Dairy Farmers Wife IS going to Disney in March/April!

I think I actually used the on camera flash in there and used P and had a high ISO for it. I didn't want to fuss too much with settting myself in there. But sometimes I think my "P" setting isn't right. If I have it set for flash I think it should have a faster shutter speed than what it was giving me at times. But maybe I'm wrong.
I used my external flash at CRT and I was very disappointed with the pictures I got there.

Well, I almost never use the pop-up flash on my camera. Any time I think I might want a flash, I use my external flash. I was never happy with the recycle time of the pop-up flash for character photos. After a few, it would sometimes "busy" up on me for a bit. The external recharges much faster.

I need to get brave and try bouncing my flash more, but I'm afraid to try that in an unknown setting like 1900 PF or CRT. I have a friend who tried to bounce her flash at CRT and she ended up with a band of shadow on each photo. I'd rather have my noisy photos than that, so I'm never want to branch out and try.

I was happy with the CRT photos from this trip, but we were seated by the windows and there was lots of natural light coming in.

I'm thinking your ADR was late, maybe after sunset? Regardless, aren't the windows at CRT currently covered? I'd be curious to hear how that was.

I still haven't had my "ah-ha" moment on flash photography. I"m hoping it comes soon! :idea:
I don't use my on camera flash much either, but I met a guy early in the trip who was a photographer...so he said...and he said to use it when needed, and I just tried it a here and there.
My external seems to leave a lot more shadows. Espeically when I go veritcal. I like to bounce, but at place like CRT it's impossible to do. You pretty much need a low ceiling for that.
And yes, CRT was all covered up, so we didn't get any light at all in. I need one of those fance flash arm things that can move yourflash around when you do a verticle shot. I probably need a better flash too. :rolleyes1
I still haven't mastered it. I can take really good practice shots around the house, but whenever I use it for real, with an actual person in the shot,they never turn out good.
Sorry the SD card is still MIA :( I hope it shows up soon because I know this is really heart breaking for you!

I had my first photopass issues on the last trip in October. Our AK pictures weren't showing and when I emailed them and described what we were wearing, they only located ONE! I'm glad I have that one picture and luckily I don't *rely* on photopass since I have my own SLR that I carry everywhere. You're right - it was a pain to call, email, fill out the form, so I hope they turn up for you! :thumbsup2

Sorry the SD card is still MIA :( I hope it shows up soon because I know this is really heart breaking for you!

I had my first photopass issues on the last trip in October. Our AK pictures weren't showing and when I emailed them and described what we were wearing, they only located ONE! I'm glad I have that one picture and luckily I don't *rely* on photopass since I have my own SLR that I carry everywhere. You're right - it was a pain to call, email, fill out the form, so I hope they turn up for you! :thumbsup2


It seems there service has gone down the hill over the last year or 2.
I love the name of your TR.:lmao: I subbed, but I'll catch up with it tomorrow, as it's late and I have a pukey kid that finally went down for the night.
Oh no! I hope she gets better soon.

Kadence is better this morning. A bit dehydrated, as she threw up from 4:30 am until just after noon. She counldn't keep anything down until last night, just a bit of pedilyte.
I just glad we had nothing planned today. She gets to rest and I get some computer time:thumbsup2
Kadence is better this morning. A bit dehydrated, as she threw up from 4:30 am until just after noon. She counldn't keep anything down until last night, just a bit of pedilyte.
I just glad we had nothing planned today. She gets to rest and I get some computer time:thumbsup2

I'm so glad she is feeling a bit better now. I know how hard it is. Claire is coming down with a cold right now. I hope it doesn't turn into anything worse. But we may need to buy another tissue box. :laughing:


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