Cabin Door Signs - Character Names PLEASE READ 1ST POST


DIS Veteran<br><font color=green>The other day I f
Nov 5, 2000
Directions to make your own character name signs with The Print Shop are in post #569.

Directions for other programs are in post #584 and #606.

The font I use is called Market. If you don't have that, there's a link to Coaster in post #615.

Alphabetical Index
& - Sorcerer Mickey, pg51

Aaron - Jack Sparrow, pg9
Aaron - Mickey, pg67
Abby - Jonas Brothers, pg58
Abigail - Cinderella, pg58
Adam - Sorcerer Mickey, pg25
AJ - Jack Sparrow, pg36
Alain - Mickey, pg61
Alain - Pirate Mickey/Minnie, pg60
Alec - The Incredibles, pg50
Alex - The Incredibles, pg51
Alex - Lightning McQueen, pg24
Alex - Mickey, pg16
Alex - princesses, pg36
Alexandra - princesses, pg60
Alexis - Hannah Montana, pg24
Alexis - The Incedibles, pg39
Ali - princesses, pg44
Alicia - Tink aqua-blue, pg43
Alina - Tink black, pg35
Alisha - princesses, pg42
Alison - Snow White, pg59
Aliyah - princesses, pg67
Allie - Cinderella, pg68
Allison - princesses, pg65
Alycia - Tiki Mickey/Minnie yellow, pg44
Amanda - Aurora, pg24
Amanda - Sorcerer Mickey, pg8
Amanda - Tink black, pg39
Amber - princesses, pg56
Amy - Castaway Cay, pg50
Amy - Cinderella, pg25
Amy & Bob - Pirate M/M, pg57
And - Mickey/Minnie wedding, pg49
Andrea - Snow White, pg67
Andrew - Lightning McQueen, pg30
Andrew - Stitch, pg58
Andy - Pirate M/M, pg58
Ann - princesses, pg13
Anna - Minnie purple, pg39
Annabelle - princesses, pg42
Annette - Fab 5, pg19
Annette - Tink purple, pg67
Annika - Lilo & Stitch, pg35
Anthony - Pirate Mickey/Minnie, pg39
Ariana - Tiki Mickey/Minnie yellow, pg57
Arran - Pirate Mickey & Minnie, pg7
Arran - Sorcerer Mickey, pg7
Art - Goofy, pg63
Ashley - Tiki Mickey/Minnie yellow, pg30
Ashley - Tink black, pg27
Ashlyn - Hannah Montana, pg50
Athena - Tink black, pg47
Austin - Goofy, pg55

Bailey - Belle, pg27
Bailie - Hannah Montana, pg67
Bailie - princesses, pg19
Barbara - Fab 5, pg1
Barbara - Jack Sparrow, pg13
Barbara - Pooh, pg19
Beau - Pirate Mickey/Minnie, pg30
Belinda - Tink black, pg65
Ben - Pirate Mickey/Minnie, pg60
Benjamin - Lightning McQueen, pg49
Benny - Grumpy, pg14
Berber - Chip 'n Dale pink, pg47
Bernadette - Tiki Mickey/Minnie yellow, pg28
Bethany - Jack Sparrow, pg13
Betsy - Cinderella, pg52
Betsy - Tiki Mickey/Minnie, pg65
Betty - Minnie purple, pg27
Bill - Grumpy, pg1
Bill - Pirate Mickey & Minnie, pg12
Blake - Sorcerer Mickey, pg42
Blayd - Lightning McQueen, pg19
Bo - Tiki Mickey/Minnie, pg51
Bob - Buzz Lightyear purple, pg47
Bob - Goofy, pg12
Bob - Seven Dwarfs, pg51
Bobbi - Tink purple, pg7
Bobby - Pirate Mickey, pg67
Bradley - Pirate Mickey, pg67
Brandon - Lightning McQueen, pg49
Brandon - Mickey basketball, pg42
Braxton - Pirate Mickey/Minnie, pg44
Brenda - Aurora, pg52
Brenda - Minnie purple, pg21
Brenda - Pirate Mickey & Minnie, pg13
Brendan - Sorcerer Mickey, pg25
Brian - Pirate Mickey, pg29
Brianna - Tink aqua-blue, pg14
Brittani - Cinderella, pg56
Brittany - Pirate Mickey/Minnie, pg49
Brooke - Ariel, pg43
Brooke - HSM Troy, pg51
Brooke - Sorcerer Mickey, pg49
Bruce - Pirate Mickey/Minnie, pg27
Bryan - Pirate Mickey & Minnie, pg1
Bryce - Stitch, pg58
Brynn - Minnie purple, pg49
The Burgs - DCL ship, pg45

Cady - Tink purple, pg21
Caitlin - Chip 'n Dale pink, pg36
Cameron - Jack Sparrow, pg50
Carol - Tink purple, pg9
Caroline - princesses, pg1
Carrie - Cinderella, pg63
Carrie - Pirate Mickey, pg67
Carry - Ariel, pg42
Carter - Chip 'n Dale blue, pg56
Casey - Pirate Mickey & Minnie, pg24
Cassidy - Cinderella, pg20
Cassie - Ariel, pg52
Catherine - Hannah Montanna, pg67
Catherine - Pirate Mickey, pg67
Cathleen - Pirate Mickey, pg67
Cathy - Tiki Mickey/Minnie yellow, pg27
Cayleigh - Snow White, pg69
Ceara - princesses, pg69
Chadwyck - Jack Sparrow, pg23
Charlie - Goofy, pg24
Chase - Toy Story, pg30
Chaseton - Jack Sparrow, pg23
Cheri - Cinderella, pg55
Cheron - Tink aqua-blue, pg20
Chloe - Chip 'n Dale pink, pg23
Chloe - The Incredibles, pg51
Chloe - princesses, pg30
Chris - Fab 5, pg1
Chris - Grumpy, pg48
Chris - Pirate Mickey/Minnie, pg38
Chris - Pluto, pg33
Chris - Sorcerer Mickey, pg1
Chris - Tink purple, pg52
Chris & Eunice - Pirate M/M, pg57
Chrissy - Pirate Mickey, pg65
Christa - Pirate Mickey, pg67
Christine - Cinderella, pg32
Christine - Pooh, pg21
Chuck - Jack Sparrow, pg50
Chuck - Peter Pan, pg60
Chu Loc - Pirate M/M,58
Cindy - Pirate M/M, pg56
CJ - Goofy, pg48
Cody - Pirate Mickey, pg65
Colin - Pirate Mickey & Minnie, pg9
Conner - Toy Story, pg19
Connor - Stitch, pg69
Cooper - Sorcerer Mickey, pg7
Coral - Pirate Mickey & Minnie, pg12
Courtney - Pirate Mickey/Minnie, pg56
Courtney - princesses, pg5
Crissi - Tink purple, pg39
Crystal - Belle, pg23
Crystal - Pooh, pg42

Dad - Captain Mickey, pg36
Dad - Goofy, pg38
Daddo - Mickey, pg50
Daddy - Captain Mickey, pg29
Dakota - Lightning McQueen
Dale - Pirate Mickey/Minnie, pg39
Dan - Goofy, pg32
Daniel - Donald, pg36
Daniel - Grumpy, pg32
Daniel - Lightning McQueen, pg38
Danielle - Hannah Montana, pg39
Danielle - Tink aqua-blue, pg30
Danny - Mickey, pg42
Dareece - princesses, pg23
Darlene - Stitch, pg54
Dave - Jack Sparrow, pg25
David - Goofy, pg50
David - Jack Sparrow, pg23
David - The Incredibles, pg51
David - Mickey, pg56
David - Pirate Mickey/Minnie, pg53
Davis - Stitch, pg7
Dawn - Daisy, pg68
Daysha - princesses, pg20
Dean - Mickey, pg14
Dean - Sorcerer Mickey, pg24
Debbie - Ariel, pg16
Deborah - Tiki Mickey/Minnie, pg49
Denine - Cinderella, pg50
Denise - Tink aqua-blue, pg27
Denise - Tink black, pg14
Dennis - Stitch, pg30
Dennis - Tigger blue, pg19
Desi - Minnie purple, pg57
Desiree - Tink purple, pg1
Devon - DCL Ship, pg65
Diana - Tiki Mickey/Minnie yellow, pg35
Diane - Captain Mickey, pg45
Di Be - Tiki M/M yellow, pg58
Dick - Goofy, pg45
Dick - Pooh, pg60
Disney Magic - DCL ship, pg11
Disney Wonder - DCL ship, pg11
Don - Fab 5, pg1
Donald - Donald, pg20
Donna - Cinderella, pg23
Donna - Pirate M/M, pg56
Donna - Sorcerer Mickey, pg51
Donna - Tiki Mickey/Minnie, pg44
Doreen - Pooh, pg36
Dottie - Sorcerer Mickey, pg63
Dustin - Mickey, pg36
Dwayne - Goofy, pg23
Dylan - Pooh, pg6
Dylan - Toy Story, pg1

Ed - Buzz Lightyear, pg67
Elaine - Mickey, pg42
Eliete - Beauty & Beast, pg39
Elisabeth - Hanna Montanna, pg58
Elizabeth - Fab 5, pg1
Elizabeth - Pluto, pg7
Elizabeth - princesses, pg30
Ellie - Pirate Mickey & Minnie, pg1
Elyse - Tiki Mickey & Minnie yellow, pg25
Emily - all characters, pg1
Emily - Hannah Montana, pg32
Emily - Lilo & Stitch, pg9
Emily - princesses, pg1
Emma - Aurora, pg68
Emma - Cinderella, pg68
Emma - Jasmine, pg65
Emma - Tink aqua-blue, pg58
Emmi - Jack Sparrow, pg16
Emmie - princesses, pg1
Ena - Tiki Mickey/Minnie, pg68
Eric - Pirate Mickey/Minnie, pg45
Erica - Stitch, pg23
Erik - Lightning McQueen, pg39
Erin - Pooh, pg10
Ethan - Baseball Mickey, pg67
Ethan - Buzz Lightyear, pg68
Ethan - Lightning McQueen, pg42
Ethan - Stitch, pg42
Evan - Toy Story blue, pg68

Faith - Aurora, pg65
Faith - Cinderella, pg50
Faith - Sorcerer Mickey, pg5
Fernando - Goofy, pg60
Fernando Jr - Buzz Lightyear, pg60
Fofy - Jack Sparrow, pg16
Ford - DCL ship, pg56
Frank - Donald, pg56
Frank - Pirate Mickey, pg27

Gabby - Eeyore flowers, pg27
Gabrielle - Cinderella, pg67
Gannon - Jack Sparrow, pg65
Garrett - Jack Sparrow, pg24
Garry - Jack Sparrow, pg43
Genoa - Belle, pg40
George - Donald, pg45
Gianna - Jasmine, pg58
Gianna - Stitch, pg29
Gina - Tink purple, pg50
Ginger - Cinderella, pg50
Giovanni - Pirate Mickey, pg29
Girls Cruise - DCL ship, pg35
Glen Allen - Pirate Mickey/Minnie, pg51
Grace - Cinderella, pg59
Grace - Jack Sparrow, pg57
Grace - Jasmine, pg65
Gracie - Fab 5, pg29
Gracie - Stitch, pg57
Graham - Eeyore, pg40
Granddee - Sorcerer Mickey, pg69
Grandma - Minnie purple, pg65
Grandmama - Minnie purple, pg50
George - Pirate Mickey & Minnie, pg9
Gramma - Eeyore flowers, pg30
Greg - Pirate Mickey/Minnie, pg59
Greg - Sorcerer Mickey, pg27
Gretchen - Bambi, pg68

Hailey - Tiki Mickey/Minnie yellow, pg28
Hal - Grumpy, pg28
Halina - princesses, pg53
Hannah - princesses, pg67
Happy Anniversary - Mickey/Minnie wedding, pg47
Haselbauer - Captain Mickey, pg56
Hayden - Pirate Mickey & Minnie, pg19
Hayleigh - Tink black, pg50
Heather - Mickey, pg60
Heidi - Tigger pink, pg29
Henry - Stitch, pg52
Hope - Pirate Mickey & Minnie, pg21
Howard - Govenor Radcliffe, pg69
Hunter - Pirate Mickey/Minnie, pg30

Ian - Goofy, pg35
Ian - Jack Sparrow, pg34
Ingrid - Jack Sparrow, pg47
Iona - Pirate Mickey & Minnie, pg7
Iona - Tink purple, pg7
Isabella - Tink aqua-blue, pg29
Ive - Fab 5, pg1

Jackie - Tiki Mickey/Minnie, pg68
Jackson - Lightning McQueen, pg67
Jaclyn - Hannah Montana, pg36
Jacob - Stitch, pg50
Jaden - Fab 5, pg6
Jaeley - princesses, pg33
Jake - Jack Sparrow, pg14
James - Pirate Mickey, pg51
James - Sorcerer Mickey, pg21
Jamie - Donald, pg7
Jan - Pirate Mickey, pg63
Janet - princesses, pg67
Janice - Tigger pink, pg57
Jason - Jack Sparrow, pg23
Jason - Lightning McQueen
Jay - Pirate Mickey, pg29
Jayden - Jack Sparrow, pg61
Jeanna - princesses, pg50
Jeff - Goofy, pg1
Jeff - Pirate Mickey & Minnie, pg7
Jeff - Pluto, pg67
Jeffrey - Jack Sparrow, pg38
Jen - Tiki Mickey/Minnie, pg25
Jenn - Tink black, pg49
Jenna - Hannah Montana, pg50
Jennifer - all, pg30
Jennifer - Tigger blue, pg7
Jennifer - Tiki M/M yellow, pg58
Jennifer - Tink aqua-blue, pg29
Jenny - Stitch, pg60
Jeremy - Sorcerer Mickey, pg44
Jerry - Goofy, pg68
Jerry - Mickey, pg50
Jess - Hannah Montana, pg55
Jessica - Fab 5, pg52
Jill - Pooh, pg30
Jill - princesses, pg30
Jimmer - all, pg7
Jimmy - Jack Sparrow, pg24
Jimmy - Pirate Mickey/Minnie, pg51
Joan - Minnie purple, pg30
Joanne - Cinderella, pg62
Joanne - Tiki Mickey & Minnie yellow, pg23
Jo-Ann - princesses, pg57
Joel - Chip 'n Dale, pg69
Joel - Sorcerer Mickey, pg6
John - Fab 5, pg1
John - Pirate Mickey/Minnie, pg67
John - Simba grown-up, pg59
John Jr - Toy Story, pg27
Johnny - Fab 5, pg25
Jon - Tiki Mickey/Minnie yellow, pg28
Jonathan - Jack Sparrow, pg30
Jordan - Pirate Mickey/Minnie, pg30
Jordan - Tink black, pg32
Jorja - princesses, pg7
Joseph - Jack Sparrow, pg32
Josh - Pirate Mickey & Minnie, pg13
Joshua - Lightning McQueen, pg16
Joy - Fab 5, pg67
Joyaunna - princesses, pg61
Judy - Minnie purple, pg33
Judy - Tigger pink, pg53
Judy & Ray - Wedding, pg33
Julia - Ariel, pg7
Julie - Minnie purple, pg27
Julie - Sorcerer Mickey, pg67
Julie - Tink black, pg60
Julie - Ursula, pg43

Kaelyn - Tink aqua-blue, pg51
Kaitlyn - Minnie purple, pg11
Kaj - Sorcerer Mickey, pg29
Kaleigh - princesses, pg50
Kallie - princesses, pg30
Kalyssa - Ariel, pg40
Kara - Minnie purple, pg47
Karen - Goofy, pg45
Karen - Mickey, pg36
Karen - princesses, pg1
Karl - Sorcerer Mickey, pg23
Karly - princesses, pg24
Kat - Tigger, pg45
Katie - Cinderella, pg63
Kate - Minnie purple, pg53
Katie - princesses, pg70
Katie - Tink aqua-blue, pg21
Katie - Tink aqua-blue, pg36
Katherine - Fab 5, pg19
Kathryn - Tink purple, pg54
Kathy - Pirate Mickey/Minnie, pg56
Katy - Alice, pg55
Kay - Pirate Mickey & Minnie, pg7
Kay - Tink purple, pg7
Kayla - Minnie purple, pg48
Kaylee - princesses, pg20
Kellie - Fab 5, pg1
Kelly - Pirate Mickey/Minnie, pg34
Kelsey - Tink aqua-blue, pg19
Ken - Goofy, pg23
Ken - Sorcerer Mickey, pg1
Kenny - Jack Sparrow, pg25
Kevin - Chip 'n Dale blue, pg29
Kevin - Fab 5, pg19
Kevin - Jungle Book, pg9
Khalil - Lightning McQueen, pg55
Kim - Jack Sparrow, pg58
Kim - Pirate Mickey/Minnie, pg32
Kimberley - Minnie purple, pg42
Kirk - Grumpy, pg9
Krista - Tink aqua-blue, pg40
Kurt - Pirate Mickey/Minnie, pg50
Kyle - Jack Sparrow, pg34

Laci - princesses, pg13
Lanita - Tiki Mickey/Minnie, pg70
Larry - Mickey, pg40
LaTanya - Pirate Mickey & Minnie, pg24
Laura - Goofy, pg58
Laura - Tiki Mickey/Minnie yellow, pg25
Lauren - Jonas Brothers, pg53
Lauren - all characters, pg1
Lauren - Tink aqua-blue, pg60
Lauryn - princesses, pg36
Leilani - Jonas Brothers, pg63
Lenny - Jack Sparrow, pg69
Lexi - Jasmine, pg59
Lia - Donald, pg35
Liam - Pirate Mickey/Minnie, pg51
Lian - Sorcerer Mickey, pg24
Lian - Tiki Mickey/Minnie yellow, pg35
Lily - Tink purple, pg61
Linda - Minnie purple, pg14
Lisa - Minnie purple, pg38
Lisa - Daisy, pg48
Lizzie - Tiki Mickey/Minnie, pg67
Logan - Donald, pg19
Logan - Pooh, pg47
Lora - Belle, pg12
Lori - All Characters, pg67
Lorraine - all, pg39
Loyanna - Tink purple, pg61
Lucas - Pirate M/M, pg56
Lucinda - Cinderella, pg63
Lucy - princesses, pg42
Lydia - Aurora, pg2
Lyndsay - Tink aqua-blue, pg25

Mackenzie - princesses, pg1
Mackenzie - Ariel, pg1
Maddy - Tiki M/M yellow, pg58
Madeline - Cinderella, pg60
Madison - Ariel, pg2
Madison - Tink aqua-blue, pg30
Makenzie - Jonas Brothers, pg43
Mama - princesses, pg33
Marc - Sorcerer Mickey, pg24
Marci - Belle, pg61
Margaret - Beauty & Beast, pg67
Margaret - Pirate Mickey/Minnnie, pg69
Margo - Seven Dwarfs, pg39
Mark - Goofy, pg36
Mark - Sorcerer Mickey, pg52
Mark - Stitch, pg53
Mari - princesses, pg8
Maria - Jonas Brothers, pg67
Maria - Tink black, pg39
Marnie - Pirate Mickey/Minnie, pg52
Marty - Grumpy, pg36
Marty - Mickey, pg49
Mary - Cinderella, pg42
Mary - princesses, pg58
Mary - Tiki Mickey/Minnie, pg55
Mary - Tink aqua-blue, pg24
Mary Ann - Pirate Mickey & Minnie, pg24
Mason - Goofy, pg50
Matthew - Fab 5, pg19
Matthew - Goofy, pg1
Matthew - Jack Sparrow, pg27
Matthew - Lightning McQueen, pg53
Matthew - Stitch, pg58
Max - Grumpy, pg12
Max - Tigger blue, pg10
McKenna - Minnie purple, pg1
Megan - Chip 'n Dale pink, pg12
Megan - princesses, pg16
Melinda - Fab 5, pg1
Melissa - Christmas M/M, pg56
Melissa - Pirate Mickey & Minnie, pg23
Melody - Pirate Mickey & Minnie, pg9
MeMa - Tiki Mickey/Minnie yellow, pg28
Merryl - Pooh, pg28
Michael - Chip 'n Dale blue, pg23
Michael - Fab 5, pg39
Michael - Jack Sparrow, pg61
Michael - Sorcerer, pg23
Michael - Stitch, pg32
Michele - Tink purple, pg1
Michele - Tink black, pg55
Mike - Mickey, pg48
Mike - Pirate Mickey & Minnie, pg13
Mike - Sorcerer Mickey, pg70
Mike & Lisa - Wedding, pg11
Mikey - Pirate Mickey & Minnie, pg7
Millie - Tink black, pg67
Mina - Tiki Mickey & Minnie yellow, pg1
Minnie - Minnie purple, pg5
Minnie - Tiki Mickey & Minnie yellow, pg5
Minnix - Sorcerer Mickey, pg51
Miranda - Minnie purple, pg12
Missy - Minnie purple, pg19
Mitchell - Christmas M/M, pg56
Mitchell - Jack Sparrow, pg44
Mom - Cinderella, pg36
Mom - Stitch, pg38
Mommy - Cinderella, pg33
Mommy - princesses, pg5
Morgan - Jonas Brothers, pg56
Morgan - Pirate Mickey, pg67

Nana - Tink purple, pg42
Nanci - Minnie purple, pg23
Nancy - Minnie purple, pg45
Nancy - Tink aqua-blue, pg42
Natalie - Tink aqua-blue, pg27
Nathan - all, pg5
Nathan - Fab 5, pg32
Nathan - Jack Sparrow, pg67
Neil - Pirate Mickey & Minnie, pg7
Neil - Sorcerer Mickey, pg7
Nelson - Grumpy, pg49
Nicholas - Stitch, pg32
Nick - Lightning McQueen, pg36
Nicolas - Captain Mickey, pg21
Nicolas - Tigger blue, pg21
Nicole - Ariel, pg23
Nicole - Tink aqua-blue, pg23
Nicole - Tink purple, pg5
Nicole - The Incredibles, pg51
Noah - Fab 5, pg6
Nonnie - Minnie purple, pg36
Nora - Tiki Mickey/Minnie, pg51

Olivia - princesses, pg32

Paige - Ariel, pg67
Paige - Aurora, pg49
Paige - Cinderella, pg42
Paige - Tigger blue, pg6
Pam - Pirate Mickey & Minnie, pg13
Papa - Goofy, pg33
Papa - Pirate Mickey/Minnie, pg68
Papa - Tiki Mickey/Minnie yellow, pg28
Pappy - Pirate Mickey/Minnie, pg47
The Parents - Villians, pg9
Parker - Pirate Mickey/Minnie, pg30
Pat - Tigger pink, pg61
Patrick - Lightning McQueen, pg32
Patty - Tink black, pg56
Patty - Tink purple, pg56
Paul - Buzz Lightyear, pg28
Paula - Goofy, pg68
Paula - Pirate Mickey & Minnie, pg6
Penny - Lilo, pg34
Pete - Fab 5, pg5
Peter - Goofy, pg5
Polly - Seven Dwarfs, pg12

Quinn - Lightning McQueen, pg47

Rachael - princesses, pg53
Rachel - Belle, pg27
Rachel - Minnie purple, pg49
Rachel - Sorcerer Mickey, pg43
Rachel - Tink black, pg28
Rachel - Tink purple, pg70
Ralph - Donald, pg47
Ramona - Pirate Mickey, pg67
Randy - Grump, pg57
Ray - Goofy, pg33
Raymond - Pirate Mickey/Minnie, pg2
Rego - Mickey/Minnie wedding, pg49
Rebecca - Pirate Mickey/Minnie, pg39
Rebecca - Tink purple, pg53
Reyna - princesses, pg59
Rhonda - all, pg1
Rhonda - Fab 5, pg1
Rhys - Jack Sparrow, pg19
Rick - Christmas M/M, pg56
Riley - Buzz Lightyear, pg67
Riley - Stitch, pg5
Riley - Tigger pink, pg27
Rita - princesses, pg1
Rob - Tigger, pg65
Robert - Fab 5, pg1
Robert - Jack Sparrow, pg42
Robert - Lightning McQueen, pg57
Robert & Melissa - Mickey/Minnie Wedding, pg42
Rod - Mickey, pg67
Ron - DCL Ship, pg67
Ron - Pirate Mickey/Minnie, pg25
Rosemary - Tink black, pg60
Ross - Jack Sparrow, pg24
Roxanne - Minnie purple, pg57
Ruby - Stitch, pg1
Rudi - Baseball Mickey, pg56
Rudi - Goofy, pg56
Russ - Captain Mickey, pg25
Ruth - Grumpy, pg10
Ryan - Jack Sparrow, pg9
Ryan - Pirate Mickey/Minnie, pg27
Ryan - The Incredibles, pg39

Samantha - Fab 5, pg52
Samantha - Stitch, pg21
Samantha - Tink black, pg58
Sandra - Sorcerer Mickey, pg34
Sandy - Pirate Mickey & Minnie, pg13
Sarah - Pirate Mickey & Minnie, pg23
Sarah - princesses, pg1
Sauni - Goofy, pg30
Savannah - Tink black, pg25
Scott - The Incredibles, pg39
Scott - Pirate Mickey/Minnie
Sean - all, pg39
Sean - Jack Sparrow, pg29
Sean - Pirate Mickey/Minnie, pg44
The Sefcik's - Pirate Mickey/Minnie, pg69
Sergio - Pooh, pg60
Seth - Pirate Mickey, pg67
Shannon - Christmas M/M, pg56
Shannon - Tink purple, pg36
Sharon - Pirate M/M, pg57
Sharon - princesses, pg40
Sharon - Tigger pink, pg53
Shauna - prinesses, pg60
Shawan - Tiki M/M yellow, pg59
Shawn - Sorcerer Mickey, pg56
Shelby - Aurora, pg50
Shelley - Ariel, pg1
Shelley - Pirate Mickey & Minnie, pg7
Sherie - Mickey, pg51
Shianne - Ariel, pg30
Shirley - Minnie purple, pg60
Skip - Sorcerer Mickey, pg61
Sophia - Pirate Mickey, pg67
Sophia - Snow White, pg67
Sophie - Pirate Mickey, pg63
Spencer - Jack Sparrow, pg47
Stacie - princesses, pg55
Stephanie - Ariel, pg68
Stephen - Eeyore blue, pg24
Steve - Captain Mickey, pg10
Steve - Sorcerer Mickey, pg23
Steve - Toy Story, pg27
Sue - Cinderella, pg69
Sue - Tink aqua-blue, pg24
Susan - Jack Sparrow, pg21
Susan - Pirate Mickey & Minnie, pg6
Suzanne - Eeyore flowers, pg7
Suzanne - Tink purple, pg69
Sydney - princesses, pg52

Tacey - Toy Story blue, pg42
Tamara - Pooh, pg23
Tammy - Tigger pink, pg50
Tara - princesses, pg13
Tara & Mike - Mickey/Minnie wedding, pg50
Taylor - princesses, pg1
Tecy - all, pg1
Ted - Pirate M/M, pg63
Terri - Tigger, pg45
Terri - Tink aqua-blue, pg56
Tessa - princesses, pg51
Theresa - Fab 5, pg1
Theresa - Tiki M/M yellow, pg58
Thomas - Stitch, pg34
TigTag - Toy Story blue, pg42
Tim - all, pg30
Tim - Goofy, pg42
Tim - Mickey, pg45
Timi - Hannah Montanna, pg59
Timothy - Mickey, pg55
Tina - Cinderella, pg62
Tina - Tiki Mickey & Minnie yellow, pg7
TJ - Pirate Mickey/Minnie, pg30
Todd - DCL ship, pg50
Tom - Fab 5, pg19
Tom - Pirate Mickey/Minnie, pg62
Tori - Pirate Mickey & Minnie, pg13
Tori - Stitch, pg1
Tracy - Pirate Mickey, pg47
Trisha - Minnie purple, pg60
Tristen - Peter Pan, pg55
Tyler - Donald, pg38
Tyler - Pirate Mickey, pg67
Tyreak - Pirate Mickey & Minnie, pg24

Val - Tigger blue, pg27
Vanessa - Jack Sparrow, pg63
Vickie - Lilo & Stitch, pg16
Victoria - Aurora, pg56
Vinnie - Grumpy, pg67

Walt - Sorcerer Mickey, pg53
Wanda - Daisy, pg60
Welcome Aboard - DCL ship, pg11
Wendell - Jack Sparrow, pg58
Wendy - Fab 5, pg23
Wil - Buzz Lightyear white, pg44
William - Goofy, pg11
William - Stitch, pg57

Yvonne - Pocahantas, pg55

Zack - Jack Sparrow, pg6
Zach - Jack Sparrow, pg19
Zachary - Chip 'n Dale, pg33
Zachary - Mickey, pg60
Zoe - Lightning McQueen, pg65
Zoie - princesses, pg1














Great job!

If you could make a couple for me I would be very grateful.


We are sailing on the Wonder on Aug, 31st

I thank you in advance

Take care,

If you could please do a RAYMOND - we are sailing July 27th! :cool1:

thanks very much!
Great job!

If you could make a couple for me I would be very grateful.


We are sailing on the Wonder on Aug, 31st

I thank you in advance

Take care,

Sure, which characters would you like for Madison and Lydia?
Thanks for all of your hard work Sandy!!
You're welcome. I'm have fun doing it. It might be a couple days before I get to yours. I'm trying to do the people sailing soon first.

If you could please do a RAYMOND - we are sailing July 27th! :cool1:

thanks very much!
Wow, you're leaving soon, I'll do yours next! Which character would you like for Raymond? Is that the only one you want? If I have already done the character before, it's just as easy to do two as it is to do one.
Sure, which characters would you like for Madison and Lydia?

Sandy, Thanks so much for asking,

MADISON (DD) loves Ariel and LYDIA (Dear niece) would be happy with Aurora (sleeping beauty, I guess) :)

All your work is greatly appreciated

Could you do a Lauren with the princeses and Kate with Minnie?

Could you please do Lily in the Princeses?

We are sailing on the Magic on 1/10/09. You can take your time on it.
The one with the Mickey Pirates would be lovely..thanks very much!

Hi Sandy,

We will be cruising July 27, 2008 on the Magic. Can you do the following for us?

Faith - Sorcerer Mickey
Pete - Fab 5
Courtney - Princesses
Peter - Goofy

Thanks for all you do,
Sandy, Thanks so much for asking,

MADISON (DD) loves Ariel and LYDIA (Dear niece) would be happy with Aurora (sleeping beauty, I guess) :)

All your work is greatly appreciated

Thanks very much for putting this together so quickly for my DS. He will be excited to see this on our door in 11 days!

Sorry Sandy I sent you a PM before I read the beginning.

This is a wonderful thread, thanks so much for sharing.

Could you please do the following with the pirate background:


Thanks so much in advance and sorry again about the PM.


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