Best wishes to Pete

Pete, I have been a fan and listener for many, many years and just want to say 'take care of yourself' and thank you for making my life so enriched. Wishing you all the best.
Pete - you've given me hours of entertainment! Wishing you happiness and contentment! Thanks for everything!
We will miss you terribly, but get well and I hope to see you back real soon!

First of all, thank you so much for opening up your life and being so willing to share your passion freely with everyone. I sincerely hope and pray that whatever you are dealing with will be brief and you can back into the life that we "see" through the podcast that brings you so much joy, which in turn, brings all of us joy. Life struggles help form us into compassionate, loving humans. Hopefully, you will find a greater good after you work thru this.


You do an AMAZING job as a host! I look forward to you putting your personal stamp on the podcast.

Does anyone else have trouble telling Cory and Dustin apart during the podcast? They sound EXACTLY alike!!!!
Oh no!! I am so sad! Thoughts and prayers with you, Pete. I will really miss hearing you every week. You always made me laugh and you were a huge reason why I have been a faithful listener to the podcast for the last several years. Best wishes to you and take care.
we'll miss you pete! take care of you that is whats important and hopefully we'll see you real soon :goodvibes
I LOVE the podcast and am going to miss you Pete SOOOO MUCH!!!! :(:(:(

I do hope you stop by as a "special guest" in future podcasts....and maybe return again to host full time :thumbsup2

Take care!!!:hug:
Best of luck to you Pete. You have created something wonderful here and I'm only sorry that I have not expressed that sooner. It is hard to express how much I enjoy the podcast and the DIS.

Take care.
Whatever it is I hope you can get it taken care of and come back to the show quickly.

I remember this happened years ago also and you came back (this may be something entirely differenct). Upon return you said that the show is part of you and you'd miss doing it.

I do need to give you thanks for the great show you all put on. It's been one of the few podcasts I have consistently followed for years. I even got to meet you and the crew on PCC 3.0, which was friggin' awesome. Take care Pete, and don't become a stranger. The show is not bigger than you.
I took this news pretty hard last week when I learned of it. I have a habit of drifting in and out of the podcast (and boards) depending on when I have a Disney trip upcoming, and as we skipped a trip this year, I really missed being at "the World". I started catching up on months worth of podcasts since our trip in July 2012, and realized how much I missed the gang in general, and Pete in particular. His wit, compassion, and passion is not something that can be replaced, nor can his insistence on providing a top quality production that we all obviously enjoy.

I hope all sorts itself out for the better in Pete's life, and not just because I enjoy his practical, sarcastic self so much on the podcast. He's a good soul and a positive force in a lot of lives, and hopefully all that good karma he's put out there will come back tenfold. Besides - without him on the show every week, who's going to keep people out of the damn lakes ?
Sorry to hear about this news, as Pete has been my favorite part of the show since I started listening a long time ago. That said, I totally understand that other matters definitely come first and hope that everything goes well for Pete. Take care, Pete!
I'll miss you on the podcast, Pete. You've always been my favorite, must be the Jersey connection. :thumbsup2
You're more important than any podcast, so take care of yourself and I wish all good things for you!
I will thoroughly miss you as the host of the DIS Unplugged, Pete.

I wish Dustin the best of luck as the new moderator of the panel. This will only lead to greater success, I assure you. This is a wonderful production with a great team.

I hope to see you at DIS meets, and other events! Here's to a new show tomorrow everybody!
I am interested to hear if they mention it this week.
Anyway, good luck Pete. You are the best


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