Dairy Farmers Wife IS going to Disney in March/April!

I'm sorry to hear DH is getting the run-around from the doctor. I would start looking for another doctor
Subscribing!!!! Your poor DH. If the doctor had done the referral like he was supposed to do your husband would not be calling him on his vacation! Jerk! I hope you can make it this December. My family was supposed to go to Disneyland later this year, but well....we got a little "surprise" so the trip is being rescheduled for hopefully next fall! Can't wait to read more!
Subscribing!!!! Your poor DH. If the doctor had done the referral like he was supposed to do your husband would not be calling him on his vacation! Jerk! I hope you can make it this December. My family was supposed to go to Disneyland later this year, but well....we got a little "surprise" so the trip is being rescheduled for hopefully next fall! Can't wait to read more!

Thanks for joining. I swear my family has so much drama going on right now, it's hard to to think we may eer go to Disney again, but I will push on. LOL! Every day I like this Dr alot less. and his nurse too. LOL!
Another life update

I have actually been a bit depressed to even post her the last week. Things are just not moving smoothly here.
I will continue on though, as nothing is set in stone yet, which I hate. LOL!

Skip's Dr never gave the referral that we know of. But his chiropractor did. So Wed. the back Dr called and made him an appointment, but not till......Aug 31st! Skip told them "I can't walk and you can't get me in till then!" He told them to call if there was a cancellation, but it didn't sound promising. He called the hip Dr and asked if there was another Dr he could see that could get him in sooner. The nurse refused to send him anywhere else.
So Skip called his general Dr and asked if he could find someone. He basically just wants to get in to see if it really is somehting with the back or not, and see what steps need to be taken. So we got a call from another Dr's office and he has an appointment Monday. We wil lstill keep the other Dr's appointment, since he is supposedly the best, but at least we can get a start and see what is going on. And if it isn't back related, we can then go on to whoever we need to see next.

Also Skip and his borhter have been talking over the past few years about selling the cows and just farming, or going into steers or sheep instead...something with less work. They are getting pretty serious about it now. With Skip being in pain, and his borther has serious back problems too, it's getting to be really hard to keep up with the milking. We have a few hired hands, and they need to be babysat at all times.
We spend alot in payroll and taxes, and without the extra workers we would actually still make about the same. Well Skipd mother is having a HUGE fit. One of the hired hands is Skip's youngest brother. And to be honest is the worst worker. He hates every job he's ever had, and won't do one extra thing,etc. But MIL is saying that can't get rid of him because he will never find a job etc...and she does all the paperwork, payroll, etc and she wil lbe out of a job too. We really beleive that she is in terrible finacail trouble. She had a boyfriend a few years ago and she stupidly spent a TON of moeny on this guy. We think at least $50 thousand, and now she has a loan out to pay for it, and we think she may be having trouble paying the loan. She writes the checks for the farm, and last year she wrote basically double the amount she was supposed to get for herself. Skip gets mad, but doesn't take the checkbook away from her, so it's his fault too. But I think she knows she'll no longer have access to the farm account if they get rid of the cows.
So LOTS of drama around here. Skip says he's tired of taking care of everyone else around here, and no one cares that he and his brother are hurting and basically shortening there lives to keep others happy.
You just would not beleiv e the stuff that is going on here. You would never know we are dealing with adults here. Very childish paly going on.
But we'll get through it.
You take the most beautiful pictures! Some of those shots of Clarie are awesome!

Sorry you are dealing with dumb doctors. What a pain! Hope you get some answers soon.
You take the most beautiful pictures! Some of those shots of Clarie are awesome!

Sorry you are dealing with dumb doctors. What a pain! Hope you get some answers soon.

Thanks!~ I'm actually going to post a few pictures I have recently taken of Claire here shortly.
The Dr situation is so frustrating. hopefully Monday we'll have the start to some answers.
Some off topic pictures~

About 2 weeks ago, Claire and I decided to do a picnic in a local Metro Park. I had her agree to let me take some pictures of her first. We haven't printed any for family in about a year, so I thought we should get some done.
I'll tell you we took ALOT and about 90% have her making a silly face, or looking away, not smiling , or out of focus on my part. LOL!
Here is my utmost favorite one we took.


Here are some of the others, if you like one, let me know. I'm stil ltrying to decide which other ones to print.








My picks are 1, 3, and 6.....

Sorry to hear about DH. My DH is horrendous when his back is bothering him and HATES to dea lwith Dr offices and referrals and such (because his dr office usually messes it up or give him a hard time). I usually handle those things for him, but then he gets mad at ME when he has questions or can't get in when he wants to! Darned if I do....Darned if I don't!!!

I hope Skip gets to feeling better soon!
First off, I'll talk about the pictures. I like 2 and 5 best.

Now, on to the family crap. I sure hope that Skip gets to see a doctor who will give him some relief. It's hard as heck on the nerves and on a body when you are waiting around to see a doctor.

It sounds like Skip and his brother (the hard working one) are headed in the right direction with the business. I am sure that they are sick and tired of supporting (by providing a job) other family members who aren't as hard workers as they are. At some point in time, something's gotta give. Sounds like that something is going to be getting that checkbook away from Mama and booting the younger brother right off the farm.

I am sure that Skip and his brother have reservations about trying something new. Anything new (or semi-new) is scary but they won't know until they give it a try. Sure, his mother and other brother are going to be p.o.'d but they can either get over it or not get over it. That's their choice.

John and I learned a long time ago that you can't keep all family members happy. All that really matters is keeping that core family together and to support them. If that core needs to be just your family and Skip's older brother's family, then so be it.

I sure hope that everything works out for you guys. It sounds like ya'll have some tough decisions to make and maybe a rough road ahead but I'm sure it will all work out.

Many hugs!
I can't believe you couldn't get into the back doctor untill 8/31:eek: but I'm glad to hear you can at least see someone on Monday. Good Luck!

Sorry to hear about your family problems but you really have to do what is best for your family and let the others work it out for themselves I know its hard but you can't let them bring you down just because they are related. I hope it works out the way you want it to.

I liked all the pics Claire is getting so big!
oi! What drama! I hate rude doctor's and nurses! And shame on his mom for using your husband to bail herself out of her own problems!
My picks are 1, 3, and 6.....

Sorry to hear about DH. My DH is horrendous when his back is bothering him and HATES to dea lwith Dr offices and referrals and such (because his dr office usually messes it up or give him a hard time). I usually handle those things for him, but then he gets mad at ME when he has questions or can't get in when he wants to! Darned if I do....Darned if I don't!!!

I hope Skip gets to feeling better soon!

Yep, I know how that goes! I'm never right, even if I do exactly what he said to do. LOL!

First off, I'll talk about the pictures. I like 2 and 5 best.

Now, on to the family crap. I sure hope that Skip gets to see a doctor who will give him some relief. It's hard as heck on the nerves and on a body when you are waiting around to see a doctor.

It sounds like Skip and his brother (the hard working one) are headed in the right direction with the business. I am sure that they are sick and tired of supporting (by providing a job) other family members who aren't as hard workers as they are. At some point in time, something's gotta give. Sounds like that something is going to be getting that checkbook away from Mama and booting the younger brother right off the farm.

I am sure that Skip and his brother have reservations about trying something new. Anything new (or semi-new) is scary but they won't know until they give it a try. Sure, his mother and other brother are going to be p.o.'d but they can either get over it or not get over it. That's their choice.

John and I learned a long time ago that you can't keep all family members happy. All that really matters is keeping that core family together and to support them. If that core needs to be just your family and Skip's older brother's family, then so be it.

I sure hope that everything works out for you guys. It sounds like ya'll have some tough decisions to make and maybe a rough road ahead but I'm sure it will all work out.

Many hugs!

Skipe ask me today if he should apoligize to his mom for getting mad her yesterday after she yelled at him about quiting the cows. :confused3 He is just too nice to his mom. Now yes he should be nice, but she knows how to really put guilt trips on her kids. You would not even beleive how many times Skip and a few of his other borthers have bailed her out of money situations.
Because she took so much money last year, she had to pay horrendous taxes this year. Of course who does she ask for the money..Skip and his brother. Skip had his 2 borthers that eat there every day and his sister (MIL watches her Autistci 13 year EVER SINGLE day for free) to give her the money. And I don't think she knew that I knew, and told me that the youngest one (the terrible worker) loaned her the money and she was going to pay him back. :confused:

oi! What drama! I hate rude doctor's and nurses! And shame on his mom for using your husband to bail herself out of her own problems!

It's like a saop opera here sometimes.
I can't believe you couldn't get into the back doctor untill 8/31:eek: but I'm glad to hear you can at least see someone on Monday. Good Luck!

Sorry to hear about your family problems but you really have to do what is best for your family and let the others work it out for themselves I know its hard but you can't let them bring you down just because they are related. I hope it works out the way you want it to.

I liked all the pics Claire is getting so big!

Skip had me pick up a copy of his MRI today and he now wants me to diagnose what all the medical terms mean, via internet. LOL!
subscibing. loved reading your last trip report! claire has gotten big. have to say i love pics 2,4,5! sending you some pixie dust that things get better at home and with skip!:hug:
I hate to be a pain- but I personally like all of the pics!!!!!! I think I would have to pick #1 best though. Such a lil' cutie!!
in the pictures, I like #5 best

Sorry about all you are having to go through right now in home life. That stinks.

Hope everything turns out well on Monday with the doctor.
subscibing. loved reading your last trip report! claire has gotten big. have to say i love pics 2,4,5! sending you some pixie dust that things get better at home and with skip!:hug:

Thanks! I hope we get some answers

I hate to be a pain- but I personally like all of the pics!!!!!! I think I would have to pick #1 best though. Such a lil' cutie!!

LOL! Thanks

in the pictures, I like #5 best

Sorry about all you are having to go through right now in home life. That stinks.

Hope everything turns out well on Monday with the doctor.

We hope to get some answers. I am hoping my interent searching is wrong. From what his MRI says, and what I looked up, surgery looks like the option that may be needed. It says he has narrowing of the canel and lots of other fancy medical terms...LOL! and when I look it up, so much says that it will eventually needed to be operated on. I guess we just have to wait and see. It's a pain getting old.
I'm sorry about Skip's medial problems as well as the family drama. I hope it all resolves itself so you get have your Disney trip.

All of the photos you post of Claire are amazing. I think #2 is my favorite.


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