Chico's trip Part 7 - Day 3 - DS loses his mind! (more photos)


keeping a low profile
Aug 28, 2003
(Posted to the trip-board as well, but also on 'our' board!)

And it's still Monday, December 8

The cast:
Me: 34, 2nd trip to WDW (last time was 2001 – but we only did MK 1 day – does that count?)
DW: 36 also her 2nd / 1st real trip
DS: 5, ditto for him;
DW’s best friend: 36, 1st trip, hereafter known as Auntie K

To recap, we’ve just left AK, after FOTLK (great show!) and are heading back to ASSp for some much needed rest and relaxation before taking in Spectro and Wishes at MK starting at 6:00pm. This will give us a decently early end to our third day in ‘the world.’

I’ve said it before but it bears repeating, that if you’re staying at any of the All-Stars Resorts, your bus stop will be as far from the park entrance as Disney planners could manage, without placing it in another park.

In some cases it’s likely closer to another park than the one you’re visiting today…

So after a long day at AK (at least it seemed long – 7 hours) we hiked to the bus stop – with a five year old who hasn’t had to walk too many steps yet this trip. “My legs hurt. Can you carry me?”

Your legs hurt? My legs hurt. Can you stop whining?

“Sure! Hop up!” I hoist DS onto my shoulders to carry him to the bus. When did you get soo heavy! No more ice cream for you! What are you, about twelve? After a quick, but relaxing trip we’re home, and in the room – DS, who really just needs some down time to play and relax, is doing just that, with his new Power Ranger from AK and the one he brought from home, and Stitch and Puppy (Again propped up on those really-imaginative pillows). We’re having snacks and enjoying an adult beverage from the gift shop. Ahhhh…:sunny:

Way too soon, its time to start getting ready again, I’d like to be at the bus stop for 5:00 to give us some browsing time (notice I didn’t say shopping J) so we freshen up and get our things together for our short evening at MK.

“Okay bud, its time to pack up and get ready for the bus. Put you toys back in your backpack, please.” “Can I bring these two guys with me?” he asks. “No, We don’t want to lose them.” I respond, while packing the camera and the recharged batteries – see? I’m on top of this little issue now! “Aww, why not? I had the black one with me today, and nothing happened to him?”

Any one who has or has had a five year-old can see where this is going. It’s 4:45. “I understand, but with two of them and all the small pieces, I think it would be better if you left them here in the room where they’d be safe. Now lets get you cleaned up and get going.”

“NO!” :mad: Okay. Here we go! He’s got that look. You know the one. His eyes are squinty and focused, his eyebrows are all scrunched together and half-covering his eyes. And he’s got the angry, curled up mouth action going on to. “I’m taking both of them! You can’t make me!”

You wanna bet?

Now I love my son, and he means the world to me. But boy, when he acts like this… He’s at that age where he’s questioning everything. Usually that’s a good thing and leads to lots of discussions about the world around us. Occasionally, its not such a good thing. DW can’t understand where he gets it from. She was a perfect child, and always did what she was told. (Or so she says…):rolleyes: I know where he’s coming from. I think I questioned authority from day one. I always tried to do what was right, but I needed to know why something was the way it was; what the reasoning behind it was. Kinda like a little boy I know… ;) Auntie K has managed to quietly ease her way out of the room. DW and I look at each other. Tag, you’re it!

DW tries the common sense approach. “Do you remember when Puppy fell out of the shopping cart at the mall? And we didn’t know? And then when we got out to the van he wasn’t there, do you remember how you felt?” He nods. “Well, we don’t want that to happen to either of these guys, so you need to keep them here, where they’ll be safe. Okay?”

“But I want them to come with me!” (Did he just hear any of that?) “And Daddy won’t let me! He’s being mean to me!” Round Two. “I don’t like him anymore! He’s not my friend!”

Yeah life’s not fair, get over it… Gee I am cranky!

“Okay, we’ve got to go. We’re going to be late if we don’t get to the bus.” I say ,thinking maybe a change of focus will work.

“I’m taking both of them!” (Or maybe not.) He’s yelling now, and I’m hoping these walls are solid concrete and that the family beside us is off exploring some park – cuz he’s starting to lose it!

“No, you’re leaving them both here and we’re going to the parade and fireworks.” It’s 5:10. I think I’m just talking to myself now.

“Hrrrupmmm…” (that angry low-pitched growl-like sound they can make so well) “Then I’m not going. You can’t make me!”

…You gotta ask yourself a question. Do I feel lucky? Well, do ya punk?…

As much as I’d love to leave him here and go by myself, that’s not going to happen. I’ll call his bluff. I’m feeling lucky. “Okay, then Mom and Auntie will go, and you and I will stay here. I really wanted to go see the parade, and the fireworks, but I’m going to stay here with you instead.” Mom and Auntie are both outside, they’ve been ready for a while now, just in case.

“Okay.” (D’oh!!) I tell Mom and Auntie to go without us since I’ve had my bluff called. Dw comes back in to say goodbye to DS and that’s when it hits him; that he will not be going with them. (Apparently not going with dad is okay though…) More tears, but through them he agrees to leave the toys behind – but I allowed him to bring Puppy - there's nothing like a good ole' friend to help in times like these- And so we leave, finally, with DS still in tears, but moving, and me just a little steamed. It’s 5:20.

We get lucky with the buses. One is waiting for us as we get to the curb, and then the driver doesn’t go to the other All-Stars resorts! We’re making up time here! We get through security and in the park by 5:40. Grab a stroller with our receipt from AK; a quick trip up a fairly crowded Main Street – sorry, no time to shop, er, browse; left at the hub and into Liberty Square through the back path. We’re here with time to spare.:happy:

Mom and Auntie K want to check out Ye Olde Christmas Shoppe – so DS and I sit on the wooden deck structure in the wooded area behind the shops – the same place we, as a family last trip in 2001, sat and let a certain 2 ½ yr old have a nap in the afternoon before the parade. Too bad he doesn’t nap anymore…

Nothing purchased today, so it’s across the street to find a spot to watch Spectro! The crowd is beginning to grow, and we grab seats just beside the sidewalk area that leads to Fantasyland. Auntie K sees the popcorn cart across the street, so DW and Auntie K grab 2 buckets and 2 cokes and we settle in. I’ve triple checked the camera today – its worked since this morning at the Safari – and I’ve got new batteries for tonight, so we’re good to go.

What an excellent parade! Darkness came very quickly and soon the music could be heard as the parade made its way up Main Street and into Liberty Square! We hadn’t seen an evening parade before, so we weren’t sure what to expect. It was well worth the minor delay we endured back at the hotel!

The lights, the colours, the changing of the colours (thanks to the three little pigs and their 'magic' paint cans!) and a great vantage point – able to see the floats coming up then turning so we got to see both sides – made the parade very memorable. Here's a look. And I’m sure Ursula was coming on to me, stooping right in front of me, shining her light on me and all! – And we got some good video and stills! Like this one of Hook and the Queen! Auntie K was very impressed with her first parade – she was taken with all the costumes and sets!

After the parade we cut through Fantasyland to find a good vantage point for Wishes – we had to ride the Tea Cups again! – and found a spot on the bridge (Cosmic Rays) where we could see Tink (Neither Auntie K or DW knew about Tink’s flight to start the fireworks!) and where we thought we’d best see the much heralded Wishes spectacle.

Turns out we had an excellent view of Tinkerbell’s flight – Auntie couldn’t believe that Tink was real! Our view of wishes was too close to the castle though. Some of the staging of the fireworks got lost that close, and we couldn’t hear the audio too well – but having said that – the display was awesome! Magic Kingdom fireworks are always special aren’t they? We weren’t disappointed at all, and kept in mind that we’d be seeing Wishes again tomorrow night for MVMCP! We’ll try a different spot then!

After Wishes, we lingered awhile to hopefully let the inevitable congestion on Main Street ease, and watched the castle change colour, and then boldly ventured out. Can you say bottleneck? Wow! Even I was up for getting off the street, so we ducked into the shops to get out of the crowds – but, big surprise, the shops were crowded too! We didn’t buy, due to the crowds, but it did help get down Main Street!

Back at the hotel, we were a tired, but happy bunch, and very hungry! With our refillable mugs refilled, we ordered pizza from the resort room service and were pleasantly surprised! This stuff is good! We pigged out and were in bed by 9:30!

A well deserved rest after a busy day! Made sweeter by the fact that we could finally sleep in tomorrow!! Or could we...?

Link to Part 8
I just love your trip reports. I have a now 8 year old DS and I can totally relate to your son's rationalizations. The good thing for us though is that all the other parents in hearing distance when they start these fits can relate to what we're going through.

Keep them coming!!
For a minute there I thought you were really going to have to stay behind with your DS! Glad your "tactics" finally worked. ;)

Can't wait to read the installment!
Hi, I just started reading your installments, they're great. I really liked your spectro pictures. One of the things I am researching and buying before our trip is a digital camera. I would like to make sure it takes good night time pictures. Do you mind me asking what brand and make you are using, and if you have any pros or cons to add.

House of Mouse,

Thanks for your reply - its nice to know others are enjoying my trip!

The pictures were taken on a Canon PowerShot A80.
Its a 4.0 mega pixel camera. All the images I've posted so far have been reduced in size, usually about 50 - 60% of original for easier loading.

As well, I only used the 1024x768 image size for these shots, the camera will take 1600 x 1200, as well as 2272 x 1704, but these eat memory. You can also decrease the image size to 640 x 480 - if you're posting on the web only (and not printing them) this would likely be ideal.

If you've been following my posts, you'll have seen that I've had trouble with batteries etc - not the cameras fault - user intervention required there! :)

I had originally looked at buying a digital video camera that would allow me to carry only one camera and take both video and shoot stills, but the resolution for stills would only be 1.33 mega pixel (varies by manufacturer and price level) - the technology is improving - but not quite there yet to allow photo quality shots from the video camera.

Look around, read as much as you can, but above all else, try some out. Depending on brand and features you can get cameras small enough to put in your shirt pocket - I didn't like the
'tiny' feel of those, or ones you hold more like a traditional video camera rather than camera-like (horizontal.)

Alot is personal preference.

Feel free to ask more questions,

Good Luck!


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