Becca's Wish Trip........Update:September 2011.....Photo's....Sorta :)

Hi Mandy,
I'm so happy to hear that you are all home again! :thumbsup2 I bet it is hard to have to do it all yourselves now though. But there is something to be said about doing it all in your OWN livingroom as opposed to the hospital. Give Becca a big hug from us! :hug:
I'm so happy y'all are home!!! :cool1:

Many good thoughts and prayers for all of you! :)
Hi Mandy!

Thanks for the update! I am sure you guys are very busy getting settled in.

I am so glad to hear Becca enjoyed her card shower from us and the church! 4 hours of card opening - WOW!

Hugs to you all!
Thanks for the update. I've been wondering how you are all doing. It really is like taking a newborn home again with so many major changes. Still praying as you all adjust to new routines.
Hi Mandy! Just wanted to let you know that I was thinking about you guys and was wondering how you are all doing since you have been home for a few weeks now. Hope all is well!
oh my word you guys have been through a lot. I am so happy you are home. Hope you are settling in and establishing your own routine. Thanks so much for sharing all your ups and downs, I will continue to check in on you.
Hi Mandy:wave2:

How are things going around your house these days? I have been thinking of you all.
Hi Mandy and happy belated Birthday Becca!!!

I'm so glad you are home. Congratulations. Warm wishes and love coming to you all from Boston.
Hey Mandy, Becca and David, I was thinking of you today and wanted to let you know! :hug:
Hi Mandy. I have been thinking about you all lately and just wondering how things have gone this summer for Becca.:flower3:
Hi all,
Becca is slowly getting back to normal, though it is going to be a long hard journey with her stamina/O2 issues, she can now walk about 100feet without becoming too breathless. Other than her energy she has virtually recovered fully from the brain abscess and the resulting surgery.
We have had loads of follow up appointments at the hospital and she has thankfully been discharged from re-hab except for one more rehab doctors follow up in December. The brain surgeon discharged her last week with a clean bill of head :lmao: and s did the ophomology dept.
The only doctor we shall carry on seeing is Infectious diseases because it seems that she will be on antibiotics 25/7 - 365 days a year for the rest of her life, that is the only bummer in this, but it beats going through all that again. Hopefully the antibiotics will prevent another abscess.....hopefully!!

We have ha family visiting from England, first my mum, brother and wife and now Davids mum and soon his niece also, so from May till nearly the end of August we have been a-visiting, its been sooooo good, especially for Becca.
Because of the visitors I havent been on the boards, It was Noah that bought me out of lurkdom:littleangel: :sad2:.
I shall be going back to lurkdom until I can give the boards the time they deserve and my undivided attention and then hopefully I will be able to start that TR I owe everyone. My undivided attention is not going to happen until our visitors have gone back to England. It is so nice when our families visit, we dont want to waste a minute of it.

See you all in August :)
Aw! Anytime you want to just stop by, you feel free!!! :)

Although, I would LOVE to read a Becca TR!!! That would make my day, week!!

Take care!! We love you guys! Give Becca a hug and a kiss for us! :hug:
I am a long time lurker of Becca's thread I think of her often
I am so glad to hear she is doing well
looking forward to your full report
until then take care and enjoy your family
I was coming out to post that I have been thinking of you also and wondering how all of you have been, when I saw you had updated. What wonderful news that you are all ok and Becca is getting stronger!
i am so glad to hear becca is doing well and dont worry about that trip report
we'll be here...we all seem to spend too many hours on here...we're not going anywhere. we'll wait patiently promise;)
Thank you for taking the time to give us an update Mandy. Becca has been on my mind a lot lately and I was praying that she continued to improve. Thanks again.


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