Can Disney Save A Marriage? *Page 12/15 new posts

I'm so glad you were able to talk and have such a meaningful conversation, in so little words. That's one thing I'm glad FH and I don't have trouble doing.
I think the email was a perfect way for him to tell you how he was feeling, it gave him time to really think about what he wanted to say and maybe he even said things he wouldn't of had the courage to say to your face. So kudos to him and bigger kudos to you for really 'hearing' him and wanting to make it better. I was married, so I know how easy it is to be defensive, hey who really likes to hear criticism? Nobody. So you have nothing to explain, and maybe he sends you love emails now. Can't wait to find out!!
Learning that not all criticism is meant to tear you down but rather build you to what you deserve to be, is one of the hardest lessons ever!
I am glad you will read on and I hope you will be pleased with the outcome. I also hope your comparison is not a bad thing. If indeed you liked her TR, than I am flattered.

Of course I meant it as a compliment!!! I love RigLee's TR, she's an awesome writer and so are you!!! Please continue your wonderful story...popcorn::[/QUOTE]
Thanks a ton!
your story is very emotional
Isn't everything that deserves a spot in your memory supposed to be? I mean when I look back at what is the most vivid, it is always something that pulled at my heart in both the good and the bad. I hope your life is filled with more good emotion than anything else.
Emails can make or break an argument, in my opinion! They can either help you clearly say what you need to say without forgetting or getting interrupted... or they can be miss-read and someone twist what you wrote vs what you meant. Clearly, for you guys, the first is the type of email he sent.
Derrick is very soft spoken and although he is confident he also a man that does better when it counts in the written form.
We all could learn something from this! Beautifully said!
Thank you for such a nice compliment.
Intrigued already.... staying tuned in.... !
Hope your tuner does not go out like my stupid satellite lately!
I am so enthralled in your story that I have read through the entire thread during my lunch hour. It really makes you want to take a step back and look at your own life and relationships. I commend you for having the courage to tell your story and you are telling it so beautifully. I look forward to reading more and hope for a good ending. :goodvibes
I am glad you read during your lunch hour and did not get fired! Please look at your life and always know what matters.
Wow - what a great way to start your trip.....with a run! I am impressed!

I am staying at BCV in May and I am really looking forward to running around the Epcot resorts. This will be my first stay there and I can't wait.

Great update!
May sounds like a lovely time to go to WDW and I hope your runs mean as much as mine!
Hi there, i've been lurking on this trip report and dont think i've posted before on it to say thanks for sharing.

At first I thought "Why would someone put so much personal thoughts into a trip report where hundred of people they dont know would read it?" Then I read all the replies and also thought it was nice that you hope anyone in the same situation could learn from it. Then I read the comment above about the slight change in Derek which you had missed before and that comment on it helping others sprang back into my head .... it hit me that I dont notice these things between me and finace anymore, and even though we're not in the same situation as you guys were, I should actually be attentive about it ...... so thank you

I will keep reading and certainly enjoying your thoughts
I hope our story makes yours even better.
I can not wait for the whole story. I found myself texting my husband repeatly to say I love you. I even teared up a couple times. Good luck to you and your husband and i can't wait for the rest of the story.
I hope your husband appreciated your sharing your love for him. That was really nice.
Absolutely Wonderful!!! I am sooo excited to hear more of this story!! I am so very hopeful that things are going well for your marriage now!! :goodvibes Please, Continue!!! :thumbsup2
I hope I can keep you excited and I will continue to the end! Promise.
Thank you for posting such an intimate story.
I've been married for over 20 years and like you and yours, Disney is our "happy place." We have weathered many storms over the years and many times felt as though the commitment to our marriage was stronger than the commitment to each other. Marriage is hard work which requires that when something is "off kilter" someone speak up. Fortunately for your marriage, that is exactly what happened.
I wish you all blessings and luck and many many more trips to your happy place together!:)
I think that many people go to pre-marital counseling and they also need to go to marital strength training throughout. Not just when it gets bad.
I'm so glad you were able to talk and have such a meaningful conversation, in so little words. That's one thing I'm glad FH and I don't have trouble doing.

I hope you never do. You are lucky to have mastered that communication early.
Another great update. I'm glad that you were able to have a good run together. I'm planning on taking advantage of that run around the Boardwalk when I stay there in February.
This TR reads like one of the more intense novels I've ever read. And I cannot stop reading it. This is so beautifully written and I can't wait to read more. It takes an incredible amount of courage to do what you're doing. Please tell me there's more coming soon!!
I also agree this trip report is beautifully written and I am hopeful of a happy ending. Looking forward to reading more.
Isn't everything that deserves a spot in your memory supposed to be? I mean when I look back at what is the most vivid, it is always something that pulled at my heart in both the good and the bad. I hope your life is filled with more good emotion than anything else.

I am 23 weeks pregnant so at the moment everything is emotional :rotfl:
Uh oh, I hope she hasn't abandoned her writing... but then again, maybe she's spending quality time with Derrick! That would be a most wonderful excuse for letting a few days go by!

Still reading though... Hope all is magical, Believer!
Your TR has got me completely hooked. I adore your writing style, and i also LOVE RigLee's story, but I dont' see any comparison between the two?

Anway, kudos to you for putting yourself out there, and sharing your story with us. You are so brave! :hug::hug::hug:

To the other posters, I am SO GLAD I'm not the ohly one that teared up!
ok-I am all aught up-can't wait to see how this progresses. I am thinking I may learn something from your experiences-we have been together 15 years and as we all know-things aren't the same as they used to be.
Even with that protection, I still was talking out loud to the screen, voicing my objections or contraries and it made me realize how hard it must be to talk with me sometimes.

I am in auto defense at the drop of a hat and it is not a pretty thing to admit.

Yes, this is quite evident when you said....

I have read RigLee's TR and I do not understand how this is similar in the slightest as far as context. We both write in English and as far as anything else, I guess I will have to lead it up to the reader to decide.

Also, differences from what I have read between us is that I have a college degree, I am a bit older (ha) than her and the last thing Derrick will ever have is a cowboy hat on his head or a career involving cattle or horses. He is an ad exec and I am giggling at the thought of him in many of the scenarios she has written about Rig. His family comes from a long line of bankers and investors, not a trucking empire and they would never disown him because their love for him no matter what profession he choose was greater than anything else. They have made their influence on him though. For Halloween he spent 3 hours looking at sales ad's to see which store had the bag with the most ounces of candy in it for the best value. Not exactly your a-typical cowboy type.

Sounds a bit on the :snooty: side. Sorry to sound like that myself and I don't normally say anything negative to anyone on here, however you just seem to have a way that comes of not honoring and a bit self serving. My apologies for calling it like I see it.

I find the listening easy, it is the opening up that is hard but very freeing at the same time.

Your contradicting yourself here.

I am glad you will read on and I hope you will be pleased with the outcome. I also hope your comparison is not a bad thing. If indeed you liked her TR, than I am flattered.

And here. I've said all I'll say now, I don't want you to think I'll be busting your....well, I think we know what I'm doing here, :blush: I'll let it be now.
Joining in...can't wait to read more of your story. You are a fantastic writer!
My heart skips a beat when I get an email indicating there's another post on this thread. Can't wait for the next segment of the story . . .

Take care,
As we ran on, past surrey bikes struggling to make it up the hill to Swan/Dolphin, I felt such a strong sense of our lives being played out in an analogy right before us. Those riders huffing and puffing did not plan on regretting any of the ride when they first stepped into the bike. They had only thought of the fun ahead, not the struggles for success in-between. There was one family arguing over who was not pulling their own weight. The more they fought the slower they became until it took two of them to jump out so they did not roll backwards and still they were arguing, saying they would walk and the rest could finish without them.

Then there was a family that had a Dad, cheering on his fellow bike riders to victory over the hill. Promising ice cream at the end of the journey and telling his daughter in the basket up front to do her part and ring that bell like crazy. Let everyone know they were going to make it and soon they would be heading downhill and the rest was going to be easy. They were all smiling even though you knew there legs were on fire. They had their focus on what was ahead, not what was in the moment.

Two families. Same start but a very different method once the tough part reached them. I told Derrick I wanted to always ring the bell. He knew exactly what I meant and said he had been waiting for me to say that because he had been afraid I was already one foot off the pedals, ready to jump.

I know I am going to get roasted for saying this and being a cynic but am I the only one who sees this as pure fiction? Certain aspects of it may be true but the part I have quoted above is a bit much.

Are you telling us that on your jog together after arriving at the Boardwalk that you just happened to miraculously come across two entirely different families playing out a perfect analogy of your life right in front of you? One family arguing and pushing against each other and the second the complete opposite? And amazingly you also were able, as you were jogging by mind you, to hear the intimate conversations of both groups, one saying they would just walk and the other saying they would have ice cream and to ring the bell!! I mean do you really expect us to believe all of this? And then on top of everything else, while jogging mind you, you both came up, on the spot, with clever comments about what you just wittnessed and your life together? "I always want to ring the bell!" and "Afraid you already had one foot off of the pedals!". Come on now, seriously! While jogging???

Like I said, I am going to get flamed here, seconds after I post this but this really couldn't be less real. Real life doesn't play out like a soap opera every second of the day.

It started with "Derrick" swooping in and saving the day. Helping that poor helpless mother with her bags while her ogre of a husband left her and her children for dead so he could have a smoke, because that is the type of person he is! The rest of the fiction has continued throughout.

I just can't believe people are actually buying even one sentence of this!

I know I am going to get roasted for saying this and being a cynic but am I the only one who sees this as pure fiction? Certain aspects of it may be true but the part I have quoted above is a bit much.

Are you telling us that on your jog together after arriving at the Boardwalk that you just happened to miraculously come across two entirely different families playing out a perfect analogy of your life right in front of you? One family arguing and pushing against each other and the second the complete opposite? And amazingly you also were able, as you were jogging by mind you, to hear the intimate conversations of both groups, one saying they would just walk and the other saying they would have ice cream and to ring the bell!! I mean do you really expect us to believe all of this? And then on top of everything else, while jogging mind you, you both came up, on the spot, with clever comments about what you just wittnessed and your life together? "I always want to ring the bell!" and "Afraid you already had one foot off of the pedals!". Come on now, seriously! While jogging???

Like I said, I am going to get flamed here, seconds after I post this but this really couldn't be less real. Real life doesn't play out like a soap opera every second of the day.

It started with "Derrick" swooping in and saving the day. Helping that poor helpless mother with her bags while her ogre of a husband left her and her children for dead so he could have a smoke, because that is the type of person he is! The rest of the fiction has continued throughout.

I just can't believe people are actually buying even one sentence of this!


Please know that I am in no way "flaming" you, I actually agree with quite a bit of what you are saying. I asked myself this question and gave a genuine curiosity for your answer to the same question.

Lets say you are right, lets say all of this is a bunch of hogwash...what harm is it causing? Is not the point of the story to be uplifting and inspirational? Why go through and pick through every thing written and point out every far fetched, clearly fictitious piece?
Please know that I am in no way "flaming" you, I actually agree with quite a bit of what you are saying. I asked myself this question and gave a genuine curiosity for your answer to the same question.

Lets say you are right, lets say all of this is a bunch of hogwash...what harm is it causing? Is not the point of the story to be uplifting and inspirational? Why go through and pick through every thing written and point out every far fetched, clearly fictitious piece?

I agree. It's not causing any harm at all, and actually sounds as if it may be a benefit to some folks.

That being said, the original poster is passing this off as non-fiction and has defended it as such. I just don't see the point in concocting a story such as this and trying to pass it off as real. The whole idea behind the Trip Report section, unless I'm wrong, is for folks to share the experiences they have had on their recent or not so recent trips to WDW. Threads like this go against the spirit of what these boards are all about, sharing actual experiences, both the good and the bad, as opposed to trying to rope people into a fictitious story straight from a Lifetime Movie.

If someone wants to work on their creative writing then they should take a course on it. This is not the forum for it, nor do I understand or condone someone who concocts a phony story and claims it as true. I think it's quite obvious that probably very little, if any of this is true.

Call me cynical but I just don't get why someone would even bother doing such a thing. I view it as pure nonsense.

It wouldn't surprise me a bit if in the next posting Derrick rode into the lobby of the Boardwalk on a white horse, swooped her up onto the back of his noble steed and they rode off to live in Happily Ever After Land with Shrek, Fiona, Donkey and Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.

I agree. It's not causing any harm at all, and actually sounds as if it may be a benefit to some folks.

That being said, the original poster is passing this off as non-fiction and has defended it as such. I just don't see the point in concocting a story such as this and trying to pass it off as real. The whole idea behind the Trip Report section, unless I'm wrong, is for folks to share the experiences they have had on their recent or not so recent trips to WDW. Threads like this go against the spirit of what these boards are all about, sharing actual experiences, both the good and the bad, as opposed to trying to rope people into a fictitious story straight from a Lifetime Movie.

If someone wants to work on their creative writing then they should take a course on it. This is not the forum for it, nor do I understand or condone someone who concocts a phony story and claims it as true. I think it's quite obvious that probably very little, if any of this is true.

Call me cynical but I just don't get why someone would even bother doing such a thing. I view it as pure nonsense.

It wouldn't surprise me a bit if in the next posting Derrick rode into the lobby of the Boardwalk on a white horse, swooped her up onto the back of his noble steed and they rode off to live in Happily Ever After Land with Shrek, Fiona, Donkey and Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.


I really, really, really appreciate you stating your position without being defensive of my asking the question in the first place. It's nice for someone to have really thought out their response to a thread before posting on it as so many of us forget to do.

I hope this clears things up for the OP, so that she too might not be defensive in her response to it. Again, I appreciate you stating your case, and your ability to have a "debate" without personal attacks and what not. Your view is certainly a vaild point. :goodvibes
I really, really, really appreciate you stating your position without being defensive of my asking the question in the first place. It's nice for someone to have really thought out their response to a thread before posting on it as so many of us forget to do.

I hope this clears things up for the OP, so that she too might not be defensive in her response to it. Again, I appreciate you stating your case, and your ability to have a "debate" without personal attacks and what not. Your view is certainly a vaild point. :goodvibes

Thank you, and the same sentiment towards you. It's nice to be able to have a civil conversation on here with someone who has a different opinion than your own and not get into a nasty spat, which happens more often than not.

Thanks again to you as well!



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