Blizzard Beach Do Over - "The Bestest Day Ever!!!! HORRAY FOR HOLLYWOOD! NEW 06/12 Pg 19 and 20

Cue the crickets.... no one was here while I was gone. :rotfl2: That's okay, I kind of expected to send out the bat signal.
I'm stopping by for an update, then heading outside for a bit - 75 beautiful degrees today!!!! Gotta love the South in the Winter!:beach:


By this time, we were starting to get hungry, and it was time to let the eating begin!

Sounds like a royal proclamation.
"Let the eating begin!"

finish up by having the Kitchen Sink at the end of the night.

Nice. We came close... but just couldn't order it.

We shared two baskets of fish and fries, and we had some bird visitors.

::yes:: I remember those guys.

Pkondz, I took a few pics for you – but I can't find them.

:laughing: Great!

I had a very special meet up planned for this day. I was texting with Kathy, ( KatMark)to see how her day was shaping up so we could connect at Epcot.

Oh! That's great!

I have to admit, I was getting really hot and wasn’t really interesting in people chopping wood, but the boys thought it was cool, so I played along.

Meh. See them all the time. They're all over the place.

Very nice group of Canadians!

We do that.

I stopped to take a pic of "Amanda's Beach" One of my DIS friends lost her daughter a few years ago, and this is her remembrance beach. There may be a few ashes placed there, and we try to find ways to leave a flower or two when we can.

That's so sad... and so nice of you to remember.

I was hoping to run into Mary or Alice, but I don’t think we did.

It has been a while, hasn't it?

Someone had to stop and make an important call.

Some things can not be postponed.

Kathy was so sweet to treat me to our favorite Epcot treat - CHEERS!

Two pretty ladies... but I might've been tempted to steal a sip or three.

Did they love her? Well Yes, OF COURSE they did!


(Was there any doubt? I mean, would I ask this question and then say, 'meh' ? )

:laughing: "Today we met up with George. It turns out he's a jerk!"

The family loved meeting Kathy, and it was fun to compare notes about “real pizza” and such!

So who has "real pizza"? Hmmmm????

Oh My! What yumminess to behold!


Does anyone know about another design on this same shaped goblet?


So moving on around he world – I am not really good at remembering where these buildings exactly are – looks like Germany?


Oh, and the Coconut Tres Leches!!!

:crazy2: coconut!

Let’s play NAME THAT COUNTRY!!!! Bonus points if you can tell me what country these buildings are

There's Nor way I'm going to answer that.

This activity: (Mason looks just like his Dad as a boy here ):goodvibes

:) awww...

and I bought some school bread for tomorrow’s breakfast

:eek: What is with you people and coconut?!?!?

Had some fun in Norway with the PP paparazzi - she made up for the earlier one!

Great shot! :thumbsup2

You guys need to bundle up.

Oh Look Drummers!

They're not bad at all. I enjoy watching/listening to them.
I'm stopping by for an update, then heading outside for a bit - 75 beautiful degrees today!!!! Gotta love the South in the Winter!:beach:

Sure, rub it in, why dontcha.

With our hunger at least under control, we headed back over toward Canada so we could go around the world in order. – Pkondz, I took a few pics for you – but I can't find them.

Good idea! Otherwise @pkondz wouldn't know what Canada looks like.

It was so fun to finally get a chance to meet and hug! Kathy, so nice of you to come over there just to say hi!

Yay! Kathy is so much fun.

Does anyone know about another design on this same shaped goblet? I love these! I only bought one here, because I had two from Adventureland, and I was hoping to find another park or another country on another goblet, but I never saw another one. I would like to have at least one more so I have four.:drinking1

:confused3 Sorry. I'm not a wine drinker, so I can't say I've really paid attention.

Let’s play NAME THAT COUNTRY!!!! Bonus points if you can tell me what country these buildings are

Looks like one Germany photo sandwiched between two Norway photos.

Anyway, I found it, but it was unscented, so disappointed. I recently found it on Amazon!

And it probably cost $50 less! :rotfl2:
I'm stopping by for an update, then heading outside for a bit - 75 beautiful degrees today!!!! Gotta love the South in the Winter!
A slightly different south than I'm in right now......snow this morning. I think this was probably the day that I was watching the weather on the local news and they showed temps in the 70s in Texas and almost due north at the same time in International Falls..... -1 (yes, that's a negative). :eek: That's some difference it temps for sure!

We decided on sharing some Fish and Chips at this cute little place in the UK:

One of my favorite counter service locations! Always a good food break! :banana:

Someone had to stop and make an important call.

I hope you had the number to call while they were in there! I bet THAT would have gotten you an interesting picture! :rotfl:

Then I got a text that Kathy was in the Park and headed over toward France. It seems like we had missed each other somehow,
Sadly on this trip I think we were zigging while Kathy was zagging the whole trip! Maybe one day we will run into Kathy at Disney............maybe when she lives a little closer! :hug:

Kathy was so sweet to treat me to our favorite Epcot treat - CHEERS!
Okay, Kathy has set the standard! I'll be expecting her to treat when we meet in the future! :thumbsup2

Does anyone know about another design on this same shaped goblet?
During Food and Wine (which was celebrating the 20th Anniversary) they were rewarding Passholders with an etched commemorative goblet just like that if you stopped by the Passholder booth three different days while you were there. We got a couple of them! :cool1:

Let’s play NAME THAT COUNTRY!!!! Bonus points if you can tell me what country these buildings are
This would be Norway and the currently closed for update to the Frozen theme version of Maelstrom!

I better know this one since it is one of my weaknesses as I love shopping in there for a guilty pleasure on occasion.......... Karamell Kuche in Germany..........side entrance! :goodvibes
A slightly different south than I'm in right now......snow this morning. I think this was probably the day that I was watching the weather on the local news and they showed temps in the 70s in Texas and almost due north at the same time in International Falls..... -1 (yes, that's a negative). :eek: That's some difference it temps for sure!

82 today! I guess the record for this date is 84. I might to start believing in global warming, but I bet the people in MN would disagree! I saw your snow - I guess you are not South enough! :D :p
One of my favorite counter service locations! Always a good food break! :banana:
I hadn't tried it before - it was a big hit, and that little out of the way patio is a nice break from the crowd!

I hope you had the number to call while they were in there! I bet THAT would have gotten you an interesting picture! :rotfl:

I was so disappointed - I realized I had stored the number in my OLD PHONE :sad1:

Sadly on this trip I think we were zigging while Kathy was zagging the whole trip! Maybe one day we will run into Kathy at Disney............maybe when she lives a little closer! :hug:
I hope you do. She will probably be pretty busy, running up to the World every time one of us comes to town. :rotfl2: J/K Hopefully sometime. I would love to see the area she is moving to, also.

Okay, Kathy has set the standard! I'll be expecting her to treat when we meet in the future! :thumbsup2


During Food and Wine (which was celebrating the 20th Anniversary) they were rewarding Passholders with an etched commemorative goblet just like that if you stopped by the Passholder booth three different days while you were there. We got a couple of them! :cool1:

Oh, nice! Maybe I an find one on EBay.

This would be Norway and the currently closed for update to the Frozen theme version of Maelstrom!
I think you are right!!! It looks like Maelmstrom in a sliver on the right side of the pic. Points for you!!:banana:
I really need to catch up on scores - we haven't had much participation, but then there's been no instant gratification, either. :rotfl:

I better know this one since it is one of my weaknesses as I love shopping in there for a guilty pleasure on occasion.......... Karamell Kuche in Germany..........side entrance! :goodvibes
Oh! That's it! We had some treats there on our previous trip. I don't think we stopped this time.

Thanks for stopping by!
Your family is SOOOOOOO cute!!! I got your bat signal- I am just hardly ever on here anymore. :( I will try to stop by more often!
I stopped to take a pic of "Amanda's Beach" One of my DIS friends lost her daughter a few years ago, and this is her remembrance beach. There may be a few ashes placed there, and we try to find ways to leave a flower or two when we can.

What an incredible place to sit and remember. I love this view!! And what a sweet thought to remember your friend that way. :)

Personally, I absolutely ADORE this photo! You 2 look fabulous!

Tammie- super fun update- Is there any better stroll that one Around WS? I really should be studying, but wanted to pop in and read and see all your photos. :) I'm SO glad I did. It was just what I needed to keep me working hard to finish and be on my way to the World!
Does anyone know about another design on this same shaped goblet? I love these! I only bought one here, because I had two from Adventureland, and I was hoping to find another park or another country on another goblet, but I never saw another one. I would like to have at least one more so I have four.:drinking1

Like Marv Said but the passholder ones we got were port glasses.... much smaller than the goblets pictured. I am sure you can Disney Parks .com for goblets and have them shipped.

So moving on around he world – I am not really good at remembering where these buildings exactly are – looks like Germany?

Yup Germany

Let’s play NAME THAT COUNTRY!!!! Bonus points if you can tell me what country these buildings are

Yup Norway

Germany with Same woman pushing the stroller as in the other Germany picture. :rotfl2:

This activity: (Mason looks just like his Dad as a boy here ):goodvibes

That would be China :thumbsup2

During Food and Wine (which was celebrating the 20th Anniversary) they were rewarding Passholders with an etched commemorative goblet just like that if you stopped by the Passholder booth three different days while you were there. We got a couple of them! :cool1:


But our are teeny compared to the full sized goblet.

Tammie - Looks like you really made you way around the world and back it seems. Nice meet with Kathy, a slushy is always good.:drinking:

Nice PP pics with the boys and Olaf.
Like Marv Said but the passholder ones we got were port glasses.... much smaller than the goblets pictured. I am sure you can Disney Parks .com for goblets and have them shipped.
Yes, I saw those, but the stems were shorter. I did look at the site - the only ones they have left with that shape and stem is a Mickey or Minnie with a black stem, and I think HM, which we rarely ride.... I'm debating - they are only $11.99. They had the Epcot one on Ebay, which would give me two and two, but it was about $40. Hard to pay that for it....

Yup Germany

Well, points for you, then!

Yup Norway

I had a hard time distinguishing Germany from Norway in the pics, other than the signs on the buildings.

Germany with Same woman pushing the stroller as in the other Germany picture. :rotfl2:
Oh, so either I posted the same pic (almost) twice - or she followed me around, photobombing my shots. :rotfl2:

That would be China :thumbsup2

More points. I did remember that one.


But our are teeny compared to the full sized goblet.

Tammie - Looks like you really made you way around the world and back it seems. Nice meet with Kathy, a slushy is always good.:drinking:
It was just the kind of day we were hoping for, and meeting Kathy for a slushy just made it perfect!

Nice PP pics with the boys and Olaf.

Thanks! She set up a couple of others, but they didn't show up.

What an incredible place to sit and remember. I love this view!! And what a sweet thought to remember your friend that way. :)

We had a DIS group that got together back in 2006 and a couple have left over some strange drama, but we moved to Facebook. We were all heartbroken for this mom, and think of her when we are there.

Personally, I absolutely ADORE this photo! You 2 look fabulous!

Awe, thank you! It was a very nice moment in time.

Tammie- super fun update- Is there any better stroll that one Around WS? I really should be studying, but wanted to pop in and read and see all your photos. :) I'm SO glad I did. It was just what I needed to keep me working hard to finish and be on my way to the World!

I'm glad I could give you a bit of inspiration! It was a great day, and of course the time you have planned will be even more of a food focus. We still have some loose ends around here, so not sure if our Fall will include partaking in your festivities, or not. I know time is ticking by, so I'm leaning toward probably won't happen by the time we figure out if we can... although I am really wanting to take that stroll again...

Hey Marv! Thanks for stopping by. I have no excose, just need to take time to sit down and write. Lately we've done a bit of babysitting and I am working on becoming a Disney travel planner like a lot of our DIS friends!

We may have some news soon, but I will come back here soon - promise
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Happy Easter! So I have been gone a really long time - I apologize. I'm going to try to get through this more quickly - we are almost up to a year since this trip.o_O

So last up we were eating and walking and meeting.

Here are a few pics from England and Morocco

I think I had planned on some little tacos and maybe heading into “the ditch” with Ryan to try a Marg, but we were really getting full by now and feeling too hot to imbibe at the moment, so we just walked on by. We were starting to feel a little “countried out” so we headed back over to the future side.

We went over to SE and had some giggles finding out what our futures would look like:

Apparently, we will be the Jetsons, but I will be a travel agent so we will be cruising around the world or something like that.
I think we took a few more pics and then started to meander over to Beach Club for our yummy treat. We were about 20 minutes early for our ADR at Beaches and Cream, but they let us check in and wait a bit. We sat outside and got the restroom breaks out of the way, and before long, we were escorted into a nice big booth. Our intention was to just order the ice cream, but we all felt like we needed a little more of a meal before ingesting all that sugar, so we ordered three cheeseburger meals to split.

Finally, it was time for the ever elusive KITCHEN SINK!!!! Ryan had been waiting for this treat ever since our first trip to the World when this was about twice the size and we just didn’t have enough appetite or people in our party to eat it. We had tried in 2013 to order it from outside, but you had to be seated inside with an ADR to order this so finally……

We did a really nice job of finishing it. I believe we ate about every bite!


With that, it was time to roll on out! We went to the Beach Club bus stop and got on a Downtown Disney (Springs) bus. We tried to grab the boat over, but we missed the last sailing, so we walked across the bridge back to the resort. It was a nice warm night and it was good to walk of some of those calories, but I have to say, my dogs were barking by now.


Finally, it was time for the ever elusive KITCHEN SINK!!!! Ryan had been waiting for this treat ever since our first trip to the World when this was about twice the size and we just didn’t have enough appetite or people in our party to eat it.

We did a really nice job of finishing it. I believe we ate about every bite!

Great job on the kitchen sink. I do believe they have made that goal a bit more "attainable" but still you need a team to share it.
Happy Easter! So I have been gone a really long time - I apologize.

Happy Easter to you too!
Now... Who are you again?

I'm going to try to get through this more quickly - we are almost up to a year since this trip.o_O

:laughing: You sound like me.

We were starting to feel a little “countried out”

I get that. That's why I like to listen to classic rock.

You weren't talking about music?

Apparently, we will be the Jetsons, but I will be a travel agent so we will be cruising around the world or something like that.

Seems entirely plausible.

We were about 20 minutes early for our ADR at Beaches and Cream

Nice! Really enjoyed it there.

Our intention was to just order the ice cream, but we all felt like we needed a little more of a meal before ingesting all that sugar, so we ordered three cheeseburger meals to split.

See I'm really torn on this.
I've heard that the cheeseburgers there are good, so I'd like to try one.
But... taking any room away from the main reason for being there? I dunno.

Finally, it was time for the ever elusive KITCHEN SINK!!!!


when this was about twice the size

What? It's smaller now? I didn't know that! When did this happen??

We did a really nice job of finishing it. I believe we ate about every bite!

Good job people!

With that, it was time to roll on out!

One does not simply walk away from Beaches n Cream.

my dogs were barking by now.

:laughing: Wow. I haven't heard that expression in years!


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