last minute. It was delicious!! I especially loved the mealie pap, and the hash. So so yummy, and now I'm drooling remembering it.

Yeah I will be posting a summary but spoiler: Tusker House was the best breakfast. I would kill for some of that chicken curry right now lol.

I'm here I'm here! I haven't been on Dis since I left for my trip and I'm back specifically for this! I'm with @areno79. I think I should just copy and paste your reviews! You have better pictures and we ate at the same restaurants too mostly! LOL! Excellent start and loving reading this... kind of eases the Disney withdrawal a little ;)

haha my phone takes great low light pictures. samsung: good on low light photos, bad on not blowing up. hmmmmmmmmmm.
Day 2: Yak and Yeti "Linner" (or "Dunch")

So we had a bit of a problem in planning when we added the Jingle Bell Jingle Bam dessert party... it's kind of early and I didn't want to give up any of my ADRs or significantly change my plans. Because of that, our meals got a little closer together than I like... after the 15 minute wait at Tusker House, we were running about 3 hours between the end of our breakfast and lunch. That, combined with my over-indulgence of chicken curry at Tusker House had me wondering for the next 3 hours whether I'd be remotely ready to eat by the time we had our Y&Y ADR.

As it turns out, we were just starting to get hungry when we got to Yak and Yeti and although I have read there is usually no wait, the lobby was PACKED with people, all hot, sweaty and hungry looking. We went outside and kiddo pokemon hunted while I sat on a little curb and listened to some mom yell at her kids to stop piling rocks or whatever they were doing to keep themselves entertained. I think that mom needed a drink. :rotfl:We also checked out the menu together since we were going to be splitting the meal and the kid had some definite opinions.

It took a bit to get seated but we were in no rush since there was a pokestop RIGHT THERE. When we were finally seated we were seated upstairs against the railing overlooking the stairs. It was an alright table and I had forgotten just how awesome the theming is in this place. The last time I was there was 8 years ago when my kiddo was nursing still... but my memory of this place involves being SO sick after it and I have avoided it all this time... in retrospect I don't think it was the food but rather dehydration and heat exhaustion, but the memory of feeling like I had been beaten with a baseball bat lingered for so long this is the first time I was ready to try this place again.

So kind of last minute, I decided I'd share one DxDDP credit for this place since we had so much eating to do that day and I wanted to save credits for my kid to eat at Narcoossees after hearing it really was likely he'd be able to order off the adult menu.

So ANYWAY, any of the non-alcoholic beverages counted for your drink so I took one for the team and let my kiddo have the good drink and him a

Frozen Beverages
Strawberry and Lemonade


obviously this is the strawberry variety. It was smooth and icy, like an icy from an icy machine and he enjoyed sucking the flavor out and leaving the ice behind, lol.

So since I gave up the good beverage to the kid, I decided to reward myself with a grownup beverage:

Yak Attack
Mango Daiquiri, Don Q Cristal Rum, and Wildberry flavors

this was good. It was super hot outside and it was very refreshing, mango slushie with berry swirl and rum. The waiter was also nice enough to bring me a glass of water, too.... always extra points when they do that without asking since I often forget but always want it. BTW just an aside, those paper straws at AK do NOT hold up very well in the frozen beverages. The kid went through about 3 of them, lol.

There was absolutely nothing on the appetizer menu that my child would eat, so I decided to just get what I liked while he worked on sucking down that strawberry slush. Most of what I would have preferred were apps for 2 and would have definitely been big enough for a whole meal, but I ended up with the:

Firecracker Shrimp
Crispy fried shrimp tossed in a creamy, spicy sauce, Asian slaw

So, I liked this. This is the kind of dish that hits all of my high points. seafood? check. crispy? check. creamy sauce? check. I like my creamy sauce, what can I say? These were perfectly crunchy (although I saw another review that shows them looking absolutely revolting without the sauce!) and perfectly cooked. The sauce was very spicy (and I like spicy things). Not too spicy for me but it might be very challenging for some... if you don't like spicy, this is not for you. I tried a shrimp first plain and then I squeezed the lime on it and I recommend squeezing the lime on it, that little bit of acidity cuts through the richness of the sauce just a bit. It is served on top of "asian slaw" which is not a slaw at all but rather undressed shredded romaine lettuce with some carrot shreds and a few purple cabbage shreds... also there are sliced green onions on top. I liked it much better with the "slaw" than without as the fresh crispy greens also helped cut through the rich and fairly spicy sauce. I ended up eating this entire plate, all the time wondering if I was actually eating the garnish that was supposed to be left, but it really was better with the greens than without! This is a BIG portion and easily splittable as an appetizer or can also easily serve as a light lunch... which is probably what I should have had (a light lunch that is) but we were on the DxDDP so there was more coming. I give these a two thumbs up and would definitely order again.

Now onto the entree. Before I decided we'd share this credit, I had lots of things I wanted to try here. The seafood curry was probably at the top of the list (see my list of high points)... but when it came time to split with the kid I thought maybe we could share the steak and shrimp. Kid was having none of that, upon reading the menu he decided he wanted RIBS. He does like ribs so I figured sure, why not... but it was not what I would have chosen and not what I was in the mood for and I was pretty not hungry at this point so all of that probably will color my review of them... just trying to be fair to the yak ;)

Korean BBQ Ribs
Half rack of slow roasted St. Louis pork ribs, zesty BBQ sauce, crispy shoestring fries, kimchi slaw.


I will say first of all, if you want to split a meal, this is a good option. It is a LARGE serving of ribs and there is a massive pile of fries under there. Below is a picture of the plate I made for my kid with approximately half the ribs (4 of them) and fries (he has sensory issues so he won't pick it up and just eat them but he does like the meat cut off of the bones)


This is a really nice sized lunch, especially for a kid and considering the entire plate is edible. The shoestring fries were really good and a huge hit with the kid. He liked the ribs well enough too but one problem I (and he) had is that the underside was full of a wet spice rub that hadn't sunk in. It had kind of an undercooked spice flavor to it that was not entirely pleasant, and although there were only a couple of pieces in what i'd cut for him that had that raw spice rub on it, he found it very very very spicy and made a big fuss about getting some in his mouth. That said when I sorted through and pulled those few pieces out, he ate the rest of the pork and the portion of fries I gave him and also most of the other half of the fries I kept for me but was too full to eat.

I thought the ribs were just ok. When you eat them like ribs you get big mouthfuls of that spice rub and I didn't care for it. As I said, the fries were good. The kimchi slaw was entirely different than the "asian slaw" on the shrimp appetizer and I didn't like it... but I don't like "slaw: in general, especially slaws that are mostly cabbage and very lightly dressed. I DID liked the shredded salad under the shrimp even though it was called a slaw because it wasn't really :). I was also so full I could only eat two ribs but I also was not really liking that raw spice flavor either... I could have scraped it off but I was not that invested.

Now it's really not fair to judge on an entree I didn't really want when I was so full to begin with, but I was basically not crazy about the ribs... but left to my own devices I would not have ordered them anyway.

Now for dessert... We of course got the iconic

Fried Wontons
Skewers of fresh pineapple and cream cheese wontons, vanilla ice cream, honey-vanilla drizzle


So again, you have to realize I was completely stuffed by now. Also I had assumed that the cream cheese filling was sweetened (like cheesecake) so when I gave the kid a piece of wonton with no sauce or ice cream on it to try and he started to gag, I had no idea why. I tried a piece myself and it was kind of nasty... warm unsweetened cream cheese is really not the greatest thing in the world. And that is the last time I tried any dish components separately. At that point the kid decided he had to go to the bathroom, so off we went, letting the lovely scoop of ice cream melt. When we got back I gave him the ice cream but stole a little to eat with the wonton and sauce and I admit it was good all together... but I think honestly I was just too full for dessert.

So I think to be fair to Y&Y I need to go back someday OOP and order an app and dessert and get the kid chicken teriyaki with fries (my original plan) from the kid menu for him and be done with it and I'd probably enjoy it a lot more. This was my second least favorite meal of the entire trip but that is only because everything else was so good by comparison. Some day I'd like to go back and order something more my style like the ahi nachos or the seafood curry and give the cream cheese wontons a try when I'm not already stuffed to the gills....

DxDDP Credits Used Total: 1
Value: $53.21 - 10% AP Discount = $47.89
OOP: $10.63

Total DxDDP Credits Used: 3
Total Value: $96.78
Last edited:
I like my creamy sauce, what can I say?

although I saw another review that shows them looking absolutely revolting without the sauce!
Me too! They were frightening. Thanks for the nightmares Billie @Elevationist :lmao:

warm unsweetened cream cheese is really not the greatest thing in the world.
Phew! I was starting to think you were my soulmate so at last we disagree. (Lucky for my sweet R I suppose) I am happy to eat cream cheese warm, cold, baked with crab, served with pepper jelly, made into a cheesecake, made into a dip, served inside a wonton with no sauce... well ok you get my drift.

Sorry that Yak & Yeti didn't hit a home run for you. I've read great things about that seafood curry so I think if you were able to choose you'd have liked it. But I am so glad your son (mostly) liked the ribs and those heavenly French fries. Great update as usual!
I am caught up! Sanaa is one of our faves as is the bread service. We've been there 3x now, I love the atmosphere and find it very relaxing. We also like Tusker for breakfast but haven't been in a couple years now, since my boys aren't that into character meals anymore :sad1: but we always found the character interaction to be a little bit better there. I love the gingerbread house! I love all the little holiday touches all around down there :goodvibes

Hmmm, I do love the Y&Y wontons though! Not sure I ever tried just the wonton without the sauce though. Sometimes when there's a dessert on the menu I really want I'll purposely skip an app or not finish my entree because I hate being too full by dessert time. But that's because dessert is my favorite part of the meal!

Me too! They were frightening. Thanks for the nightmares Billie @Elevationist :lmao:

Phew! I was starting to think you were my soulmate so at last we disagree. (Lucky for my sweet R I suppose) I am happy to eat cream cheese warm, cold, baked with crab, served with pepper jelly, made into a cheesecake, made into a dip, served inside a wonton with no sauce... well ok you get my drift.

Sorry that Yak & Yeti didn't hit a home run for you. I've read great things about that seafood curry so I think if you were able to choose you'd have liked it. But I am so glad your son (mostly) liked the ribs and those heavenly French fries. Great update as usual!

I think it was just quite unexpectedly savory. I don't mind warm cream cheese on a toasted bagel with lox. But it was quite blechy when I was expecting dessert.. though it was balanced once I added vanilla sauce and ice cream (melted) to it. I love it with all of that stuff except served in a wonton without sauce. Served in a wonton with crab and dipped in sweet and sour sauce is just fine! so hmmm either I want something sweet with it (like pepper jelly or sweet and sour sauce even with something ostensibly savory) or I want something very salty with it, like lox. I think I've just had a revelation, lol.

But I think my dessert issues were exacerbated by being not very hungry... just made me that much more picky about it! As I'm writing these reviews I am wondering who is more picky, me or the kid. The kid just won't eat it if he doesn't like it... I eat it even if I'm not wild about it but can tell you everything that is not quite right for me in minute detail. I love to cook and will tweak recipes endlessly until they are just the way I like them so I think that probably has something to do with it as well.

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