Blizzard Beach Do Over - "The Bestest Day Ever!!!! HORRAY FOR HOLLYWOOD! NEW 06/12 Pg 19 and 20


:banana::cheer2::woohoo::cool1: Congratulations!!

I got caught up, as promised. The Hoop-de-Doo Revue looks like a ton of fun! I haven't done that in years. Might be time for a return trip.

No takers on the Beverly this time.


Always lots of fun! Mason was the navigator, and he was very serious about his job.

I always like to give the Navigator crap for flying us into an asteroid field.

We pay quite a bit for the MM, I think they should be ready and willing to help us get the shots we want... Rant over.

Agreed. The customer is always right.

Oh and to add to today's excitement, I booked our stay at DLR for Paradise Pier for Mark's family and Jim and I for CHRISTMAS!!!!!

:woohoo::woohoo: Excellent!
Congratulations on the new grandchild Tammie! Very exciting!

Looked like you enjoyed Hoop de Doo.

I love this picture -- what a hug!:

Congrats on the new addition to the family! How wonderful they can keep the siblings together.

Jill in CO
Okay, I spent the evening getting all caught up. Yes, I had to do a lot of skimming, but I finally made it. I have to admit Tammie that this is the very first time I have been privileged to read the story of your "family." I am in awe of people who are able to fill a void in wonderful children (who just need someone to love them). What a special desire to be so much for so many! :worship:

Wow, you guys really rocked MK with everything you got done! I just love AK, and you got so many great pictures there and also at MK. You worked hard to get some great tiger pictures, and it paid off. It looks like the boys are having such a wonderful many smiles, and so worn out having fun! :thumbsup2

Never done Hoop De Doo but I've heard a lot of great reviews. Definitely something I want to do sometime. So much fun, and comfort food........although I'm not sure a certain someone with all of her allergies will be able to find a lot to eat??? I'll try to do a little better job at keeping up now, and maybe try to jump in on the contest. Once again, it was great getting to meet you all. I just hate we didn't have a little more time to visit, but hey, you were on the way to enjoy Ohana.......can't top that!

Bring on FOLK. :magnify: Waiting to see if you got a show with my monkey in it.
Oy and your monkey. :sad1:

This is for Pat - Not my pic - my camera wasn't working for night shots, but I think this is the shot she is requesting :rotfl:
Well if anyone can tell if he's there from that angle, it would be Pat. :rolleyes2

WE HAVE ANOTHER GRANDCHILD!!!! That makes SIX for Mark and Lindsay!!!! They were asked to take in Livee's little brother - his name in our family is Marshall James. He is 8 months old and the most adorable, sweet natured happy baby ever! We are all in love instantly!
Congratulations!!! Sounds like another wonderful addition to your clan......and another little one to teach the joys of Disney. :cheer2:
Ok, went back and read the update in more detail, and found:

First, I have to make an announcement - Drum Roll Please....... WE HAVE ANOTHER GRANDCHILD!!!!

AWESOME, Tammie!! That is so exciting for your family- to know another child is treasured and loved. Makes my heart very warm. :)

How cute is this!? I love that backdrop, and the boys are just so sweet! Glad things are easing up for you at work; hopefully you can catch your breath some and take a few more evenings off to visit us!
Okay, you shamed me about being here, so made it over. :flower3: Guess I slept through the bat signal. Since it appears I have already made a guest appearance, I will try to head back ASAP and get all caught up. It appears you are moving at a slow enough pace even ol' Marv MIGHT be able to keep up..............:rolleyes1:sad2:

Well... maybe I slept through adding you to the bat signal???? I think I had your new DIS name mixed up. Anyway, I'm glad you're here now! I mean you have a part in the story so you need to be here! Oh. you went there???? You are very right this time!!!
No way!!! Congrats! Congrats! Congrats!

I didn't watch the whole video (X2) but enough to see all the excitement.

So happy for everyone in your family! :goodvibes

Thank you! Even though we were :faint: at first, he is a sweet blessing!!!

Pictures or it never happened, right?


It's been my experience that the CMs try to accommodate.

:laughing: awww...


Darn! Growing wise, are they?

Such strong boys!

They were excited to do those shots!

:sad2: Really? Maybe he wanted to have full creative control.
Then get another gig, dude.

That's it - he used to work for Life Magazine :faint:

I agree.
He's not paying you to pose.
When I need a model shoot for a specific project,
I pay them!
When they pay me, I do what they tell me to do!

Ya think?

Nerve wracking time for parents.

Good news all around today!

Good weekend for sure!
Ok, went back and read the update in more detail, and found:

AWESOME, Tammie!! That is so exciting for your family- to know another child is treasured and loved. Makes my heart very warm. :)

Thank you! He is very loved already! :love:

How cute is this!? I love that backdrop, and the boys are just so sweet! Glad things are easing up for you at work; hopefully you can catch your breath some and take a few more evenings off to visit us!

Thanks! I'm actually back before month on a work night - I guess that says something! :) Hope your test goes well tomorrow - I know you will rock it! Hope your steak and games went well this weekend.
Woohoooooo! Another trip booked! Hot diggity!

Your PP Pix are so sweet! I didn't know that some pix were free with a Chase card. Hmmmm...?

Anyway, popped over before I sit down to a marathon study session tonight after a wonderful day of family. ^_^

Yes, and it doesn't have to be credit - it can be debit too - just a Chase Disney card. The best is the private session without waiting in line or getting a FP.

Glad you had a wonderful day!
Congrats to the whole family!!!!!!


They must be on to you....:rolleyes:

I guess it was only 2 yrs in between - Beverly is pretty unforgettable...

An appointment??? Well that beats the long line I always seem to encounter.
Yes, you can stop by and get on the list.

Sorry to hear you had a bad PP. No excuse for that.

Yeah, I guess he must have been due for a vacation. Not Disneylike at all. It is basically a paid service - should not be like that.

I have tried a couple of times but the lines... Now that you say appointment ... well that changes things.

Try it!

More Good News!!!
Capped off the weekend for sure!
Thanks! I'm actually back before month on a work night - I guess that says something! :) Hope your test goes well tomorrow - I know you will rock it! Hope your steak and games went well this weekend.

Steak and games night...

Steak was raved about as "AMAZING, MOM!" I lost the game of Catan we managed to finish to my Son-IL. So apparently I can do 50% of Steak and Game night right.

I never know until I walk out how I did. There have been times I've prepared well and bombed.... so prayers are greatly appreciated. I"ve put WELL over 120 hours into studying for this exam. We'll see how that pays off at 8:00.
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Okay, I spent the evening getting all caught up. Yes, I had to do a lot of skimming, but I finally made it. I have to admit Tammie that this is the very first time I have been privileged to read the story of your "family." I am in awe of people who are able to fill a void in wonderful children (who just need someone to love them). What a special desire to be so much for so many! :worship:

Of course, I can't really take credit - because we are not the parents - just he occasional babysitters, drop by with presents, pick up a few groceries and clothing and lots of hugs and kisses grandparents. They have made a lifelong commitment to train up and care for them. I guess family and love is what they need, though.

Wow, you guys really rocked MK with everything you got done! I just love AK, and you got so many great pictures there and also at MK. You worked hard to get some great tiger pictures, and it paid off. It looks like the boys are having such a wonderful many smiles, and so worn out having fun! :thumbsup2
Thank you! We got a lot done, but it felt pretty laid back and playful - perfect!
Never done Hoop De Doo but I've heard a lot of great reviews. Definitely something I want to do sometime. So much fun, and comfort food........although I'm not sure a certain someone with all of her allergies will be able to find a lot to eat??? I'll try to do a little better job at keeping up now, and maybe try to jump in on the contest. Once again, it was great getting to meet you all. I just hate we didn't have a little more time to visit, but hey, you were on the way to enjoy Ohana.......can't top that!
I'm thinking if they know about the allergies, they can accommodate something special. Fun to have you here. I don't get very many answers, so join in!
Oy and your monkey. :sad1:

Well if anyone can tell if he's there from that angle, it would be Pat. :rolleyes2
Congratulations!!! Sounds like another wonderful addition to your clan......and another little one to teach the joys of Disney. :cheer2:

He loves Mickey already!!!
:banana::cheer2::woohoo::cool1: Congratulations!!

THANK YOU!!!! He is quite a special addition.

I got caught up, as promised. The Hoop-de-Doo Revue looks like a ton of fun! I haven't done that in years. Might be time for a return trip.

I'm thinking your kids would love it!


I always like to give the Navigator crap for flying us into an asteroid field.

Ha! Ha! Do they feel the shame?

Agreed. The customer is always right.

:woohoo::woohoo: Excellent!
Thanks for reading!!!
Congratulations on the new grandchild Tammie! Very exciting!

Looked like you enjoyed Hoop de Doo.

I love this picture -- what a hug!:
Thank you! It is very exciting! He is very sweet.

Hoop de Doo was really fun! More fun to have someone at our table engaged in the show.

That is a sweet hug pic!
Hope I didn't miss anyone in my replies. The DIS is acting really crazy - mixing up the order and not allowing the multi-quotes, wouldn't let me have some of the smilies. Or it could be the operator.... :rolleyes1
Great updates! I have been reading along, but never found the time to comment much. But I need to say

Congratulations on the addition to the family. What a cute little guy! Your son and DIL are awesome taking all those kids in.
Great updates! I have been reading along, but never found the time to comment much. But I need to say

Congratulations on the addition to the family. What a cute little guy! Your son and DIL are awesome taking all those kids in.

Thank you, Karin! He is precious. Thanks for reading!
I'm stopping by for an update, then heading outside for a bit - 75 beautiful degrees today!!!! Gotta love the South in the Winter!:beach:


By this time, we were starting to get hungry, and it was time to let the eating begin! We had planned to just snack around the world for today, and finish up by having the Kitchen Sink at the end of the night. Where was our first snack? We decided on sharing some Fish and Chips at this cute little place in the UK:


and the menu:

We shared two baskets of fish and fries, and we had some bird visitors. I’m pretty sure Evan shared with them, also. With our hunger at least under control, we headed back over toward Canada so we could go around the world in order. – Pkondz, I took a few pics for you – but I can't find them. I know we went into a couple of shops, and then someone made a phone call (I don't think this is Canada)

I had a very special meet up planned for this day. I was texting with Kathy, ( KatMark)to see how her day was shaping up so we could connect at Epcot. It looked like she was just boarding her transportation, so we took some time to watch the lumberjack show. I have to admit, I was getting really hot and wasn’t really interesting in people chopping wood, but the boys thought it was cool, so I played along. Very nice group of Canadians!

I stopped to take a pic of "Amanda's Beach" One of my DIS friends lost her daughter a few years ago, and this is her remembrance beach. There may be a few ashes placed there, and we try to find ways to leave a flower or two when we can.

We looked around in England a little bit. I was hoping to run into Mary or Alice, but I don’t think we did.

Someone had to stop and make an important call.

We stopped on the bridge for some pics

Then I got a text that Kathy was in the Park and headed over toward France. It seems like we had missed each other somehow, but I don’t remember the details. Anyway, we headed over the bridge toward France, and the fam went into the pastry shop while I headed to where else????? The Slushy stand!!! It was so fun to finally get a chance to meet and hug! Kathy, so nice of you to come over there just to say hi!

Kathy brought me a fun keepsake from the now closed (?)Disney store in Chicago:

Kathy was so sweet to treat me to our favorite Epcot treat - CHEERS!

She also treated for the GM slushies! We headed over to the courtyard by the Patiesserie so she could meet the fam.

Did they love her??? I'll be right back with the answer to that million dollar question.....

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Did they love her? Well Yes, OF COURSE they did! :Pinkbounc(Was there any doubt? I mean, would I ask this question and then say, 'meh' ? )

The family loved meeting Kathy, and it was fun to compare notes about “real pizza” and such! Kathy had to be moving on, so we said our good-byes, and I went into the pastry shop to check it out at the urging of Ryan and Dana. I hadn’t been in here before – Oh My! What yumminess to behold! We had already tried some savory and some sweet treats that were purchased during the meet up, so I got a little cheese tray and a wonderful glass of Gertzwermeiner. I had been on the lookout for new wine glasses, and had found two at the Springs that I liked - retro Adventureland design – and in this shop I found an etched Epcot design with the same shape, so I purchased it also:

Does anyone know about another design on this same shaped goblet? I love these! I only bought one here, because I had two from Adventureland, and I was hoping to find another park or another country on another goblet, but I never saw another one. I would like to have at least one more so I have four.:drinking1

So moving on around he world – I am not really good at remembering where these buildings exactly are – looks like Germany?

I think we stopped just past this area for a shop that seemed to be South American, if I remember right? We stopped to have some deliciousness here – sat at a tall table and just chilled for a bit. Here’s the menu – looks like we got a few of the items. Really loved the corn dish, I remember.

Oh, and the Coconut Tres Leches!!!

Let’s play NAME THAT COUNTRY!!!! Bonus points if you can tell me what country these buildings are

Pretty sure this is Norway, because they have Puffins there...

This activity: (Mason looks just like his Dad as a boy here ):goodvibes

I love my Kringla bakery, however – don’t need help with that one! We went inside to the back shaded patio and there were some restroom breaks while some snacks were purchased. I believe Dana and I each had our favorite Rice Cream, and I bought some school bread for tomorrow’s breakfast, which of course got dry in the sack, and I’m not sure we even ate it. We got some bottled water and headed back out to conquer the world!

Had some fun in Norway with the PP paparazzi - she made up for the earlier one!

I also recognize Japan – I remember we got some spring rolls and some plum wine here ….

Oh Look Drummers!

I remember we went in the big store there - I was looking for my "cow" soap that I loved in Okinawa. I think it is Cherry Blossom. Anyway, I found it, but it was unscented, so disappointed. I recently found it on Amazon! :rotfl:

Have to head out for bible study now - Try to get your guesses in before I get back! :wave:

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