Comparing Renting versus Transferring Points


DIS Veteran
Nov 23, 2015
When I finally close my contract, if I do not bank points, I will have points to rent and/or offer for transfer. In reading the various threads, I see many more offerings for points to rent rather than points to be transferred. I understand that points can be rented to anyone. This would give the seller many more options rather than offering them for transfer since points could only be transferred into a member's DVC account. Is the reason as simply as this or are there other reasons?
I would think that most people renting are not DVC members so transferring is not an option. I would bank the points personally to give me the most options for next year if I wasn't going to use them this year, assuming you will use them next year. You can always rent next years. I never have enough left to rent I'm usually borrowing from future years!
Also with transferring, I think there is more risk to the person with the points for sale. Once they are transferred, it is final. If they don't get their payment, they are SOL. If you are renting, you can always cancel the reservation you had made and rent the points elsewhere.
Other reasons for a lack of "Points for Transfer" offers:

- If someone has banked or borrowed points they cannot use, they cannot transfer those points. Only points current to the UY in question can be transferred.

- DVC members can transfer points either into or out of their account only once per UY. If someone has already used their one transfer for this UY but still has some excess points, their only option is to rent them.
Banking points should be your first option. They're your points. Use them!

Transferring points is the best option as long you've planned out the next 2 years of vacations and know exactly what you're going to do. You give up all flexibility and you're only allowed one transfer-out per use year. However, you get your money right away and it's hassle-free after that.

Renting points gets tricky. Remember that you're putting your name on a stranger's reservation. There's always risk with that. David's rental service gives a contract for both of you to sign which eases that risk. That being said, I've never truly heard a horror story about renting points out.
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The only "transfers" we do are transferring in. We've done it twice. One time my mother came with us and wanted her own room. We have a small contract so we don't have points to lend or gift. We bought EXACTLY what we thought we'd use or less. I wasn't going to pay dues on extra points. The second time we transferred points for us because we had gone more than we planned, and needed some extras. I prefer the points transfer options vs renting as I control everything on my end once the points are in my account.

Recently went on a trip where we booked an extra room for our neighbors (also DVC owners) because we wanted to stay together. We own BLT, they do not. But now we are having them book 3 nights of our next trip with their points....and it's weird not having those on my dashboard. If it wasn't my friend, it would be a pain in the but to have to add the flight and link to my own reservation with it.
Also, would there be any situations when a DVC member would benefit from renting points as compared to borrowing points or buying points for transfer?
A situation that renting is better is if the person who needs to rent them out is renting dirt cheap. I rented this past Nov from someone who had points for $6 a point. I needed 12 points to add another night to our stay.
A situation that renting is better is if the person who needs to rent them out is renting dirt cheap. I rented this past Nov from someone who had points for $6 a point. I needed 12 points to add another night to our stay.

But didn't the person renting out the points have to get involved in your reservation with MS ?
Also, would there be any situations when a DVC member would benefit from renting points as compared to borrowing points or buying points for transfer?

When you rent "points" what actually occurs is that you rent a reservation that the other member makes in your name. Thus, no points are actually transferred to you and that transaction thus does not count as a "transfer," which a member can do only once per use year.

A member who is doing rentals of reservations can do multiple rentals per year. A member who wants to transfer points to someone else is instread usually trying to get rid of a a precise number of points he cannot use and has to do it all in one trasaction because he is limited to one transfer per use year.

It is usually harder to find a member who will transfer to you the points you want both because there are fewer persons trying to transfer points than doing reservation rentals, and because those trying to transfer points are usually trying to transfer more or fewer points than you want.

As to advantage, some members are sometimes looking to rent a reservation rather than borrowing because they either do not have enough points to borrow or they want to take a trip now and also use those points in the next use year for another trip. In fact, it sound like that may be the position you are in.
When you rent "points" what actually occurs is that you rent a reservation that the other member makes in your name. Thus, no points are actually transferred to you and that transaction thus does not count as a "transfer," which a member can do only once per use year.

A member who is doing rentals of reservations can do multiple rentals per year. A member who wants to transfer points to someone else is instread usually trying to get rid of a a precise number of points he cannot use and has to do it all in one trasaction because he is limited to one transfer per use year.

It is usually harder to find a member who will transfer to you the points you want both because there are fewer persons trying to transfer points than doing reservation rentals, and because those trying to transfer points are usually trying to transfer more or fewer points than you want.

As to advantage, some members are sometimes looking to rent a reservation rather than borrowing because they either do not have enough points to borrow or they want to take a trip now and also use those points in the next use year for another trip. In fact, it sound like that may be the position you are in.

If I am lacking points for a reservation, I do not know how renting the balance of the points I need (in lieu of borrowing points or transferring in points) can help me since it appears the rented points and the points on my contract can not be combined into one reservation. I would assume the only way it would work would be, for example, I make a reservation for Monday through Thursday and the renter makes me a reservation for Friday in order for me to get a total stay of Monday through Friday. What am I missing?
If I am lacking points for a reservation, I do not know how renting the balance of the points I need (in lieu of borrowing points or transferring in points) can help me since it appears the rented points and the points on my contract can not be combined into one reservation. I would assume the only way it would work would be, for example, I make a reservation for Monday through Thursday and the renter makes me a reservation for Friday in order for me to get a total stay of Monday through Friday. What am I missing?

That is the way the rental works when you are also reserving some nights using your own points. Then, after both reservations are done, you can call Member Services and have the reservations linked, which assures you do not have to change rooms. Both reservations can also be put into your MDE account.
That is the way the rental works when you are also reserving some nights using your own points. Then, after both reservations are done, you can call Member Services and have the reservations linked, which assures you do not have to change rooms. Both reservations can also be put into your MDE account.

Also monetary gain from transfers is not allowed per DVC guidelines. I know many do it but just something to consider.
Also monetary gain from transfers is not allowed per DVC guidelines. I know many do it but just something to consider.

Wouldn't any transfer of points into another DVC member's account for money in excess of the maintenance fees on those points be considered a monetary gain ?
Wouldn't any transfer of points into another DVC member's account for money in excess of the maintenance fees on those points be considered a monetary gain ?

Yes, so basically it is against DVC guidelines. Now plenty do it, but I personally would not.
As an owner, I will only transfer when I have extra points...only happened once with a new contract!!! I expected payment up front, in full. The reason is that once the points are gone, I am no longer held liable. With renting, you are still responsible if there are issues with your guests. While it may not happen often, if your renter charges things at the resort, and for some reason the payment fails, your membership can be frozen until you locate the renter to settle it, or pay it yourself...Too much risk for least at this point.
I am also very curious about transferring vs renting. I want to rent/transfer points from an owner to use myself this year. I just got a quote from the DVC rental store and its good, but I'd much rather have everything on my own dashboard. I want to see if there is a better deal on the rent/trade forum, but does the resort matter? I want 58 points to use at AKL at the end of September.. If someone transfers points to me from any other resort, does the home resort affect anything after the 7 month mark? I sure hope this makes sense! Thanks!
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If you rent, you, the owner are still liable for any damage or unpaid charges on that reservation. If you transfer, that is no longer your problem. Rent wisely.

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