BLT Oversold and we got bumped :-(

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Earning My Ears
Dec 30, 2009
Leaving in one week for a 7-night stay in a 2BR Villa at BLT. Just discovered they oversold (which I did not know they ever did this or could do this?) and are bumping us to SSR. I am sick over this as we are taking many others for their 1st time visit who specifically picked this resort due to small children (next to MK, monorail, etc.). Also have a studio booked as well at BLT and that is not affected so now we're at 2 different resorts.

No compensation is worth what this is doing to us IMHO. However, in trying to make the best of this, what is reasonable comp we should be asking for/demanding from disney? (free dining plan for 8 of us, what amount of $$, etc.). Any advice? :headache:
Thank you!
Yes, it depends on your answer to the question above.

But I would ask them to move your other party to SSR as well if being together is important.
First of all, I would be LIVID.:mad: I took the time to book the resort that I wanted, they confirmed and now they messed up and I have to move? I would ask to have my Studio moved too, so that everyone is at the same resort. Maybe you could ask to get your Studio points reimbursed or upgraded to a 1 bedroom instead...:rolleyes1
Overbooked? I've never heard of that. You learn something new every day.
That could mess up all your plans. I hope something good gets worked out.
Wow, I'm so sorry that happened to you! :grouphug: I wonder how they decided in an overbook situation who gets bumped? Also, I didn't realize they could overbook with a timeshare!

Unless you wanted the seperateness of a 2 bedroom and a studio, I'd ask for a GV if possible. Your party should be kept together at the very least ...
I'd ask for enough to cover a car rental for the length of stay to make travelling to MK/other parks as convenient as it would have been from BLT.

Also curious, as a PP asked was this a cash or points reservation?
besides the cash / points question - did they say that just the villa was overbooked or was the whole resort overbooked - also did you want the villa because of the cooking / living room arrangements or was it just to keep everyone in one 'room' - because you could ask for a couple of studios as equipvalent - then maybe you could all stay in one resort -
If you are a DVC member and booked with your points, I find this rather disturbing and upsetting that they can just bump you to another resort within a week of your vacation. :confused3

Has this happened to anyone else before?
If the kitchen is not vital, I'd ask to be moved to a suite at the CR.
I have friends with DVC points so I'm not a member personally and am using their points. The Studio is a cash reservation as that was made later with friends who decided to join us.
I asked about two 1BR's because two Studios would not work due to the demographics of our group (adult and child mix) and that was not an option so they say...
They will let us know Monday final outcome.
It may or may not be a simple problem of too many villas being booked. Perhaps one or more villa has to be taken out of inventory for maintenance or repair work.
Oh my gosh! I would be furious! :eek:

:hug: to you and I hope you can get things worked out to your satisfaction.
I may get flamed on this, but I don't know if you have the right to 'demand' anything.
Demands are often met with resistance, and anger really doesn't solve your problem.
First off - if you are a DVC member paying with points, here is what I would ask that your reservation be moved to a monorail resort. They have three resort choices - CR, PR, or GF - I'm sure there are a few rooms at one of those resorts.
If they can't accommodate that request, I would ask for a Grand Villa at OKW or SSR. That's reasonable I think - as it would be a better 'bargain' and there are a ton of Grand Villas between those two resorts.

Finally in terms of resorts, I would ask why your reservation was bumped. It just doesn't make sense unless there are villas down for maintenance. I don't think I have ever heard of this happening. IF you are staying on a cash reservation, I can partially understand a glitch between the two inventories - but even then, it doesn't make much sense.

At minimum they owe you the point difference refund in regular status points, not holding or reservation points. That's the least they owe you. The MOST they owe you is FAIR compensation for changing your vacation plans.

I REALLY don't think FAIR compensation is going to come in the form of Free Dining for your entire party for 7 days.

If you are staying on points, they don't owe you any actual cash $$$$ - you aren't paying with cash, so there is nothing to refund - except points, they owe the difference in point cost.

If they relocate your entire party to SSR, they owe you the choice of what section you would like - that's fair.

We are talking about inconvenience -(that they had the courtesy to inform you about a week prior to your arrival), not injury, disaster, or anything with effects lasting longer than your vacation.

We all can be a little 'demanding' when it comes to getting what we want, but just remind yourself that they really don't 'OWE' you anything - except an explanation - that is entirely reasonable.

If you are understanding, and reasonable with what you WANT in terms of compensation, they are FAR more likely to respond to your requests, rather than shutting you down/out in response to your DEMANDS.

Demands are for two parties that have a choice in terms of what they have to offer. You want to go to WDW - WDW changed your plans - you have two choices - go - or don't go.

If you still want to go, you go about it the following way -

"The accommodations that you are providing are not what I reserved, you currently have my family/party at two resorts - miles apart - in a less convenient location that what I initially reserved for my family/party. I don't feel that being 'bumped' to a different resort is fair, or reasonable. What do you have to offer my family/party for the disappointment of changing our vacation plans, and for the inconvenience of being moved to a resort that really is less convenient than where my reservations were made?"

Allow them to make an offer first - they may be willing to give you MORE than what you would ask for - however, they are more likely to play their cards one at a time - so don't settle until you are happy. HOWEVER, your 'demands' are more likely to land you in a less favorable position to ask for what you think is fair compensation.

Don't expect $$$$ - that is entirely unreasonable IMHO.

In my opinion, a nice supply of instant fastpasses for each day would be the perfect compensation to give you back the time/convenience you will lose by staying at SSR.
Thanks csharpwv for your well written advice! I agree and am not demanding anything (just venting on here!). I'm trying to stay positive about this and would totally be fine if they kept us on a monorail resort in rooms/suites, etc. However, they have not mentioned it at all yet (and I was not even thinking of that since they are not DVC rooms but will keep that in mind). The only 2BR open for one week is at SSR so I do know that's a definite option for us. I did inquire nicely about a 3 BR Villa and was told no so figured that is out (which I know that is way higher priced than what we are paying for). So I am not planning to push for that.
So I'll wait til Monday when they said they will call back with the final resort decision. If it's SSR, then I think I'll try to push for the point difference at the minimum and hope for a more favorable outcome!
My heart just sank when I heard this news and I'm so upset and really hoping Disney can make some magic happen and get us back to BLT.
Do they have a grand villa at SSR or OKW they can offer you.
Seems to me that someone else posted on the resorts board a few weeks back that they were offered a 2BR suite at the CR because of overbooked villas at BLT. And as I recall they declined it.

I know I would not be happy with SSR over BLT, especially with small kids in the party. And OP, for what it's worth, IMO you deserve more than just a refund of the difference in points. If you were getting bumped from one view to another, that might be acceptable. I don't know what reasonable compensation would be, but it's definitely more than just the difference in points. Maybe what Sammie suggested...a GV at OKW or SSR (or any resort for that matter.)
I would also think about when you booked- it seems to me that if they overbooked the last person to book there should be the one kicked out- so if you booked in home resort period I would ask how you could possibly be the last person to have booked the resort (on the other hand if it was in the last couple of months you could have been). I would ask for them to figure out a way for you to use TOTWL while you are at Disney even if they end up moving your resort and would push for them to find a monorail/Wilderness Lodge spot for you.
I'm pretty new to DVC, but if I'm not mistaken, member services can't deal directly with the OP anyhow, right? Isn't this an issue that the DVC member who owns the points has to get straightened out?

Regardless, I hope it all gets figured out. As a fairly new member, this worries me, and I would be TICKED if that happened to me. Keep us posted, and I hope your vacation turns out to be magical no matter what resort you end up in.:grouphug:
Considering the number of posts in the past year where members were refunded points due the VWL hot tub being closed or because of the screwups due to the segmented dining problems or people being upgraded free from All Stars to SSR or OKW, I would expect a refund of points or upgraded accomodations. This does occasionally happen, there was a post awhile back where someone was moved from BWV to SSR. I would be furious.
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