Best snacks to pack for at the PARKS

Pretzels, clementines, grapes, carrots, crackers, nuts, apples, fruit leather, craisins, raisins, cheerios, granola bars (with nothing that will melt).
This past trip I packed snacks the kids had liked in the past. Big Mistake! I ended up with a bunch of snacks no one wanted. My 8 year old said, "Don't worry Mom, it's my fault for not going to the grocery store with you."
He made a great point. I hate taking kids to the store, but in this case it would have been better to have them pick snacks they would be excited to eat.

I'm testing snacks out over weekend excursions now to see what DD will eat. So far I've found out she likes dried pineapple (but not other dried fruit), grapes (well I already knew this), squeezable apple sauce (this was a surprise I tried it when she was younger and she hated it, but now likes it), chips, and those 100 ish calorie Oreo packs (but none of the other cookies, just Oreos). Since we also have to drive down I'll be able to use these as snacks in the car as well... if DD was older (she is 4) I'd probably have her come to the store but I'm already impulse buying enough princess items for the both of us and I don't want a backpack full of gummies!
Nuts, single serve p'butter, Babybel cheese, single serve humus, apples, pretzels.
Awesome ideas!!! I am interested in the peanut butter packs that have been mentioned!! Thanks!!
We fill our soft side backpack cooler, (I got it from Target), frozen water bottles and snacks. We take bags of pretzels, trail mix, cheese sticks, small container of peanut butter. Easy to carry on the back.

I found a great way to carry snacks in your carry on for the plane and in the backpack. I purchased plastic photo cases that I got from JoAnn fabric. The case is 1 3/16 inches deep, 5 3/4 inches wide and 7 3/4 inches long. The case is thin so it fit easily in any bag you plan to put under the seat in front of you on the plane and you don't have to worry about the items getting squashed. I can put 7 Chewy oatmeal raisin breakfast bars (they have no chocolate thus no worry about them melting in the heat) in one case. I have also put two packages of poptarts or two snack bags of pretzels in one container. Last trip we took, the night before our trip we ate at Panera and did the add a .99 cent pastry to our order. I put a bear claw in one container and a cheese danish in the other. Both survived the trip down in the container.
We often bring fruit snacks, granola bars, beef jerky/sticks, goldfish, and occasionally nuts.
when we were FL residents and going every wknd, instead of buying every meal, every day: we'd take sandwiches (grilled cheese was a fav since processed cheese no meat lasts longer in high heat or at least I think) in a foldable lunch bag w/ a frozen water bottle that could be drunk after we eat). apples occasionally. In back pack, always a refill water bottle (sometimes brittle filtered) nuts (high calories), chip/cracker types (Stacy's pita chips can't really get crunched up and heavy/highly filling). The single jerky vacuum sealed is fine, but beware that the big bags will get moldy in the high humidity if you don't eat that day. Sometimes take a banana (try to be careful not to smash), for the potassium, to offset the dehydration. We always take our breakfast to avoid the extra time for the meal and $ (typically rice crispy treats early before it melts or the kind). Trail mix, combos, pretzels, dried fruit. Your Disney resort will have pb/jam packets for sandwiches (toaster, mic) if you just brought bread and zip bags (I don't do this). Just be mindful of things that melt like choc.
$5's $10's and $20's. Light and easy to carry, don't spoil in the heat or if they get wet.


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