Dairy Farmers Wife IS going to Disney in March/April!

Very cool!! I love reading about your previous Disney trips, and the old pictures are fantastic!!

It's nice to get some background about your family. My daughter (who's 3 now) needs her sleep too. If she doesn't she tends to fall over a lot and cry a lot faster than she normally would. So I can relate!:rotfl:
Very cool!! I love reading about your previous Disney trips, and the old pictures are fantastic!!

It's nice to get some background about your family. My daughter (who's 3 now) needs her sleep too. If she doesn't she tends to fall over a lot and cry a lot faster than she normally would. So I can relate!:rotfl:

Yes, we all pay if Claire doesn't get her sleep! Disneyland would probably be a great place for us to visit, because they are 3 hours behind us. So getting up at 8 would be like 11 for Claire and then going to bed before 9 PM would be right in schedule with her. She was just born in the wrong time zone. LOL!
So do you ever say something really stupid to your kids and think "What an Idiot I am!!!!"
Well I did it not once, but twice last night!

A little background first... Claire and her cousin (who is 6) went to my Aunt and Uncles for an overnight party on Sat. They have no kids, so they are in complete spoil mode. We dropped the girls off around 1:30. My sister left after a bit of chit chatting and I stuck around a little longer while my Uncle showed me around his flower gardens. I soon realized that about 5 minutes after my sister left, My Aunt had loaded the girls up in the car and told my Uncle they were off to Toys R Us! I said, "Hey didn't "G" (my sister) say not to overload them" and she replied, "Yeah, we couldn't wait for her to leave". LOL!
So throughout the day my Uncle would text us telling us about what they were doing, like 5 popsicles apiece and putt putting, running through sprinklers, etc. Around 10 PM Claire called and said goodnight, and I asked her what she ate, and she said she wasn't allowed to say. But I did get pizza out of her. :cutie:
So I called Sunday morning and found out the girls were up till midnight and then up at 6:45 AM!!!:scared1: Claire NEVER gets up that early. So I knew when she came home, the day was going to be long.
She got home a little after 12 and was cranky, but not the worst she's ever been. But would cry about dumb things, like wanting to buy a magazine with a picture of a kitty on it at the store. I kept trying to get her to lay down with me, and take a nap, but she just wouldn't fall asleep.
Finally at around 6:45 PM (after being up for about 12 straight hours) she fell asleep in her sleeping bag in front of the TV. YAY! Now I just had to be quiet and most likely she would sleep through the night. WRONG. At 9:45 she woke up and was NOT pleasant at all.
Lots of crying! I asked, did she want jammies on,..NO! but then a minute later cried because I hadn't brought her jammies. You get the drill. :eek: She then decided she wanted to see Daddy, who was outside, so we dressed in warmer clothes (because she said she was cold) and went out to see him. 2 seconds later she wanted to go back to the house and get jammies on. :rolleyes1
So we did that and she started saying something about missing Minnie Mouse while I was dressing her. So we dug out a AAA brochure and looked at the pictures (I beleive Minnie is on the cover). We laughed and talked about how much we miss Disney, etc. Any picture she recognized, she would tell a memory of the place (some I think were made up memories. :lmao: LOL)
Then we pulled out my passporter book and looked through the picture section in it. Again she talked memories and we would laugh and just really enjoying ourselves, and I was happy she stopped crying. So we come across a picture taken inside of Minnies house, and she says she remembers sitting in that spot and getting a picture taken..She can't wait to go back and see it again. And here's where I get stupid....I say "It probably won't be there next time, they're gonna knock it down for a new Princess area" :scared1: What was I THINKING!!!!!
She began to cry. She loves Minnies house, and where will Minnie live...and Mickey too! And they better still have Goofy's ride. So I quickly told her that they weren't really knocking it down, they would never do that to Miinie, but they are moving it somewhere else..(and lets please pray it's still around when we go next...anyone know when they are closing toontown? Or is it closed already now? I had heard the close was being delayed, but I haven't kept up on it)
So finally I got her settled down enough with some fancy talking and letting her know that the house will still be somewhere and she will still be able to see Mickey and Minnie.
On to more pictures....more memories...and at the end of the picture segment it has pictures from other parks, one being Disneyland. She saw the picture of the DL castle with some guys who appear to be playing music in front of it. She asked what they were doing and then I told her to notice that the castle was pink and that one was in Disneyland in CA. She decided we should go there too. And we giggled a bit and then I told her...STUPIDLY...that it was Sleeping Beaty's Castle and Cinderellas castle was the one we see in FL.... "What? We've seen Aurora in FL before...a couple of times" ...."Yes Claire, she's there and she's so pretty and nice, etc"....
"How does she go home at night if her castle is all the way in CA?".... :rolleyes1 ...Um, how do you answer this? She is now thinking Aurora doesn't have a home, and she doesn't get that the characters are NOT real. So there is no way there could be more than one Aurora. And I wasn't about to ruin that magic for her. So I told her that Aurora flys back and forth alot so she can see all her friends. :angel: She was good with that and then went to bed with the two books next to her. princess:

But then she also cried abit because she really wants to go see Minnie, and I told her to say something to dad. She told me, "you have to say something to him...please mom!" Awwww! What a sweetie. I wish he was in the house to see her. He might've melted.
Awww that is so sad and sweet at the same time.

Thats ok, my son thinks the castle in both parks belong to Mickey. I wish they would just move Mickey and Minnie's houses somewhere. We haven't explored that yet, and I have two boys so don't think we'll be exploring princess houses, lol.

Glad Claire went to bed happy after you covered for your slip ups. She is so sweet :cutie:
I'm crossing my fingers that the injections work and your DH feel so much better he decides he absolutely has to celebrate at WDW :thumbsup2
Well the rumor board is saying that Toontown won't close till possilby next year, early...if at all. I guess the rumor is that part of the Fantasyland expansion...as in Pixie Hollow...is going to be axed. No one knows anythingfor sure right now, but at least it looks like Toontown is safe for at least 6-8 months at this point.
Poor Claire, She was just so tired and worn out. Whenever my kids used to have scary dreams or couldn't go to sleep, we'd talk about our favorite things to do at Disney.:cloud9:

I need to go over to the rumor boards so I can keep up with what's going on (or rumored to be going on).
Awe poor Claire!!!!!! I do the same things all the time!!!!!!! In fact, Austin had said something similar to me the other day about Disney, but I cannot remember for the life of me what it was!!!!!! I too like to bring up Disney to comfort him sormetimes- heck I bring it up to comfort myself too :lmao:!!!!
It sure was nice to have her gone for a night, but I am still paying for it. She's still been cranky. She wanted Skip to wake her up at 6 AM so she could work with him, of course he didn't. She woke up about 1/2 hour ago (which is really early for her) screaming and crying because he didn't. I told her he tried but she wouldn't get up, but she was having none of that, and told me it was my fault. OK, whatever. LOL! So she got dressed and just went out with him and she's happy as can be for the moment. But we need to get her back on schedule and get the "brat" out of her. :love:
Update on Skip

I swear with every Dr's appointment I see this trip fading away, or any in the next year....
So he went to the Nuerologist today. He does NOT have degenerative Disc disease. he has slightly buldging of the disc, but nothing that will cause him pain. This Dr. is convinced it's in his hip. He said could be kidneys as well or something else, but not anything related to the back. He told him to call his Family Dr and have him get Skip into a General Surgeon.
I am so tired of having no clue what is wrong with him...and so is he.. We feel like we are getting the run around, especially from the hip Dr. I think this guy just doesn't want to deal with it, so he's pushing him off.
I am glad that this in not degenerative Disc disease, but at the same time, at least we would know the course to take and get it treated. now we are in limbo again. And not just the trip (I'm not that selfish...LOL), but in life in general. Since we have no clue what is causeing the pain, we don't know what he can and can't do that might make it worse.
And of course everytime you go to a new Dr you have to wait to get in, and then wait on the test, and then just wait because they like you to wait! LOL!
Oh Jen, I hate to hear that this doctor couldn't really tell you anything. Well, I guess he did tell you something since he said is wasn't degenerative disc disease. I swear a person could die before a doctor could find out what was wrong with them.
Oh Jen, I hate to hear that this doctor couldn't really tell you anything. Well, I guess he did tell you something since he said is wasn't degenerative disc disease. I swear a person could die before a doctor could find out what was wrong with them.

Sorry that the dr didn't give you guys any answers.

The good thing is that at least we didn't wait till Aug 31st to get this answer with the other Dr.
That is so awful about the doctor. Man, it is such a pain, I wish we had a better system. But I know all to well about waiting. Even though we know our son has ASD, each time he sees a new doctor we have to get on a waiting list to even get an appointment, then the appointment is usually a month or two later.:confused3 hope you get into a doctor with answers soon.
"Dr. Jennifer" has been busy searching on the internet last night and has come up with a diagnosis. It sounds like he has Hip Bursitis. Of course I could totally be wrong. But basically everything about it sounds like him. There are 4 kinds and one has pain from the side of the hip into the groin, which is exactly what he has. Also...one of the causes of hip bursitis...a HIP REPLACEMENT!!!!
But this just seems to obvious....to easy for someone like me to come up with. Would they have ruled that out right away? But Skip says there has never been mention of bursitis that he recalls.
One of the treatments is lots of rest and to stay off if it. Of course that it the totla opposite of what he is doing, which makes it worse. So now he's going to throw that out to the Dr. too.
Back to the 1997 trip

The next day was MGM. We weren't super impressed with it and only spent half a day and then went back to MK, I believe. We did have fun, but it just wasn't impressive like the other 2 parks.

(MY MK pictures are just random, not sure which ones are from which day)







The next day was the fateful Universal day I told you about and the last day we went to MK again. It was a rainy day, and after suffering a bit with the down pour we just decided to head out and make our way home a few hours earlier than planned. As we walked out we saw the parade going on, which made it difficult to get up front, so we stopped along a fence to watch it go by across the water. Now I can't explain where this was, but I have walked by it since then and the fence is now different. Here's why I noticed.... Paige stood up on the fence to boost herself up a couple of inches to see. On the other side of the fence it went straight down into the water that surrounds the castle. All of a sudden she was gone! :scared1: Her legs went through the fence and luckily her crotch was saved by the fence post. She went straight down and if not for that post she would be swimming! Poor kid. Again, the nice family that she has was laughing. :rotfl2: We had a heck of a time pulling her up. She couldn't get a grip with her shoes to help back herself up, and in case you didn't notice, Paige was quite chunky as a child, so she was heavy to pull up. We finally got her up, wiped mud off of her the best we could, and headed out. Didn't want to risk another clumsy accident again. LOL!
We also got lost on the way to find the turnpike. I think we followed the signs for the wrong way or something, but finally got on the road. I still wasn't totally up to par, even though I felt better. (Or thoguth I did) Another thank goodness my mom was with us moment. I slept the majority of the way home (about 20 hours) and did very little driving. Every time I did it was for a short time and I felt sick while doing it. I don't get sick like that very often, so it was really hard for me to accept I wasn't wonder woman that trip. LOL!
The plan was to stop on the way home and get a hotel, but mom just kept going, and I didn't complain, so we got home earlier than planned too.

And thats the 1997 trip in a nutshell! :cutie:
Later that year (1997) I started dating a guy pretty seriously. In early 1998 we moved in with him. (big mistake as I see it now, but you learn from your mistakes)
He had won a cruise for two through his work, so in April of 98 he and I went on a Norwegian cruise for 4 or 5 nights. (I can't remember now:confused3). It was fun and started my love for cruising.
Early in 1999 he said he would like to take us all to Disney world. We decided May, since the kids and I had liked it so much last trip. He had also won another trip though work...this time to Cancun, so we figured that would be in April, like the previous trip, and then we would have the trips spaced out a bit.
We were wrong! We booked the Disney trip (5 nights I believe) and then got the info on the Cancun trip. They were the same week! :scared1: We ended up finding out that there were two trips going to Cancun and we were able to move that a few days, and then we moved back the Disney trip a few days, which gave us a couple of days at home before heading off to Disney.

This time we flew to Orlando. It was the kids first flight and they did well.
We took a late flight and arrived around 9 or 10 PM and then went in search of our hotel, which was on I-drive.
I don't remember the order of the parks for this trip. I know we hit MK first, and probably did the same order as last trip, on this trip we went to the newly opend AK as well.
Memories of the trip....Dumbo!!!!! Finally rode it!

Test Track!!! it was newly opened. In fact I think it was supposed to be done or close to done for the 1997 trip, as I had read all about it in Birnbaums book, but for some reason it was delayed. So we were excited to try it out this trip. The line was REALLY long, even after arriving first thing in the morning. But it was fun, and Paige loves thrill rides and kept screaming faster,faster...!
MGM ~ Tower of Terror. I can't remember if we rode it druing the 97 trip or not, (was it open then?) but this trip we rode it several times. Paige LOVED this ride....Michael hated it. He rode once, then I took him to Star Wars. Paige and the now ex, rode it about 5 more times in a row, then we traded and I rode it with her a couple more times. It was enough to make you sick!










Animal Kingdom was new, so I was very excited to see it. We did the Safari first thing and then headed over to Dinosaur. Dinosaur had an outside que. I don't even know if it had the pre show or not, thought I am thinking it did, but on tv's while you waited in line.
We also went to the dig site, which was all in the open. Not surounded by greenery or anything. And of course that was it over there. Dinoland had not been built yet.
We did the bird show, which was in a tent. That was really neat too.
The park was fun, but Paige found it boring. So much so that she complained non stop. Michael on the other hand loved it. He's not into thrill and loved animals. At some point, after alot of bickering, we decided to leave. We didn't see all, but did most of the main attractions.
I think we went back to Mk that day.
We also hit Universal that trip and I had a clean bill of health!!!
The last day we decided to go to Wet and Wild instead of using our last park day. We went to a time share thing and got free tickets. We didn't buy the time share, but did buy a week to try it out for the next year.
I'm not a water park fan, but it was a hot day it and was refreshing!
We flew back home late that night as well.
We still each had 1 day left on our passes and at that time ALL tickets were non expiring.

And that pretty much sums up the 1999 trip! Though I have a little more to add about it!
That trip was over Mothers day. I remember this because the ex threw a 3 year old temper tantrum ON Mothers day. I forget why he acted like such a baby, but I walked away from him and the kids and just went and sat in front of the castle for about 1/2 hour alone. They found me and seemed in better spirits after that.
I just tell you that, because after that trip things kind of went down hill. I was sick of his baby fits and no longer put up with them. He and I grew distant and before I knew it he had latched on to a friend that was going through a divorce.
He moved out for 2 months, while I looked for a place to live. I moved out the following Nov. into my parents house for a few months and I had bought a brand new mobile home to be set on a peice of country land. While we waited for al lthat to go through, I had to go somewhere, so mom and dads it was. I don't suggest moving back to your parents once you've been out on your own, unless it is absolutely neccesary!!! LOL!
When I left, I took 3 of the 4 passes from Disney. They each had 1 day on them! But I left him his. Now thinking back, I should've taken all 4. I'm sure he threw his away at some point in time. I still have these 3 passes and have actually thought that if we go to Disneyland some day I can convert them and use them there.
Also I was supposed to get the timeshare week. He eneded up marrying this girl in Dec. (1999) and she had 2 kids from her previous marriage.
In March of 2000 I called about setting up the timeshare week, and low and behold, he had used it with the new family!!! :eek:
I was so mad. :scared1: :headache: I know he had to do some investigating to get the info, etc, because I had every bit of the paper work. So without the "free" week of hotel, we just couldn't afford to go that year.
We ended up going to Kings Island for a couple of days, and had alot of fun.

And just to show that things come back to kick you in the rear...his "wife" left him in Jan of 2001 to go back to her ex husband.
Of course he called crying to me, but I politely told him I wasn't interested....I had been dating Skip for about 2 months at that point and was perfectly happy with him.
Hi, just joining in! I sure do hope all works out with Skip and you guys find out what's going on very soon and what he should and shouldn't be doing. That's terrible.
And.... I hope you guys get to get back to Disney World. Claire is such a cutie and I love all the pics you took of her in the park. The one with her in front of the tree was my favorite. Just something about it.

I also enjoyed your old pics of your oldest kids. So funny to see the way everyone dressed back then. In the pic with your kids and Peter Pan there is a man in the background with jean shorts, that were cut from jeans, they are very short.... So funny. That's what was in though :rotfl:

We are going back to Disney in May, so i'll wait along with you!
Hi, just joining in! I sure do hope all works out with Skip and you guys find out what's going on very soon and what he should and shouldn't be doing. That's terrible.
And.... I hope you guys get to get back to Disney World. Claire is such a cutie and I love all the pics you took of her in the park. The one with her in front of the tree was my favorite. Just something about it.

I also enjoyed your old pics of your oldest kids. So funny to see the way everyone dressed back then. In the pic with your kids and Peter Pan there is a man in the background with jean shorts, that were cut from jeans, they are very short.... So funny. That's what was in though :rotfl:

We are going back to Disney in May, so i'll wait along with you!

Thanks for joining in! It's been a little fun for me to go down memory lane. I thought we all looked so good, and now I laugh! LOL!


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