D.O.C.'s = Dis'ers of Color (Disney Fans of Color)

Would you like a dedicated/featured Forum for D.O.C.'s Dis'ers Of Color & Allies

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In regards to Hamilton - I’ve listened to the soundtrack about 200,000 times and was lucky enough to see it live twice. It is perfection.

And, as someone who, let’s just say hypothetically, may have a bootleg video of a show with the entire original cast... you’re in for a treat if you’ve never seen them.

But it’s still my second favorite musical ever. The Book of Mormon is my favorite thing ever - better than any movie, TV show, or album.
Like you said, not everyone has to like Hamilton. I'm a huge fan, but I know it's not for everyone. Don't feel bad if it's not for you. There are a lot of popular shows I just can't get into (looking at you, CATS).

TBH, I wasn't crazy about it at first. The first time I heard Hamilton, I listened to just a couple of songs, out of order, out of context, so I didn't get a good feel for the storyline or the storytelling. And I'm a big fan of all the genres of music in Hamilton, so it wasn't a matter of not liking any specific style of music. I just didn't introduce myself to the show with the "right" songs.

Once I listened to the whole soundtrack through in order a time or two, I was hooked. Personally, I fell in love with the lyrics, and they still blow me away. I love wordy, clever lyrics. There's also a ton of nuance and sly references (both references within the show itself and references that break the 4th wall) that I adore. Would it be more interesting/enjoyable for you if you knew some of the easter eggs within the lyrics?

We were lucky enough to see the touring production when it came through town last summer, and I've seen the OBC bootleg on YouTube many, many times. The staging is incredible. Every time I watch the show, I'm discovering something new in the staging, the lighting, the costumes, the actions and facial expressions of the cast. The ensemble is AMAZING. There is (obviously) so much more to the show than just the soundtrack.

I recommend giving the show one solid (not distracted) watch once it hits Disney+ - seeing the way everything comes together into one overall story may hit differently with you than some clips will. Maybe the theatrical context is what you're needing, and that's something you just don't get from the soundtrack or even from clips, really. There are moments where the lights and music and lyrics all hit together just right to take your breath away. (At least, they take mine away, but I majored in theatre and my emphasis was lighting design, so I may be a little biased lol)... I can't wait to see it with the original cast in HD. I'm already planning to watch it at least twice Friday. :laughing:

Also, to keep this kind of on-topic, I read this great op-ed the other day about the release of Hamilton on D+ coinciding with where we are in history right now...
My husband hasn't been wowed by it either. Me on the other hand, I've never heard anything like it. I was lucky enough to see it on tour in February before all the Covid madness took over.

I think the things I love the most are the recurring musical themes - each main character has a musical theme or phrase that carries through the entire show. Some that come to mind are the "Rise up", "Helpless," "History has its eyes on you," "Wait for it," etc. How those things change for each character. It might be something fun to look out for while watching.

Another fun one is I believe LMM has obviously been inspired by hip hop artists over the years, and I think each of the main male characters that have substantial rap numbers are modeled after artists like Biggie, Busta Rhymes, etc. That for me is really fun. There was a whole video on the breakdown, which I loved! I couldn't find it, I think Vox put it out, but this is a good article: http://www.slate.com/blogs/browbeat..._the_rap_and_r_b_allusions_in_lin_manuel.html

I think what speaks to me most with Hamilton is how the show has evolved from its premiere. I think the meaning of "this is not a moment, it's the movement" has really changed over the last few years, even in the last couple months. I look at it through a different lens in 2020 than I did in 2015.

As you can tell, I'm STOKED to watch it tomorrow!

Thanks so much for your responses and I definitely will give it a shot and likely at least a couple. I do find that I am getting some of those repeating themes and I do find I like some of the chorus/ensamble parts more (Rise Up, etc.) .... a lot still just seems like "a lot of words" still and even if they are clever words, still just words, but maybe seeing the production as a whole will help.
Thanks so much for your responses and I definitely will give it a shot and likely at least a couple. I do find that I am getting some of those repeating themes and I do find I like some of the chorus/ensamble parts more (Rise Up, etc.) .... a lot still just seems like "a lot of words" still and even if they are clever words, still just words, but maybe seeing the production as a whole will help.
I think listening to the cast recording will help you a lot - even being familiar with it, when everything is going on onstage, it can be hard to keep up sometimes. But I don't think you'd ever be fully lost.
I think listening to the cast recording will help you a lot - even being familiar with it, when everything is going on onstage, it can be hard to keep up sometimes. But I don't think you'd ever be fully lost.

yeah, that is what I have been doing - and we have a drive this weekend as we are going to visit my inlaws so I plan to listen to it on the trip as well. Others had given me that advise so I wanted to at least to that ... but then I wasn't really crazy about the music / songs/ etc so far so was wondering if I was still missing something

Or maybe it just isn't for me - but at least wanted to give it a fair shot/do what I could to prep myself
I have listened to the soundtrack over and over. I watched the clips of the film that Disney Studios put up, but that is all I have ever seen. I am incredibly excited to put the visual to the music.
Tron Light Cycle Power Run: WDW
I am eagerly awaiting the completion of construction for the Tron Light Cycle Power Run at the Walt Disney World Resort Orlando, FL.
The Disneyland Shanghai version of Tron Light Cycle Power Run displays a very cool, intense video during the pre-launch queue, featuring "Cyber Sirens." The Cyber Sirens outfitted the hero "Sam" with his game grid uniform in the movie "Tron: Legacy"
The Sirens in the Shanghai version of Tron: Light cycle Power Run is represented by an Asian cast, which is appropriate for the Disneyland Shanghai park.

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Do you think the Disney World Magic Kingdom version will feature a more diverse cast, as originally portrayed in the movie Tron: Legacy? Or do you think Disney World Magic Kingdom will receive an identical version to Shanghai, with the audio switch out to the English language?

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Everything I’ve heard is it’s exactly identical. I’d be surprised to see them pay to update that for the ride in MK especially with all the money issues currently.
Thanks so much for your responses and I definitely will give it a shot and likely at least a couple. I do find that I am getting some of those repeating themes and I do find I like some of the chorus/ensamble parts more (Rise Up, etc.) .... a lot still just seems like "a lot of words" still and even if they are clever words, still just words, but maybe seeing the production as a whole will help.

Ah, yeah, that’s a tough one. Hamilton was a wordy guy which is why LMM wrote the show the way he did. There are definitely a LOT of words.

You could try listening to the soundtrack on YouTube with a video that includes the lyrics? Reading along might make it all less of a word jumble. Maybe with seeing everything in the theatrical context tomorrow, they’ll seem less like “words” and more like a “story”! If not, that’s ok!

Sorry for detouring the thread!
Hope this doesn't details things, but seeing this post about having a watching party I thought I might ask this question ...

What can I do to be more excited/prepared to watching Hamilton on Disney+?

I have seen clips of the show and they didn't really "wow" me. I have gotten the soundtrack and listening through and I like some of the songs but a lot just don't seem distinct to me and just not into it

I do really like In The Heights so I don't think I am just anti-Lin Manuel Miranda or anything.

I mean, it is art so obviously not everyone has to like it but I know it is such a phenomenon and so many people love it so I want to make sure I go in and prepared and in as receptive a kind as possible
Here is one small historical mystery that links to the back-story for this forum.
Hamilton and his older brother James Jr. (1753–1786)[4] were born out of wedlock to Rachel Faucette, a married woman of half-British and half-French Huguenot descent,[5] and James A. Hamilton, a Scotsman who was the fourth son of Laird Alexander Hamilton of Grange, Ayrshire.
Speculation that Hamilton's mother was of mixed race, though persistent, is not substantiated by verifiable evidence. She was listed as white on tax rolls.
Of course, if Rachel Faucette was light-skinned toned enough to pass as "White", her White Father would, of course, would list her as "White."
The slavery/segregation era discrimination laws that defined Black people as "Black" based on the “one-drop rule” — the idea that even a single ancestor of sub-Saharan-African ancestry, even “one drop of black blood,” classifies one as black. This rule was not an actual law or practice or in use during Hamilton's lifetime.
Modern archeology and genetic studies suggest that every living person has some sub-Saharan-African ancestry. Therefore, it makes little sense to use that unreal standard of perfect racial purity.
Ah, Carol thank you for clarifying. I too have questions regarding the motives of individuals who are "angry" over the changes Disney are making to accommodate the NBA.
If these same individuals were to answer a poll, I wonder what their answers are to the following questions;

  • How do you feel about wearing surgical/ face masks?
  • Is Animal Kingdom Park your favorite park, why or why not?
  • How frequently do you visit and participate in activities at the ESPN Sports complex?


LOL. It‘s still mind boggling to me that wearing masks has become a political thing.

I’m happy you started this thread and I’m here to learn and hopefully be an ally. I haven’t seen the NBA posts (I admit I don’t follow sports unless one of my kids is playing), but I can only imagine how cringeworthy some of them might be. I grew up in a pretty diverse area and attended a university where white students were not the majority. Where I live now is very different (south-central Pennsylvania).

For the record, AKL is the first resort I stayed at which struck me as magical. I’m determined to book a few days there where we don’t have park tickets or plans and we can just explore the resort. We stayed at the BC last trip and my husband took my oldest daughter to Boma for breakfast while I took the other kids to a character thing. I’m still jealous.

I always stopped to listen to the band play and ALWAYS ended up dancing lol. We would laugh and take pictures and call each other cousins. It was great.

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I love this photo! The live entertainment is a huge part of the reason AK is one of my favorite parks (it might actually edge out Epcot at this point). The only thing I truly dislike about AK is the Boneyard. It‘s such a time suck.

A quick aside about seeing/not seeing color. One thing that always leaves me feeling extremely uncomfortable is when I’m with a group of white friends and one of them is trying to describe someone and the person in question is the only black person in a particular group. Usually when relating an incident or if we are discussing people presently around us (me? Gossip? Never!) I’ve been in conversations where a friend will painstakingly describe every single detail about this person down to the stitching of their clothing in an effort to avoid mentioning the color of their skin. Often, I’ve let it go because it seems for some reason some well-meaning white people are extremely uncomfortable saying the word “black” in relation to describing someone and some friends have told me that they are afraid of using the “wrong words” i.e. “African American” vs. “Black.”

Sometimes, I get frustrated and blurt out “you mean the black guy/girl?” I’m not sure exactly where I’m going with this but in regard to kids and describing people or characters by including skin color, I think it’s natural. They see the differences between people but it seems at such young ages ( provided they haven’t been taught to associate skin color with behavior or personality traits, which I have no idea how possible that is just by existing in this world) they are just using all the tools they have to express themselves.

I think it’s great to show kids all the ways we differ and to instill a curiosity about the world. I think it starts with parents actively exposing their kids to diversity, not just telling them that everyone is equal. I’m struggling with some friends of mine who have young kids (like 12 months-ish) and they live in predominately white cities/towns and go to predominately white daycares and when (before Covid) they were taken shopping, would most likely only encounter other white people as well. When kids are in that type of environment, I think it is the caregiver’s responsibility to make sure the child knows there’s more than their bubble and also that they experience it more than occasionally.

Thank you so much for this post. From the perspective of a middle-aged white woman, I think this might be generational, to an extent, and it’s borne out of a desire not to offend and trying to be ”colorblind.” But I have to think that ignoring race has only worsened the inability of some people to see racism where it exists or to appreciate the perspectives of POC. I think the reactions of some to the retheming of Splash Mountain is a perfect example of this.

In regards to Hamilton - I’ve listened to the soundtrack about 200,000 times and was lucky enough to see it live twice. It is perfection.

And, as someone who, let’s just say hypothetically, may have a bootleg video of a show with the entire original cast... you’re in for a treat if you’ve never seen them.

But it’s still my second favorite musical ever. The Book of Mormon is my favorite thing ever - better than any movie, TV show, or album.
We had tickets to see a touring production of the Book of Mormon but that got cancelled a while ago. I’m hoping to see it one of these days. I got one of my kids tickets to Hamilton for his birthday a few years back. I was the best mom ever for one brief shining moment.
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LOL. It‘s still mind boggling to me that wearing masks has become a political thing.

I’m happy you started this thread and I’m here to learn and hopefully be an ally. I haven’t seen the NBA posts (I admit I don’t follow sports unless one of my kids is playing), but I can only imagine how cringeworthy some of them might be. I grew up in a pretty diverse area and attended a university where white students were not the majority. Where I live now is very different (south-central Pennsylvania).

Thank you so much for this post. From the perspective of a middle-aged white woman, I think this might be generational, to an extent, and it’s borne out of a desire not to offend and trying to be ”colorblind.” But I have to think that ignoring race has only worsened the inability of some people to see racism where it exists or to appreciate the perspectives of POC. I think the reactions of some to the retheming of Splash Mountain is a perfect example of this.
Hi @tarak ,
Welcome to D.O.C.'s, I hope you continue to feel welcomed and you contribute, ask questions as we grow this extended Dis family. I received a few messages asking (indirectly) "if White people are welcomed?"
The answer is a HUGE, Warm Hearted YES :rainbow:

Before "D.O.C's" the Dis boards offered or presented Diversity through forums such as "disABILITIES" and "LGBTQ".
The next step is Inclusion, the welcoming and acknowledgment of the importance of dismantling the ideology of superiority and inferiority, and the power dynamics. By creating D.O.C's here on the Dis Boards, people of color (Black and Brown) can share the negative and positives experiences we encounter through our love for all things Disney.
Oh, definitely and I’m glad you said it because I’ve been feeling a way about it for a while now. I’ve had to sit on my hands a lot in those threads. There is some ugly latent lizard brain stuff seeping into the discourse that I don’t even think they realize. No matter how many times people try to reason with folk and explain that none of those Deluxe resorts would have been open to regular guests anyway, there really is a nasty undercurrent of “how dare these uppity rich you know whats kick us out of where WE belong” driving at least some the vitriol. Is it everyone? Of course not. But it’s lurking under the surface. Not that I’m pulling anything near what an NBA player makes but I can recognize that mentality from a mile away because even as a regular non famous middle class black lady I’ve gotten it at Deluxe resorts. Never from CMs, but from other guests. Some people legitimately believe that black people can’t or shouldn’t have access to the same “exclusive” spaces. Like I said in the other thread when we walked into the ladies sitting room at the GF spa it was like a needle screeched on the record. And on a non Disney front, we took a big family cruise with Royal Caribbean a few years back, Eastern Med on Navigator or the Seas out of Civitavecchia, and my mom, aunt and I were in a junior suite so had priority boarding at the port and we got in the line. One of the ladies working there was horrendously nasty to us insisting we were in the wrong line even after I showed her our cruise documents. Another staff member came by and diffused the situation and apologized to us but like...that first woman absolutely did not believe a black family could afford a JS and thought we were scamming. (I wrote a polite but stern letter to Royal when we got home) That is the sad, unfortunate reality of traveling while black sometimes. I don’t let it stop me and I don’t let anyone make me feel like I’m inferior or an interloper. I work hard to have nice vacations. But this same mentality extends to black people of means and especially athletes, then you have a league that is predominantly black and deeply entwined with black American culture and the end result is some of the rhetoric you see in those threads.

So no, this would absolutely not be happening with the same degree of vitriol if the NBA players were being placed in say, All Star Sports, or if this were MLB resuming their season there. Like contrast the reaction of Swolphin guests who’ve been displaced by MLS. It’s nowhere the level of vitriol involved and I don’t think you can solely chalk that up to fútbol not being on American radar in the same way.

The thing is, I’ve been online for over half my life at time point, and I know how these discussions go, which is why I sit on my hands and just chime in to translate sportsball to the non fans. I’m too old to fight people online anymore.
:wave: UPDATE: I created a new Poll at the top of this thread, please cast your vote on this updated poll, even if you voted in the previous poll.

Hi there Fellow Dis'ers.
I have experienced sincere warmth and welcomes from Pete, John and Kevin, Corey and @Ryno. When attending past events, I have to look around and ask "where are the Black & Brown, Disney fans of color?" I know you are out there because I am not the only Brown man who loves Disney

The creation of "D.O.C.'s" Dis'ers Of Color is not meant to separate people, instead, let us create a forum topic for Dis'er Of Color and our allies. "Allies" are anyone and everyone who is willing to share and contribute positively while respecting the experiences/ views of people of color.
The intent is to explore topics that promote diversity and inclusion from the viewpoint of people of color. We can discuss a wide range of topics including; "Who else was glad to see the Dixie Landings Resort sign come down?" Has anyone see Pocahontas and Tianna lately?" What do you think of Disney's latest nod to cultural awareness, Disney's announcement of re-theming of "Splash Moutain redo as "Princess Tianna & Friends Bayou Splash?"
What do you all think of a "D.O.C.'s" forum/ Topic? "Doc" is one of my favorite dwarfs.

If you do not understand a reference or viewpoint, there is no shame asking questions, it is better to ask than make statements out of ignorance. I ask everyone to be respectful of each other. Negative, or hate speech will not be tolerated.

I have submitted a request for the creation of a dedicated Official Forum D.O.C.'s ( Dis'ers Of Color & Allies)
I also created a Poll question there, hopefully, if we get enough votes, Dis Board Admins will approve our request, please be sure to visit and cast your vote.

Wishing you all Peace and Love and the love of things Disney. :love:

Be well and stay safe. Wear a face mask if not for yourself, for the health of someone you care about.
AKL Ranger,
Love this and following. Recently almost stopped visiting any of the disboards because of all the political drama. This may open some of their eyes and hearts to others.
Peace & Love to you too!
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With social distance will be more important this July 4 holiday. Is anyone here interested in creating Virtual Viewing parties? We pick a platform, pick a movie, and coordinate start time.
I know this will be an obvious choice, how does everyone feel about "Hamilton" streaming on Disney Plus?
If anyone is willing to offer suggestions for alternate movies in place of Hamilton, I am all ears.

If we focus on content from the Disney Plus platform, we can surely find a few things we can all agree on to watch.
Can everyone post two (2) movies for our watch party list?
@AKL Ranger
Love this and following. Recently almost stopped visiting any of the disboards because of all the political drama. This may open some of their eyes and hearts to others.
Peace & Love to you too!

Hello @Hiitsme ,
Welcome to D.O.C.'s I hope you feel welcomed and will continue to visit, contribute to the forum, and ask questions. Here is a place we can all share and learn. Please be sure to vote in our Poll at the top of this thread.
I majored in theatre and my emphasis was lighting design
This has nothing to do with the topic at hand but fellow lighting designer here. I was not a theater major. I was actually one of the only Bio-Pre Med students active in our college theater program because clearly I wasn't busy enough. After college, DURING med school, internship, and residency, I did lighting design and crew for a community theater group in suburban Philadelphia. I haven't done it for years unfortunately because life got in the way.

As for Hamilton, we have not yet seen it and I really haven't listened to it either so we're looking forward to checking it out this weekend.
Tip Your Cap’ in honor of 100th anniversary of baseball’s Negro Leagues.

A monthlong “Tip Your Cap” campaign honoring the formation 100 years ago of baseball’s Negro Leagues got underway June 29.

The “Tip Your Cap” campaign, directed by Bob Kendrick, president of the Negro Leagues Baseball Museum located in Kansas City, Mo., is designed to bring recognition and respect to the enormously talented and courageous men and women who played in the Negro Leagues from 1920 through 1960.
The campaign was conceived when long-planned centennial events in major league stadiums across the country were canceled due to COVID-19.

In a statement to the media, President Obama said, “Today I’m tipping my hat to everyone in the Negro Leagues who left a century-long legacy of talent, spirit and dignity in our country. So here’s to Satchel Paige, Josh Gibson, Cool
Papa Bell and everybody else, including three brave women who did us all proud.”

President Bush stated, “When I was a kid, my favorite player was Willie Mays. I can just imagine what baseball would have been like had the predecessors to Willie Mays been able to play Major League Baseball.”

Willie Mays showing Mickey Mouse how to swing the bat.

Read more about Negro Leagues Baseball Museum announces plans to lead a national Centennial Celebration.
There’s a lot of noise on social media about pulling down certain statues, burning certain flags, changing behaviours etc etc. I don’t wish to be controversial and certainly don’t wish to offend anyone. If I am ignorant please just tell me.
But in my humble opinion you can’t wipe out history. What you can do is learn from it and attempt to avoid mistakes made. It’s surely a case of education. However when I hear people want to desrecate statues of Cristopher Columbus, Sir Francis Drake, even Churchill I think come on, have perspective, this is counterproductive. With C19 we are entering a ‘new normal’. That does not include eradicating what has gone before. However we do have an opportunity to go forward in a better way.
So I hear calls for Splash Mountain to be renamed. Films like Gone With The Wind have been pulled. This is not the new Anno Domini. We do however have an opportunity to reflect and move forward. We need to learn from what was to strive and achieve what can be.

Hello all,
I held my anguish, frustration, and feelings of confusion about people who are not aware of history from all sides and resist opening their hearts and minds.
I finally had to put pen to paper and do what the Spirits pushed, guided to write. I apologize for not being a strong creative writer. I am sharing this not to reopen or rehash but instead to educate while providing food for thought and healing.
Time to put things in context, so I will share a bit of history and try to open some hearts and minds.

The Disney film "Song of the South" was released in 1946, premiering in Atlanta, GA, the heart of the segregated Dixie south.
Black actor James Baskett, who played the role "Uncle Remus", could not attend the film's premiere in Atlanta, Georgia, because Atlanta was racially segregated by law. Think about that for a moment, one of the stars appearing in the movie, could not attend his premiere, due to segregation.

The racial stereotypes depicted in the film emboldened many White supremacists during the height of the Jim Crow Law era. The Jim Crow laws were enforced until 1965. In practice, Jim Crow laws mandated racial segregation in all public facilities in the states of the former Confederate States of America and in some others, beginning in the 1870s.
The song "Zippedy Doo Dah" sung by the character "Uncle Remus" is featured prominently in the Disney theme park attraction "Splash Mountain." Along with the slang jive speech patterns that mock slave and "post-emancipation 'Negroes'"
In the movie "Song of the South", the character "Uncle Remus" sings the fun, joyful tune "Zippedy Doo Dah", portraying a "Happy 'Plantation worker'. Call it what it is a Plantation slave/ emancipated slave who was unaware he was truly freed. The character Uncle Remus singing that song, maintaining that the black vernacular and other qualities are stereotypes. In addition, the plantation setting in the movie is portrayed as idyllic and glorified.

For those who say "modern-day African Americans should get over slavery, it ended with the Emancipation proclamation." (issued by United States President Abraham Lincoln on September 22, 1862)
No, slavery, in fact, did not end for many African and American slaves who did not receive the news that slavery and the Civil war ended until June 19, 1865.
Put this in context, imagine working at your place of employment, and not receiving a paycheck from Sept 22, 1862 - June 19, 1865.

Although Juneteenth generally celebrates the end of slavery in the United States, it was still legal and practiced in two Union border states (Delaware and Kentucky) until later that year when ratification of the Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution abolished non-penal slavery nationwide in December 6, 1865.
The Thirteenth Amendment (Amendment XIII) to the United States Constitution abolished slavery and involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for a crime. In Congress, it was passed by the Senate on April 8, 1864, and by the House on January 31, 1865. The amendment was ratified by the required number of states on December 6, 1865.

What truly saddens me, is there are fellow Americans who choose to ignore the pain and spiritual emotional anguish of not only the abomination that was slavery but the years of Jim Crow-era laws. Jim Crow laws mandated racial segregation in all public facilities in the states of the former Confederate States of America and in some others, beginning in the 1870s and were enforced until 1965.

The state of Mississippi was the last state in the United States (The Union) to relinquish the confederate flag on June 30, 2020.

For many visitors to Disney theme parks who enjoy the attraction "Splash Moutain", thinking it is an innocent family-friendly flume ride with happy animal characters.
While the attraction theme song is a trope for happy slaves working on the plantation.
For the people who ask " Why did people wait so long to complain about Splash Moutain? Like many positive changes, it takes time, and even if we stumble we pick ourselves up and keep climbing.
Greenwood-Tulsa Oklahoma (1921), Selma, Alabama (1965)
March on Washington (1963) 1989 Tiananmen Square protests
(2020) Black Lives Matter Plaza Northwest, DC

Wishing everyone Peace, Love & Light.
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I do not know about the IP ownership/rights, but this made me think that perhaps now would be a good time to really consider a Black Panther attraction. I believe they announced a sequel and, to me, this would tongue-and-groove a popular movie with an attraction.
We need another thrill ride. How about “Wacanda Whirlwind” a new thrilling coaster in the Africa section Disney’s Animal Kingdom. A thrilling indoor / outdoor coaster, featuring low to the ground stretches. Afire a few drops the coaster tracks “disappear“ below surface ground level.
It would be awesome if you could get glimpses of the Animal Savannah without risking giving the animals trauma from all the screaming passengers.
I think that a forum dedicated to the experiences of BIPOC Disney fans is 100% necessary! I love that there's a space for the LGBTQ+ community and allies and would love for there to be on for BIPOC and allies. You have my FULL support.

Some thoughts I had while reading this thread.

1. Hamilton! I love it and am stoked to see it on Disney+. I was lucky to see it live in 2017 and it lived up to all expectations. There is a fascinating interview with some of the cast, Daveed Diggs and Christopher Jackson come to mind, about portraying people who were slaveowners and grappling with that reality. If I can find it I'll share it here.

2. I love the idea of more South American, Australian/New Zealand, and African representation at Epcot. I do love that Asia and Africa have essentially an entire park dedicated to them! I also think that I would be important to include the Maori, Polynesian, Hawaiian, etc. histories as well. Also the indigenous populations of Australia! They can't be erased.

3. Regarding monuments/statues etc. of confederate soldiers: you do not need these to stand in order to acknowledge and learn about the history of this country. When Nazi Germany they tore down all the Nazi statues and monuments. They haven't forgotten the history and they don't celebrate it.

Looking forward to continuing the conversation and hoping that we see a D.O.C. board! :)
I think that a forum dedicated to the experiences of BIPOC Disney fans is 100% necessary! I love that there's a space for the LGBTQ+ community and allies and would love for there to be on for BIPOC and allies. You have my FULL support.

Some thoughts I had while reading this thread.

1. Hamilton! I love it and am stoked to see it on Disney+. I was lucky to see it live in 2017 and it lived up to all expectations. There is a fascinating interview with some of the cast, Daveed Diggs and Christopher Jackson come to mind, about portraying people who were slaveowners and grappling with that reality. If I can find it I'll share it here.

2. I love the idea of more South American, Australian/New Zealand, and African representation at Epcot. I do love that Asia and Africa have essentially an entire park dedicated to them! I also think that I would be important to include the Maori, Polynesian, Hawaiian, etc. histories as well. Also the indigenous populations of Australia! They can't be erased.

3. Regarding monuments/statues etc. of confederate soldiers: you do not need these to stand in order to acknowledge and learn about the history of this country. When Nazi Germany they tore down all the Nazi statues and monuments. They haven't forgotten the history and they don't celebrate it.

Looking forward to continuing the conversation and hoping that we see a D.O.C. board! :)
Welcome to D.O.C.’s We are hoping if we get enough supporter via the Poll at the top of this thread, we can get the Dis Board Admins to help by creating a permanent Forum.
I like the point you made about modern Germany.
Today German High School students do not need to draw Swastikas To learn about Germany’s history. You do not see statutes of Hitler around Berlin, yet German High school students are studying Germany’s history.
I do not need my Theme park experience to show me Jim Crow era tropes to be taught a lesson while on the plunge in a log flume. :rotfl2:

@xjillianpaige please keep posting.
Peace Love & Light
Welcome to D.O.C.’s We are hoping if we get enough supporter via the Poll at the top of this thread, we can get the Dis Board Admins to help by creating a permanent Forum.
I like the point you made about modern Germany.
Today German High School students do not need to draw Swastikas To learn about Germany’s history. You do not see statutes of Hitler around Berlin, yet German High school students are studying Germany’s history.
I do not need my Theme park experience to show me Jim Crow era tropes to be taught a lesson while on the plunge in a log flume. :rotfl2:

@xjillianpaige please keep posting.
Peace Love & Light

The US has to do a better job of teaching this country’s history. My 17-year-old knows all about the Tuskegee experiment, but she didn’t learn it in school.


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