Counting Our Nuts Like Chip & Dale, a Financially Aware PTR *Update 4/17 Pg 62 *

That's the cutest little outfit. You'll have to post pictures of Violet in it when she is born. More than halfway there, she'll be here in no time.
She really will be!

Love the outfit and ornament :goodvibes
Thank you!

Love, love, love the ornament! :lovestruc

That Minnie outfit is super cute! I see a professional picture op in your near future! :goodvibes
Oh yes, there will be lots and lots of photos. I can't wait.

I have seen a lot of Disney merchandise in my days, but that outfit takes the cake! That's really the cutest thing I've ever seen!

Love the ornament too. Very neat idea!
It's even cuter in person, I can't wait to see it on her.

Cutest outfit EVER!!!!!:lovestruc

I saw when you purchased it on etsy and I nearly died from the cuteness overload!! :goodvibes
:lmao: It is seriously cute.

I am obsessed with etsy!!! One of my friends is having a little girl and etsy is a dangerous place for adorable baby stuff! Have you checked out It's basically the same thing as etsy, but even better!!!!!!!!! Can't wait for more news about little Vi! (will you call her that?) Hope you have an amazing Christmas!
I'm not sure what we will call her. I sometimes call her Vi, my mom says she wants to call her Lettie. I think we will see what happens.

Just checking in to say hello. Hope you had a great Christmas.
I did! I hope you did as well.

It was nice to see this report at the top this morning. I thought maybe Leslie had gotten a few DIS minutes in. I think she's been a very busy mommy-to-be getting that nursery ready. Too bad she doesn't get DIS time any more, but life does take precedence. Just think how fun next Christmas will be when the tree is surrounded by toys and little Violet is crawling all around in the midst of them! :santa:
Oh, I have been so very busy and the DIS has just taken a back seat.
I have been beyond horrible with keeping up on the DIS. I have just been so busy and have had a lot going on.

This past week I was put on bed rest by my doctor due to high blood pressure. I'm so bored that I can't even get myself to update on here. You know that is boredom. I'm going to the hospital twice a week into labor and delivery to be monitored and I'm monitoring my blood pressure at home. So far things are good. My doctor's goal is to get me to 37 weeks. Tomorrow I will be 32 weeks. I'm just trying to take it easy and keep Violet and myself as healthy as possible.

I do have pictures from the baby shower my mom threw for us a few weeks ago and pictures of Violet's nursery.

Baby Shower



Violet's Room





I made the mobile, my mom made the quilt.


My sister-in-law's mom made this quilt.

The only thing we still need to get is a chair, my in laws are getting that for us but I haven't found one that I really love yet. I need to get working on that. :rolleyes1

I don't know how much I will be updating this PTR but I will be around more and try to check in more often and of course I am on Facebook so if you'd like to be friends just PM me. :goodvibes
Leslie -

Violet's room is absolutely adorable and I love how you tied in the neutral with the pink. It will transition so well to her toddler and school age years. You were very, very smart. The furniture is adorable. You did a beautiful job with mobile and you mom did an amazing job with the quilt. They are really both something to treasure.

Good luck with your BP and making it to 37 weeks! Fingers crossed!!!!!!!
I love your color scheme, and everything you have put in the nursery is just precious!
Take it easy and keep your mind busy as you finish these last few weeks!
Oh, the nursery is adorable! I really like the accent colors!

Sorry you have to be on bed rest! I always say that forced relaxation is horrible! Now I know why you were looking for book suggestions on FB. Hang in there!!
I am loving your PTR! I just spent waaay too much time reading through the whole thing! Congrats on the baby coming soon! We took both our boys on their first trip at 10 months old and 13 months old. and they have been every year since :lovestruc They are now 11, and 13 and when people say it goes it really does. I'm so glad that we have our Disney family memories! Have fun making yours :cloud9:
I love the nursery LL! It is absolutely beautiful! I love the pink and grey. You did a great job with everything in there. I hope the last few weeks go well for you. :hug:
LL!!!:hug: Violet's nursery is so gorgeous! I wish it were my room! :laughing: I'm sure she will sleep well for you in such a pretty room! The shower looks like it was lovely too!

I'm sorry to hear about your boredom but it will be worth it! Take care of yourself and enjoy the calm! She'll be here soon and you will be over the moon!:goodvibes
As I mentioned on your blog, LOVE the nursery! It's just beautiful!!!

Sorry to hear about the bedrest and all...I hope that next 5 weeks go by quickly for you!! :goodvibes

When I was pregnant we found an aweosme, and sooooo comfortable chair from Babies R Us. It was over $500, so we didn't buy it, but I cannot tell you how many nights I wish I had it! We ended up with a cheapy that was terrible. Find one you like and get it - don't let the cost stop you (if possible) it WILL be worth it!
I'm sorry to hear how bored you are!! Hopefully the next 5 weeks go nice and quickly!!

Everything looks absolutely beautiful for Violet!! I love the patterns and colors you used in the nursery - so adorable! :goodvibes
I've been wondering how you've been doing! It's so good to see an update. :goodvibes I'm glad to hear things are going well, despite the boredom.

Your baby shower looked amazing! I love all of the decorations and those cupcakes look beautiful! And wow at Violet's room! I LOVE the colors! :cloud9:
Looks like you had a wonderful shower and I love the nursery!! Praying baby stays put for a few more weeks and you both are healthy :goodvibes
Oh wow look how cute Violet's room turned out!! I loved the colors that you picked, they go together so nicely and I love the fact that they aren't the standard baby colors, with that nice grey on the wall!

I'm sure it is hard to sit still especially since you were so into exercising. But I hope that you find some things to keep you occupied and that I'm sure you will have the library the size of Beauty and the Beast by the time you're done with all those books!
Beautiful nursery you're so crafty. I was on bedrest for 2 weeks before my DD was born and it sucked. I found it hard because I didn't feel sick and had a lot of stuff I wanted to get done before the baby arrived. But in the end doctors know best and they are only looking out for you and Violet.

On the plus side, you'll more than likely hit the number of books you want to read in 2012.
I saw on Facebook that you are on bed rest. Sorry you have to deal with that, but good for you doing what is best for Violet :hug: Do you have a Nook, by any chance? If you do and you want some books, let me know; I can see which of my Nook books are "LendMe" so I can send them to you.

I am SO impressed by the nursery, you are so crafty! I love the colors!
I'm just joining in on this not so "ptr" and wanted to say congrats! My daughter is Molly Jane-Raye - Jane being after my grandmother too! Her room is adorable! And I have been eyeing that etsy Minnie "outfit" for my next little one,whenever that will be :) can't wait to read more!
Sorry that you ended up on bedrest but at least you and Violet are doing well! She will be here in no time!

The room is just adorable! Love the Guys-n-Dolls refernce! :)
Hi there! :)

It took me awhile, but I am all caught up on your ptr.

Congrats to you for your little princess! I love the name Violet. And the nursery is just so pretty.

January is a wonderful time to go! We are booked for September, but now I am remembering the stifling heat and humidity---yuck! And love bugs :scared1: January is sounding good lol though it is an extra 5 months of waiting..

Looking forward to reading more about your plans :wizard:
What a fabulous shower, and I love, love, love the nursery! All it needs is little Violet to be complete! :lovestruc

Sorry to hear about the bedrest! I know you are bored but try to look at it as the calm before the storm -- I promise you won't be bored once Violet arrives -- in fact, there may be moments when you look back at the enforced inactivity longingly. ;)
Looks like you had a great baby shower! I love the colors in the nursery! I always thought if I had a little girl it would be all pink, but I am really enjoying the gray! Hope your pregnancy is going well!


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