Dangerous Teddy Bears!!!! No Joke!

From the article>>>However, the family did not get far when security screeners detected a .22-caliber single shotgun sewn inside the bear.

What? A SHOTGUN inside a stuffed bear?

Of do they maybe mean a 0.22 caliber single-shot gun, like a little "Derringer"
On a plane a firearm is a firearm. I'd guess they meant a single shot gun...yep like a derringer. Just makes me sick they try something like this. Not only should kids not take candy from strangers...teddy bears either now!?!?

Keep the magic!!!

This is horrible. What if the gun was loaded, the child dropped it!
This makes me so sick!!!! What will people do next? I am so glad the family was released.
MontanaCowgirl, how is your daughter doing in the CP program? Hope everything is going well.
She really enjoys it but she also said she doesn't think that she will be doing a repeat. She would if they offered the opportunity for more classes & they automatically were applied to her college credits. (she has to pay nearly $500 each, & she can only take 2 classes). Maybe after she gets most of her classes out of the way she might, just for a break in her routine. It also has to be approved as another work study leave from the Montana Army National Guards. So I suppose only time will tell! I still wish I had this opportunity when I was in college many moons ago!:teeth:

Another piece of good news....we have our package paid for !!!! Woooo hooo!!!! Now if I could just get this counter to move faster!! :teeth:

MontanaCowgirl, I agree with you about the CP. Before you know it your time will be here. Keep us updated how she is doing. :)

I just sealed the envelope containing my last vacation payment:p WOO HOO
Now it is time to save for Mickey Bars.
You know I just had a great idea, If everyone on the DIS board would send me 1 dollar all my worries would be gone. Come on it is a good cause:smooth: :smooth:
Originally posted by tmq2766

I just sealed the envelope containing my last vacation payment WOO HOO
Now it is time to save for Mickey Bars.
You know I just had a great idea, If everyone on the DIS board would send me 1 dollar all my worries would be gone. Come on it is a good cause

Just think if everyone did this we'd all get to go more often...or not at all! LOL

I made all my payments over the phone...so much easier & I only got put on hold once & that was for about 30 seconds!

Have a blast!!!

I wish I was in the same boat as you guys. My money is due next week and I have no money. i lost my job in may and my husband lost his in june and unemployment ain't even enough to cover everyday bills. Any suggestions????
So sorry to hear about that Jasminesmommy! If I were you I would postpone the trip. That way you can still have it to look forward to & hopefully be in a better financial situation!

I know it's hard to postpone but we had to do that last year when my DH broke his neck after a major wreck on a horse. He's back to his old self & we are anxious to get there in November!

Good luck to you!!!! Hang in there.

Originally posted by StitchGirl88
motannacowgirl is that you holding alive tiger??

Yep it sure is, & his name is Samson. He's 4 months old in that picture. The Fish & Wildlife people had a few of these Balainese Tigers (nearly extinct) on display to help get support for their preservation at our state fair last year. We were there very early in the day & there were maybe 10 people at the entire fair at the time. I was asked if I wanted to come in & meet them face to face, since I was standing there looking at them for quite a while, & of course I jumped at the chance! I got to play with Samson's little brother who was only a month & a 1/2 old & about 1/4 his size. Then they brought out Samson & we instantly took a liking to each other. I had my picture taken with him as they were planning on allowing the public to do this later on in the day. But I got to play with them & they were so neat!!! Very rough coated...not soft at all, but they were fun! Most exciting thing I have ever done! I just heard they will be back again this year & I plan on going to see if they still have Samson with them still, & get another picture. If I do I will post it alongside of this one so we can all see how much he grew!


What part of Montana are you from? YOu're the first one I"ve found from Mt. I am too!! :Pinkbounc

We live by Flathead Lake in the Flathead Valley. About 45 miles from Glacier Nat'l Park. You know...the one that's on fire! Smoke is everywhere! Not good...

Originally posted by bigsky

What part of Montana are you from? YOu're the first one I"ve found from Mt. I am too!!
We live by Flathead Lake in the Flathead Valley. About 45 miles from Glacier Nat'l Park. You know...the one that's on fire! Smoke is everywhere! Not good...


You, I believe, are the 1st Montanan I've run into also! I'm 60 miles southwest of Malta in the Little Rocky Mountains. Our fire was luckily put out for the most part by heavy rain night before last. We were 10 miles from the CMR fire. So smokey our throats hurt all the time!

Small world. To be exact, we're in Lakeside.
Looks like you'll be going in October?? We're doing the land/sea pkg. for Thanksgiving. Not my ideal time to go, but the kids will miss less school then. And with my daughter going into high school, that's important.
Leaving in the winter is important to me. You know, a break from our long winters.

Well, nice to meet you. Have a great time! This will be our first time there. MANY times at Disneyland, since we used to live down there. But our first to WDW. I can't wait!! :Pinkbounc
We are leaving here on November 3rd & driving down....we will probably get home on Thanksgiving. Long drive but well worth it!



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